Attachment Comment


COMMENT submitted by Thrane & Thrane, Inc.



This document pretains to SES-MFS-20051123-01629 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                    Thrane & Thrane

March 16, 2006                                                                  RECENVED & INSPECTED
MarteneH. Dortch, Secretary                                                           MAR 2 8 306
Federal Communications Commission
445 12Street, SW                                                                FGC—MaiLRoom
Washington, D.C. 20556
        To:      International Bureau

        Re:      Applications of Telenor Satelite, Inc.(Fle Nos. SES—LFS—20050930—01382, 2e>
                 20051005—00395, SES—MFS—20051123—01626, SES—MFS—20051123—01627,SES—MFS—
                 20051123—01629, SES—MFS—20051123—01630, SES—MFS—2006018—00050, SES—MFS—
                 2006018—00051, SES—MFS—20060116—00052, SES—MFS—20060118—0053, SES—UC—

Dcar Ms. Dortch:

Thrane & Thrane,Inc. urges the FCC to grant the above—referenced auplications of Telonor Sateite,
Inc., and similar applications by other Inmarsat Distrbution Parmgm.lgnd‘Earth Slations Operators,
and Service Providers, without further delay sothat it and *mers maygontinue to enjoy the
services provided by the Inmarsat 472 satelite.
Thrane & Thrane,Inc. is authorized by Inmarsat and the Federal Communications Commission to serve
as an InmarsatService Provider and Point of ServicActivation for the United States., Ourcurrent
clientele refes upon the availabiliy of Inmarsat satelite usage both within the US and outside the US
and consists mainly of government ofices, humanitarian agencies, and media organizations, as well
as commercialfshermen tracked by NOAA underthe NMFS Vessel Monitoring System Program:
Thrane & Thrane, Inc. also urges the FCC to allow Telenor and other Inmarsat Distibution Partners,
Land Earth Stations, and Service Providers to operate on a non—harmful nterference basis in the L—
band. Restricting access to L—band frequencies could adversely affect service,qualtytothedetriment
of Thrane & Thrane,Inc. and other customers....... ...

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Document Created: 2006-03-27 10:03:27
Document Modified: 2006-03-27 10:03:27

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