Attachment Schedule S DOC 8

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20110707-00793 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Table A.5-2. Typical Coomand carrier link budget
                                                        EOC Max Flux Density
Flux Density at satellite receive antenna input dBW/m2   -90      -78
Transmit Earth station EIRP                       dBW     71       83
Spacecraft G/T                                    dB/K  -33.5     -28
Frequency                                         GHz  17.797   17.797
Isotropic area                                   dB-m2  46.46    46.46
Sat/C receive antenna gain(EOC/Peak)               dBi   -2.5      3
Input losses(total)                                dB   -2.86    -2.86
Input power level                                 dBm  -111.82  -94.32
Command threshold/maximum operating
command threshold                                      dBm     -112       -60
Margin                                                  dB     0.18      34.32

Table A.5-3. Typical telemetry carrier link budget
                                                             Min EIRP   Max EIRP
Frequency                                               GHz  12.6985     12.6985
Transmit power (satellite)                              dBW      -4        -2.85
Transmit losses                                         dBW    -7.88       -7.62
Anetnna gain                                             dBi    22.4      34.85
EIRP                                                    dBW    10.52      24.38
EIRP spec (min/max)                                     dBW      10         25
Link loss                                                dB   -206.13    -206.13
Rain loss                                                dB       8          8
Predicted EIRP                                          dBW      10         25
RxES G/T                                                dB/K   38.12      38.12
Boltzmann's constant                                 dBW/K-Hz -228.6      -228.6
Downlink C/No                                          dB-Hz   62.59      77.59
EIRP margin                                              dB      0.5        0.6

Document Created: 2011-07-08 10:35:17
Document Modified: 2011-07-08 10:35:17

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