Attachment Reply


MOTION submitted by Satamatics, Inc.

Reply to MSV Opposition to Satamatics Motion to Strke


This document pretains to SES-MFS-20051202-01665 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                    Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                          1
Satamatics, Inc.                                          )   File No. SES-MFS-2005 1202-0 1665
Application for Modification of Blanket                   )   (Call Sign E020074)
License to Operate Mobile Earth Terminals
with Inmarsat 4F2 at 52.75” W                             )

To: International Bureau


               Satamatics, Inc. (“Satamatics”) urges the Bureau to strike the Petition to Hold in

Abeyance (“MSV Petition”) filed by Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC (“MSV”) on

January 27,2006 against the above-captioned application (“the Satamatics Application”). The

Bureau should strike those portions of the MSV Petition, which rely on confidential material that

MSV refuses to provide to Satamatics even pursuant to a protective order. Since Satamatics is

not able to respond effectively to the MSV Petition, any reliance by the Bureau on this

confidential information and redacted arguments would violate the Communications Act, the

Administrative Procedures Act, and Satamatics’ due process rights.

         Concurrently with this Motion to Strike, Satamatics is filing an Opposition to the MSV
Petition based on the non-redacted portions of that pleading. See Satamatics Opposition (filed
Feb. 9,2006). By filing a response, Satamatics is in no way conceding that it is being afforded
an adequate opportunity to effectively respond to the MSV Petition. Further, to the extent that
Satamatics is given access to the confidential portions of the MSV Petition at a later date,
Satamatics reserves the right to amend its Opposition as necessary.


               On December 2, 2006, Satamatics filed an application to modi@ its existing

-thority to operate mobile earth terminals to provide Inmarsat D+ service in order to add the

new Inmarsat 4F2 satellite located at 52.75” W.L. as a point of communication. Satamatics seeks

auikority to access the new Inmarsat 4F2 satellite, licensed by the United Kingdom at 52.75”

W.L. in order to continue to provide authorized Inmarsat services, which it has been providing to

consumers in the U.S. for approximately three years. Inmarsat will be transitioning the Inmarsat

D+ service from the third generation satellite at 54” W.L. to the new Inmarsat 4F2 satellite.

               On January 27,2006, MSV filed the MSV Petition against the Satamatics

Application. Significant portions the MSV Petition are redacted from the public version of the

pleading, including Discussion Section I2 and the Background ~ e c t i o n .MSV
                                                                            ~   has sought

confidential treatment of this material because of its purported relationship to the Mexico City

Memorandum of Understanding for L-band       operation^.^ Satamatics has not been given access to
this redacted material. Satamatics understands that in a related proceeding, Stratos

Communications, Inc. (“Stratos”) attempted to obtain from MSV a confidential non-redacted

version of the MSV Petition to Hold in Abeyance or Grant with Conditions the Stratos BGAN

Applications and offered to enter into a confidentiality agreement and/or protective order to do

         See MSV Petition at 8-19.
         See MSV Petition at 1-8.
          See Letter from Jennifer A. Manner to Marlene H. Dortch, Re: Petition of Mobile
Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC to Hold in Abeyance Applications of Satamatics, Inc., File
140.SES-MFS-2005 1202-01665 (Call Sign E020074) (Jan. 27,2006).


so. MSV refused to provide Stratos with a complete version of that p e t i t i ~ n .Satamatics
                                                                                    ~          has no

reason to believe that MSV will provide Satamatics with a complete non-redacted version of the

MSV Petition now.


                The Communications Act provides that “[tlhe applicant shall be given an

opportunity to file a reply [to a petition against its appli~ation].”~
                                                                     However, it is impossible for

Satamatics to effectively reply to claims made by MSV against the Satamatics Application

because the MSV Petition has substantial redactions throughout that go to the heart of its

arguments against the Satamatics Application. For example in Discussion Section I, the MSV

Petition provides: “[Redaction of several lines of text] (i) it is not replacing another satellite; (ii)

it has much larger on-board power and will cause greater interference to other L band operators,

even when being used exclusively to provide earlier-generation services; and (iii) it will require

greater protection from other L band operators, even when being used exclusively to provide

earlier-generation   service^."^   Similarly, MSV claims that “Satamatics states that Inmarsat 4F2

will have inefficient global L band beams, [rest of sentence and footnote reda~ted].”~
                                                                                     It is simply

not possible for Satamatics to effectively respond to such arguments and other parts of the MSV

         See File Nos. SES-LFS-20050826-01175, SES-AMD-20050922-013 13, and ITC-214-
20050826-0035 1, Motion to Strike Portions of the MSV Petition, Declaration of Marc A. Paul
(filed: Nov. 10,2005).

         47 U.S.C. 5 309(d)(l).

        ’ MSV Petition at 9- 10 (citations omitted).
         MSV Petition at 10. In addition, most of the footnote associated with this sentence is
redacted as well.


Petition, as is its right under the Telecommunications Act, without knowing what specific

assertions MSV is making against the Satamatics Application.

        In addition to violating Satamatics’ rights under the Communications Act, reliance on

confidential information withheld from Satamatics would violate the Administrative Procedures

Act (“APA”). The APA governs Satamatics’ rights in an adjudicative proceeding like a license

application.’ The APA clearly provides that a “party is entitled to present his case or defense by

oral or documentary evidence, to submit rebuttal evidence, and to conduct such cross-

examination as may be required for a full and true disclosure of the facts.”” The Commission

has held that the “Administrative Procedures Act and the Due Process Clause of the Constitution

generally entitle parties in administrative proceedings to have access to the documents necessary

for effective participation in those proceedings.”’ This general principle clearly applies in the

context of Title 111 license applications. l 2

          Under the APA, license applications are subject to the hearing procedures outline under
the Act. See 5 U.S.C. 5 558(c). See also International Record Carriers Scope of Operations in
the Continental United States Including Possible Revisions to the Formula Prescribed Pursuant
to Section 222 of the Communications Act, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 5 F.C.C.2d 183,
185,y 5 (1 976) (“However, that case dealt specifically with applications under Section 309 of
the Act for broadcast licenses of which Congress has defined to be adjudication.”) and An
Inquiry Into the Use of the Bands 825-845 MHz and 870-890 MHz for Cellular Communications
Systems; and Amendment of Parts 2 and 22 of the Commission’s Rules Relative to Cellular
Communications Systems, 86 FCC 2d 469,a 67 (1981) (“Our paper [license] hearing procedures
satisfy the general statutory provisions relevant to hearing procedures to be employed in
adjudicative administrative proceedings as set forth in Sections 554 and 556 of the
Administrative Procedure Act (APA) ...”).

        lo   5 U.S.C.   5 556(d).
         In the Matter of Open Network Architecture Tar#s of Bell Operating Companies,
Order, 10 FCC Rcd 1619, 1621’7 13 (1 995). See also In re applications of Mobile
Communications Holdings, Inc. and I C 0 Global Communications (Holdings) Limited for
Transfer of Control; Constellation Communications Holdings, Inc. and I C 0 Global


                 In those unusual cases where a party has not made confidential material available

to other parties in a proceeding subject to a protective order,I3 the Commission has struck such

material from the record.14 In this regard, the current situation is similar to the confidentiality

issues raised when the California Public Utilities Commission (“CPUC”) petitioned the

Commission to maintain rate regulation authority over CMRS carriers. In that case, the CPUC

sought to strike a study submitted by a CMRS carrier that purported to demonstrate, based on

Communications (Holdings) Limited for Transfer of Control, Disclosure Order, 18 FCC Rcd
133, 134, T[ 5 (2003) (“The Commission has inferred from judicial precedent that petitioners to
deny generally must be afforded access to all information submitted by licensees that bear upon
their applications .. .”).

        l2 See In the Matter of Examination of Current Policy Concerning the Treatment of
Confidential Information Submitted to the Commission, Report and Order, 13 FCC Rcd 248 16,
24837, T[ 33 (1998) (Specifically, the Commission indicated “that petitioners to deny generally
must be afforded access to all information submitted by licenses that bear upon their
applications.” While the Commission was addressing information supplied by the applicant for a
Title 111 license, the rationale is equally applicable to information supplied to challenge a license
application.) See In the Matter of Petition of the People of the State of California and the Public
Utilities Commission of the State of California to Retain Regulatory Authority over Intrastate
Cellular Service Rates, Report and Order, 10 FCC Rcd 7486,7508,TT 43 (1 995) (“CPUC Report
and Order”) (holding petitioner and challengers to the same standard as far as access to
confidential information).

        l 3 Confidential material in Commission proceedings is usually made available to parties
subject to a protective order. There are numerous examples of the use of protective orders in
Commission proceedings. See, e.g., In the Matter of Applications for Consent to the Assignment
andor Transfer of Control of Licenses; Adelphia Communications Corp., Assignor and
Transferor to Time Warner Cable, Inc. and Comcast Corp., Assignees and Transferees, Order
Adopting Protective Order, 20 FCC Rcd 1075 1 (2005). The Commission has recognized that
“release of confidential information under a protective order or agreement can often serve to
resolve the conflict between safeguarding competitively sensitive information and allowing
interested parties the opportunity to fully respond to assertions put forth by the submitter of
confidential information.” In the Matter of Examination of Current Policy Concerning the
Treatment of Confidential Information Submitted to the Commission, Notice of Inquiry and
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 11 FCC Rcd 12406, 12424,Y 36 (1996). In the absence of a
protective order or giving Satamatics access to the confidential version of the MSV Petition,
Satamatics will not have “the opportunity to fully respond” to the claims of MSV.

        l4   See CPUC Report and Order, 10 FCC Rcd at 7506-7508,T[T[ 38-44.


confidential data not provided to the CPUC, a correlation between regulation and CMRS pricing

in California. The CPUC claimed that it had “effectively been denied its opportunity to respond

to the new study and data.”’5 The Commission agreed and held that the “study relies on

materials not made part of the record or provided to other parties, and to that extent will not be


               If anything, Satamatics’ inability to review a complete version of the MSV

Petition, presents a more serious impediment to Satamatics’ ability to prepare a meaningful

response than the difficulties faced by the CPUC as a result of not having access to the

underlying data for a study. At least the CPUC knew what claims were being made against its

petition and could present its own evidence to counter those claims. Here, Satamatics does not

know all of the specific arguments being made against its application and thus has no effective

way to respond to them.”

        ‘ 5 See In the Matter of Petition of the People of the State of California and the Public
Utilities Commission of the State of California to Retain Regulatory Authority over Intrastate
Cellular Service Rates, Motion by California to Strike Ex Parte Filings Made by Airtouch (Mar.
16, 1995).

       l 6 See CPUC Report and Order, 10 FCC Rcd at 7508,q 43. The Commission also struck
another affidavit submitted by an expert for CTIA when CTIA failed to produce the underlying
data. See CPUC Report and Order, 10 FCC Rcd at 7506-7507,740.

           Even if Inmarsat were able to review and respond to a full version of the MSV Petition,
it would in no way serve to ensure that Satamatics is able to effectively participate in this
proceeding. Satamatics can only meaningfully protect all of its interests, which may not
necessarily be the same as those of Inmarsat, if it is able to review and respond to all of the
arguments and supporting materials made by MSV in the MSV Petition. See In the Matter of
Instapage Networks Ltd. s Informal Request for Retroactive Bidding Credits, 19 FCC Rcd.
20356,20359,l 10 (Wireless Telecommunications Bureau 2004) (“[Tlhird party standing
contravenes a basic prudential principle that a party generally must assert his own legal rights
and interests, and cannot rest his claim to relief on the legal rights or interests of third parties.”)
citing Warth v. Seldin, 422 U.S. 490,499 (1975). See also In the Matter of Weblink Wireless,
Inc., Petition for Reconsideration of DA 01-1143, 17 FCC Rcd 24642, T[ 14 (Wireless
Telecommunications Bureau 2002). While these cases discuss third party standing, the same
public policy concerns -- namely the ability of a third party to effectively protect the interests of


                       The Bureau should also strike the portions of the MSV Petition that are based on

confidential information not provided to Satamatics because the Bureau cannot rely on such

information as a basis for its decision in the Satamatics Application. In U.S. Lines, Inc. v.

Federal Maritime Commission, the D.C. Circuit held that the Federal Maritime Commission had

improperly relied on unspecified materials known only to the Federal Maritime Commission in

reaching its decision to grant exemption from antitrust laws for an anticompetitive agreement

between two common carriers.18 In particular, the Federal Maritime Commission based its

finding at least in part on “reliable data reposing in the files of the Comrnissi~n.”’~
                                                                                     The D.C.

Circuit stated that it has “required information in agency files or reports identified by the agency

as relevant to the proceeding to be disclosed to the parties for adversarial comment.”20 Further,

the court held that such requirements “ensure that parties to agency proceedings are afforded the

opportunities guaranteed them by statute [APA] meaningfully to participate in those proceedings

                       While in the US. Lines, Inc. v. Federal Maritime Commission case, the D.C.

Circuit remanded the case to the Federal Maritime Commission in part because the Federal

Maritime Commission relied on information in its files not available to the parties, the rationale

is equally applicable to relying on confidential information in the MSV Petition. In both cases,

another -- would be applicable here if the Bureau were to deem the ability of Inmarsat to respond
to a full version of the MSV Petition sufficient to protect all of the interests of Satamatics.

          See U S . Lines, Inc. v. Federal Maritime Comm., 584 F.2d 519 (D.C. Cir. 1978) (“US.
Lines”). See also Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. v. FERC, 650 F.2d 687, 698-699 (,Ih Cir.
1981) (following US. Lines).
                 U S . Lines. at 533.

            2o   Id.

            2’   Id.


parties to the proceeding are deprived of the “opportunities guaranteed them by statute

meaningfully to participate.” Satamatics is in the same position as United States Lines -- it is not

able to effectively respond to the claims in the MSV Petition. Because the Bureau cannot rely on

the confidential information not subject to “adversarial comment” by Satamatics as a basis for its

decision on the Satamatics Application, it is appropriate to strike those portions of the MSV

Petition that rely on such information.


                In the absence of a decision to strike the portions of the MSV Petition that rely on

confidential information, or to provide Satamatics with access to the confidential version of the

MSV Petition, the Bureau, at the very least, should not base its decision on any confidential

material presented or redacted arguments made by MSV and withheld from Satamatics. Indeed,

in its 2001 order granting Inmarsat access to the U.S. domestic market, MSV similarly opposed

certain MSS applications, but did not disclose to those MSS applicants a confidential version of

its petition because it contained information concerning the Mexico City Memorandum of

Understanding.22 In that case, the Commission appropriately did not rely on any of the

confidential information as a basis for its decision on the MSS   application^.^^

       22 See   Cornsat Corp. et al., Memorandum Opinion, Order and Authorization, FCC 0 1-
272,y 106 (2001)

        23 See Id. at 1107 (“In particular, one matter raised involves what appears to be a
disagreement among the operators concerning both the interpretation of a provision of the
Mexico City Agreement, and its utility for addressing competing spectrum requirements. We
have addressed the current impasse in the operator-to-operator discussions above, and conclude
that this particular disagreement does not alter our view that granting these applications would
serve the public interest. Other material submitted consists of statistics concerning the number
of Inmarsat A terminals in use. The information submitted does not rebut Inmarsat’s showing on
this issue, or the determination made above, concerning Inmarsat Standard A terminals.”).



       For the foregoing reasons, Satamatics respectfully requests that the Bureau strike

Discussion Section I and parts of the Background section of the MSV Petition that rely on

confidential information which has not been provided to Satamatics.

                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                     Satamatics, Inc.

                                     Alfred M. Mamlet
                                     Marc A. Paul
                                     Brendan Kasper
                                     Steptoe & Johnson LLP
                                     1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
                                     Washington, DC 20036
                                     (202) 429-3000

                                     Counselfor Satamatics, Inc.

February 9,2006


                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

         I, Marc A. Paul, an attorney with the law firm of Steptoe & Johnson LLP, hereby certify
that on this 9* day of February, 2006, served a true copy of the foregoing Motion to Strike by
first class mail, postage pre-paid (or as otherwise indicated) upon the following:

James Ball*                                       Andrea Kelly*
International Bureau                              International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
445 1 2 ' ~Street, S.W.                           445 1 2 ' ~Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, DC 20554

Cassandra Thomas*                                 Scott Kotler*
International Bureau                              International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
445 1 2 ' ~Street, S.W.                           445 l T h Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, DC 20554

Howard GribofP                                    Karl Kensinger*
International Bureau                              International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
445 1 2 ' ~Street, S.W.                           445 1 2 ' ~Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, DC 20554

Fern Jarmulnek*                                   John Martin*
International Bureau                              International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
445 1 2 ' ~Street, S.W.                           445 lzthStreet, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, DC 20554

Stephen Duall*                                    Jennifer A. Manner
International Bureau                              Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
Federal Communications Commission                 Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC
445 1 2 ' ~Street, S.W.                           1002 Park Ridge Boulevard
Washington, DC 20554                              Reston, Virginia 20 191

Robert Nelson*                                    Bruce D. Jacobs
International Bureau                              David S. Konczal
Federal Communications Commission                 Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
445 1 2 ' ~Street, S.W.                           2300 N Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, DC 20037- 1 128

h A n n Ekblad*                      John P. Janka
International Bureau                 Jeffrey A. Marks
Federal Communications Commission    Latham & Watkins LLP
445 1 2 ' ~Street, S.W.              555 Eleventh Street, N.W., Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20554                 Washington, D.C. 20004

                                     Diane J. Cornell
                                     Vice President, Government Affairs
                                     Inmarsat, Inc.
                                     1100 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1425
                                     Arlington, VA 22209     A

* by Hand Delivery



Document Created: 2007-10-19 13:42:46
Document Modified: 2007-10-19 13:42:46

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