Attachment 1.65 letter

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20060615-01010 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


j        JRECEIVED                      |           "                                      ORIGINAL
                                LEVENITHAL SENTER & LERMAN LC
            AUG 0 1 2006
           Satelte Diision                       July31, 2006
    Srmev© ww
       BY HAND DELIVERY:                                             JuL, 3 1 2006

       Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                            Fedenl Communcatons onmissn
       Federal Communications Comntission                            Offes t Sectay
       445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
       Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                     cation of Lockheed Martin Corp. for Modification
                                              of License for Clarksburg, MD Earth Station,
                                                  I Sign E970322       No. SES—MES—2006061       010

       Dear Ms. Dortch:

              Lockheed Martin Carp. by is attomey and pursuant to Section 1.65 of the
       Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.FR. § 1.65, herebysubmits for inclusion in the file of the above—
       referenced application a copy oflin addadurm to the frequency coordination report from
       Comsearch that accompanied th§ June 15, 2006 application. This addendum was initally
       provided to the Commission stalf electronicaily on July 6, 2006, by Comsearch employee Tm
       Crutcher, in response to n inquity from the staff
              The addendurm is being fésubmitted in this fashion to ensure its inclusion in the
       approprite file. T indicates thatha nurmber or carriers in the Local Television Transimission
       Service for which coordination h becn fully erfected were inadvertently left off the
       coordination report that Comseatchs prepared for submission by Lockheed Martin with is
       above—referenced modification df license application.
              Any questions regarding this Section 165 submission should be addressed to the
                                                     Respeosfully gubmited.            f
                                                                /~—                   /
                                                     Sieghen {. Baruch                       4
                                                   «~Attome} for Lockheed Mantin Corporation
       Enclosure                        |
       ce (wencl):    Shahnaz Ghavami (by e—mail)

                                     1 siffen    sur
                                  reont Bs amari     macasea

On July 5,2006, taftormey fot   Locknaed Marin contacted Comsearch regarding the FCC fling
for the Clarksburg, Mearth staon. There were questions regarding coordination wih the LTTV
operators. Namaly, there was lst of LTTV operators included in the Coordination Report
Following is a summary oft reBuits of our review and responso to tconcoms.
Pursuantto Part 25.203(c) o CC Rules and Regulations, the satalte earth statin proposed
in this application was coordinatéd by Comsearch.
Coordination data for ths earthiitation was sent to the below listed carters with a ltter dated
©203/2006. This ist was inadvaffentty omited from the original coordination report.The folowing
cartirs or thoir protection aget received the February 3, 2006 coordination nolce and there
were no potontialintefarence     capticts reporied.
       AT&T Caltomia
       Broadeast Photography Sorvices, In.
       Direct Broadcast    h
       Giobecast North Ame
       Giobecast Noth
       GTE SouthwostIc. d
       Now England Stolf
       Ponn Service Microwa
       Production & Satalite
       SES Americom,Ino
       Total RF Marketing:Inc
       Vorzon Delaware,.
       Vorion MaryiandInc.
       Vorizon Nort,Inc.
       Varion Northwest, In
       Vorion Ponnsyivania, ing.
       Vrizon South, Inc.
       Vorzon Viginia,Ic.
       Vilage Video Productor
       Western Technical Sarvies (A Divsion of Foous Communications, In.)
       Wreiess Spectrum Resauroes,Ic.
Vorbal and writen coordinationl was conducted for this earth station on 07/052008. Theso
carrirs have nationwide lcense§, however operations are generally Imited to a specife area of
the country and tharefore thasa darrers were notidentfied curingthe orginal coordination.
       3G Wrotess,LC
       Broadeast Sports Cop
       Broadcast Sports Enteriises Inc.
       Gasper, John
       Gonen, Elona
       HF Entorprises, nc       HSE Communications,Ic.
       Information Super Staio LLC
       Moroury Communicat
       Nows/Sports Mcronave Rntal, nc.
       On Scene Video P        n
       Quick Link Connectins
       Remote Facities Consuling Services.
       Speedshotz, Ic.
       Universal Satolito      nications Incorporated


aro no unresoived intererence cases invaiving this earth
regarding the coortination report please contact Tim Crutcher

Document Created: 2006-08-04 10:56:58
Document Modified: 2006-08-04 10:56:58

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