Attachment Sched S Tech Report

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20110707-00793 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


 FCC 312                                                                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                       Page 1: General,
 Schedule S                                                                SATELLITE SPACE STATION AUTHORIZATIONS                                                                   Frequency Bands,
                                                                               (Technical and Operational Description)                                                              and GSO Orbit

S1. GENERAL INFORMATION Complete for all satellite applications.
a. Space Station or Satellite Network Name:                           e. Estimated Date of Placement into Service:                      i Will the space station(s) operate on a Common Carrier Basis:
  QUETZSAT-1                                                            10/7/2011                                                         N

b. Construction Commencement Date:                                    f. Estimated Lifetime of Satellite(s):                            j. Number of transponders offered on a common carrier basis:
  2/4/2009                                                               15                                           Years                0

c. Construction Completion Date:                                      g. Total Number of Transponders:                                  k. Total Common Carrier Transponder Bandwidth:
  7/12/2011                                                             32                                                                0                                            MHz

d1. Est Launch Date Begin:      d2. Est Launch Date End:              h. Total Transponder Bandwidth (no. transponders x Bandwidth)     l. Orbit Type: Mark all boxes that apply:
 8/1/2011                            8/31/2011                          768                                           MHz                                GSO                         NGSO

S2. OPERATING FREQUENCY BANDS Identify the frequency range and transmit/receive mode for all frequency bands in which this station will oper
                              Also indicate the nature of service(s) for each frequency band.
                      Frequency Band Limits                                                                                                                                                              f.
     Lower Frequency (_Hz)             Upper Frequency (_Hz)           e. T/R Mode                                    Nature of Service(s): List all that apply to this band
     a. Numeric       b. Unit          c. Numeric       d. Unit
                      (K/M/G)                           (K/M/G)
17300                 M            17800                 M        R                         Feeder Link for Broadcasting Satellite Service in FSS
12200                 M            12700                 M        T                         Broadcasting Satellite Service - Video

a. Nominal Orbital Longitude (Degrees E/W):         b. Alternate Orbital Longitude (Degrees E/W):                                       c. Reason for orbital location selection:
  77 W                                                                                                                                    Licensed by the Mexican Administration at this orbital
Longitudinal Tolerance or E/W Station-Keeping:      f. Inclination Excursion or Range of orbital are in which adequate service can be     location
                                                    N/S Station-Keeping         provided (Optional):
d. Toward West:                                                                                                 Degrees       E/W
                                 0.05 Degrees       Tolerance:
                                                                                     g. Westernmost:
e. Toward East:                  0.05 Degrees                0.05 Degrees            h. Easternmost:

i. Reason for service are selection (Optional):

                                                               FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                   Page 2: NGSO Orbits
                                                             SATELLITE SPACE STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                                    FCC Form 312 - Schedule S: (Technical and Operational Description)

      S4a. Total Number of Satellites in Network or System:                                    S4c. Celestial Reference Body (Earth, Sun, Moon, etc.):
      S4b. Total Number of Orbital Planes in Network or System:                                S4d. Orbit Epoch Date:

For each Orbital Plane Provide:
 (e) Orbital    (f) No. of      (g) Inclination   (h) Orbital   (i) Apogee (km) (j) Perigee (km)   (k) Right Ascension   (l) Argument of      Active Service Arc Range (Degrees)
 Plane No.     Satellites in   Angle (degrees)      Period                                           of the Ascending         Perigee      (m) Begin    (n) End Angle    (o) Other
                   Plane                          (Seconds)                                            Node (Deg.)           (Degrees)       Angle

S5. INITIAL SATELLITE PHASE ANGLE For each satellite in each orbital plane, provide the intital phase angle.
 (a) Orbital   (b) Satellite     (c) Initial
 Plane No.       Number        Phase Angle

                                                                               NO NGSO DATA FILED

                                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                            Page 3: Service Areas
                                                                SATELLITE SPACE STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                                       FCC Form 312 - Schedule S: (Technical and Operational Description)
S6. SERVICE AREA CHARACTERISTICS for each service area provide:

(a) Service Area   (b) Type of Associated   (c) Service Area Diagram   (d) Service Area Description. Provide list of geographic areas (state postal codes or ITU 3-ltr codes), satellites or Figure No. of
       ID             Station (Earth or        File Name (GXT File)    Service Area Diagram.

NA                 S                                                   CONUS, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Central America
CHEYENNE           S                                                   Area around Cheyenne, WY
GILBERT            S                                                   Area around Gilbert, AZ
MEX                S                                                   Area around Mexico City
GLOBAL             S                                                   Visible Earth

                                                               FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                Page 4: Antenna Beams
                                                             SATELLITE SPACE STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                                    FCC Form 312 - Schedule S: (Technical and Operational Description)

 (a)    (b)  Isotropic Antenna     (e)       (f)     (g) Min.   (h) Polar- (i) Polarization (j) Service               Transmit                                   Receive
Beam   T/R           Gain        Pointing Rotational Cross-      ization   Alignment Rel.     Area ID     (k) Input (l) Effective    (m)       (n)    (o) G/T  (p) Min.     Input Attenuator (dB)
  ID   Mode (c) Peak (d) Edge     Error     Error    Polar Iso- Switch-       Equatorial                   Losses      Output        Max.    System    Max.   Saturation
                                (Degrees) (Degrees) lation (dB)   able?    Plane (Degrees)                                                                                  (q) Max.     (r) Step
               (dBi)      (dBi)                                                                              (dB)    Power (W)      EIRP      Noice Gain Pt. Flux Density
                                                                  (Y/N)                                                                                                       Value         Size
                                                                                                                                    (dBW)    Temp (k) (db/K)  (dBW/m2)
RRC R             44.9     41.9       0.12        0.2         27 N                          CHEYENN                                             1549      13       -105.8           21              1
RRG    R          44.7     41.7       0.12        0.2         27 N                          GILBERT                                             1542     12.8      -105.6           21              1
RRM    R          43.2     40.2       0.12        0.2         27 N                          MEX                                                 2296      9.6      -102.4           21              1
RLC    R          44.9     41.9       0.12        0.2         27 N                          CHEYENN                                             1762     12.4      -105.2           21              1
RLG    R          44.6     41.6       0.12        0.2         27 N                          GILBERT                                             1774     12.2        -105           21              1
RLM    R          43.2     40.2       0.12        0.2         27 N                          MEX                                                 2523      9.2        -102           21              1
TEL    T          35.7     25.7       0.12        0.2         27 N                          NA                 2.5           155      57.6
TER    T          35.6     25.6       0.12        0.2         27 N                          NA                 2.5           155      57.5
TWL    T          35.6     25.6       0.12        0.2         27 N                          NA                 2.5           155      57.5
TWR    T          35.5     25.5       0.12        0.2         27 N                          NA                 2.5           155      57.4
TCO R                3     -2.5       0.12        0.2         30 Y                          MEX                                                 4467    -33.5         -90
TMO T             35.5     29.5       0.12        0.2         27 Y                          MEX                7.6            0.1     24.4

                                                             FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                              Page 5: Beam Diagrams
                                                           SATELLITE SPACE STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                                  FCC Form 312 - Schedule S: (Technical and Operational Description)
S8. ANTENNA BEAM DIAGRAMS For each beam pattern provide the reference to the graphic image and numerical data:
     Also provide the power flux density levels in each beam that result from the emission with the highest power flux density.

 (a)    (b)   (c) Co-or  (d) GSO (e) NGSO Antenna Gain          (f) GSO Antenna                   Max. Power Flux Density (dBW/M2/Hz)
Beam   T/R      Cross      Ref.     Contour Description        Gain Contour Data    At Angle of Arrival above horizontal (for emission with highest PFD)
  ID   Mode     Polar     Orbital  (Figure/Table/ Exhibit)          (GXT File)      (g) 5 Deg     (h) 10 Deg      (i) 15 Deg     (j) 20 Deg    (k) 25 Deg
              Mode ("C" Longitude
                or" X") (Deg. E/W)
RRC    R      C                 -77                          uplink_Ch_R_RRC.gxt
RRG    R      C                 -77                          uplink_Gi_R_RRG.gxt
RRM    R      C                 -77                          uplink_Mx_R_RRM.gxt
RLC    R      C                 -77                          uplink_Ch_L_RLC.gxt
RLG    R      C                 -77                           uplink_Gi_L_RLG.gxt
RLM    R      C                 -77                          uplink_MX_L_RLM.gxt
TEL    T      C                 -77                          Downlink_16_TEL.gxt
TER    T      C                 -77                          Downlink_17_TER.gxt
TWL    T      C                 -77                          Downlink_18_TWL.gxt
TWR    T      C                 -77                          Downlink_15_TWR.gxt
TMO T         C                 -77

                                                             FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                     Page 6: Channels and
                                                           SATELLITE SPACE STATION AUTHORIZATIONS                                                  Transponders
                                                  FCC Form 312 - Schedule S: (Technical and Operational Description)
S9. SPACE STATION CHANNELS For each frequency channel provide:            S10. SPACE STATION TRANSPONDERS For each transponder provide:
  (a)   (B) Assigned    (c)      (d) Center        (e)          (f) TTC       (a)         (b)            Receive Band              Transmit Band
Channel Bandwidth      T/R      Frequency     Polarization    or Comm     Transponder Transponder   (c) Channel   (d) Beam   (e) Channel   (f) Beam ID
  No.       (kHz)      Mode        (MHz)      (H, V, L, R)   Channel (T        ID       Gain (dB)        No.          ID          No.
                                                                 or C)

RO1           24000 R         17324.0         R              C            CMDA                      CMD1          TCO
R02           24000 R         17338.58        L              C            CMDB                      CMD2          TCO
R03           24000 R         17353.16        R              C            TLMA                                               TLM1          TMO
R04           24000 R         17367.74        L              C            TLMB                                               TLM2          TMO
R05           24000 R         17382.32        R              C            TLMC                                               TLM3          TMO
R06           24000 R         17396.90        L              C            TLMD                                               TLM4          TMO
R07           24000 R         17411.48        R              C            C01               114.5 RO1             RRC        T01           TER
R08           24000 R         17426.06        L              C            C02               113.9 R02             RLC        T02           TWL
R09           24000 R         17440.64        R              C            CO3               114.5 R03             RRC        T03           TWR
R10           24000 R         17455.22        L              C            C04               113.9 R04             RLC        T04           TEL
R11           24000 R         17469.80        R              C            C05               114.5 R05             RRC        T05           TER
R12           24000 R         17484.38        L              C            C06               113.9 R06             RLC        T06           TWL
R13           24000 R         17498.96        R              C            C07               114.5 R07             RRC        T07           TWR
R14           24000 R         17513.54        L              C            C08               113.9 R08             RLC        T08           TEL
R15           24000 R         17528.12        R              C            C09               114.5 R09             RRC        T09           TER
R16           24000 R         17542.70        L              C            C10               113.9 R10             RLC        T10           TWL
R17           24000 R         17557.28        R              C            C11               114.5 R11             RRC        T11           TWR
R18           24000 R         17571.86        L              C            C12               113.9 R12             RLC        T12           TEL
R19           24000 R         17586.44        R              C            C13               114.5 R13             RRC        T13           TER
R20           24000 R         17601.02        L              C            C14               113.9 R14             RLC        T14           TWL
R21           24000 R         17615.60        R              C            C15               114.5 R15             RRC        T15           TWR
R22           24000 R         17630.18        L              C            C16               113.9 R16             RLC        T16           TEL
R23           24000 R         17644.76        R              C            C17               114.5 R17             RRC        T17           TER
R24           24000 R         17659.34        L              C            C18               113.9 R18             RLC        T18           TWL
R25           24000 R         17673.92        R              C            C19               114.5 R19             RRC        T19           TWR
R26           24000 R         17688.50        L              C            C20               113.9 R20             RLC        T20           TEL
R27           24000 R         17703.08        R              C            C21               114.5 R21             RRC        T21           TER
R28           24000 R         17717.66        L              C            C22               113.9 R22             RLC        T22           TWL
R29           24000 R         17732.24        R              C            C23               114.5 R23             RRC        T23           TWR
R30           24000 R         17746.82        L              C            C24               113.9 R24             RLC        T24           TEL

R31    24000 R   17761.40   R   C   C25   114.5 R25   RRC   T25   TEL
R32    24000 R   17775.98   L   C   C26   113.9 R26   RLC   T26   TWL
T01    24000 T   12224.00   R   C   C27   114.5 R27   RRC   T27   TWR
T02    24000 T   12238.58   L   C   C28   113.9 R28   RLC   T28   TEL
T03    24000 T   12253.16   R   C   C29   114.5 R29   RRC   T29   TER
T04    24000 T   12267.74   L   C   C30   113.9 R30   RLC   T30   TWL
T05    24000 T   12282.32   R   C   C31   114.5 R31   RRC   T31   TWR
T06    24000 T   12296.90   L   C   C32   113.9 R32   RLC   T32   TEL
T07    24000 T   12311.48   R   C   G01   114.3 RO1   RRG   T01   TER
T08    24000 T   12326.06   L   C   G02   113.7 R02   RLG   T02   TWL
T09    24000 T   12340.64   R   C   G03   114.3 R03   RRG   T03   TWR
T10    24000 T   12355.22   L   C   G04   113.7 R04   RLG   T04   TEL
T11    24000 T   12369.80   R   C   G05   114.3 R05   RRG   T05   TER
T12    24000 T   12384.38   L   C   G06   113.7 R06   RLG   T06   TWL
T13    24000 T   12398.96   R   C   G07   114.3 R07   RRG   T07   TWR
T14    24000 T   12413.54   L   C   G08   113.7 R08   RLG   T08   TEL
T15    24000 T   12428.12   R   C   G09   114.3 R09   RRG   T09   TER
T16    24000 T   12442.70   L   C   G10   113.7 R10   RLG   T10   TWL
T17    24000 T   12457.28   R   C   G11   114.3 R11   RRG   T11   TWR
T18    24000 T   12471.86   L   C   G12   113.7 R12   RLG   T12   TEL
T19    24000 T   12486.44   R   C   G13   114.3 R13   RRG   T13   TER
T20    24000 T   12501.02   L   C   G14   113.7 R14   RLG   T14   TWL
T21    24000 T   12515.60   R   C   G15   114.3 R15   RRG   T15   TWR
T22    24000 T   12530.18   L   C   G16   113.7 R16   RLG   T16   TEL
T23    24000 T   12544.76   R   C   G17   114.3 R17   RRG   T17   TER
T24    24000 T   12559.34   L   C   G18   113.7 R18   RLG   T18   TWL
T25    24000 T   12573.92   R   C   G19   114.3 R19   RRG   T19   TWR
T26    24000 T   12588.50   L   C   G20   113.7 R20   RLG   T20   TEL
T27    24000 T   12603.08   R   C   G21   114.3 R21   RRG   T21   TER
T28    24000 T   12617.66   L   C   G22   113.7 R22   RLG   T22   TWL
T29    24000 T   12632.24   R   C   G23   114.3 R23   RRG   T23   TWR
T30    24000 T   12646.82   L   C   G24   113.7 R24   RLG   T24   TEL
T31    24000 T   12661.40   R   C   G25   114.3 R25   RRG   T25   TEL
T32    24000 T   12675.98   L   C   G26   113.7 R26   RLG   T26   TWL
CMD1    1000 R   17797.0    R   T   G27   114.3 R27   RRG   T27   TWR
CMD2    1000 R   17793.0    R   T   G28   113.7 R28   RLG   T28   TEL
TLM1     250 T   12694.5    R   T   G29   114.3 R29   RRG   T29   TER
TLM2     250 T   12698.5    R   T   G30   113.7 R30   RLG   T30   TWL
TLM3     250 T   12692      R   T   G31   114.3 R31   RRG   T31   TWR

TLM4   250 T   12693   R   T   G32   113.7 R32   RLG   T32   TEL
                               M01   111.1 RO1   RRM   T01   TER
                               M02   110.7 R02   RLM   T02   TWL
                               M03   111.1 R03   RRM   T03   TWR
                               M04   110.7 R04   RLM   T04   TWR
                               M05   111.1 R05   RRM   T05   TER
                               M06   110.7 R06   RLM   T06   TWL
                               M07   111.1 R07   RRM   T07   TWR
                               M08   110.7 R08   RLM   T08   TEL
                               M09   111.1 R09   RRM   T09   TER
                               M10   110.7 R10   RLM   T10   TWL
                               M11   111.1 R11   RRM   T11   TWR
                               M12   110.7 R12   RLM   T12   TEL
                               M13   111.1 R13   RRM   T13   TER
                               M14   110.7 R14   RLM   T14   TWL
                               M15   111.1 R15   RRM   T15   TWR
                               M16   110.7 R16   RLM   T16   TEL
                               M17   111.1 R17   RRM   T17   TER
                               M18   110.7 R18   RLM   T18   TWL
                               M19   111.1 R19   RRM   T19   TWR
                               M20   110.7 R20   RLM   T20   TEL
                               M21   111.1 R21   RRM   T21   TER
                               M22   110.7 R22   RLM   T22   TWL
                               M23   111.1 R23   RRM   T23   TWR
                               M24   110.7 R24   RLM   T24   TEL
                               M25   111.1 R25   RRM   T25   TEL
                               M26   110.7 R26   RLM   T26   TWL
                               M27   111.1 R27   RRM   T27   TWR
                               M28   110.7 R28   RLM   T28   TEL
                               M29   111.1 R29   RRM   T29   TER
                               M30   110.7 R30   RLM   T30   TWL
                               M31   111.1 R31   RRM   T31   TWR
                               M32   110.7 R32   RLM   T32   TEL

                                                                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                       Page 7: Digital Modulation
                                                                   SATELLITE SPACE STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                                          FCC Form 312 - Schedule S: (Technical and Operational Description)
S11. DIGITAL MODULATION PARAMETERS For each digital emission provide:
 (a) Digital   (b) Emission   (c) Assigned   (d) No. of       (e)Uncoded   (f) FEC Error   (g) CDMA     (h) Total C/N (i) Single Entry
  Mod. ID       Designator     Bandwidth      Phases           Data Rate     Correction    Processing   Performance C/I Objective
                                  (kHz)                          (kbps)     Coding Rate     Gain (dB)   Objective (dB)       (dB)

QPSK1          24M0G7W              24000                 4        26667            0.67                          3.7              20
QPSK2          25M8G7W              25800                 4        35833            0.83                          5.7              20
QPSK3          27M0G7W              27000                 4        37500            0.83                          5.7              20
8PSK1          25M8G7W              25800                 8        43000            0.67                          7.2              20
8PSK2          25M8G7W              25800                 8        48375            0.75                            8              20
8PSK3          25M8G7W              25800                 8        51600             0.8                          8.5              20

                                                             FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                       Page 8: Analog Modulation
                                                           SATELLITE SPACE STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                                  FCC Form 312 - Schedule S: (Technical and Operational Description)
S12. ANALOG MODULATION PARAMETERS For each analog emission provide:
  (a)   (b) Emission      (c)      (d) Signal       (e)                      Multi-channel Telephony             (j) Video (k) Video    (l) Video   (m) SCPC/FM (n) Total C/N    (o) Single
Analog   Designator    Assigned       Type      Channels                                                         Standard    Noise-        and       Compander,    Performance    Entry C/I
                                                                (f) Ave.     (g) Bottom      (h) Top   (i) RMS
Mod. ID                Bandwidth                per Carrier                                                       NTSC,    Weighting   SCPC/FM      Preemphasis,    Objective    Objective
                                                              Companded      Baseband      Baseband Modulation
                         (kHz)                                                                                   PAL, etc.    (dB)     Modulation     and Noise        (dB)         (dB)
                                                              Talker Level   Freq. (MHz)   Freq. (MHz)   Index
                                                                                                                                           Index    Weighting (dB)
CMD    1M00F2D              1000                          1                                                                                                                 10           22
TLM    500KF2D               500                          1                                                                                                                  5           22

                                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                  Page 9: Typical Emissions
                                                                SATELLITE SPACE STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                                       FCC Form 312 - Schedule S: (Technical and Operational Description)
S13. TYPICAL EMISSIONS For each planned type of emission provide:
     Associated               Modulation ID          (e) Carriers (f) Carrier   (g)Noise Budget    (h) Energy   Receive Band (Assoc. Transmit Stn)             Transmit Band (This Space Station)
Transponder ID Range                                     per       Spacing      Reference (Table    Dispersal
                         (c) Digital    (d) Analog                                                              (i)Assoc.    Assoc. Station Transmit         EIRP (dBW)        (n) Max. Power (o)Assoc.
                                                     Transponder     (kHz)            No.)         Bandwidth
                        (Table S11)    (Table S12)                                                              Stn. Max.        Power (dBW)                                     Flux Density  Stn Rec.
 (a) Start    (b) End                                                                                 (kHz)
                                                                                                                Antenna                                                         (dBW/m2/Hz)      G/T
                                                                                                                Gain (dBi)    (j) Min.        (k) Max.    (l) Min.    (m) Max.                  (dB/K)
C01          M32        QPSK1                                   1               Link budgeta co                         65               5           15      47.6         57.6                      13.5
C01          M32        QPSK2                                   1               Link budgeta co                         65               5           15      47.6         57.6                      13.5
C01          M32        QPSK3                                   1               Link budgeta co                         65               5           15      47.6         57.6                      13.5
C01          M32        8PSK1                                   1               Link budgeta co                         65               5           15      47.6         57.6                      13.5
C01          M32        8PSK2                                   1               Link budgeta co                         65               5           15      47.6         57.6                      13.5
C01          M32        8PSK3                                   1               Link budgeta co                         65               5           15      47.6         57.6                      13.5
CMDA         CMDB                      CMD                      1               Link budgtes T                          64               19          37                                             -33.5
TLMA         TLMD                      TLM                      1               Link budgtes T                                                               10.5         24.4                       38.1

                                                           FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                            Page 10: TT and C
                                                         SATELLITE SPACE STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                                FCC Form 312 - Schedule S: (Technical and Operational Description)
S14. Is the space station(s) controlled and monitored remotely? If Yes, provide the location and telephone number of the TT and C control point(s):   Yes

Remote Control (TT C) Location(s):
S14a: Street Address:
S14b. City:                                S14c. County:                                   S14d. State/Country      S14e. Zip Code:
 Mexico City                                                                                 DF                       11510
S14f. Telephone Number:                                    S14g. Call Sign of Control Station (if appropriate):

Remote Control (TT C) Location(s):
S14a: Street Address:
 Additional Facility
S14b. City:                                S14c. County:                                   S14d. State/Country      S14e. Zip Code:
 Gilbert                                    Maricopa County                                  AZ                       85233
S14f. Telephone Number:                                    S14g. Call Sign of Control Station (if appropriate):

Remote Control (TT C) Location(s):
S14a: Street Address:
S14b. City:                                S14c. County:                                   S14d. State/Country      S14e. Zip Code:
 Chihuahua                                                                                   CH                       31170
S14f. Telephone Number:                                    S14g. Call Sign of Control Station (if appropriate):

                                                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                             Page 11:
                                                                       SATELLITE SPACE STATION AUTHORIZATIONS                                          Characteristics and
                                                              FCC Form 312 - Schedule S: (Technical and Operational Description)                       Certifications

S15a: Mass of spacecraft without fuel (kg):                          Spacecraft Dimensions                 Probability of Survival to
 2346                                                                      (meters)                         End of Life (0.0 - 1.0)
S15b. Mass of fuel and disposables at launch (kg):
S15c. Mass of spacecraft and fuel at launch (kg):                  S15f. Length (m):                      S15i. Payload:
  5492                                                              32.4                                   0.932
S15d. Mass of fuel, in orbit, at beginning of life (kg):           S15g. Width (m):                       S15j. Bus:
  1248.6                                                            7.3                                    0.88
S15e. Deployed Area of Solar Array (square meters):                S15h. Height (m):                      S15k. Total:
  32.4                                                              7                                      0.823

                 Spacecraft  Electrical Power (Watts) At Electrical Power (Watts) At
                 Subsystem        Beginning of Life               End of Life
                                           At Equinox         At Solstice         At Equinox         At Solstice
            Payload (Watts):             (a):               (f):                (k):               (p):
                                                13853              13853               13853              13853
            Bus (Watts):                 (b):               (g):                (l):               (q):
                                                3265               1730                3265               1730
            Total (Watts):               (c):               (h):                (m):               (r):
                                                17118              15583               17118              15583
            Solar Array (Watts):         (d):               (i):                (n):               (s):
                                                21209              19010               19079              17286
            Depth of Battery             (e)                (j)                 (o)                (t)
            Discharge (%):
                                                69.2    %          69.2     %          69.2    %          69.2     %

a. Are the power flux density limits of § 25.208 met?:                                                                                  YES   NO   X    N/A
b. Are the appropriate service area coverage requirements of § 25.143(b)(ii) and (iii), or § 25.145(c)(1) and (2) met?                  YES   NO   X    N/A
c. Are the frequency tolerances of § 25.202(e) and the out-of-band emission limits of § 25.202(f)(1), (2) and (3) met?
                                                                                                                  X YES               NO            N/A
  In addition to the information required in this Form, the space station applicant is required to provide all the information specified in Section 25.114 of the
                                                             Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R § 25.114.

Document Created: 2011-07-08 10:09:14
Document Modified: 2011-07-08 10:09:14

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