Attachment Schedule S DOC 2

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20101015-01297 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Table D-7 GMSA Broadband Return Link – SmartPhone Terminal
          38.4 kbps Broadband Data Channel - Terminal G/T=-24 dB/K
Parameter                                                  Units
                                    Carrier Bandwidth      KHz          1228.8
                                             Data Rate     kbps           38.4
                      Broadband channel reuse scheme                         3
                     Narrowband channel reuse scheme                         8
                                    Number of beams                        170
Uplink L-band C/N
                                       Terminal EIRP       dBW            -4.0
                                 Power Control Range        dB            15.0
                              L-Band Free-Space Loss        dB          -188.4
                                                  G/T      dB/K           20.6
                                 Boltzmann's constant dBW/Hz·K          -228.6
                                            Bandwidth     dB-Hz           60.9
                                                  C/N       dB           -19.1
 Co-channel Co-Beam Broadband Channel Interference
                  Average number of co-channel users                       6.0
                                                 C/I            dB        -7.8

Co-channel Adjacent-Beam Broadband Channel Interference
         Average number of co-channel users per beam                       1.0
                                            Total C/I                      1.0
Downlink Ku-Band Feederlink C/N
                                          Frequency     GHz               11.5
                          Ku-Band EIRP per gateway      dBW               51.5
               Return downlink bandwidth per gateway    MHz                480
                      L-Band EIRP (for Power Robbing)          dBW        32.0
                                  Satellite (L-Band) G/T       dB/°K      20.6
                                 U/L Propagation Losses         dB      -188.8
                                   Boltzmann’s Constant      dBW/K-Hz   -228.6
Satellite EIRP per gateway per user, net of power robbing      dBW        -1.6
                               Ku-Band Free-Space Loss          dB      -215.2
                       Gateway Equipment Ku-Band G/T           dB/°K      37.9
                                    Boltzmann's Constant     dBW/K-Hz   -228.6
                                                       C/N      dB       -11.2
Downlink (Ku-Band) Interference
                         Effective C/I (across 480 MHz)        dB         14.5
                                          Interference psd   dBW -Hz     -49.8
                                 Effective C/I per carrier     dB        -12.7
Total Link
                                                   C/(I+N)      dB       -20.8
                                          Processing Gain       dB        15.1
                                          Effective Eb/No       dB        -5.8
                              Satellite Diversity Rx Gain       dB         2.5
                                          Required Eb/No        dB         2.7
                                                   Margin       dB         7.6

Document Created: 2010-11-02 08:48:16
Document Modified: 2010-11-02 08:48:16

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