Attachment Response


REPLY submitted by Inmarsat Ventures Limited



This document pretains to SES-MFS-20051207-01709 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


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    By HAND DELIVERY                                    FILED/ACCEPTED
    Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                     APR 30 2007
    Secretary                                          FitenlConmuntates   Connies
    Federal Communications Commission                         seamandy*
    445 12th Street, SW, TW—B204
    Washington, DC 20554

             Re: Response of Inmarsat Ventures Limited to Supplement to Petitions to Hold in
                 Abeyance and Comments of Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC
                  File Nos. Listed on Exhibit A to the Attached Pleading
    Dear Ms. Dortch:

                   Pursuant to the procedures set forth in the Protective Order issued by the
    Commission in these proceedings (DA 07—737, rl. Feb. 16, 2007),Inmarsat Ventures Limited
    submitsthe redacted, public version of ts Response to the Supplement submitted by Mobile
    Satelite Ventures Subsidiary LLC. A nor—redacted, confidential version of the Response is
    being filed under separate cover.
                      Please direct any inquiries regarding this submission to the undersigned.
                                                    Respectfully submited,

                                                      foffA Mb
                                                    John P. Janka
                                                    Jeffrey A. Marks
                                                    Counselfor Inmarsat Ventures Limited
    e:         See attached service ist



                                 PUBLIC VERSION—REDACTED

                                              Before the
                           FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONs commission                      FILED/ACCEPTED
                                          Washington, D.C.
                                                                                       APR 30 2007
    In the matter of                             ))                               FiteaOonmsnistes Conninin
                                                                                       Oe e in
Telenor Satellite, Inc.                          ) File Nos.included on Exhibit A
Stratos Communications, Inc.                     )
Satamatics, Inc.                                 )
SkyWave Mobile Communications Corp.              )
FTMSC US, LLC                                    )
MVS USA, Inc.                                    )
BT Americas Inc.                                 )
Thrane and Thrane Airtime Ltd.                   )
Horizon Mobile Communications Inc.               )

                   Inmarsat Ventures Limited (*Inmarsat") responds to the April 18, 2007
Supplement to Petitions to Hold in Abeyance and Comments ("Supplement") ofMobie Satellite
Ventures Subsidiary LLC (MSV®).
           A.     Background
                  On January 18, 2006, the Commission granted special temporary authority
("STA®) to certain Inmarsat distributors (the "Licensees") to enable the continued provision of
services over the then—recently—launched Inmarsat 4F2 spacecraft." In those STAs, the
Commission requested that a report be submitted explaining why "given the increased capacity
ofthe Inmarsat 4F2 satellitereative to the (predecessor} Inmarsat 3F4 satellte, there would be
any discontinuance of, or degradation ofthe reliability of, existing operations""if the Licensees
did not have continued access to certain segments ofthe L—band. Each ofthe Licensees

complied by the February 17, 2006 deadline, and Inmarsat also submitted a report to provide the

!      See, e4. Stratos Communications, Inc., SES—STA—2005 1216—01760 (granted Jan. 18, 2006).

*      1d. (Condition 3)

                                PUBLIC VERSION—REDACTED

    Commission with confidentialinformation known only to Inmarsat (the "Report‘). On February
23, 2007, Inmarsat provided MSV with access to the Report pursuant to a Protective Order
adopted one week eartierMSV filed its Supplement almost two months later.
                 As has been the case historically, the Inmarsat satellite network, including the 1—4
spacecraft at 53° W.L. and the 1—3 spacecraft at 98° W.L. and 142° W.L. is used to provide

essentialservices to the United States Government ("USG"), among others. The USG users
include the Department ofHomeland Security (including the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA)), the U.S. Army, U.S. Army Special Operations, U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy,
the U.S. Coast Guard, the Intelligence Community, United States Special Operations Command,
and U.S. Executive Branch and Congressional officials. Moreover, a number ofU.S. military
ales rely on access to these spacecraft. Demand from USG users has grown steadily since
February 2006, when the Report was prepared.. As Inmarsat explained in the Report, USG users,
as well as commercial users, would be adversely affected if Inmarsatdid not have continued
access to all of the spectrum it currently is, and historically has been, using.
          B..—   The Report Was Accurate and Responsive
                 In its Supplement, MSV comments on the information provided in the Report and
repeats ts request that the Commission preclude use of portions ofthe L—band that are the
subject of a Tongstanding dispute between Inmarsat, MSV, and MSV Canada (the "Disputed
Spectrum"). As in the past with similar MSV filings, Inmarsat fundamentally disagrees with
MSVs characterization of () the Inmarsat Report, (i)the history of and circumstances
surrounding the Disputed Spectrum,(ii) MSV‘s spectrum needs, (i) the service demands of
existing Inmarsat customers (which alone establish the need forall of the L—band spectrum

*     See Protective Order, DA 07—737 (rel. Feb. 16, 2007).

                              PUBLIC VERSION—REDACTED

Inmarsat currently is using), and (v)the authority for Inmarsat distributors to use all of the
frequencies they currently are using under existing Commission licenses. Inmarsat will not
address most of those issues further as they have been briefed multiple times before.*

               In the Report, Inmarsat provided responsive information based on data about the
Inmarsat—4 satellite over which the STA services are being provided. Because those services

were transitioned to the Inmarsat—4 spacecraft on January 22, 2006, the February 17, 2006 Report

provided measured data about the first few weeks of the commercial operation ofthat
spacecraft." The Report demonstrates that the Disputed Spectrum is both currently used and

needed by Inmarsat, and explains the impact of the Janary 2006 transition of service from
Inmarsat—3 to Inmarsat—4. Although Inmarsat had concemns about providing such information
outside the context of intemational spectrum coordination," Inmarsatdid so in good faith and in
the spirit of cooperation. Moreover, Inmarsatoffered to answer any questions that the
Commission mayhave regarding the scope or content of the Report.
               Inmarsatdisagrees with MSV‘s mischaracterization of the content and relevance

of certain aspects ofthe Report, including the following issues that MSV raises:
               1.     MSVattempts t con—», AR@R@RiRiRpppppppee

* For the sake ofadministrative efficiency, Inmarsatincorporates byreference the following
  pleadings: Opposition of Inmarsat Ventures Limited, File No. SES—MFS—20060118—00050 er
  al. (filed Mar. 16, 2006); Joint Opposition of Inmarsat and Others to MSV Request to
  Exclude Disputed Spectrum, Call Sign E010011 er al. (filed Jul. 6, 2006).
5   CJ MSV Supplement at 9 (noting Inmarsat‘s provision of data only for the period after
  January 22, 2007).
® See Robert J. Butler, 6 RCC Red 5414 (1991) (*Butler®). Inmarsat therefore submitted the
  Report along with a request for confidentialty.

                             PUBLIC VERSIO          REDACTED

Sssm ioin conce, ind withou omitinc
key words (as MSV does},the cited statements are correct and fully consistent.. BR

contrast,the Report addressed the spccifics or IR@N@i@iiinnnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmg
Specifically, Inmarsatindicored «hAR@R@pippppppppppppppppzzzz

Inmarsat then cxplained that becous@R@@iRgiiiiiiiiiinnnnppzin

                                                                                [° That

remains truc today. n C:—, BRRiRiiipppppppp

              2      MSV speculates that the [RWRRRRRRRRRRI that Inmarsat has reported on
Aftachment A to the Report could reflectissues other than spectrum constraints." That is simply
wrong. Those figures were compiled in a way to exclude [WWWWRBRBB due to other reasons
Specifically,the figures in Attachment A include on\ A@iiiimmmmmmmmnmmmmn

EN in ohc: won«~.«: Ee
t\ 0c issc c<clocc B

"‘— MSVSupplement at $—9.


    3.    MSVwrongly claims Inmarsat has asserted that because W#

                               !* Rather, Inmarsat expresslyindicated:. [RWBJ

         MSVpostulates without any basis +.; IZ,°RUINrirmmmmmmmg

m        &&

                               PUBLIC VERSION—REDACTED

               Moreover, while MSV may voicedissatisfaction with the data provided in
Inmarsat‘s Report,"® whether Inmarsat has provided the data that ASY would like to see simply
has no bearing on whether Inmarsat actually needs or uses the Disputed Spectrum. As detailed
below, that data is properly provided on a multilateral basis in the context of the Mexico City
Memorandum of Understanding (the "Mexico City MOU® or the "MOU®). And while MSV
claims the needs of other Inmarsat satellites should not be considered, " it bears noting that,

applying MSV‘s arguments to itself,() MSV*s next—generation spacecraft are "uncoordinated.,"""

and (ii) MSV‘s fature spectrum need for that "uncoordinated" network is wholly irrelevant.""
       C.—     The Additional Information MSV Secks Should Be Mutually Provided in the
               Context of the Mexico City MOU
               Contrary to what MSV asserts,"" Commission precedent and policy are clear that
the additional data (and the reassignment of L—band frequencics) that MSV now seeks in the
Supplement are appropriately addressed in the context of international coordination pursuant to
the 1996 Mexico City MOU. In this respect, it is significant that the MOU does not assign
specific frequencies to any L—band operator (or to any nation). Rather, L—band spectrum
assignments to individual operators are to be *reviewed anmually on the basis ofactual usage

5* MSV Supplement at 9—10.
_ See MSV Supplement at11.
* MSV Sub. LLC, 20 FCC Red 9752, 9765 4 34 (2005).
*‘ CJ MSV Supplement at 13. Before the Commission considers MSV‘s assertions about the
   spectrum needs of its existing spacecraft, MSV Supplement at 12—13, MSV should be
   required, in the contextofthe MOU, to both (1) quantify and substantiate its existing need for
   L—band spectrum, and (i) address the extent to which recent technical anomalies on its
   spacecraft have actually reduced customer demand for MSV services and thus have reduced
   MSVs short—term spectrum needs.
* MSV Supplement at 14 (referring to the Disputed Spectrum as a "domestic licensing

                              PUBLIC VERSION—REDACTED

and short—term projections offuture need.""" The most recent annual spectrum sharing

agreement ("SSA"), covering the twelve months ended December 1999, expired by its own
terms when MSV unilaterally declined to extend it. That SSA is no longer is in effect, and it has
not been replaced."" As the Commission has acknowledged, MSV therefore is in no position to

complain about the continued absence of an $SA, o MSV‘s failure to have had any specific L~
band frequeney assignments for the past eight years.""

               Thus, the Commission has appropriately recognized that, under the MOU, no L~
band operator has the exclusive, permanent right o any particular frequency,"" and "no operator

can assert any claim with respect to a specific piece of spectrum."" Because no operator "ouns"
any L—band frequency, and because there is no SSA in effect assigning any specific frequency o
any operator, () no operator today has any spectrum assignment thatit ean "loan‘" to another,and
(ii) no operator has any spectrum loan today for which it can "demand"the retur."". Even

®— Public Notice, FCC Hails Historic Agreement on International Satellite Coordination, Report
   No. IN 96—16 (rel. June 25, 1996)
    See, eg., pleadings cited supra note 4.
*5. See Brief for Appellee (FCC), AMSC Subsidiary Corporation v. FCC, Case No. 99—1513, p.
    34—35 (D.C. Cir. May 17, 2000) (Public Copy) ("One is reminded ofthe man who killed his
    parents and asked for merey because he was an orphan. As AMSC acknowledges in its brief
    ... it was AMSC that vetoed the proposed extension ofthe operating agreement, despite the
    absence of any immediate interference problem, ‘believing it was better strategically to force
    the issue ofhow to deal with the spectrum shortage."") (emphasis supplied). As with any
    contract, the automatic December 31, 1999 expiration ofthe 1999 SSA could not have been
    modified withoutthe express written consent of each party thereto, including MSV‘s
    predecessor, AMSC.
* See Flexibilip for Delivery of Communications by MSS Providers in the 2 GHz Band, the L~
   Band, and the 1.6/2.4 GHz Bands, 20 FCC Red 4616, 4629 n.91 (2005) ("In the L—Band., all
   Hicensees have equal ights to all channels in the band."); COMSAT Corporation er al, 16
   FCC Red 21661, 21670 4 6 (2001) (°COMSAT Order®") (the MOU creates a "unique
   framework to facilitate annual spectrum assignment agreements among the operators").
* COMSAT Order, 16 FCC Red at 21699 4 73.
* Cf MSV Supplement at 23.

                               PUBLIC VERSION—REDACTED

MSV!s predecessor (AMSC) recognized that, since the expiration ofthe 1999 SSA, "no country
and no system have their own unique L—band frequencies.""" Therefore, the continued use ofthe
L—band to provide Inmarsat services to, from, and within,the United States not only is proper,
but also is fully consistent with Commission precedent that allows such operations on a non—
harmfulinterference basis in the absence of an SSA.""
               Despite Inmarsat‘s urging on many occasions,"" the MOU process has not been
reinitiated, and the international stalemate that has existed since 1999 has continued. In the
meantime, Inmarsat‘s licensing administration, the U.K., has sought to reinitiate the annual
meetings of all L—Band operators, and continues to make appropriate ITU filings for the various
orbital locations used bythe spacecraft in the Inmarsat feet
               In the meantime, as well,Inmarsat has taken all reasonable steps to continue
coordination of is fleet with MSV. But international spectrum coordination is a two—way
street, based on an information exchange between coordinating parties. Unless and until MSV

®* See Final Reply Brief for Appellant (AMSC), AMSC Subsidiary Corporation v. FCC, Case
   No. 99—1513, p. 2 (D.C. Cir. May 17, 2000) (Public Copy); o MSV Supplement at 13.
®: See, eg., COMSAT Order, 16 FCC Red at 21699, 5 73 (operations "will be on a non—
   interference basis untl a future operator—to—operator agreement is concluded"); see also
   Mobile Satellie Ventures Subsidiary LLC, 19 FCC Red 4672, 4675 3 8 (2004) (in the
   absence ofa continuing annual operator—to—operator coordination agreement ... operation ...
   will be on a non—harmful interference basis.; see also excerpts of eight additional cases cited
   in Exhibit A to Opposition of Inmarsat Ventures Limited, File No. SES—MFS—20051207—
   01709 et al. (filed Feb, 2, 2006).
*‘ See, eComments ofInmarsat Ventures, TB Docket No. 01—185, at 23 (filed Oct. 22, 2001);
   Joint Reply, File No. File No. SES—8TA—20060710—01131 er al. at 3 (filed Aug. 26, 2006);
   see also,eg., Consolidated Response of Inmarsat Ventures Limited, File No. SES—STA—
   20051216—01756 eral. (filed Jan. 6, 2006) (describing the repeated efforts ofInmarsat and
   the U.K. government have made since 1999 to re—engagein the MOU process and,
  separately, that Inmarsat has made to coordinate on a bilateral basis with MSV).
* See Opposition ofInmarsat Ventures Limited, File No. SES—MEFS—200601 18—00050 et al
   (filed Mar. 16, 2006); Consolidated Response of Inmarsat Ventures Limited, File No. SES—
   STA—20051216—01756 et al. (filed Jan. 6, 2006); cf MSV Supplement at2.

                              PUBLIC VERSION—REDACTED

provides data to substantiate MSV‘s own short—term need for the Disputed Spectrum, in

accordance with Commission policy and the MOU, it is not reasonable for MSV to seek access
to further confidential data about Inmarsat‘s business. Commission precedent recognizes that the
provision of data that typically would be provided only on a bilateral basis in the context of a
coordination could substantilly harm an operator, such as Inmarsat.""

                For these reasons, Inmarsat renews ts call for the Mexico City MOU process to
be reinstituted again through a full Operator Review Mecting, in accordance with longstanding
principles underlying that process—each party comes to the table with a demonstration of ts
existing usage and short term need."" That is the proper forum for L—Band operators to
demonstrate their spectrum needs, and to resolve outstanding coordination disputes, including
the one at issue here.
       D.      Conclusion

               In sum, MSVs protestations provide no basis to constrain the continued provision
of new and innovative Inmarsat services to the American public. Commission policy and
precedent wisely provide that achieving mutually acceptable spectrum coordination among
competing operators is not a condition precedent to providing MSS in the United States."" In
fact, MSV‘s request that the Commission foreclose the use ofthe Disputed Spectrum for

". See Butler, 6 RCC Red at 5414.
* See supra note 28 (citing prior requests to re—engagein the MOU process).
* Establishment ofPolicies and Service Rules for MSS in the 2 GHz Band, 15 FCC Red 16127,
    161924 148—49 (2000); SarCom Systems, Inc., 14 FCC Red 20708, 20813 4 30 (1999);
   Amendment ofthe Commission‘s Rules to Establish Rules and Policies Pertaining to MSS in
   the 1610—1626.5/2483.5—2500 MHz Frequency Bands, 9 FCC Red 5936, 6018 % 211 (1994);
   AMSC Sub. Corp., 8 FCC Red 4040, 4043 % 17 (1993).

                               PUBLIC VERSION—REDACTED

Inmarsat services and "not defer resolution of this issue to international coordination"" is fatly
inconsistent with Commission policy and precedent.
                 For these reasons, the Commission should grant the pending applications without
delay, and should not preclude use of the Disputed Spectrum to provide Inmarsat services, as
MSV requests. Moreover, the Commission should, consistent with ts longstanding policy,
require MSV to fully participate in the Mexico City MOU process.
                                                     Respectfully submitted,

Diane J. Comell                                      JohofP. Jarika
Vice President, Govermment Affairs                   Jeffrey A. Marks
Inarsat,Inc.                                         Lamian & Wankins LLP
1101 Connecticut Avenue, NW.                         555 Eleventh Street, NW.
Suite 1200                                           Suite 1000
Washington, D.C. 20036                               Washington, D.C. 20004
Telephone: (202) 248—5155                            Telephone: (202) 637—2200
                                                     Counselfor Inmarsat Ventures Limited
April 30, 2007

* MSV Supplement at 14.


                                PUBLIC VERSION—REDACTED

                                          Exhibit A
         Pending Applications to Provide Earlier Generation Services with Inmarsat 4F2

               Applicant                                 File Number
  Stratos Communications Inc.           SES—MFS—20051 122—01614 (Call Sign E000180)
                                        SES—MFS—20081122—01615 (Call Sign E010050)
                                        SES—MFS—20051 122—01616 (Call Sign E010048)
                                        SES—MFS—20051 122—01617 (Call Sign E010049)
                                        SES—MPS—20051122—01618 (Call Sign E010047)
                                        SES—STA—20070309—00327 (Call Sign £010050)
                                        SES—STA—20070309—00328 (Call Sign EO10049)
                                        SES—STA—20070309—00329 (Call Sign EO10048)
                                        SES—STA—20070309—00330 (Call Sign EO10047)
                                        SES—STA—20070309—00331 (Call Sign EO0O180)
 Telenor Satellit, Inc.                 SES—MFS—20051123—01626 (Call Sign KA312)
                                        SES—MFS—20081 123—01627 (Call Sign KA313)
                                        SES—MFS—20051 123—01629 (Call Sign WA28)
                                        SES—MFS—20081 123—01630 (Call Sign WB36)
                                        SES—MFS—20060118—00050 (Call Sign EO00280)
                                        SES—MFS—200601 18—00051 (Call Sign E000282)
                                        SES—MFS—200601 18—00052 (Cll Sign E00283
                                        SES—MFS—20060118—00053 (Call Sign E000283)
                                        SES—LIC—20060130—00175 (Call Sign EO60025)
                                        SES—STA—20070220—00253 (Cal Sign WB36)
                                        SES—STA—20070220—00250 (Call Sign KA313)
                                        SES—STA—20070220—00249 (Call Sign EO00280)
                                        SES—STA—20070220—00247 (Call Sign EO00283)
                                        SES—S TA—20070220—00246 (Call Sign EO00285)
                                        SES—$TA—20070220—00252 (Call Sign E000284)
                                        SES—STA—20070220—00248 (Call Sign EO00282)
 SkyWave Mobile Communications          SES—MFS—20051207—01709 (Call Sign EO3005S)
 Corp.                                  SES—STA—20070309—00326 (Call Sign E03005S)
 Satamatics, Inc.                       SES—MES—2005120—01665 (Call Sign EO20074)
                                        SES—STA—20061221—02209 (Call Sign E020074

              Pending Applications to Provide BGAN Services with Inmarsat 4F2

                Applicant                                 File Number
 Stratos Communications Inc.          | SES—LFS—20050826—01 175 eral. (Call Sign EO50240)
 Telenor Satellite, Inc.                SES—LFS—20050030—01352 eral. (Call Sign E050270)
 Epvsc us, LLC                          SES—LFS—20051011—01396 eral (Call Sign EOS028)
MVS USA, Inc.                           SES—LFS—20051123—01634 eral. (Call Sign EOS0348)
 BT Americas Inc.                       SES—LFS—20060303—00343 er al. (Call Sign EO60076)
 Thrane and Thrane Airtime Lid.         SES—LFS—20060522—00852 (Call Sign EO60179)
 Horizon Mobile Communications, Inc. SES—LFS—20070109—00042 (Call Sign E070006)


                              PUBLIC VERSION—REDACTED

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       1, Jeffrey A. Marks, hereby certify that on this 30th day of April 2007, 1 caused to be
served a true copy of the foregoing by first class mail, postage pre—paid (or as othervise
indicated) upon the following:

Robert Nelson®                                     Jennifer A. Manner
Chief, Satellite Division                          Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
Interational Bureau                                Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC
Federal Communications Commission                  1002 Park Ridge Boulevard
445 12" Street, S.W.                               Reston, Virginia 20191
Washington, DC 20554
David S. Konezal®                                 Linda J. Cicco
Tony Lin                                          BT Avericas Inc.
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP               11440 CommercePark Drive
2300 N Street, N.W.                               Reston, VA 20191
Washington, DC 20037—1128
Peter Rohrbach                                    Eic Fishman
Karis Hestings                                    Holland & Knight LLP
Hogan & Hartson LL.P.                             2009 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
555 13" Street, N.W.                              Washington, DC 20006
Washington, D.C. 20004                            Counsel to Thrane & Thrane Airtime Lid.
Counsel to FTMSC US, LLC
Keith H. Fagan                                    Lawrence J. Movshin
Senior Counsel                                    Robert G. Morse
Tecmnor Sareture, Inc.                            Wiukmison Barker Knaver, LLP
1101 Wootton Parkway                              2300 N Street, N.W., Suite 700
10th Floor                                        Washington, D.C. 20037
Rockville, MD 20852                               Counsel to MVS USA, Inc.

Alfred M. Mamlet                                  E. Ashton Johnston
Mare A. Paul                                      Lampert & O‘Connor, P.C.
Brendan Kasper                                     1776 K Street, NW, Suite 700
Srepros & Jornson tir                             Washington, DC 20006
1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW                       Counselfor Horizon Mobile Communication
Washington, D.C. 20036                            Inc
Counsel to Satamatics, Inc., StyWave Mobile
Communications Corp., and Stratos
Communications, Inc
*By Hand
                                                     Tel       . Marks

Document Created: 2007-05-02 10:20:58
Document Modified: 2007-05-02 10:20:58

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