Attachment Dismissal letter

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20060405-00564 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                         Federal Communications Commission
                               Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                                                      pa ce4221
                                           June 6, 2006

Keith H. Fagan
Telenor Satelte, Ic.
1101 Wootton Parkway, 10° foor
Rockille, MD 20852—106¢
                                                 Re: Call Sign KA29
                                                     File No. SES—MFS—20060130—00172
                                                      Call Sign E980136
                                                      File No. SES—MFS—20060405—00564
                                                      File No. SES—$TA—20060503—00739
Dear Mr. Fagan:
On Janvary 30, 2006, and April5, 2006, Telenor Satelite, Inc.(Telenor) fledthe above—
captioned applications to modify two earth station lcenses o add the INMARSAT—3F4 satelte
now located at 142" WL. as a point communication. On May 3, 2006, Telenor filed the above—
captioned requestfor Special Temporary Authorityto operate one of these earth stations.
Pursuant to Section 25.112(a)(1)ofthe Commission ules, 47 CER. § 25.1 12(a)(1), we dismiss
these applications as defective without prejudiceto refling.
Section 25.203(c)ofCommission‘s rles, 47 C.F R. § 25.203(c),requires applicants secking to
operate in bands shared co—equally with th terestral service such as certain C:Band frequencies,
on which the Telenor earth stations operate, mustsubmi a Frequeney Coordination report in their
applications. This report describes and analyzes the potentil interference caused or potentally
received by the proposed aperations. Telenor has not submitted a report for repointing the
antenna towards the INMARSAT—3F4 satelliteat142° WL. Accordingly, all three applications
are incomplete.
In addition, Telenor secks special temporary authority to communicate with INMARSAT—3R4
using the 3630.42 and 6455.42 MHz center frequencies, The currentlicense forthe earth station‘
authorizes operations in the 3629.4—3631.6 and 6454.4—6456.6 MHz bands with 2.2 megaherte
necessary bandiwidths (2M20GID emission designator). Use ofthese center frequencies are
inconsistent with is license since 80 kHz of the lower portion ofthe emission will fll outside ts

Furthermore, we note that although Telenor,in these applications, secks a waiver fo filing a
Schedule S, the Commission‘s deliberations in any refling would be aided considerably if the
!_ SeeIBFS File No. SES—LIC—199s0211—00183.

                               Federal Communications Commission                oéi221

record were to include complete Schedule S tchnical information for INMARSAT—3F4,
including specific frequencies and emissions. Finall, lso any refiling must also include the
information required by Schedule B regarding Range of Satellite Arc (ES4/SS), Earth Station
Azimuth Angle (ES6 and ES8), and Antenna Elevation Angle (ES7 and ES9) since the responses
to these questions are dependent on the satellites with which the eath station seks to
Accordingly, pursuant to Section 25.1 12(@)(1) ofthe Commission‘s rules, 47 CFR. § 25.112
(21), and Section 0.261 ofthe Commission‘s ules on delegations ofauthoriy, 47 CER. §
0.261, we dismiss all hree applications as defective without prejudice to refiing.


                                              tScotce      A K othec
                                                   A. Kotler
                                              Chief, Systems Analysis Branch
                                              Satelite Division
                                              International Bureau

5. 47 CR§25.112()(0) Seealso EchaSar Satellte LLC, Order on Reconsideraion, DA 044036
(teleaed December27, 2004)

Document Created: 2006-06-06 15:53:41
Document Modified: 2006-06-06 15:53:41

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