Attachment Opposition


OPPOSITION submitted by Inmarsat Ventures Limited



This document pretains to SES-MFS-20060725-01253 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                           Before the
                              FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                          Washington, DC 20554

    In the matter of                                    )
    Telenor Satellite, Inc.                             )
Application for Modification of Fixed Earth             )   —File No. SES—MFS—20060725—01253
Station License to Operate with Inmarsat 3F4 at         )    (Call Sign E980136)
142°W                                                   )
Amendment to Application for Modification of            )   File No. SES—AMD—20060804—01310
Fixed Earth Station License to Operate with             )   —(Call Sign E980136)
Inmarsat 3F4 at 142°W                                   )


                     Inmarsat Ventures Limited ("Inmarsat") opposes the Petition to Hold in Abeyance

("Petition") of Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC ("MSV*"). This proceeding involves a

request by Telenor Satellite, Inc. ("Telenor") for license modifications to permit the provision of

already—authorized Inmarsat services using a new point of communication — the Inmarsat—3

satellite at 142° W.L. ("I—3"). 1—3 has replaced the Inmarsat—2 ("I—2") spacecraft previously

operating at 142° W.L., which needed to be retired before it ran out of station—keeping fuel.

                     No one opposes the grant of Telenor‘s application. However, as with every other

earth station application filed since August 2005 that seeks authority to communiéate with the

Inmarsat satellite network, MSV seeks to delay Commission grant.‘ Specifically, MSV asks that

‘      Inmarsat disagrees with MSV‘s characterization (see Petition at 2—3) of the ongoing L—Band
       spectrum dispute between Inmarsat and MSV. Inmarsat has fully briefed this issue before.
       and incorporates by reference recent pleadings that summarizes Inmarsat‘s positions on these
       issues. See, e.g. Joint Letter from the Licensees, Inmarsat et al. to Marlene H. Dortch, FCC,
       Call Signs E010011 et al. (Jul. 6, 2006); Opposition of Inmarsat, File No. SES—MFS—
       20060118—00050, et al. (filed Mar. 16, 2006) (with Consolidated Opposition of Inmarsat, File
       No. File No. SES—MFS—20051207—01709, et al. (filed Feb. 2, 2006) attached thereto as
       Exhibit A).

the Commission not grant this application until: (i) Inmarsat completes coordination of the

operation of I—3 with MSV; and (i1i) Telenor seeks a waiver of the Commission‘s FSS station—

keeping tolerance rules that expressly do not apply to the I—3 MSS spacecraft. MSV also raises

questions about Telenor‘s potential use of the 1545.8—1548 portion of the L—Band, which Telenor

has since confirmed is not the subject of this application. As set forth below, there is no basis to

delay grant of authority as MSV requests.

               As an initial matter, there is no issue surrounding the 1545.8—1548 MHz part of

the L—Band. Different portions of this band segment are currently used today by Inmarsat and by

MSV, without any known interference problems, and there is no reason that use cannot continue

for the foreseeable future. More fundamentally, Telenor has clarified that it does not seek

authority in this application to use the 1545.8—1548 MHz band on I—3." Thus, MSV‘s claims

regarding this spectrum segment have no bearing whatsoever on Telenor‘s application.

               As to the state of coordination, Inmarsat‘s efforts to coordinate the operations of

I—3 at 142° W.L. with MSV date back to the early part of this decade. In April 2002, the United

Kingdom formally requested coordination of both I—2 and I—3 operations at 142° W.L. Inmarsat

and MSV then engaged in coordination discussions, during which Inmarsat specifically

identified to MSV the ITU filings covering the technical characteristics of both I—2 and I—3

operations at 142° W.L. Thus, it should not come as any surprise that Inmarsat needed to

relocate the I—3 spacecraft to that location in 2006, four years after the United Kingdom first

sought coordination.

               Inmarsat has fulfilled its obligations to seek coordination of the I—3 spacecraft at

142° W.L., and Inmarsat has successfully operated I—2 at 142° W.L for over four years — and I—3

*    Letter from Keith Fagan, Telenor Satellite, Inc., to Marlene Dortch, FCC, File Nos. SES—
    MFS—20060725—01253, SES—AMD—20060804—01310 (Sept. 14, 2006).

since April 2006 — without causing harmful interference. Moreover, as Inmarsat has confirmed

on other occasions, in the absence of a new spectrum sharing agreement under the Mexico City

MoU, Inmarsat intends to employ on I—3 the very same L—Band frequencies that Inmarsat has

been using for years to serve the United States.

               In these circumstances, neither ITU nor Commission precedent supports MSV‘s

effort to foreclose service over I—3 by continuing to withhold MSV‘s consent to coordination.

In fact, Commission precedent is clear that achieving coordination with another MSS competitor

simply is not a condition precedent to receiving authority to provide an MSS service to the

United States." Grant of Telenor‘s application to communicate with I—3 at 142° W.L. therefore is

fully consistent with the recent grant of MSV s application to operate a new and uncoordinated

L—Band MSS spacecraft at 63.5° W.L.* The Commission granted that application just last year

without imposing any obligation on MSV to effectuate coordination with Inmarsat prior to

launching or operating MSV‘s spacecraft.

               As a final matter, there is no need for Telenor to seek a waiver of the FSS station

keeping rules as part of an application to provide MSS services over I—3. As in past pleadings,

MSV correctly notes that "the Commission rule requiring [FSS] satellites to operate with £+£0.05°

East—West station keeping does not apply to MSS satellites,"" such as the I—3 satellite over which

Telenor seeks to provide service. Indeed, that point was established in a rulemaking decision by

3   See Establishment ofPolicies and Service Rules for MSS in the 2 GHz Band, 15 FCC Red
    16127, 16192 «[ 148—49 (2000); SatCom Systems, Inc., 14 FCC Red 20798, 20813 « 30
    (1999); Amendment ofthe Commission‘s Rules to Establish Rules and Policies Pertaining to
    MSS in the 1610—1626.5/2483.5—2500 MHz Frequency Bands, 9 FCC Red 5936, 6018              211
    (1994); AMSC Sub. Corp., 8 FCC Red 4040, 4043 «[ 17 (1993).
*   Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, Application for Authority to Launch and Operate
    an L—band Mobile Satellite Service Satellite at 63.5° W.L., 20 FCC Red 479 (2005). MSV
    recently surrendered this authorization.
°   MSV Petition at 8.

the full Commission just two years ago.6 Thus, there is no rule for which Telenor should have

sought a waiver.

               MSV‘s own circumstances are different, as a factual matter. MSV operates its

spacecraft at 101° W.L, where at least four other spacecraft operated by DIRECTV and SES

Americom are located, and where a fifth satellite (DIRECTV 9—8) is due to be launched." That

location is the most congested U.S. orbital location. Thus, the potential for MSV‘s station

keeping box to overlap with that of the DIRECTV and SES Americom spacecraft — and the

corresponding risk of collision — appear to be the reason that MSV is currently required to

operate with a + 0.05° station keeping tolerance." These are the very types of circumstances in

which the Orbital Debris NRPM contemplated using the £+0.05° station keeping tolerance

specified in 25.210(J) as a basic "rule of the road" for purposes avoiding collisions with co—

located spacecraft.9 Moreover, the Commission clearly retains authority to address, on a case—

by—case basis, the collision risks associated with circumstances, such as in MSV‘s case,

involving multiple satellites co—located at a single GSO location.‘"

°   Mitigation of Orbital Debris, 19 FCC Red 11567, 11587 «[ 44 (2004) ( "We decline, at this
    time, to adopt changes to Section 25.210(J) to specify a longitudinal tolerance of + 0.05° for
    all space stations, including MSS and remote sensing space stations.").
‘   Comments of DIRECTV, Inc., File No. SAT—AMD—20040928—00192, at 2 (Nov. 8, 2004)
    ("DIRECTV Comments").
8   See MSV, 20 FCC Red 9752, 9761 « 21 (May 23, 2005) (noting that operators of several non—
    co—frequency satellites that could be impacted by the extended station—keeping box raised
    concerns about MSV‘s proposed station—keeping box); DIRECTV Comments at 3 (discussing
    concerns regarding potential collisions at 101° W.L. due to congestion at that location).
°   Mitigation of Orbital Debris, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 17 FCC Red 5586, 5606 « 47
i9 See Mitigation of Orbital Debris, 19 FCC Red at 11588 «[ 51 (recognizing that co—locating
   multiple geostationary at the same orbital location could cause concerns related to potential
   collision); id. at 11587 « 47 (recognizing, in the NGSO context, its discretion to impose
   station keeping parameters on a case—by—case basis).

               In contrast to MSV‘s situation, and as Telenor described in the Technical

Description to its application, there are no satellites now authorized or operating at 142° W.L.

other than I—3, no satellites are expected to be within the station—keeping volumes of I—3 at 142°

W.L., and no satellite operator in the vicinity of that orbital location has raised any concerns

whatsoever. Thus, whatever risks of collision at 101° W.L. that may have led to the conditions

in MSV‘s MSS license, simply are not presented here. It is neither necessary nor appropriate for

Telenor to seek a "waiver" of the FSS station—keeping requirements in order to communicate

with I—3 at 142° W.L.

                                               *   tk    o%

               For the foregoing reasons, the Commission should grant Telenor‘s application

without any conditions, other than requiring that, in the absence of a new spectrum sharing

agreement, service be provided on a non—harmful interference basis.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                              fl           /q ¢ M/

Diane J. Cornell                                        JohnJP. Jédll\l/([a
Vice President, Government Affairs                      Jeffrey A. Marks
INMARSAT, INC.                                          LATHAM & WATKINS LLP
1100 Wilson Blyvd, Suite 1425                           555 Eleventh Street, N.W.
Arlington, VA 22209                                     Suite 1000
Telephone: (703) 647 4767                               Washington, D.C. 20004
                                                        Telephone: (202) 637—2200

September 21, 2006

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        I, Jeffrey A. Marks, hereby certify that on this 21st day of September, 2006, I caused to

be served a true copy of the foregoing "Opposition of Inmarsat Ventures Limited," by first class

mail, postage pre—paid (or as otherwise indicated) upon the following:

James Ball*                                        Stephen Duall*
International Bureau                               International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.                             445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, DC 20554

JoAnn Ekblad*                                     Richard Engelman*
International Bureau                              International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.                             445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, DC 20554

Gardner Foster*                                   Howard Griboff*
International Bureau                              International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.                             445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, DC 20554

Fern Jarmulnek*                                   Andrea Kelly*
International Bureau                              International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.                             445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, DC 20554

Karl Kensinger*                                   Scott Kotler*®
International Bureau                              International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.                             445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, DC 20554

John Martin*                                      Robert Nelson*
International Bureau                              International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.                             445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, DC 20554

Roderick Porter*                      Cassandra Thomas*
International Bureau                  International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission     Federal Communications Commission
445 12 Street, S.W.                   445 12¢" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                  Washington, DC 20554

Bruce D. Jacobs                       Jennifer A. Manner
David S. Konczal                      Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP   Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC
2300 N Street, N.W.                   1002 Park Ridge Boulevard
Washington, DC 20037—1128             Reston, Virginia 20191

Keith H. Fagan
Telenor Satellite, Inc.
1001 Wootton Parkway
Rockville, MD 20852

*Via Electronic Mail

                                        Jefffey K.p(/[arks

Document Created: 2006-09-21 16:21:46
Document Modified: 2006-09-21 16:21:46

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