Attachment Narrative

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20100419-00454 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                           BEFORE THE

           Federal Communications Commission
                               WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554

In re the Matter of                         )
HNS License Sub, LLC                        )              File No. SES-MFS-_____________
Application to Modify Earth Station License )
to Change Point of Communication from       )
SPACEWAY 3 (Call Sign S2663), a             )
U.S.-licensed satellite, to SPACEWAY 3, )
a Non-U.S. Licensed Satellite Operating     )
from the 94.95º W.L. Orbital Location in    )
the 29.5-30 GHz and 19.7-20.2 GHz Bands )

                               MODIFICATION APPLICATION

I. Introduction and Description of Request

        HNS License Sub, LLC (“Hughes”), by its attorneys and pursuant to Sections

25.117 and 25.137 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.117 and 25.137, hereby

requests authority from the Commission to modify its earth station license under Call Sign

E060382, Castle Rock, CO, to change its point of communication from SPACEWAY 3 as a

U.S.-licensed satellite, to SPACEWAY 3 as a foreign-licensed satellite that operates

pursuant to an authorization issued by the United Kingdom.1

        The SPACEWAY 3 satellite, Call Sign S2663, is authorized to Hughes’ corporate

parent, Hughes Network Systems, LLC (“HNS”), for operation in the 29.5-30 GHz and

19.7-20.2 GHz frequency bands from the 94.95º W.L. orbital location. See File Nos. SAT-

MOD-20071011-00139 and SAT-ASG-2008021300041. HNS has applied to the

  Hughes is filing companion modification applications that make the identical request with respect to the
Hughes earth station at Filmore, California (Call Sign E060383), and Hughes’s blanket authorization for
Ka-band earth terminals (Call Sign E060445).


Commission for Letters of Intent to serve the U.S. market from three new satellites –

SPACEWAY 4, SPACEWAY 5, and SPACEWAY 6, at the 107.1º W.L., 109.1º W.L., and

90.9º W.L. orbital locations, respectively – that are licensed to an HNS subsidiary by the

United Kingdom. See File Nos. SAT-LOI-20091110-0011, SAT-LOI-20091110-00120,

and SAT-LOI-20091110-00121. HNS intends to convert SPACEWAY 3 from a U.S.-

licensed satellite to one that serves the U.S. under a U.K authorization held by HNS that

uses the United Kingdom’s UKSAT-10 filing with the International Telecommunication

Union (“ITU”).2 To do this, the point of communication on each of Hughes’s earth station

licenses for Ka-band must reflect a change from SPACEWAY 3 (US) to SPACEWAY 3


           Hughes emphasizes that there will be no changes to the operation of either

SPACEWAY 3 or the Hughes earth stations that communicate with SPACEWAY 3 as a

result of the change in point of communication requested here. HNS will continue to

operate SPACEWAY 3 satellite that the Commission authorized under Call Sign S2663 in

precisely the same manner and subject to all of the same regulations and policies that now

apply in exactly the same manner that the satellite is operated in today (SPACEWAY 3 was

launched in 2007 and entered commercial operation in April 2008). Nor will this

Modification Application result in any changes to the technical and operational parameters

of any of the Hughes earth stations that are authorized today to communicate with
    Details can be found in IFIC No. 2538 under CR/C/1365, as published by the ITU on February 8, 2005.
  To Hughes’s understanding, there are very few current earth station license issued to entities other than
Hughes that list SPACEWAY 3 as a point of communication. Under the Commission’s Rules, any such
licenses would need to be modified to specify SPACEWAY 3 (UK) as a point of communication in lieu of
the current U.S.-licensed SPACEWAY 3. Under the circumstances, where there are no technical changes
whatsoever to SPACEWAY 3, and the Commission’s market access policies would presumably be deemed
satisfied upon a grant of this Modification Application, Hughes submits that it would be appropriate for the
Commission, on its own motion, to determine that earth station licenses that specify SPACEWAY 3 (US)
as a point of communication will automatically be considered to be specifying SPACEWAY 3 (UK) once
Hughes informs the Commission that the authorized change has occurred.


SPACEWAY 3. All operations under each of the three Hughes earth station licenses that

authorize communication with SPACEWAY 3 will continue exactly as they are proceeding

today. Moreover, all other points of communication on the three earth station licenses will

be unchanged as a result of this Modification Application.

        Upon approval and implementation of all three earth station license modifications,

HNS intends to surrender the U.S. authorization it holds under Call Sign S2663 for

SPACEWAY 3, and operate the satellite exclusively under the United Kingdom

authorization it holds for UKSAT-10. The SPACEWAY 3 satellite network will be

entirely unchanged from its current operation; only the licensing administration of

SPACEWAY 3 as a point of communication will change.

        HNS is making the change in licensure to consolidate its fleet authorizations under

a single licensing administration. This change will facilitate international coordination and

produce economies of scale in operations that will improve the efficiency with which HNS

provides its valuable, high-capacity broadband Ka-band fixed-satellite services to the

American public.

        The full technical information for SPACEWAY 3 is already on file with the

Commission, including Schedule S, narrative technical materials, and interference

analyses.4 Hughes hereby incorporates these materials, which demonstrate that

SPACEWAY 3 complies fully with the Commission’s technical rules, including the

requirement for operations in a two-degree spacing environment, by reference herein, and

submits that the circumstances dictate that Hughes be found in full compliance with the

   See File No. SAT-AMD-20060300025 and Stamp Grant (June 29, 2006) (“June 2006 Stamp Grant”);
File No. SAT-MOD-20060901-00093 and Stamp Grant (September 29, 2006); and File No. SAT-MOD-
20071011-00139 and Stamp Grant (April 28, 2008).


information submission requirement of Section 25.137(b). The overall technical

submission for the U.K.-licensed version of SPACEWAY 3 at 94.95º W.L. is identical in

every respect to the technical facility that is now licensed to HNS under Call Sign S2663.

II.    Public Interest Considerations Support the Grant of this Application.

       As the Commission is aware, HNS is the global leader in providing broadband

satellite network solutions for large enterprises, governments, small businesses and

consumers, with more than 2.2 million systems ordered or shipped to customers in over

one hundred countries. Hughes pioneered the development of high-speed satellite

Internet access services and IP-based networks, which it markets in the United States and

globally. Today, Hughes provides and enables a variety of managed network services

and equipment that meet unique enterprise customer needs for data, voice and video

communications, typically across geographically-dispersed locations. Hughes is also the

largest satellite Internet access provider to the North American consumer market,

providing satellite broadband connectivity to more than 500,000 consumer and small

business subscribers.

       SPACEWAY 3, the company’s first Ka-band FSS satellite, was launched in

August 2007. Following a period of in-orbit testing and validation, SPACEWAY 3

entered commercial service on April 3, 2008. The Hughes organization is fully

committed to providing satellite broadband connectivity, and is relying heavily on the

successful emergence of Ka-band FSS spectrum as a medium for delivery of that

connectivity. The SPACEWAY 3 satellite’s state-of-the-art Ka-band capabilities will

continue to speed broadband services to consumers and enterprises at high data rates over

a service area that embraces all of rural and remote America – including those areas not


served by digital subscriber lines, fiber, or cable modem Internet service. With the

advanced and flexible design of this satellite and its proposed follow-on siblings, Hughes

is positioned to respond capably and fully to the rapidly changing needs of its customers,

particularly for broadband satellite services throughout the United States.

III.       Effective Competitive Opportunities Showing Under DISCO II –
           47 C.F.R. § 25.137(a)

           The Commission’s DISCO II framework applies to this Modification Application,

because the SPACEWAY 3 satellite will be converted to operation under authority of the

government of the United Kingdom.5 The DISCO II analysis includes consideration of a

number of factors, such as the effect on competition in the United States, spectrum

availability, eligibility requirements, technical requirements, national security, law

enforcement, foreign policy and trade concerns.6

           A. Effect on Competition in the United States

           In DISCO II, the Commission established a rebuttable presumption that entry by

non-U.S. satellites authorized by World Trade Organization (“WTO”) Members to

provide services covered by the U.S. commitments under the WTO Basic

Telecommunications Agreement will further competition in the United States.7 The

United Kingdom is a member of the WTO, and Hughes seeks to use the requested

spectrum to provide satellite services that are covered by the WTO Basic

 Amendment of the Commission’s Regulatory Policies to Allow Non-U.S. Licensed Satellites Providing
Domestic and International Service in the United States, Report and Order, 12 FCC Rcd 24094, 24107-
17(¶¶ 30-49) (1997) (“DISCO II”).
 See e.g., Telesat Canada, Petition for Declaratory Ruling for Inclusion of Anik F2 on the Permitted Space
Station List, Petition for Declaratory Ruling to Serve the U.S. Market Using Ka-band Capacity on Anik F2,
Order, 17 FCC Rcd 25287, 25290(¶ 6) (2002).
    DISCO II at 24112 (¶ 39); see also 47 C.F.R. § 25.137(a)(2).


Telecommunications Agreement. Accordingly, the presumption in favor of entry applies


        Allowing Hughes to serve the U.S. by accessing SPACEWAY 3 will uphold the

intent of the WTO Basic Telecommunications Agreement to facilitate fair and open

competition in satellite communications services, and provide equivalent opportunities to

serve the U.S. market to facilities licensed in countries that allow U.S.-licensed satellites

to access their domestic markets. Grant of this Modification Application will enhance

competition in the U.S. satellite services market by permitting Hughes to introduce

expanded satellite broadband services, thereby stimulating lower rates, improved service

quality, increased service options, and greater technological innovation. The

Commission consistently has relied favorably on these same public interest benefits in

granting similar requests.8

        B. Spectrum Availability

        This Modification Application proposes to access the U.S. market via

SPACEWAY 3 from the 94.95° W.L. orbital location using segments of the Ka-band

designated for primary geostationary (“GSO”) FSS use. Hughes’s proposal is fully

compliant with the Commission’s two-degree spacing requirements, will not cause

harmful interference to any other authorized user of the spectrum, and is compatible with

future Ka-band assignments consistent with the FCC’s Rules. Therefore, this request is

 See, e.g., Digital Broadband Applications Corp., 18 FCC Rcd 9455 (2003); Pegasus Development Corp.,
19 FCC Rcd 6080 (2004); DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, Request for Special Temporary Authority for the
DIRECTV 5 Satellite, 19 FCC Rcd 15529 (2004).


fully consistent with the procedures set forth by the Commission in the Space Station

Licensing Reform Order regarding processing of GSO-like services.9

        C. National Security, Law Enforcement, and Public Safety Matters

        Grant of this Modification Application is consistent with U.S. national security,

law enforcement and public safety considerations. HNS, a U.S. company, will continue

to own and control the SPACEWAY 3 satellite to provide service to customers in the

U.S., Canada and Mexico and elsewhere as authorized in the license for Call Sign S2663.

Hughes has a long history of providing satellite communication services to U.S.

government users.

        HNS will be responsible for all aspects of the operation of the SPACEWAY 3

satellite. HNS, Ltd., as the United Kingdom licensee, will be responsible for and have

authority over the network in order to ensure compliance with any rules and obligations

established by Ofcom.

        HNS, Ltd. is 100 percent owned and controlled by Hughes Network Systems

Europe, Ltd., a U.K. holding company. Hughes Network Systems Europe, Ltd. is 100

percent owned and controlled by HNS.

        The directors and officers of these two subsidiaries are listed below.

                             Hughes Network Systems Europe. Ltd

                                        Pradman Kaul*
                                       Bahram Pourmand*
                                         Dean Manson*
                                         Michael Cook*
                                       Christopher Britton

 See Amendment of the Commission’s Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, First Report and Order
and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 18 FCC Rcd 10760, 10806 (¶113) (2003).


                       Christopher Britton, Managing Director
                   Dean Manson and Claire Denton, Joint Secretaries

                         Hughes Network Systems, Ltd (UK)

                                  Christopher Britton
                                  Bahram Pourmand*
                                    Dean Manson*

                       Christopher Britton, Managing Director
                   Dean Manson and Claire Denton, Joint Secretaries

                          * Also an officer of Hughes Network Systems, LLC

IV.    Legal and Technical Information – 47 C.F.R. § 25.137(b)

       A. Legal Qualifications

       Hughes’s legal qualifications are a matter of record before the Commission. In

June 2008, the Commission authorized the transfer of control of Hughes in File Nos.

SES-T/C-20080905-01228 through SES-T/C-20080905-01231. Notice of the

consummation of the assignment was provided in due course in August, 2008. As the

ownership of Hughes is not changing in any way as a result of this Modification

Application, and remains a matter of record before the Commission, Hughes hereby

incorporates by reference the ownership information that is included in the Commission’s

files for Call Signs E060382, E060383, E060445, and S2663.

       HNS’s legal information is also a matter of record in the pro forma assignment

application for SPACEWAY 3 granted in 2008 (see FCC File No. SAT-ASG-20080213-

00041); the proceeding in which the transfer of control of HNS parent company (and then

SPACEWAY-3 licensee Hughes Communications, Inc.) was approved last year (FCC


File No. SAT-T/C-20070904-00119); and the SPACEWAY letter of intent filings

referenced above (see, e.g., FCC File No. SAT-LOI-20091110-00119). In any event, this

Modification Application and its attachments include all of the legal information required

for space station applicants in Section 25.114 of the Commission’s rules. 47 C.F.R.

§ 25.114.

          B. Technical Qualifications

          As noted above, the full technical information for SPACEWAY 3, as required in

Section 25.114 of the Commission’s Rules, is on file with the Commission and approved

in the proceedings under Call Sign 2663. There are no changes at all to SPACEWAY 3,

and Hughes has incorporated these materials by reference into the instant application in

full satisfaction of Section 25.137(b). See supra, at note 3 and accompanying text.

Technical information for SPACEWAY 3 as a non-U.S.-licensed satellite that is

duplicative in every respect of the technical information for SPACEWAY 3 (Call Sign

S2663) that the Commission has already considered and approved is not reproduced as

part of this application.

          All conditions of the authorization for SPACEWAY 3 from the June 2006 Stamp

Grant Order have been complied with and will continue to be complied with following

conversion of the spacecraft from a U.S-licensed satellite to a non-U.S.-licensed satellite.

This includes the successful coordination with Federal FSS systems that is required under

Note US334 to Section 2.106 of the Commission’s Rules.10

     June 2006 Stamp Grant, at ¶ 11.

                                                - 10 -

V.        Other U.S. Regulatory Requirements – 47 C.F.R. § 25.137(d)

          A. Implementation Milestones

          Hughes Communications, Inc. satisfied all implementation milestones for

SPACEWAY 3 under Call Sign S2663. The satellite is in orbit and operational, and the

implementation bond has been removed.11

          B. Reporting Requirements

          HNS will continue to comply with all FCC reporting requirements that apply to

SPACEWAY 3. See, e.g., 47 C.F.R. § 25.145(f).

          C. Compliance with FCC Technical Regulations

          HNS’s operation of SPACEWAY 3 under Call Sign S2663 has been found to

comply fully with the Commission’s two-degree spacing requirements, and this operation

will not change in any respect when HNS operates SPACEWAY 3 under a license from

the United Kingdom. SPACEWAY 3 does not now and will not cause harmful

interference to any other authorized user of the spectrum. Except with regard to those

requirements for which waivers were requested and granted during the SPACEWAY 3

authorization process under Call Sign S2663, HNS’s U.K.-licensed version of

SPACEWAY 3 complies fully with the applicable requirements of Part 25 of the

Commission’s Rules, including power flux-density requirements, full frequency re-use

requirements, and all operational requirements. Again, there are no changes to the

SPACEWAY 3 technical and operational characteristics from what is now authorized

under Call Sign S2663.

     See Public Notice, Report No. SAT-00491, DA 07-5067, at 2 (December 21, 2007).

                                           - 11 -

       D. Posting of Performance Bond

       Because SPACEWAY 3 is operational, there is no need for Hughes to post a

performance bond pursuant to Section 25.165 of the Commission’s Rules (47 C.F.R. §

25.165) upon grant of this Modification Application.

       E. Spectrum Access Limits

       Hughes’s parent company, HNS, has filed letters of intent with respect to three

spacecraft (SPACEWAY 4 at 107.1° W.L., SPACEWAY 5 at 109.1º W.L., and

SPACEWAY 6 at 90.9º W.L.) in frequency bands overlapping those used by

SPACEWAY 3. Hughes and its affiliated companies have no other pending applications

for a license or spectrum reservation to which the limits of Section 25.137(d)(5) of the

Commission’s Rules apply. See 47 C.F.R. § 25.137(d)(5). Accordingly, Hughes is not

subject to the limitation imposed by that rule.

       F. Spectrum Utilization

       SPACEWAY 3 will continue to use spectrum in the 19.7-20.2 GHz band to

support downlink operations and spectrum in the 29.50-30.0 GHz band to support uplink

operations on a primary basis. This use is consistent with the Commission’s intended use

of the primary allocations for GSO FSS in these bands.

                                           - 12 -

VI.    Conclusion

       In summary, the SPACEWAY 3 satellite is fully compliant with FCC rules

relating to Ka-Band blanket licensing, system performance, flexibility, service quality,

over all capacity, and spectrum efficiency, and will create a platform capable of offering

more advanced broadband services.

       For these reasons, Hughes urges the Commission to conclude that modifying

Hughes’s license for Call Sign E060382 to allow access to SPACEWAY 3 under a U.K.

license is fully consistent with the public interest. Hughes respectfully requests that the

Commission expeditiously grant this application.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                      HNS License Sub, LLC

                                            Steven Doiron
                                            Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs

April 19, 2010

Of Counsel:

Stephen D. Baruch
Lerman Senter PLLC
2000 K Street, N.W.
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 429-8970

Document Created: 2010-04-19 15:24:14
Document Modified: 2010-04-19 15:24:14

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