Attachment Glentel surrender 20

Glentel surrender 20


Surrender Letter


This document pretains to SES-MFS-20110224-00194 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                              Glentel Corp.
                                      1201 3rd Avenue, Suite 3400
                                        Seattle, WA 98101-3034

                                                April 26, 2013


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
Office of the Secretary
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

                                        Re:     Glentel Corp.
                                                File No. ITC-214-20130110-00008

Dear Ms. Dortch:

      Glentel Corp. (“Glentel”) is supplementing its above-referenced application by
providing the confirmation stated below.

       On June 9, 2004, in connection with its application for a blanket license, 1 Glentel entered
into a Letter Agreement with the United States Department of Justice, including the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, and the Department of Homeland Security. A copy of the Letter
Agreement is attached to this filing. Glentel hereby confirms that following grant of its above-
referenced application it will continue to comply with the terms of the Letter Agreement.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                 /s/ Cary Skidmore
                                                Executive Vice President
                                                Glentel Corp.


cc:     David Krech, International Bureau

1See File No. SES-LIC-20030502-00572, seeking authority to operate up to 50,000 mobile earth terminals
communicating with MSAT-1, a Canadian-licensed satellite.

Document Created: 2014-01-10 16:07:05
Document Modified: 2014-01-10 16:07:05

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