Attachment Ex Parte

Ex Parte

Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER submitted by Mobile Satellie Ventures LP

Ex Parte


This document pretains to SES-MFS-20051122-01618 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


       MSV                             EX pante on Late FiLEp «MAtie
Mobile Satelite Ventures to

                                              January 13, 2006
      Via Hand Delivery
      Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
      Secretary                                                      RECEIVED
      Federal Communications Commission
      445 12th Street, S.W.                                            JAN 1 3 2006
      Washington, D.C. 20554                                      Pusvtopmuremeet en22( \jy
      Res      Mobile Satellite Ventures LP                                mes‘*
                Ex Parte Presentation                                                          JaN 1 9 2008
                File Numbers Attached as Exhibit A
                                                                                              Satelite Diision
      Dear Ms. Dortch:                                                                       InternatonalBuroau
             On January 11 and 12, 2006, Jennifer A. Manner, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs of
     Mobile Satellte Ventures LP (°MSV"); Thomas M. Walsh of Bocing Satellite Systems, In.; and
     BruceD. Jacobs of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, counsel for MSV; met with () Fred
     Campbell, Legal Advisor, and Emily Willeford, Advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff, for
     Chairman Kevin J. Martin; (i) John Giust, Legal Advisor for Commissioner Michael J. Copps;
     (ii) Barry Oblson, Senior Legal Advisor for Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein; and (iv)
     Aaron Goldberger, Legal Advisor for Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate.
             MSV and Bocing discussed their recently announced contract for the construction and
     delivery ofthree next generation, transparency class, high—powered L band satellites to serve the
     Westem Hemisphere, which will be among the largest and most powerfil commercial satelltes
     ever built. They also discussed the need to complete coordination of the Inmarsat 4F2 satellite to
     avoid harmful interference to MSV‘s L band operations and the importance of addressing the
     loaned spectrum issue in the context of any action on the pending applications regarding use of
     the Inmarsat 4F2 satellit.

           In addition, MSV provided Mr. Goldberger with copies ofthe attached primer on MSV‘s
     development of an Ancillary Terrestrial Component ("ATC®) as well asthe White Paper entitled
     "Toward a Next Generation Strategy: Leaming from Katrina and Taking Advantage ofNew
     Technologies" that MSV submitted on November 10, 2005 in WT Docket No. os—157.‘

     ‘ See Leter from Jennifer A. Manner, MSV, to Marlene H. Dortch, PCC, WT Docket No. 05—
     157 (November 10, 2005).

      Please contact the undersigned with any questions.

                                          Very traly yours,

                                                    T./z «x
                                            nnifer A. Manner

ce:   Fred Campbell
      Emily Willeford
      John Giust
      Barry Ohison
      Aaron Goldberger

                                Exhibit A
Applicant                                   File Number
Stratos Communications Inc.         SES—LFS—20050026—01 175 (Call Sign E0s0209)
                                    SES—AMD—20050922—01313 (Call Sign Eos0249)
                                    SEs—MFS—20051122—01614 (Call Sign E00O180)
                                    SEs—MFS—20051122—01615 (Call Sign EO10050)
                                    sEs—MFs—20081122—01616 (Call Sign E010048)
                                    SEs—MFS—20051122—01617 (Call Sign E010049)
                                    SEs—MFS—20051122—01618 (Call Sign E010047)
                                    SE—STA—20051216—01760 (Cal Sign EO0O180)
                                    sEs—STA—20051216—01761 (Call Sign EO10047)
                                    SES—STA—20081216—01762 (CallSign EOIO04®)
                                    SES—STA—20081216—01763 (CallSign BO100A®)
                                    SES—STA—20051216—01764 (CallSign EO100s0)
Telenor Satelite,Ic.               SES—LFS—20050030—01352 (CallSign Eosor7®)
                                   SES—AMD—20081 11101564 (CallSign EOS0276)
                                   sEs—MFS—20081123—01626 (Call Sign KA312)
                                   SEs—MFS—20051123—01627 (Call Sign KA313)
                                   Ss—MFS—20081123—01629 (Call Sign WA28)
                                   SEs—MFS—20081123—01630 (Call Sign WB36)
                                   SiS—STA—20051216—01756 (Call Sign KA312)
                                   SES—STA—20051216—01757 (Call Sign Wh36)
                                   SES—STA—20081216—01758 (Call Sign WA28)
                                   SES—STA—20081216—01759 (Call Sign KA313)
FTMSC US, LLC                      SES—LES—20081011—01396 (Cl Sign EOSO284)
                                   SES—AMD—20081 118—01602 (CallSign BOS0284)
SiyWave Mobile Communieatons Cop. SES—MES—20081207—01709 (Call Sign Eosonss)
                                   SES—STA—20051222.01788 (Call Sign ©030085)
MVS USA, Inc.                      SES—LES—20081123—01634 (Call Sign B0S0348)

SatamaticsIn.                      SES—MFS—20081202—01665 (Call Sign EO20074)
                                   SEs—STA—20051223—01790 (Call Sign BO20074)

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suosieg 4 Areg) () pioweic;

                J 2P MEloAANNALE _

 By: Gary M. Parsons‘
 In business,as wl as in ffe, mostforvard progress      The value and atractveness of the product would
 occurs dirough some combination of opportunin          not have been the same wth wther a saelite.only
 necessipcreativiy and perseverance. When dealng
 with technical issues, however creativiyivision and
 perseverance are not suficient catayts.and the         Mobile Satelite Ventures carries hybrid networks
 timing of a breakchrough is normaly dictated by        to the nextlogiel sage with the ncegration of
 ongoing advancements in tchnology.Such is the          terrestrial and satelite components to provide
 case with the emergence ofintegrated,or hyorid         high—speed. ewo—way voice and data services
 satelite—terrestrial neovoric.                        Technologieall, the nestng of terrestrial base station
                                                       cel—stes inside of much arger goographysatelice
Hybrid satelit—cerrestril networks seartessy           es alows for mutiple frequency reuse and
blend the most powerful aspects of each technology     provides not ony the seamiess user experience of
Sitelites hstoricaly have provided the best and most   hybrid neworks,but also the true publiinterest
comprehensive coverage of low—density popubtions       benefts ofreusing spectrum for is highest and best
acrossfargland masses whle terrestral ficities have    use on a nor—interfering bass.The seamless abilty
provided the highest bandwicihlowest costcoverage      of user terminals (or handsets) to move between
of hidensty populations in urban envronments           the terrestial and satelite components provide
Hybrid nesworks uilize common spectrum devices         for a superior consumer experience in daily use,
to provide a user experience which utlzes the power    while providing publc se firse responders and
and costefciency of terrestil nenworks where they      emergency preparedness agencies an essental and
are mallible and the ubiquty and disastersolerance     interoperable communication system in time of
 of satelite nenworks when necessared.                 national emergency.
 1 have been fortunate to be associted with oo         Both at XM Sitelite Racio and at Mobile Scelite
premier examples offybrid networks during the past     Ventures,progress has been made by equal parts
decade. XM Sutelite Radio uses errestial repeaters     of opportunitynecessiy,vision and perseverance,
to boost the sceltebroadcastsignlin dense urban        facitared by signifcant advancements in technology
areas,thus providng a high qualiy,low cost digtal      and intelecual property. While honored to have
radlo signalThe XM Radio service has been              plaed some par i the vsion and perseverance
enthsiasticaly adopted by milions of consumers in      elements,I am deeply ratefu to the superior
one of the fastest growing consumer enterzainmenc      technology minds who have truly made this progress
services eveintroduced. Terrestrial augmentation       possble. Dr.Stelos Patsiotas and Paul Marko as XM
of the satelizesignal was essential in ensuring true   Satelite Radio and Dr. Rajendra Singh, Dr. Pecer D.
mass markes product which aircted the paricipation     Karabins and Dr.Santanu Dutta at Mobile Sacelite
of auromobile manifiturers,consumer electronics        Ventures. lso gratfuly acknowledge the positve
ganes.and powerfl media programming and content.       role that enightened regulatory authorites played in
1MFrioba spent e 30 years in thrlecoremaniatons indi a ruribeo chnaand uvecuine roles. He currenty
se is Ciaeran o h Bsid of NobSalte Yerreand XHSatiteRadand was rntmenalin h ovndng and
dertapmen of both compans

recognizing the puble interest and value of hybrid
newwork technology.and establshing fble ruies
and licenses allowing these new technologies to
reach the American public.

This Primer provides an exarmination ofthe cechnica,
busines, regulatory and lega andscape of hybrid
satellic/terrestral systems, mostpartcubarly the
Ancilary Terrestrial Network augmentation of
mobile satelite systems as manifested by Mobile
Sazelice Ventures. it also provides a summary of
some of the intellectual property reguirements for
such a system.I hope you find the analsis to be
both visionary and thought provoking.
Gory M.Porsons
Nevember, 2005

 By: Dr.Rajendea Singh
  Mobile Stelice Ventures® CMSV—) groundbreaking         terrestil fishion when terrestrial serviceis malable.
 research and investments into emerzing byorid           Those same terminals however, wil seamlessy swich
 satelicecerrestril wireless networks have paved         to satelie mode when terrestral service is down
 the way for bybrid mobilesatelite systems (MSS®)        (for eamplei the case of Hurricane Katrina) or
 to providea ul ubiqutouscommunications solition         otherise unavalible for example, cut—otrango)
 for ll needs.For publisafey organizations and rescue
 organizadons thiskind of ystem is idel.alowing          ‘The system usesadvanced frequency resseand
 communication wih normal elephones and providing        incerference cancelaton techniques forwhich MSV has
 incernes connections anpwhere on the continenc.         svbmized rumerous paten Aligs. Some patens have
 As saed recendy by former FCC chairman Reed F           already been awarded with granted clims exceeding
 Hond regarding emergency communication capacty          severl hundred:The frequency reuse techniques
 in he afrermath of Hurricane Katina:"[WJe alvays        conceved by MSV are deigned to dynamicaly provide
 discoverthe same thing. We need a national              optimum spectrum staring beeween the sateliteand
 emergeny communications network and we                  terrestilinks as operating condiions warrant.
 don‘ have one." MSV is intent on changing that.         MSV alsoleverages advanced adapave ancennaarry
                                                        processingthrough ground.based beam forming i the
MSVs Iybrid archreczure wil be uniquely postioned       sstelinework. This reduces interference becween
to addressthe needs of publi safey; whileatthe same     the terrestria and sacelite components of he bybrid
time providingaflrdable communicationto he public       neswork,thereby icreasing the overal spectral
in the remotest areasof our country.Further asthe       effcency ofthe nemwork. Through the use of adianced
industry moves tovard broadband wirelessservices.       mobiity management techniques, MSVs bybid neswork
there exis a scarciy of spectrum resources that can     an achieve a degree of seamiess ineroperabily not
support rtionmide,broadband wireless newworks.          seen in previous MSS,some of which have offered
                                                        loosely coupled interworking with terestral publc
There have been many mobile wireless advances           land mobile newworks
during my twenty—we year career Iaunching new
ventures. but fewif anare as remarkable as MSV5.         MSV hasimvested many years and signficantcapal in
MSVs team oftelecom veterans have drawn on their        developing is stte—ofthe—are bybrid communtcaions
years as leaders n the communications feld t invenc a   newwork. HSV has envisioned the postve, designed
system thatcan be made to provide saceliteterresera     around the negatve, patented many important aspects
mobile terminals with a form fctorand costthat is       of the bybrid nemwork design and now stands on the
virwaly insunguistable from today‘s celuiarphones,      threshold o deing and offeringan advanced,feasure
buz which can swtch seamiessy between the system‘s      richusenfiendy byord satelitecerrestril nexe
space—based and terrestil neowork components.           generation celular communications system for both
                                                        tradiional and new kinds of public communications
In accordance with this new hybrid system space—        needs.The resuting ybrid neswork can provide ll the
based components and terresral components               ingredients necessary to d a whole new dimension
work seamlessy ogether to provide unprecedented         to celilar communications fr the 2Ist Centur:
ubiquitous coverage and spectral effciency using a
common set of MSS infrequencies. Users mobile           Dr.Rajendra Sugh
terminls will operate in the "cradional" celular        November, 2005
* D Sgh is theCiuimanChie Ecatve Oifceandprinial cwnerofTakon Verure.a priace imesunetfem pecating in
seecomnancaionandreared inforaton tchnolaieswhehh hunche ramerous wand other tdphory commoncacon
anterstrouprow the wor. Dr Snd receved is Doarac in Becuia Engncerny and s a dnished lecormnacons
epertandreromnat imentoc

 1. ATC: AN OVERVIEW                                  2

  In is roundbreaking applation to the Federal             avicky.spectrum effcenty and costaffectvaly using
 Communication Commision (‘FCC‘)in 2001, Moble             avalable MSS spectrum.
 Satelite Ventures LP (‘MSV—)unvaled a bold new
 archrecture for a MSS with an Ancllary Trrestra           "The concept of ATC has severa primary mothations
 Component (‘ATC") providing unparaleled coverage          FirstATC permis seanless avaabilty of srvice
 and spectral effciency. As set forth n the applation,     throughout the geograpty ofa regio,substantaly
 the users of the system could transmiand receive          enbancig the valve propostion to the consumer.
 information from vieualy everywhere using                 Second,given the extensivesubserber base that
 "ighweight handheld mobile terminals" that could         would be serviced bythe terrestralwireless neowork
 communicate through both a space segment and              (te.the ATC,device for the bybrid MSS/ATC
 rerrestrialficiities using the same frequencies of       necwork can be procured from mainstream wirelss
 a sitelite band? The applation receved much              vendors using sandard, 3G or 4G, confurations. Ths
 opposition from incumbent organizations ut i             reaes substantal seale for the equipment and alows
 prevaled*                                                ATC operators t offer the same low cost devices as
                                                          other terestria—only wreless operators and in turn
Following lengtty debace, the FCC concluded that          auracs more subscribers t the nework. Fnall.ATC
it would be in the publi interest to authorize MSS        ensures that valuabl,low—frequency spectrum (such
aperators to use ATC to expand and improve the            as —band MSS spectrum)is utlized as efcienty as
refabiiy of MSS services in populous aress. The           posble by allowingreuse terrestrily of the same
FCC granced MSV the "frst ever" ATC license,a             spectrum operatng over the sacelte.
Heense to "enable MSV to offr high—qualiafordable
mobileservices to usersinside buldingsand in urban         As the industry moves tovard broadband wirelss
areas,in addtion to provding MSSi rural areas"*            services.there are searce spectrum resources that can
"The FCC concluded that MSVs vision ofATC:                support nationwide,broadband wirless neoworks.
                                                          The FCC has proposed severalspectrum blocks for
    would increase network capacty and effiency           auetion to address broadband demand,but costy and
    of spectrum useextend coverage for handset            lengity learing and ransiton requirements for
    operation in places where MSS operators have          incumbent users in thse bands wildely aadabity
    previousl been unable o offr relable service          forfour to five yeas, hus Iimiting current optins.
    make possible substantaleconormies of scale.
    improve emergency communicationsand                   The MSS bands,enhanced with the technologcal
    erhance compertion®                                   adrancements ofATC, provide fertie grounds or
                                                          expanded broadband service. The MSS bands have
"The FGCdecision thus paved the way for new ATC—          preserved worldwide access for eriical moble
enabled broadband wireless nesworis, to be deployed       communications needs, with suffcent contiguous

+ SeeApplcadon o Asigment of ceseandfoantorty t Lanch and Operne a Nove—Genericon MableSrale Srvce
aten: Aingto theFGG e by Maten Servcesn and Moile Scete Vexies SubidaryLLG.Janary 16,200
‘See FCC t Docke No 0. 188 Record
"SeeFCGC"Order and Ashortatonin he nae o MableScelce eviresSubidaryLLC, Novenber82004 .
© FRexhity for Deivey f Communiatons ty ol Satte Servce Provder in he 2 GitrBind. Atantand se 1 424 Gite
Aunds Revew of h Soecrum Sharng Pan Anong No—GrenaioniySnlee Ort able in se Servcn Sntarsin te 14 Gite
Eunds Rpert d Oter on Nate of opore Fusercing18 Docc Nes 01188 and 02.2418 PCC Red 1962 G007} es or
reconideaton pendng OM Repur ondOnir mecites econiterin, 12,20—8,

 spectrum sutable forbroadband services. The FCCS        the same service to be provided with the same
 deciion— allowing MSS operators to deploy ancilary      enduser deviceregardless of ransmission mode,
 terrestril neworks — opens up the use of MSS            Transparent ATC devices provide terrestial
 spectrum for broadband services through the             and satelice connectvty through unts thatare
 technological overly ofATC.                             indistinguishable in cost, aesthetcs, and talk tme
                                                         to sandard terrestria.only cell phones.
 This document is a primer on ATC. Thi section
 provides an overview and Section I describes the        Achieving transparency is rucil o the success of
 technologies that have been brought topether to make    any bybrid nework offering,because transparency
 ATC a reaiy,using MSVs approach as the bsi fr           enables the aperator to leverage the econonis of
 theilustradion. SecionI focuses on the inlecal          scale derived by other wireless nenwork operacors
 propersythat has been created by enable and     globll. Unlke the current MSSindustry, wherein
 protect is bybrid sateliteterrestrl neowork            satelite terminals are based on diferent technologies
                                                        and buikier confqurations than standard wireless
                                                        uns the terminal equipment ofa ransparent ATC—
    A. Basic Principles of MSSIATC Hybrid               enhanced MSS neswork (Le.a transparent MSS/ATC
       Networks                                         hyorid network) uclizes the same components as are
                                                        erbedded in standard wireless devces. Further with
 A hyorid sitelic—cerrestril wieless neowork            integrated ATC services designed to serve tens of
 (MSSIATC bybrid necwork") comprises one or more        milions of users n marked contrast to sandalone
 mutt—spot beam satelies (‘pace segment‘)and a          MSS niche offerings serving only thousands o users)
 ration—wide ensemble o terrestral calstes an           ATC targets the mass consumer marker. Thisin
 *AncilaryTerrestrial Component" or ATC) wherein        w drives economis of seale in chipset and device
 both the ATC and the space segment communicate         manificturing forthe MSSATC hybrid neswork.
 wih user equipment using a common set of MSS
 frequencies. The space segment hassuficent power       Historicaly, MSS—only necworks have not beenable
 (antenna gain) to establsh communications with         to achieve transparency for two key reasons:
 user devices that are indistiguishable from modern
 celuiar/?C$ user equipment. Large space segment        * Space segments lacked suficient power CAERP)
 ancennas,providing large ancenna gain,and a arge         and receiver sensitviy (°GIT) to enable
 number of spot beams, are the key for enabling           communications with smallcallanlke equipment.
 increased spectrum reuse and communications              Both of these parameters are dependent on the
via low—cost and aestheticaly atiractive equipment.       satelite antenna gain which in turn depends on the
More sophistcated functions permit the user               physicalsizeo the reflector used in the ancenna;
experience —moving from satelite t terrescria             and
operation —to be seamiess and smiar to raditonal
terrestril cel:to—cel operation. MSSIATC hybrid         * Sielice       incerfaces (protocols) were proprieuary
network technology thereby achieves a crtcal              and not closely reated to mainstream celular air
network property which is termed tromporenc.              interfces. This required user equipmentwith ewo
Transparency means that a given communications            radios in one package (the so—caled "sandwich®
servicesuch as volce or packetswitched dira,can           phone)in order to support both a saelice and
ie supported by the same user device in both              terrestral modes,increasing both the bulk and
terrestril and sacelite modesin a mannerthatis            cost of the product
transparent to the end user. Transparency alows
"AGRPsant o AgrepteEauilerhoroi Rdzed Povaand i a mesire of theanounof poverradatedaerou cornge
are en tovhat vould have beenradated roma snge pose source equlyin al drecions

 As lustrated in Figure 1, nextgeneration MSSATC        indistnguistablefrom that avalable in the trrescrl
 hyorid necworks address both of these shortcomings.    wireless markes. The newwork aperators can therety
 Frst such nemworks wil use a very powertspectraly      take advantage ofthe economies of scale and
 effcient saelie system, with larg ancennas. This       sesthetes o standard calular devices"
 ensures that the space segment appearsto subscrbers
 equlpmentasvirwaly another standard base staion       Less imovatve neworks wil not beable t address
 in the i. Second,nextgeneration nemworks wil          the hstorieashortcomingsthat have plagued the
 support the same mainstream terrestriair intrfice     MSS industry because of a ack of one or more of
 sandards (CDMA2000, GSH, 602.16,002.20,W—             these features. These networks wil,herefore, be
 CDMAWiMAX and others) over both tterrestra            unable to delver transparency to the end usen.and
 and sateite networks. Together these twofetures       willnot be able to take advantage ofthe economies
 ensble h use of user equipment that is virwaly        of scale made possible by ransparency
                           Figure I — Hybrid TerrestrialSatelite Wieless Network
                            PowertSpace Segment— Spitcanini—                                  Geovatomy
                            rarge es communiaton with sundirt                                   Suaies
                            wirdes hndKey conponent "Pyeg" tody                                   o
 Standard Subscriver
 Eqvtpment/ Chipset Deign—
 Common Ltand RF Cstared                                                                     Suaite Down—
 to sualeeand eresval vintess                                                               tncand Suaching
                                                          msusssoee                            —wenndas
 Same MasHarket Alr Inerfice                             ressiuesme                           aroter node
 Standant Sucln and Tereival                                                                  on erewrat
 Corporm ie same protocst                                                                       revork
Terrestria —band and Saceite
Gateway ntegrated into same
core Swtching archtecture >                                              d
Resding n seanes /"wanporenc®                                            Lo
revwork extenion
                                   —Band Call
* Secuse th teit sptem wil operne s anothe nade n erren neorkandwil ush sme i merice s h ereval
resworh spcal eats o srcine raniportratve t terel variprt canb ccommotied wit minor moiticatonsto the
seleand reresal s ecerice n a maner c us a mm cotinpaccand no estete inpct o he nerdevce

      B. Key Benefits ofATC Networks                      enbances the vluepropostion for sfery and securty
                                                          appliations n a variwy of wireless segments, most
 In Janiary 2003,the FCC acknowedged the benafis          importandy among publc safey, consumer clematics,
 ‘hat an MSS/ATC bybrid necwork can bring noing t         and feet management.Such coverage also permits
                                                          a"Torl Coverage" wreless offering, whereby mass—
      [Plermizting MSS ATC in the manner prescribed       market wireless users can rely on connectvty to
      in the Order should: (1) ncrease the effciency      be avalable ovealof North Americ.
      of spectrum use through MSS neswork
      integration and terrestral reuse and permit             2. Network Scoloblity
      betcer coveragein areas that MSS providers
      could not othermise serve;(2) provide additional     Nextgeneration hyorid MSS/ATC networks are
      communications that may enbance public              fandamenally diferent from prior saelize—only
      protection:and (3) provide new service in the       networks and wil overcome challenges ficed by
      markets served by MSS®                              earier MSS systems.Thi is because in addtion to
                                                          providing urban coverage,the terrestril component
 Transparenc MSS/ATC bybrid neoworks offer each           ensures salabli. The overal system can thereby
 of thesefestures with added beneftsincluting the         secommodate the raffe valume of national US.
 folowing                                                 wireless operations (tens of millons of users) in
                                                          contrast wih the volume levels handled bysatelite=
     * A try ubiquitous communications service            only systems (tens of thousands of users).The
       with transparent devices                           large number of users ensures access to top tier
                                                          manaficturers of mass—market wireless products and
     + Nework sealabiity drving dramatialy                chipsets atcost simiar to those borne by other
       reduced equipment priong                          terrestria—only wieless operators.This leverages
                                                         the seale of worldwide handset and device
     * Spectrum effiency                                 development. wh a scale in the hundreds of
                                                         milions.and the commensurate savings in device
     * Pattorm for innovative and diferentated           pricng ofi to ten times less than comparable
       service offerings                                 MSS—only device pricing. The expansive user base
                                                         also drives economies of sale in neework uslization
     1. Ubiquitous Coveroge                              that in turn supportsservicepriing hat is inlne
                                                         with convenional terrestria—only pricing.
As noted,sateites can now be buit that are
powerfil enough to enable subscribers to use              MSS operators withouATC networks are not
wireless deices that are vimually identical to current   able to establsh the scale necessary to auiact top
PCSicliardevies i terms oaesthetcs,cost                  tier manufacturers to produce user equipment at
form factor n functionaliy The terrestraland             low cost. Smlarlhybrid networks that are being
satelite components of thybrid necwork provide           contemplated without providng transparency will
complementary coverage. The terrestral component         not be able to ofer sesthatcaly appeaing low—cost
ensures service valbilty n major urban areas,            user devices. wil not beneft from the opportunty
where satelite—only systems sufer blockage from          to leverage worldwide seal, and will not be ablo
buldngs. Likewise, the satelite component provides       to atract substantal volumes of users. As a resul,
coverage t those areas that are impractialor             these types of networks will not be able to support
uneconomical to serve terrestrialy. The ubiquitous       the device and service pricng enabled by advanced
coverage enabled by bybrid nenworks substantally         transparent MSS/ATC hyorid nemworks.

"ICC Newa Reise,‘Reshity Granedtor MobleSuelte Seice Janary20,200.

                           an arc    rnimencrme

    3. Spectrum Effiiency                              of cel stes and ewo or more sateites to work jointy
                                                          a common nationwide wirelss nemork, MSVs
 Nextgeneration MSS/ATC bybrid nesvorks will           approach maximizes spectralefiieny
dramaticaly improve spectal effiency. Fgure 2
depiess MSVs pacenced approach to spectrum reuse        MSV, in colaboration with leaders in terrestrial
berween the satelite and terestral portions of such    network designhas developed innovative network
a system.In effct terrestra cll are nested inside      management techniques to allow mobile phones
satelite cels (‘stelite spot beams"),as thesatelte     to seamiess‘y ranstion (bidrectionaly) between
cals are much frgerin dameter (Le. more than one       terrestril and sacelite modes, through adapsations
handred klomezers in diameter)whereas atLband          of exsting techniques used in cellar/PCS systems
frequencies.ATC cll dameters can range from abour      for mablle—assisted cel:to—cell handof. Such
one ilometerin dense urban environments, o about       techniques ensure searless and transparent system
fie klometers in subsrban areas depending on           interoperabiity over the eniresy of the bybrid
subscriber densiy and nemwork unization.               infrastructure.
An MSSATC nework creates he opportinty to use             4. Platform for Broadband Wireless Access
MSVs spectrum fora subscantaly broader nationwide
business pan, one that permis terretral wireless       A nurmber of recent wireless service developmonts
deployments thatare imilaror superior to those of      and srends srengzhen the appeal of ransparent
other 3G wireless operators. By deploying thowsands    MSSATC Iybrid necworks.
        Figure 2 — Satelite Spot Beams Allow Frequencies o be Reused by Terrestrial Base Stations
                Base Stations
                                                              Spot Beams

 Growth of Data Services                                 cimbed from 23% of toral ARPU (ird quarcer of
                                                         2003) t 50% of toul ARPU ind quarter of 2008)*
 There has been substantil,robust growth in demand       Sprint PCS has been particularly suecessful with is
 for wirelss data services in he United Suates during    wirless daa offering, growing per subscriber dara
 the last tno years. In recent quarters, average data    ARPU from $0.14to over $5.07 since 2002 (8%of
 ARPU forthe rational wireless operators has             wul APY)®
                   Figure 3 —Increasing Data Contribationfor National Wireless Garriers
                                               Avernge Dan ARPY
                         on      on      as     as      on    on     on      as
                        we on           on      as      on    on     as      as
                Soures6 Coma co
* 5G Coven & Co."Taecom Servce",Otobr6,2005
© 5G Coven & Co."Tdecom Servce® Jinary 5.200

Incernaciona trends are similar but at substancaly    mobile gaming — promises to strengihen and accelerace
higher usage levels.For example in Asia, Korea        consumer demand for mobile broadband and conten:
continues to experience signifeant growthin the       relited services. Atthe sametme,the expansion of
mobile data markes 5K Telecom has been efectveat      contentinto the moble spaceincludng video phones
capturing this market and data ARPU ($231) now        with buiein musiplayrs, has broughta namber of
represents over 22% of toul ARRU (1099). Athough      new paricipans into the telecommunicatons aren,
hata growch i Japan is ux because the markec has      as video gaming,and music content developers seek
masured,cara ARPU contnues to comprise signfcant      mobile extersions of therr dstrbation chinnels
portion of toal ARRU. For NTT DoCoMo, dn ARRY
(S16.45) exceeds 26% of toul ARPU ($62.74)®               * Major music companies have struck deals wh
                                                            wireless service providers to supply exclusive
Wireless AlrInterfaces                                      artit content.including upcomig videos and
                                                            ring tones.
"The emergence o dvanced aiinterfices (802.16,
80220W/CDMA ICEVDO,etc) — cxpable of                      * Holpwood studos havesigned deals wih wiries
providing higeapeed broadband servces musiand               aperators n the US.and Europe to provide
video downloads, broadcast contentservces.and               exchsive programming over mobile user device.
                          Figure 4 — Korean Mobile Telecommmunications Trends
                 mmunications Market Trend|                     Wireless DataMarket Trend...
                       m       .ms me                         wo      mer       mm     ron      roor
* Cuzse hBoxtonNT DoCotto Conpary Untr ‘Auper a2005

    * Quslcomms subsidary MedaFLO and Crown                including savings reatve to circut—snitched
      Casies Mobile Meda subsidary pln to deploy           infrastructure as wellasthe ablity to offer
      and operate a natormide "meda—cast" nemwork,         mulipleservices over a common medium.This wil
      delvering high—quaty video and aucio                 enable service providers to ofera full bundle of
      programming channelsto mobil user devices            telecommunications servicesatsignfcanthy lower
                                                           rates. in addton.given an al—P nacure and open
AIIP Open Architecture                                     access,the MSS/ATC bybrid necwork willresemble
                                                           theal—iP wireine networ‘ ficitaing a much broader
 MSSATC bybrid neworks can captalize on the                set of device suppliers and appliations developers.
 recent advances in wireles airinterfices and the
growing demand for broadband and contentrelated
services. Tansparent MSS/ATC byorid neoworks               Broadband Wireless Access
can use MSS spectrum resources to offer broadband
wireless services, using a next—generation aie             Figure 5 provides an overview of an incegrated suce
interface in conjunction with an alHIP network             of services and devies,anchored by a home gitevay.
archiecture. The neework may provide both fixed            that next—generation MSS/ATC bybrid nenworks wil
broadband wireless services to the home (DSL               be able to ofer to households. In accordance with
replacement) and portable/imobile broadband                this approach,each home serves as an anchor to
wireless services and contentrelated applations.           consumers‘telecommunications needs, equipped
"The neswork wl also provide users with wireless           with home gatevays,powered by an ATC wreless
voice services throughVoR                                  network providing in—home connectvig. Handsets,
                                                           PDAs,and laptops,also powered by the ATC
An al—IP open architecture, which is supported by          network, would expand wireess communications
MSS/ATC hybrid networks,brings with it sinifcant           comnectvty outside of the home.
cost advantages over legacy wireless newworks,
                             Figure 5 — Home/Enterprise Access and Mobiity
                                                                               Customer Premises
                                                                             Home/ Euie Serice
                                                                                Pak ts tip s 45 o
                                              Wighspecs ob
                                                "bnrme w wcen
                                                "Wimaat VoPh cntrcng
                                                "Frvcmnng t evrninmen
                         an ave enimen: ra          ruse          nnunicarions

Alcernatvels MSS/ATC hybrid networks could be                Fieet Management ~ ubiquitous service
used to provide a purey mobile broadband wreles              offering at dramatically reduced equipment
platorm,with the mobile device serving as the                and service pricing whil providing enhanced
qateray to the consumer‘s telecommunicasions needs,          funcionaliy (high bandwidch dica services
including daslinternet.and              and push—co—tall voice capabiliies).
qarming, Fiqure 6 ilustrates the suite of ervices and
appleations that such mobile devices might control.         Direct Broodcast Satelite (DBS)— low—cost
                                                            Lband transcetver tha can be packaged wth
    C. ATC Benefits to Vertical Markets                     every DBS      to permit seamless avalabiiy
                                                            ofa returm—Ink forinceractve elevision.
MSSATC next—generation hybrid necworks will aso
ffer a substantal value propostion to a number of           Moritime — dramaticly reduced equipment
verval markersincluding the folowing:                       and service pricing for voie and dat
                                                            comnectiiyand ncreased coverage for
    * Publi Safety and Homeland Security ~                  enbanced safey service
      provides ubiqutous coverage. system
      redundancy interoperabiiy,prionty acess, push—        Aeronautical— higher bandwidth services at
      so—tak and mukmedia fonaionaiy to publc               dramaticaly reduced service pricng for voice
      safery personnel and the homeland securiy             and dira connectiiy.including corporaze
      communiy who need these feaures most                  VPN access and internat browsing.
   * Consumer Telematics = avalabliy of safey               Rural Market Offering — ubiquty enabled
     and security services over every mile of North         by tsatelite system enables MSSIATC bybrid
     Amarican roadways while providing seamiess             neworks to bridge the "digtal dvide" and
      migration to next—penerationairinterfice              provide advanced communications services
      technologies and improved fntionali.                  to rural communt
                              Figure 6 — Handsetas Mul—Application Controler
                           an are enmensrne r

 Fiure 7 Hlustrates the architecture of the bybrid MSSATC syszem to be Iunched by MSY. Each syscem
 componentis optimized to enhance transparency maximize vbiguit; and faclitte the most spectraly effcint
 uilzation of miable MSS frequencies.
                          Figure 7 — Hybrid MSS/ATC Network System Architecture
                                                                     Service Links
"The space segmentincludes two geostationary           thi finction(rturn—inksatelite dersty combining)
satelites for added space segmentcapacty and           is o reduce the output power requirement of
communications robustness to small estheticaly         wireless user devices, thus increasing batzery I,
aturactive devies.The powerfilsatlites are desgned     while preserving communicationlnk robustness.
to ransmisignls to.and receive sigalsrom,
standard wireless devics that are ransparentin         Te terrestral nemork (l.the ATC) conforms to a
formfactor fetures and pricng to mass—market           mass—marketar intefic standard and fnctions much
state—ofthe—are celtlar/PCS devices. In order to       lke y other standardcerrestrll wireless nemwork,
maximize communications robustnesssignal rom           with a few key advancements it is deigned havingan
each transmiting use deviceare received by each        alliR.apen archirecture. t is servicing a wide range
of the awo satelites. These signals are transported    of devcetypes including handses and PDAs,aswell
to the ground (vathesatelite feeder Inks)and are       as integraced laptops and home gateways. t has an
cormbined at the satelite gatemay to signfcanty        incegrated satelte communicatons component vsble
increase(at east doubl) a users signal The beneft of   as another node in the neswork. Thsatelite spot

bearms serve as overisy ustrated in Fgure 6    MSVs integrated wireless neowork wil be able to
the terrestral cll serve as micro and pico cals for    support one or mare of the above approachesfor
the overal network. The end result is one nemvork,     broadband wirelss services in a vay impossble to
with broad,terestrll wieles cste foouprin of           replicae by other MSS companies ghven MSV‘ sime—
thousands of ies and with swo satelies covering        to—market ead and patented cechnology
rural and remote teritories not covered by the
terrestial nemork.                                     MSVs system archtecture depieced in Figure 7
                                                      assures that the avalable satelite—band spectrum is
Establshing a nationwide wireless broadband           optimaly "space—time" mutiplexed and reased by the
necwork is a priority intative for viwaly all major   space segment and the ATC neework while keeping
US.celecommunications providers. MSVs vision          intrasystem interference at a minimumThis is
for using L—band spectrum iss MSSATC bybrid           secomplshed by using patenced ncorsstlico coll
network is responsive to the broadband wireless       frequency rease beeween the space segment and
need and creates substantial opportunty fora          the ATC network, whle aoiding inra—sitlite cll
troly nationwide broadband solution:                  frequency reuse. For example, an ATC deployed in
                                                      NewYork Ciy will not be allowed to reuse the same
   * Video service providers see the opportunty       frequencies used by the satelte cellserving New
     of provding a combination ofthree core           York Cisy concurrent
     service types (ideo,daa,voice) to both in—
     bulling customers (i home orin the ofice)            A. System Optimization through MSV
     and moble customers. These providers are                Patented Frequency Reuse and
     contemplating the effiencies derved from                Interference Reduction Technologies
     a trul integrated "quadruple"py neowork.
                                                       As envisioned by MSV.the general concept of
   * For those service providers ofering end—so—end   frequency reuse in an MSS/ATC hyorid neework is
     enterprise connectiig,and pajing expensiee        ifustrated in Figure 8 wih diferent colorsindleaing
     toll chargesfor wireine lstmie access, MSV$       diferent carrier frequencies. Terrestril cols are,
     slution allows bypass ofthe wireine newwork       in effect nested inside satelize cals of much larger
     with a lowercost wirelessalterative              diameterThe terrestrial cels inside ofa gven
                                                      satelite cell use freuencies not used bythe gven
   + For regional wireine provides,who provide        satelite cll hus avoiding interference. Asa resul,
     services solely wihin their home regions,        allthe avalable frequencies are spatily reused
     MSVs approach supports neewrk expansion          many times over,greaty enbancing system capaciy
     and compertion on a nationwide bass              and effcient spectrum utilzaton. This nesting
     includingaress where wireine access is           delvers system capaciy,as needed, n high trafic
     unprofuable                                      regions (eg. urban areas) Users within the high
                                                      traffe areasare serviced by the ATC while users in
   * MSV may also deploy a carrier‘s carrier          lower raffe density regions (n unpopulated areas)
     business,backed extensively by a major           are serviced by the satelite.
     technology supplier with commizments for
     equipment and with substantal francing.          Further, since the sacelice syscem serves a
     where MSV would deploy an al—P open              broad peographicaly diverse range ofservice
     network architecture independenty and            areas throughout North America, MSVs system
     wholesale the network to the variey of meda,     architecture is designed to flxibly adjust and
     telecomm,1SF.and Incernet device companies       target spectrum uslistion to the topographic
     These providers would then be able to offer      conditions. In areas of igh concentrations of urban
     thar content,devices,and services wth            development and high density of users (eg., New
     integrated wreless connectivig.                  York City spot beam), more capaciy can be allocated
                           w arc raiwen

to the ATC network and less to the satelite          In MSVs MSS/ATC hybrid neswork, users would be
network. n areas oflower concentrations of           abl to roam andlor handoff betweenthe cerrescrl
populationwhere terrestrial coverage would lkely     and satelite sub—nenworks withouthe user having
be sparse,less capaciy can beallocated to the ATC    any knowledge of the change in the underyingcal
network, wth the remainder avatable t the            path. MSV has developed and pacenced inovative
satelite nenwork. The abilty to‘load balance" the    network management techniques to allow user
spectrum resource through and between the two        eqvipment t seamlessy ranstion from terrestra
components of the hybrid system — the ATC and the    to sitelite mode, through adaprations of eising
satlize segment is atthe very heare of the MSV       techniques used in celular and PCS systemsfor
patented method of bybrid spectrum reuse. This       mobileassisted hand—of. Such techniques would
allons for the maximum effiencyin spectrum           ensure seariess and transparent system coverago
ucliation by the sacelite and terrestral neowork.    over the entrey of the bybrid inastructure.
Legacy satelte systems, e Thuraya. ridur and
Glabalsta: offe"interworking" between MSS                B. AchievingTransparency through MSV‘s
and terrestrl networks ovediferentfrequency                 Patented System Architecture
bands (satlite and celular)and wthout seamless
handove. This yields bulier and more expensive       "The technologicaladvancements hat enablefrequency
dual—bandldval:moduser devices. The techniques       reuse terrestrialy and by sacelies are only he frse
developed and patented by MSV allow the same         steps n structuring a commercily powerfil MSSATC
(MSS) frequency band to be used for both satlite     hyorid necwork. In additon to the optimized use of
and terrestril communications seamlesslyyilding      spectrum resources and dynamic capaciy allocation
simplfied single—bandisingle—mode transparent        capabliy, MSVs MSSATC hybrid nemwork also
user devices hat are aestheticly and functionaly     leveragesa plethora of other sute—cftheare
indistingushablefrom terrestria—only whilegreaty     echnologicl feaures, such as Ground—Rased Beam
enhancing the user experience of coverage ubiquiy.   Forming of satlie ces (alowing for optimum beam
                        Figure 8 —Architecture of MSVs Patented Spectrum Reuse
                                                                              Spot Beams
       Filkin Rase

 shaping o maximizereceived signl strengo)) space       mode with optimum combinng ofsignala the
 and polarization diversty reception by the sacelites   satelice gatevay. Assuming that each satlite can
 (further enbancing receved signal trength).and ATC—    delver a 21 dBK GT (s can be atraied at Lband
 induced icerference suppression t further improve      by a 22 meter antenna aperture),space dversty wh
 the qualty ofsignals received by the satlits. All      optmum combining processing yilds the deired
 these cechnologicalsigna processing advancements       25 dBK space seqment GFT
 (paterced by MSV in the content of ts Iybrid
 MSS/ATC system archrecwure) are wellwithn the          MSV wildeploy tw geostationary sacelies, each
 means of current commentalsaceltecechnologies          with a 22 mater ancenna aperture. These saelites
 and are essental elements fr completing the            wilsignifcanty surpass the performance of the best
 «ransparency ideal                                     satelites deployed thus farand wil, for thefirse
                                                        time, create suffcient in margin to ensure that
To complete th transparency ideal.a user device of      user devies that are no larger or more power—
an MSS/ATC bbrid necwork must be indstnguishable        hungry than terrestrat—only wireless devices can
in every respect from a comparable celularPCS.only      communicate with relabiity in satlite mode.
device and muse be able to communicate wih the
space segment using power lvel that are the same         Fiure 9 and Tble 1 summarizethe MSV L—band
as those used to communicate terresraly with the        satelicesystem characterss. The MSV saelites
ATC. Othermise, he sateite mode wil burden the          are farge but withinthe sate of the art MSVs MSAT
deviceand transparency wil not besatsfed (1.the         setelies wre the frst commercil sataltes to use
user device wil become larger more expensie, wil        lirge deployable refectors.The antennas on these
dissipace more power and wil, therefore,be less         satelites were 5—6 meters acrous, but snce that tme
appealing as a mass—market product)                     antenna technology has improved and arger sarelte
                                                        antennas have been commercily deployed. The
  The Enablers ofTronsparency                           Inrarsat 15aunched over the pase year have 9
                                                        meter refectorsThe Thuraya and ACeS sataltes
 Fundamentl,there are oo enablers of                    Iaunched about 8 years ago,have 12 meter refctors.
transparency.The frst relates tothe space—based         TerreStar Neworks, In. s building a satlite with
network architecture and signl processingthereot.       an 18 meter antenna that is intended for bunch
As previousy dscussed, the space—based network          in 2007 (this sacelte wilalso fliltransparency
must include sffcienty arge space—based antenna         requirements assmalleancennas accomplsh a
sperture and optmum signal processing (atthe            simiar feat as MSVs next—generation saelies,when
satelite gatevay) to maximize the systems aniable       deployed athigher frequences ( 2 GHz for
Ink margin,thus maximizingthe strengtutiy of            TerreSer))
communications signals received by the satelies.
A space segment having an ancenna Gain—to—noise—
Temperature rat(°GT) of 25 dBK,®willprovide
fnk margin of the order of 10 dB" reaive toan end—
user device whase ourput power i Imied to about
one tenth of one Wate Tw satelites at21 dB"K
GFT each can achievetherobust n margin
described above operating in rewurnink diversty

©a8 is a decelthnic eprseratan otarato cten e to exresi or lo. "OECK refntothe uns n vhichhe
sersnny ofa i receme i mensred (decnildegresKuve)
* "tnk margei a mesie ofpover atove h stoine niiman eede fora commontcatons Ink o freton

                                  Figure 9 — MSV Satelice Coverage
«/    ome1eaen
                      z21 dn
                  (One sateite)
                     arme is aan
                        Table Is MSV Sacei       Principat Characteristics
     Sitelite Orbi Locations            101°WL and 1073°WL
     Service Links                      1525—1559 MHz (lorvard)
                                        16265—16605 Mz freturn)
     Feeder Links                       1275 — 1325 GHiz (uplni)
                                        1075 — 1095 GHtz and
                                        1120— 1145 GHiz (downlnly
     AERPow                            so
     on en                             21 or more over primary coverage area
     Covernge                          See Figure 9
     Number of spot beams              Over 500 (025)
     Supported protocols               Wideband (3G or 4G)
     Processing                        Digtal channelizer digtal adaptve groundbased
                                       beam forming with interference suppression
                                       capabii;space and pobirizationdversiy reception
     Pocenta vendors                   Alatel Boaing, EADSAstrum, Loral. ockheed
     Launch vehices                    Adis¥, ArineV
     DesignIte                         15 yrs incined
                    an are rninen              ure or communica

Te second enabler of transparency is selecng an       chip—set with negigile impact to the manuticturing
appropriate air incerfice protocelfor the sacelite    cost and form fictor of the end—user product.
Inks.This simply means thatif"%" is thealrncerfice
protco!thata user device is using cerrestrly (to       MSVs ATC neswork passes the second prong of
communicate va the ATC),"Y"must be the satlite=        the transparency cestas wall MSV will use a satlite
mode air interfice protocol,where Y s as similar       air icerfice thatis substancalyidentcal toa
as possible (f noidentica) to X.The adapration of      mainsream celularalrncerfice such as GSP,
X toY may entailfor examplea differenc vocoden         CDMA2000.W—CDMAWiMAX or Rash—OFDM.
moiieations t signling channels,and timing            MSV has spent substanal manpower working with
chsngesto the protocol to accommodatethe longer       ky aiicerfice developersand is ointy developing
propagition delay of thesateize lnk. The ptysical     satelie adapzations of a nomber of mainstream air
layer ofthe satlite protocal must remainas similr     interfces (inclucingCDMA2000 and WiMAXY. MSV
as possble to the errestrl mode in order to avoid     intends to demonstrate these air interfices and begi
duication of component.Thuswith substancal            early deployment o ts MSS/ATC hybrid nemwork
commonalty in all iyers (ncluding the physica)        using is existing MSAT satelites. MSV holds
berween terrestril: and satelite—mode protocolsthe    technology patents covering various aspects ofair
diferences becween X and‘¥ shrink and can thus be     incerfices necessary for sacelite communications.
easly inserted within a common baseband and RF


As an integral part of the process of concehing.      satelic airinterfice standard (GMR.2)that is
designingand developing ts nextegeneration            currenty in use in the ACeS satlite system. Prior
MSS/ATC hyorid network MSV has dilgenty               to Eresson, D Karabin‘s condueted communications
prepared and fled patent appliations relectingthe     systems research and development at Raytheon Co.
breadh and depth of MSVs vision The resul is a        and at BelLaboratories. Dr.Santans Dura, MSVs
fong and impressive lt of patent filngsin the US.     VicePresidenc of Systems Engineerig is a satelte
and abroad,reflectig the diverse and expansive        and wireless communications veteran of over 25
contrbutions of MSV toward the definiion and          years with broad based experience at Ericsson.
commercization of next—generation MSS/ATC             including standardization of GMR—2and at Roclovel
bybrid networks. While other MSS operators have       Internationalin developing the worlds fist byorid
been expendingenergies in fvor of legicy systems      packer—data neswork and advanced adaptive antenna
andior in opposing MSV.all of MSV‘s efforts have     array processors. MSVs entre techncasas well
been sngle—mindedy focused on inventing the          as the contractors and consultants with whom MSV
"best of cass"for every aspect of a transparent      works, is dedated to designing and developing the
MSSIATC bybrid system.                               worlds preeminent MSS/ATC hybrid systemTheir
                                                     uniqze combination of sll and experience has
MSVs technologitsare rue ploneers in the             resulced in a body of patent fings addressing all of
communications feld with a track recard ofproffic    ATCs major cechnialapprouches. The imentve
achievements at some ofthe world‘s eading            efforts of MSV are captured by seasoned patent
communications companies. Dr. Pater D. Karabinis,    atzorneys who have prepared comprehensive pacen
MSVs SeniorVie President and Chief Technical         flings that are now on record in patent ofices
Officer.irected satelite systems research and        worldwide. MSV is commitred to vigorously eforce
development atErcsson,and ploneered a GSt—based      and defend the rigs afforded t through ts patencs.

The process used to reduce MSVs inventions to         An examination of MSVs patent ctiviy in hese kay
patents s extensive, eliborate, and exhustve.         reas underscores the signiicance of MSVs collection
MSV takes a mult:step approach to identifing          of patens to anjone arrempting o do ATC.
potential implementations of MSS/ATC and system
entancements/archrectures that may be deployed.          A. Transparency and Space Segment Design
Afcer fing pazentsfor is inventions, MSV hires
addisonalteams of engineerin and patent experss       To date, MSV has amassed dozens o dnc patent
to "reimwent" MSS/ATC. Other teams of experts are     fiings in the US.alone, each of which describes and
retained to atempt t "nvent around" MSVs patens.      laims" MSVs abily t enhance transparency through
Any additionalideasflowingfrom these exercisesare     is inventve space segment cechniques.ach pacenc
themselves subject to addtional MSV patent fings.     fiing has mutiple clis, ypicaly from 50 to severl
MSV has further broadened is intolectal property      hondred. Wih each patert applation also baing fed
hrough the acquisition of h patents of Celsc —        in incernatonal pcent ofices worldwide, hese patent
the only other sizeable MSS/ATC patenc pordllo.       fariles contan Iterly thousands of chims.®

A look inside the MSV MSS/ATC patert portiolo         MSVs space segment patent Angs focus on stelite
reveals a comprehensive weave of pacent figs,         constelations.including the use of receve—only and
in both the US.and abroad, expanstely covering all    transmitonly satelies,as wellas the dynamic
aspectsfeatires of MSSATC tybrid systems. Some ky     management of the saelites (dscussed further
aspects of MSV\ inalcuinl property are lated below    below). The constelations claimed in MSVs pacent
                                                     fiings include mult—spot beam satelites, operating
    1. The abiiy to achieve transparency through      in concert with ATC, confiqured to receive signals
       effcient space segment deign invohing the     from user equipment over mutiple satelites and
       satelites, satelie afr interficeand           polarizaions in order to maximize ink robustness.
       optimumadaptve signal processing atthe        The patertsalso cim techniques by which users are
       satelice gatevay(s):                          searless transitioned between MSS communications
                                                     and ATC communcations.Signalprocessing
   2. Frequency reuse, llocation.and control in a    confqurations at the sateligateway(s)are
      djmarnicand agle manner to achieve maximum     also clsimed. ncluding a combiner to combine
      spectrl ffciences and reduceinterference:      communications receive from user devices at the
                                                     various sacelites and over the muleple pobarizations.
   3. The abliy to further reduce interference
      by ueliing satelite beam forming techniques    MSV has also cimed its advances in the satelite
      o effect eal ime beam shaping and load         air interfice development.and satelite antenna
      buimncing:                                     confgurations designed to improve service link
                                                     performance. The"packdng" and "unpacking" offeeder
   4. The abiiy to confiure the MS and the           fink carriers atthe saelit and satelice gatevay to
      ATC to finetion substantily avronomousty         inmizefeeder k bandwidth requirements is the
      in arder to reduce system complesty and        subject of SV US. Patent 6937.857. Without this
      deployment costand                             pacent. feeder Ink bandwidth requrements of muté—
                                                     spot beam satelte systems would be exorbianc
   5. The abily to seaniessy handover                Satelte constlaion innovations,including the use
      communications from ATC to MSS.                of dversiy combiners,are also captured in MSVs

   * Th "china" t a paentdein s lseap: A pcec t nfingedf y one o more ie of t paerc e pricicd y an
   anlcered ary 1(2 pwen s nfnged h pren omner m excod h infoage from making uing,utng.or ofern o se
   iningng producs in sevces wberene puar procecion s been secrec.
   ®* Thasepaverfingaeparieva‘y idenitad in Gecrind ie in Avos B acactes.

                         an are einen rhe rurure or communications

 pacent flings and further envich MSVs unique            to nterference reduction that further enhance
 abilty to provide transparency vi user equipment        the abilty t reuse frequencies between satlite
 that iindistinguishable from celluarPCS—only            (MSS) and cerreszriacallstes (ATC), MSV has
 user equipment. MSV understands that the ablity         also protected otheless eficient (sub—optimun),
 to provide transparency to the end users of an          frequency uslzation techniques berween MSS and
 MSS/ATC nerwork is the kay to the networks              ATC such as band segmentation.
 commercial success.The techniques employed
 by MSV to achieve such transparency permeate            A few examples of these pacent fiings and clims wil
 these patent flngs.                                     demonstracethe breadch and depth of pantfings
                                                         in thi area. Ciims 101 and 213 of MSV US. Patent
it is dificit, i not impossbl, to magine the             €484,057,for example, broadly cim the concept of
derelopment of a transparent MSS/ATC system              "moifed" satlite band frequencies being used by
archrecture that does not practce at least one (f        the ATC to communicate with user equipment.*
not severa) of MSVs patent. From the begining
ofts system development, MSV hasrecognized the          These swo caims address anyATC system that re—
commercal necessiy of developing transparent            usesfrequences of the space segment which is the
system for the success of an ATC nemork. As a           most common and desirible method fo implementing
result, MSVs pazent portfolo includes thousands of      ATC since it resuls in the most effcient use of the
claims ertcl to successily deploying a transparent      spectrum.Band segmentation the other way of
newwork                                                 implementingATC. where the MSS frequency band
                                                        is separated into ewo ditnct sub—bands — one used
    B. Frequency Reuse, Allocation, Control             exclisivelyforsatelite and the other used exclusivaly
       and Planning for Spectrum Efficiency             for terrestral communicatons — is neficient and
       and Interference Reduction                       couldbe problematic in the L—band
MSV has fled more than 20 groupings o "ami              MSVs chims prevent a potental ATC operatr from
 of prtes containing more than 1.300 issued and         usingsatelite fequencies n a fshionthat i diferenc
publshed patent cluims in the areas of requency         ((mtfed‘) relatve to the usige of the frequencies by
reuse, alocation, contrl.and pla         Interfeence    the sacelte (or saceltes) o thesystem — modifcation
cancelation or reductin through iovatve                 imples etther a subset ofthe satelite frequencies or
frequency reuse techrigues and signal processing are    ary other modifcatios inluding a reducton of power
a cornerstone of MSVs patent portfolc, with l           in certain bands. There are mary reasons why an
directed to techniques for band sharing as wellas       ATC operator would use a "modifed®version of the
thealternative approach,band segmentation.              stelte band requencis. One important reason
                                                        relites t interference management. Not haing
Although MSV hasfocused on protecing optimum            theabily to use a modifed range of satelite band
frequency rease techniquesincluding those reing         frequencis in the ATC prevents a porentalATC

* es prtnt fngs arepaivary ideatet and devrbed hirter n Aevex Aasactec.
* Gum 101 rads a folows: An aniry srrenral conpanen fora mt nctouishone nntem tatnclute a iacedased
comporen ut i conurnd t ecim viriew commnncators o rdctneshonns oe a es rnge o meale andrecen nc
Eeauanoetan o eanimwinies commansaion to h rtorehones ow a secons renge o mae bntfovart k
Frguarcn uis serd wfrom t frie rogee anclay econponent conpring
 in decones speem bat s contindto ue wris conmricatonsto e radueneones orea modited secnd ravg f
   nodie td rvar nk ngurcen.
Clim 213 reids s folo:A rtonphon compruing an lcrnicspten e i conigre t commniane vih in anctary
reresa component y ecavng viniescommntaron frr h ancliry trreralcomponen on a noites econd rnge of
nesine tad orvart Ink equrces

                           an atc raimer: rhe rurure or communications

operator from using the most spectraly.effcient           (owing to dynamicaly changing traticcapaciy
and interference—free architectures fo the ATC           demands) this cim protects an essential auribute
implementation. A second reason that makes the           of a commercialy atractive ATC architecture.
above clims important relates t the nature of            Other claims in the same patent protect dynamic
frequency allocations in the l=band wherein there are    allocationreallcation offrequencies becween
some narrow non—contiguous blocks of spectrum that       seographicaly ditinct sacelite cll of the MSSATC
may be used for narrowband satelite services but         hybridsystem. An attempt t void these clims
cannot be used for broadband ATC services. Given         would forcea potental MSS/ATC operator to deploy
a broadband ATC deployment (rised on a 3G or 4G          a rig, nor—dynamic (commercily unatiactve)
air interfice prococo) an ATC operator may not have      system with fed frequency allocations (capacio)
a choiee but to use a "modifed"range of scelite          for both the satelte(55)and terretral(ATC)
band frequencies in the ATG. In such        seqments
operator would be infringingthe above clims.
                                                            C. Satelite Beam Forming
MSVs US. Patent 6604,057 includes 305 caims each
of which defines preferred frequency reuse methods,     Another key area of SVpatent eforts relates to
systems,and apparatus. Such approuches are the          beam forming techriques that retve the saelite()
preferred methodls of deploying an economicaly          of complexty while improving system performance.
valle MSS/ATC nenworkc                                   Groundbased beam forming patent fings nclude
                                                        techniques whereby the geographic location of a user
MSVs US. Patent 6892.068 (149 chims) defines            devicei discernefrom a return link transmision,
additional MSS/ATC frequency reuse sechniques in        therebyenabling the system to selectan optimum
the contextof dynarmic and reconfgurable system.        subset of stelite antenna feed element signals for
Chaim 136 addresses dynamic modifcation of the          processingand detecton ofinformation. in other
space and terrestril segments, includig realtime        aimed embodiments.a reduced number of forward
capabiity toassign and reuse frequencis and power       fnik beams maybe formed over a deired satelite
betweenthe space segment and the ATC system"*           footprint compared to the nurmber of return k
                                                        beams in order to reduce the power expended by
According to this caim,the cerrestrl segmentis          the stelie.Sil other caims recie frequency
allowed to reconfigure ielfby"assignng,reusing          translaion techniques whereby a frequency segment
andior borrowing"frequencies from thesateite cll        ofthe feeder Ink is transaced to the service link
thatis covering the same geographicarea as the          frequency band.
terrestral segment orfrom another disant sacelte
cell This chim is important for it allows for           "These cechniques affrd an bilty to dynamicaly
reconfiuration(adustment of the ATC frequencies         modify saelze spot beams (cls) in order to reduce
following an intal deploymenticonfuratonSince           incerference and maximize spectral ficiency beoween
no system remains staic in its reguency uilization      the satlite and terrestrl cols

* Cuim 136 e ifolomcA methad ofasignng ander reing requnces beveen one or moreconmuniatons sntens
conpmuing the is of
 * confgrng fs seine pr bam hung a esse ofFqunces asocnnd herenh an conpinga fs sbvoncat c
 * Eentpurn 1 econd stt sot beahnina second e of requnces asocated therenth andcompiing a econd subvonaly
 + tortgurng ac eone trrenral cewitn th es melit spobeam havnga tsrof requnces asocaeed harenth and
   hmvegatJeprtaly ovpnng corage wih th frst pobeancand
 * asnig rving andr borroving y h rerespremaporanofthe second se of repuecis anfora pordon of h frc
   se of rqunces ind in h es ceortarrsponie t redeerminedcrteria aoied wth hn td se of requrcen
   Inlutng asringreaigandr boroningat leieaneofth secont se offrequences en the second se offrequercn ae se
   fesebrcntaly peogahcaly tivatfrom he frstseeit oc bean

     D. Advanced Network Management                       arronomounty subjec to decentrlized archtectures.
 MSVs neswork management pasents refec the"nuts           "The above represent just a handfl ofATC patent
 and bots" of managing such a technicly advanced          sreas covered wih MSVs paent Aligs largey based
 system and include patenflings covering mutt—ystem       on the patens issued o direThowsands o addiional
 incegration techriques,load bulancing techriques,        pucenc clims have been publshed.and are expected
 power contraltechniques and the like.                    to isue overthe course ofthe upcoming year A
                                                          thousand or more addiionalpacentcimsrefecting
One ofthe awarded caims in this aren deals with           yeraddivonalsystem permurations and refnement,
the abiiy to operacethe satlit and the errestra           are avaitng publcation Moreover, MSV coninues to
sub—neworks autonomousy in terms o resource               fie foraddiionalpacents
                                                          Whiie MSV was lexding the repuatory path for ATC,
 Once the maiable MSS frequencies have been alocated      it was also leading the technology development pas,
 to the sitelie6) and to theATC, t is highy desrable      a strategy i contives to folow
 for the ATC and the sitelie(s) to exercse autonony in
 wsing theirrespecive freguency alocations (the stelite   ‘The comprehensive lead that MSV has achieved on
 nemwork canno be estabisting cals for the errestral      MSSATC bybrd system pacents providesa susuinable
 neswork and vee vers) The above hiprotecs this           compestive adrantage and presens signfiant obsaces
essental fexture of auronomy for both the MSS and         to other MSSATC bybrid ystem deployments. The
the ATC. Subjec to the above chim,a porental ATC          folowing surmary chart further highightheATC
operator would not be able to confiure the ATC or         technology stt diferental beeween MSV and others
the MSS to"substantaly autonomousy" determine             and includes a summary ofthe commercil implations
channel maiabiiy,as would be essentalfor a                for ATC systems archtected withoutthe benefts of
commercilly vable hybrid system. An atempt to mid         the pazented desgn ares.
the*suronomy" cim would force a potental ATC
aperator to centraize th fintion o determining
mnnel maiibity and channe assgnment for the
stelte and terestrl sub—nemorks. This would make
for a commercaly impractial system. Al teresural
nesworks that have been deployed to date finction
* cuim 81 oS¥ US Pwen 6037652for onngleced s ol fovs: A metod o asignng t a recustngsbncrte oica
commentaionchandcommanystared beveen a sace bsed comnicaton sptem anda grounbsedcommnicadon speen.
compriig te nep of
 * cntpirngafen salte sotbean asocated wih thesace Eaed otes hving plaaltyof commenicaton lamols aocaued
 + catporng at es oneterenral cesocared wih heground base sptem, uc at eparatyreopactiaty oerips t sc
   mrolie wot bene
 + regustng ba dal made mtncrte erminaacommenicaton cavet
 +at lese on o t groun bse spte and the soace based tm ubnantaly atoronany dcenining chave noiaiigcand
 fasignng t t requesig dal made ribuerie unatinston o an urned un and o rase w he in mode bucrier
   rervinaa use tanel hainga suficanty wak in srngi
                           an are rnmen rne ruru c or commumecations

          ATC Feature               MSV Patent s                        Lo
                                    oc esd

  Spectrum reuseby the mmo                                     Only altematve of band seqmentation is
  components of the bybrid               [                ?    also subject to MSV patents
  system (MSS and ATC)
  Band segmentation by the ono                            ;    Onlyakernatve ospectrum reuseis o
  componenes ofthe bybrid system         {                ?    subject to MSV patents
  Interference management and                                  Alcernative is reducdin in quity of
  incerference reduction                 [                ?    service, capaciy for space segment and
  techniques                                                   ATC neswork
  Using subscancaly the same air                               Alcernatives are diferent air intrfices
  incerfice over MSS and ATC             [            ?        resuling in lrger and more expenaive
                                                               user equipment (no wransparency)
  Transparency saelit and                |            7       Aernatvesare the use of lepacy sacalces
  associated signalprocessing                         ?       wihoutransparency
  Transparent user equipmenc             |            )       Alcernatives are largemore expensive
                                                      &       equipment wih higher batery drain
  System design alowingfor                                    Aternatives are impracial. A nadon—wide
  subscantal autonomyfor MSS            ,\/           ?       ATC muse be able to fnction avtonomouny
  and ATC operations in                                       in using s resources to provide service
  establshing communications                                  (¥picalofallcelular nesworks)

  Mobity Management                     4             >       Aernatves are no ATG to MSS handover
                                                      ‘       resuling in dropped cals
          Table 2 —ATC Patent Fling Comparison in Certain Broad Areas ofIntellectua! Property

in addiion tothe above hgt—levelcomparison,           network sealabilty drving dramaticaly reduced
Annexes A and B" below lisethe specifc MSV patenc     equipment pricingand unparallled spectrum
flings (carrendy publshed). n short.ATC carnot        eficincy that is superior to terrestra—only
effetvaly and effienty be mplemented on a            offerings MSV is dedicated to the ATC vison and
commercily vilie basis wihout the benefis of          has establshed Hselfwith the system archtecture,
MSVpatent portil,                                    technologicalknow—how and patents to implement
                                                     is vison. MSV is the leader and innovatorin
                                                     deicatingthe use of substantial spectrum resources
IV.CONCLUSION                                        for integrated MSS/ATC bybrid services. MSVs
                                                     technology and assoiated patent portfolo cannot
ATC unlocks the commercial potentalof MSS            be replcated, establishing MSVs assetas one—ofa—
and ensures broadband wieless communications         kind broadband wireless patform.Based on patents
everywhere,anytime. Key benefts of an MSS/ATC        already lsued to MSV.a commercily vable
hbybrid newwork include a trly ubiqutous broadband   MSS/ATC hybrid nework is not vible withou
communicationsservicevia ransparent devices          infringing on MSVs intelectual propery.

* AA US amand an ptinbed prec ts of MSY are ie o pblc inpoctonat ennanstoguc

                                                 ANNEX A
                   Eomb ocbesccd
                  Patent Filing                               s                     Esls

    Systems and Methods for TerrestialReuse of     US (US. Pacent 6604057)    | 308 caims isued in
    Calular SzeliteFrequency Spectrum              Europe                       the US. Addiional
                                                   Canata                       chims are pending
                                                   Mexico                       in the US.and
    ssor—00002)                                    Australa                     abroad.
    Wireless CommuncatinsSystems and               US.(US.Pacent 6856787)       125 caims ssued in
    Methods Using SaceliteLinked Remote            Europe                       the US. Addiional
    Terminal ncerfice Subsystems                 | Canada                       chims are pending
|                                                | Mexico                       abroat
| gaor—00005                                     | Austaia:
  Spatal Guardbands frTerrestral Rese of          us. (us.raatoomosareiA1)      B1 chims publshed
  Sielie Frequencies                              Europe                        in the US.
                                                  Canaca                        Addtionalcaims
                                                  Mexico                        are pending abroud
    2010004                                       Austraia
    Systems and Methodsfor Monitoring             us. (      94 caims publshed
    Terrestraly Reused SateliteFrequencis to      Europe                       in the US
    Reduce Potental ncerference                   Canada                       Addtionalcaims
                                                  Mexco                        are pending abroad.
    01—00008)                                     Auseraia
    MukBandMolsMode Sacelite                      us. us mt oomosszeaa1)       46 cims publshed
    Radioreleshone Communications                 Europe                       in the US.
                                                  Canata                       Addtioralcaims
                                                  Mexco                        are pending abroad
    so1—00007)                                    Austraia
    Coortiated SialiteTerretra Frequency          US. (US.Patent 6892.060)      149 claims issued in
    Reuse                                         Evrope                       the US. Addrional
                                                  Canada                       chims are pending
                                                  Mexco                        in the US.and
    pror—coone                                    Austraia                     abroud

* NS¥\ conpriersie isued raterordoo inliesorer BGO se ad 50 aditindpublahedpaerchine t t n addton
  PS has hnd ove10 dn srerapplatonssnce 2001


                Patent Filing                                   Coverage                       Es
| Coorinated Satelite—Terrestral Frequency         | US.(US.Publ.O#0023652A1)            |— 182 cime
  Reuse                                              | Europe                             |. publshed in the
                                                       Caraca                             | US. Addttional
                                                    | Hexico                              |. chims are pending |
  pror—000m)                                       | Auraia:                             | apreud              |
  Integrated or Autonomous System and              | US. (US:Pacent 6259.452)              106 chims ssued       |
  Method of SatliteTerrestral Frequency             Europe                                 in the US.
  Reuse Using SignalAttensation andfor              Canada                                 Addtionalcaims
  Blockage, Dynamic Assignment of                   Medco                                  are pending in the
  frequenciesand/or Hysteresis                      Austraia                               US.and abroud
  Stagered Sectortation for Terrestril Reuse        US. (US.PubL.O3/6153300A1)            56 cims
  of Sitlie Frequences                              Europe                                publshed in the
                                                    Canada                                US. Addiional
                                                    Mexico                                chims are pending
 gsor.ocor3)                                        Austraia                              abroad.
 Systems and Methods foIncreasing Capay             US. (US. Publ.OO2O27A2A1)             32 cain
 andlor Qualty of ServiceofTerestral                Europe                                publshed in the
 Celutar and Surelite Systems UsingTerestal         Canada                                US. Addiional
 Reception ofStelie Bund Frequencies                Mexco                                 claimsare pending
 pot—c079)                                          Australa                              abroat
 Systems and Method for Handover                    US. (US.Patert 6879829)               34 cims ssued in
 Becween Space Based and Terrescril                 International Coverage Forthcoming    the US. Addiional
 Radioterminal Communication,and for                                                      chimsare pending
 Morizoring Terrestrialy Reased Sacelice                                                  in the US.
 Frequencies at a Radioterminal o Reduce
 Posenta Interference
 (301—00084)                                   I
 Intra: andlor InterSystem Incerference        | us. us ruscoswoszmeaAn                   86 caims
 Reducing Systems and Methods for Scelie         International Coverage Forthcoming       publshed in the
 Communications Systems                                                                   us
 Systems and Methods for Modifying                 us. (US.PubL 0510026606 A1)            72 chims publshed
 Antenna Radation Patterns of Pripheral            International Coverage Forthcoming     in the US
 Base Strions of an Ancilary Terrestrl
 Component to Alow Reduced Interference

                                ANNEX A

               Patent Filing                            fasnca                             oand
Systems and Mechods with Diferent            us.                                       Claims pending.
Utiization of Scelice Frequeny Bands by      Interrational Coverage Forthcoming
a Space—Based Neswork and an Ancilary
Terrestril Nemwork
SitliteHands—Free Interlock Systems          us                                        Ciaims pending
andior Companion Deviesfor                   Incernational Coverage Forthcoming
Radioterminals and Related Methods
Systems and Mechods for Space—Based        | us.                                      Ciaims pending.
Reuse ofTerrestral Celular Frequency         Incernatinal Coverage Forthcoming
Systems and Methods for Monkoring            us                                       Claims pending.
Selected Terrestrialy Resed Satelite         Incernatinal Coverage Forthcoming
Frequency Sgnals to Reduce Pocental
SateiteTerrestral Wirelss                  | us.                                      Claims pending.
Communications Systems and Mechods          Internatinal Coverage Forthcoming
Using Disparate Channel Separation Codes
Predition of Uplnk Interference Pocencal    us                                        Chaims perding.
Generated byan Ancllary Terrescrial         Internatinal Coverage Forthcomi
Reusing Frequencies ofa Fred andor          us                                        Cims pending
Mobile Communications System                Internatinal Coverage Forthcoming
Incerfrence Reductionin Forward Link        us.                                       Claims pending.
Siteite Communications by Preditortion      International Coverage Forthcoming
(rr01—00150)                                                                      I
Incerference Reductionin Stelite            us.                                       Claims pending.
Communications by Excision                  International Coverage Forthcoming

                                ANNEX B
                   es                                    ora
  Systems and Methodl for Reduing Stelite    US. Patent 6937.857                  Patent isued by the
  Feeder Link BandwdhMCarriers in Colular    Europe                               US.Patenc Offce
  Siteite Spstems                            Canaca                               with 47 cims
                                             Mexico                               Addtionalcaims
                                             Austraia                             are pendingin the
  (szor—00006)                                                                    US.and abroud.
  Space—Based Newwork Archtecturesfor        us. (Us.rus.omosssreA1)              76 cims publshed
  Sitelite Radiotelephone Systems            Europe                               in the US
  gr3oi—o0073)                               Canada                               Addtionalcaims
                                             Mexco                                are pendingin the
                                             Australa                             US.and abroad
  Sateltewith Diferenc Size Service Link     us                                   Chims pending.
  Antennas and Radiotermina! Communication   Incernational Coverage Forthcoming
  Methods Using Same
  Code Synchronization in CDMA Sacaite       us.                                  Claims pending
  Wireless Communications Systems Using      Incernaional Coverage Forthcoming
  Uplnk Channel Detection
 Muté—Band Sateliteand/or Ancilary           us                                   Ciaims pending.
 Terrestrial Component Radloterminal         International Coverage Forthcoming
 CommunicationSystems and Methods with
 Diversty Operation
 Methods of Ground—Bused Beam Forming        us.                                  Ciaims pending.
 and On—Board Frequency Transladon and       International Coverage Forthcoming
 Related Systems
 Apparatus and Methods for Power Conerol     us.                                  Ciaims pending
 in Sitelite Communicaions Systems wth       International Coverage Forthcoming
 Satlite—Linked Terrestil Sations

* MAcompethant ind parec porotonclues o200 inoedand 50 adtindpublnhed pcecchims to t n addtion,
  HSW hs it over 10 addtond sewplcadon snce 200

                             ANNEX B
              nans                                     Coverage                         Euo
 Space—Based Nesworks and Methods with      us                                      Ciaims pending.
 Ground.Based Beam Forming                  InternationalCoverage Forthcoming
 Eectronic Anterna Beam Steering Using     us.                                      Caims pending.
 Ancilary.Asynchronous,Plot Channel        Incernational Coverage Forthcoming
 Sitelite Communications Systems and       us                                       Chaims pending.
 Methods Having Stared Ground              International Coverage Forthcoming
AdaptiveBeam Formingwith Interference      us                                       Cims pending.
Suppression and Mult—User Detectionin      International Coverage Forthcoming
SateliteSytems wth Terresrial Reuse of                                          |
Methods and Systems Providing Adaptive     us.                                      Chaims pending
Feeder Linksfor Ground—Based Beam          International Coverage Forthcoming
Ina—System and/or ncerSystem Reuse of      US.                                      Ciaims pending.
Feeder LikFrequenciesIncluding             International Coverage Forthcoming
Interference Suppression Systems and
Sitelites Using InterSatelite Links to     us                                       Ciaims pending.
Create Indiect Feeder LinkPaths            Internatinal Coverage Forthcoming
Sateite Communications Systems and         us                                       Caims pending
Methods wth Distrbuzed andor               International Coverage Forthcoming
Centraized Archrecture Including Ground—
Based Beam Forming

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Document Created: 2006-01-20 09:28:12
Document Modified: 2006-01-20 09:28:12

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