Attachment Schedule B

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20100329-00375 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


FCC 312                                                                                                             —                                                                          Page 1: Location
Schedule B                —                                                                      EXHIBIT B

                                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                             Technical and Operational Description)
                                                                                       (Place an "X" in one of the blocks below)

D License of New Station          DRegistration of new Domestic D Amendment to a Pending Application                        Modification of License/Registration I:l Notification of Minor Modification
                                      Receive—Only Station

B1. Location of Earth Station Site. If temporary—fixed, mobile, or VSAT remote facility, specify area of operation and point of contact. If VSAT hub station, give its location
                                    For VSAT networks attach individual Schedule B, Page 1 sheets for each hub station and each remote station. Individually provide the
                                    Location, Points of Communications, and Destination Points for each hub and remote station.
Bla. Station Call Sign          B1b. Site identifier (HUB, REMOTEL1, etc.)                       Blc. Telephone Number                            B1j. Geographic Coordinates N/S,                   Blk. Lat./Lon.
     KA450                                                                                             (202) 944 — 7538                                 Deg. — Min. — Sec. — E/W                .    Coordinates are:
Bid. Mailing Street Address of Station or Area of Operation   .         Ble. Name of Contact Person
                                                                             Angela Maimo                                                        |tae    —38° 14 42.7" N                             _] napar
     961 Anselmo Court            |           —                               ng ela      Maim                                        A      —    Lon   122° o       16<   48.9"° » W                     NAD—$3

BIf. City                                Blg. County                                                          Blh. State     Bli. Zip Code                       B11l. Site Elevation (AMSL)
     Napa                                         Napa                  |                                        CA                94558                         _                       7.92       meters
B2. Points of Communications:     List the names and orbit locations of all satellites with which this earth station will communicate. The entry "ALSAT" is sufficient to identify
                                  the names and locations of all satellite facilities licensed by the U.S. All non—U.S. licensed satellites must be listed individually.
Satellite Name and Orbit Location                        Satellite Name and Orbit Location                                 Satellite Name and Orbit Location
GE—23 (188° West Longitude)

B3. Destination points for communications using non—U.S. licensed satellites. For each non—U.S. licensed satellite facility identified in section B2 abové, specify the destination
      s) (countries) where the services will be      i       this earth station via each non—U.S. license satellite Use additional sheets as needed.
Satellite Name                                List of Destination Points                        |                      |

                                                                                                                                                                                          FCC 312, Schedule B — Page 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                    February, 1998

                                      .                FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION _                                                                                                      Page 2: Antennas
                                          APPLICATION FOR SATELLITE SPACE AND EARTH STATION AUTHORIZATIONS                                                                                      O           1o>

                                                 FCC Form 312 — Schedule B; (Technical and Operational Description)
B4. Earth Station Antenna Facilities: Use additional                           as needed.

      (a) Site ID®*                            (b)                     .       (c)                     (d) Manufacturer                  (e) Model                          (f)                     {g) Antenna Gain
                                          Antenna ID**                      Quantity                                                     .                             Antenna Size              Transmit and/or Receive
                                                                                            .                                                                            (meters)                       dBi at     GHz)
        Napa                               NAP                                 1                   .       Vertex                      — OIKPK                             9.0                 59.2 dBi at 11.00 GHz
                                                                                                                                                                                               60.4 dBi at 14.00 GHz

             B5. Antenna Heights and Maximum Power Limits: (The correspondingAuntenna ID in tables B4 and B5applies to the same antenna)
                                                                          Maximum Antenna Height                     (e) Building         (£) Maximum              (g) Total Input
                        (a)            (b) Antenna Structure          (c) Above           (d) Above                 Height Above .       Antenna Height               Power at              (h) Total EIRP
                      Antenna         — Registration No.:            Ground Level       Mean Sea Level              Ground Level         Above Rooftop             antenna flange           for all carriers
                       ID**                                            (meters)            {(meters)                 (meters)***           (meters)*** >               (Watts)                  (dBW)
                       NAP                                                 11.0                  18.9                                         t                        150.0                    82.2

             Notes:       * *If this is an application for a VSAT network, identify the site (Item B1b, Schedule B, Page 1) where eachantenna is located. Also include this Site—ID on Schedule B, Page 5.
                         **     Identify each antenna in VSAT network or multi—antenna station with a unique identifier, such as HUB, REMOTE1, A1, A2, 10M, 12M, 7M, stc. Use this same antenna ID
                                throughout tables B4, B5, B6, and B7 when referring to the same antenna.                  t
                        ***     Afttach sketch of site or exemption, See 47 CFR Part 17.

                                                                                                                                                                                           Page 3: Coordination
                                                                                                                                                                                              FCC 312, Schedule B — Page 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                             February, 1998

                                                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                            FCC Form 312 — Schedule B: (Technical and Operational Description)
B6. Frequency       Coordination Limits: Use additional                       as needed.

      (a)                            (b)                         (c) Range of            ’A(d) Range of           (e) Antenna              (f) Antenna          (g) Earth Station      (h) Earth Station     (i) Maximum EIRP
  Antenna ID*                 Frequency Limits                   Satellite Arc            Satellite Arc         Elevation Angle        Elevation Angle          Azimuth Angle          Azimuth Angle         Density toward the
                                   (MHz)                       Eastern Limit**         Western Limit**           Eastern Limit           Western Limit           Eastern Limit          Western Limit       Horizon (dBW/4kHz)

NAP                      10950.0 — 11200.0                    180.0° W.L.               188.0° W.L.                16.5°                    10.3°                   248.6°                 254,.4°
                         11450.0 —11700.0              _:     180.0° W.L.               188.0° W.L.                16.5°                    10.3°                   248.6°                 254.4°

                         14000.0 — 14500.0                    180.0° W.L.               188.0° WL.                 16.5°                    10.3°                   248.6°                 254,4°

                Notes:    *   Provide the ANTENNA—ID from table B4 to identify the antenna to which each frequency band and orbital arc range is associated.                           o
                         **   If operating with geostationary satellites, give the orbital arc limits and the associated elevation andazimuth angles. If operating with non—geostationary satellites,
                              give the notation "NON—GEO" for the satellite arc and give the minimum operational elevation angle and the maximum azimuth angle range.

                                                                                                                                                                                                     FCC 312, Schedule B — Page 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                               February, 1998

                                                                                                                                                                                      Page 4: Particulars
                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                             FCC Form 312 — Schedule B: (Technical and Operational Description)
B7. Particulars of             tion      (Full              are               for each r.f. carrier); Use additional            as needed.

      (a)                          (b)                     (c)       (d) Antenna               (e)    (£) Maximum      (g) Maximum                      (h) Description of Modulation and Services
  Anternna ID*              Frequency Limits               T/R       Polarization         Emission       EIRP per—     EIRP Density
                                 (MHz)                    Mode        (H,V,L,R)        . Designator   Carrier (dBW)      per Carrier
                                                           sn                                                           dBW.

                        10950.0 —— 11200.0                                           32KOGZW                                                     Video Audio and Data
                        11450.0 —11700.0                                             32KOGZW                                                     Video Audio and Data
                        10950.0 —11200.0                                             36MOGZW                                                     Video Audio and Data
                        11450.0 —11700.0                                             36MOGZW                                                     Video Audio and Data

                        14000.0 — 14500.0                                            32KOGZW                                                     Video Audio and Data
                        14000.0 — 14500.0                                            36MOGZW                                                     Video Audio and Data

Notes: ~*   Provide the ANTENNA—ID from table B4 to identify the antenna to which each freduency band and emission is associated. For VSAT networks, include frequencies and emissions for all HUB and
            REMOTE units.
       **   Indicate whether the earth station transmits or receives in each frequenéy band.

                                                                                                                                                                                      ECC 312, Schedule B — Page 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                 February, 1998

                                                                   '                   .                                                                                   Page 5: Questions
                                                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                              FCC Form 312 — Schedule B: (Technical and Operational Description)

If VSAT Network, provide the SITE—ID (Item B1b) of the station that B8—B13 are in response to (HUB, REMOTE1, etc.):

B8. If the proposed antenna(s) operate in the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) with geostationary satellites, do(es) the proposed antenna(s)
     comply with the antenna gain patterns specified in Section 25.209(a) and (b) as demonstrated by the manufacturer‘s qualification                YES              — D NO
     measurements? If NO, provide as an exhibit, a technical analysis showing compliance with two—degree spacing policy.
B9. If the proposed antenna(s) do not operate in the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS), or if they operate in the Fixed Satellite Service
    (FSS) with non—geostationary satellites, do(es) the proposed antenna(s) comply with the antenna gain patterns specified in                    l:l YES     '       I:I NO              N/A
    Section 25.209(a2) and (b) as demonstrated by the manufacturer‘s qualification measurement?                                                                                       |
B10. Is the facility operated by remote control? If YES, provide the location and telephone number of the control point.
                                                                                                                                                  [_] yEs                   NO
        Remote Control Point Location:
         B1Qa. Street Address                                                                                                      ~                    C

         B1Q0b. City               /                               B1Q0c. County                                     B10.d. State/Country            B10e. Zip Code

         B1O0f. Telephone Number                                                            B10g. Call Sign of Control Station (if appropriate)

B11. Is frequency coordination required? If YES, attach a frequency coordination report as an exhibit.
                                                                                                                                                     YES          _    [] no
B12. Is coordination with another country required? If YES, attach the name of the country(ies)                                             P                         CC         C
     and plot of coordination contours as an exhibit.                                                                                             l:l YES                   NO

B13. FAA Notification — (See 47 CFT Part 17and 47 CFT Part 25.113(c))
    — Where FAA notification is required, have you attached a copy of a completed FCC Form 854                                                    [_] ¥Es                   NO
     and/or the FAA‘s study regarding the potential hazard of the structure to aviation?

                                                                                                                                                                       FCC 312, Schedule B — Page 5
                                                                                                                                                                                     February, 1998

Document Created: 2010-03-29 10:51:33
Document Modified: 2010-03-29 10:51:33

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