Attachment Order

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20050624-00813 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                 Federal Communications Commission                           DA 06-757

                                            Before the
                                 Federal Communications Commission
                                       Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                    )
SES Americom, Inc.                                  )
Application for Modification of the AMC-16          )       File No. SAT-MOD-20050621-00132
Fixed-Satellite Service Space Station to            )                 SAT-AMD-20051115-00218
Temporarily Vacate the 85° W.L. Orbital Location    )       Call Sign: S2181
and for Telemetry, Tracking and Control             )
Operations during Drift of the AMC-16 to and        )
from the 118.75° W.L. Orbital Location              )
SES Americom, Inc.                                  )
Application for Modification of Earth Station       )       File Nos. SES-MFS-20050622-00803
Licenses to Provide Telemetry, Tracking and         )                 SES-AFS-20050713-00909
Control of the AMC-16 Space Station at the          )                 SES-AMD-20051115-01577
118.75° W.L. Orbital Location                       )                 SES-MFS-20050622-00804
                                                    )                 SES-AFS-20050713-00910
                                                    )                 SES-AMD-20051115-01576
                                                    )       Call Signs: E040368, E040407
EchoStar Satellite L.L.C.                           )
Application for Modification of Blanket Authority   )       File No. SES-MFS-20050624-00813
to Operate 1,000,000 Receive-Only Earth Stations    )       Call Sign: E040344
to provide Direct-to-Home Fixed-Satellite Service   )
in the United States to add the AMC-16 Space        )
Station at the 118.75° W.L. Orbital Location as a   )
Point of Communication                              )
EchoStar Satellite L.L.C.                           )
Application for Modification of Earth Station       )       File No. SES-LIC-20050621-00799
License to add the AMC-16 Space Station at the      )                SES-AMD-20051118-01601
118.75° W.L. Orbital Location as a Point of         )       Call Sign: E050181
Communication                                       )

                                  ORDER AND AUTHORIZATION

Adopted: April 7, 2006                                          Released: April 7, 2006

By the Chief, International Bureau:


         1.     With this Order, we modify licenses of SES Americom, Inc. (SES Americom) to authorize
the telemetry, tracking, and command (TT&C) operations necessary to relocate SES Americom’s AMC-
16 satellite from 85° W.L. to the 118.75º W.L. orbital location (and back), where it will be operated
pursuant to a Canadian authorization to Telesat Canada, until the Anik F3 satellite commences operations

                                      Federal Communications Commission                                     DA 06-757

at that location. We also modify authorizations held by EchoStar Satellite LLC (EchoStar) so as to permit
the reception of Ku-band1 direct-to-home (DTH) Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) from AMC-16 at the
118.75º W.L. orbital location, and TT&C and feeder link communications from U.S. earth stations to the
AMC-16 satellite. We also grant SES Americom’s request for a waiver Section 25.161(c) of the
Commission’s rules to allow it to retain its Ka-band2 authorization at the 85° W.L. orbital location. These
actions will allow early commencement of Ku-band DTH FSS service to U.S. customers from an orbital
location capable of providing service to the contiguous United States. Accordingly, our action here will
improve the choice of service to consumers in the U.S. multichannel video programming distribution
(MVPD) market.


          2.      In October 2001, Industry Canada awarded Telesat Canada an approval in principle to
operate a hybrid C/Ku/Ka-band FSS satellite, Anik F3, at the 118.7° W.L. orbital location.3 In 2004,
Telesat Canada’s board of directors approved the “Anik F3 Agreement” between Telesat Canada and
EchoStar.4 The ANIK F3 Agreement authorizes EchoStar, as a United States licensee, to access Ku-band
capacity on Anik F3, as soon as it is operational, to provide DTH FSS programming throughout the
United States.5 EchoStar states that its purpose for entering the agreement is to augment the spectrum
currently used for MVPD services, including expanded local-into-local,6 international, high definition
television and other programming.7 In 2005, we granted EchoStar authority for the United States
facilities that would be used to effectuate the agreement.8 Telesat Canada plans to launch Anik F3
satellite in the second half of 2006. 9

       3.   In order to provide service from the 118.7º W.L nominal location at an earlier date than
the commencement of operations of the Anik F3 satellite, EchoStar has requested that SES Americom
move the AMC-16 satellite to the 118.75º W.L orbital location.10 Echostar, SES Americom and Telesat

   As used in this Order, the term “Ku-Band” refers to the 11.7-12.2 GHz (downlink) and 14.0-14.5 GHz (uplink)
frequency bands.
  As used in this Order, the term “Ka-Band” refers to the 18.6-18.8 GHz, 19.7-20.2 GHz, 28.4-28.6 GHz (Earth-to-
space, and 29.5-30.0 GHz (Earth-to-space) frequency bands.
    See Information Bulletin, Industry Canada Awards Satellite Licence <
 See EchoStar Satellite, LLC, Application for Authority to Operate U.S. Earth Stations with the Canadian-Licensed
ANIK F3 Satellite to Offer Direct-to-Home Fixed Satellite Service Throughout the U.S., IBFS File No. SES-LFS-
20040831-01253 (August 31, 2004) (EchoStar Blanket Earth Station Application).
 The term “local-into-local,” as used in this Order, refers to provision via satellite retransmission of local broadcast
channels to subscribers who reside in the local TV station’s market, which is defined as a Designated Market Area,
or “DMA.” See 17 U.S.C. § 122 (j)(2)(A).
    See EchoStar Blanket Earth Station Application, Narrative at 1.
 EchoStar Satellite LLC Application for Blanket Authorization to operate 1,000,000 Receive-Only Earth Stations,
Order and Authorization, DA 05-3227 (Int’l Bur. 2005) (EchoStar Blanket Authorization) (granting EchoStar a
blanket authorization for one million receive-only earth stations to receive Ku-band DTH service from Telesat
Canada’s Anik F3 space station, licensed by Industry Canada at the 118.7° W.L. orbital location).
 According to Telesat Canada’s website: “Telesat's 17th satellite, Anik F3, is now under construction and is slated
for service in the second half of 2006. ANIK F3 will provide a wide range of telecommunications, broadcasting,
business communications and Internet-based services to users across North America.”
  The 118.75º W.L. orbital location requested by SES Americom for AMC-16 is within the nominal 118.7º W.L.
orbital location assigned to Canada under the 1988 Trilateral Arrangement. Trilateral Arrangement Regarding Use

                                    Federal Communications Commission                                DA 06-757

Canada have entered into a Memorandum of Agreement concerning operations of AMC-16 at the 118.75º
W.L. orbital location.11 EchoStar has separately entered into a satellite service agreement with SES
Americom, under which EchoStar has leased the full capacity of the AMC-16 satellite from SES
Americom.12 Accordingly, EchoStar seeks to add SES Americom’s AMC-16 as a point of
communication at the 118.75º W.L orbital location in its receive-only blanket earth station authorization,
currently limited to the Anik F3 satellite, and to modify its feeder link earth stations to permit
communications with AMC-16 at this location.13 Currently, SES Americom is authorized to operate the
hybrid Ka-/Ku-band AMC-16 satellite at the 85º W.L. orbital location.14 Thus, in addition to Echostar’s
pending requests, SES filed an application seeking authority to relocate AMC-16 from the 85º W.L.
orbital location to the 118.75º W.L. orbital location on a temporary basis, where it would provide Ku-
band service under a license issued by Industry Canada to Telesat Canada.15 SES Americom also filed
applications to modify its earth station licenses to provide TT&C to AMC-16 at the 118.75º W.L. orbital
location.16 The various requests were accepted for filing and placed on public notice.17 No comments
were filed. On March 1, 2006, Industry Canada authorized Telesat Canada to operate AMC-16, using
Ku-band spectrum only, on an interim basis until Anik F3 is brought into use at the 118.7º W.L. orbital

        4.     In addition, SES Americom filed an application, using the streamlined authorization
procedures for fleet management,18 to move its Ku-band AMC-2 satellite to the 85° W.L. orbital
location.19 The modification request became effective on June 27, 2005. SES Americom indicates that
AMC-2 will provide interim Ku-band service from the 85° W.L. orbital location during the period that
AMC-16 is at the 118.75° W.L. orbital location.

(...continued from previous page)
of the Geostationary Orbit Reached by Canada, Mexico, and the United States, Public Notice (Sept. 2, 1988) (“1988
Trilateral Arrangement”).
     SES Americom Application, at pp. 3-4.
   Application for Modification of SES Americom, Inc., SAT-MOD-20050621-00132 (SES Americom Application)
at pp. 3, 11.
   Echo Star made this request to add AMC-16 as a point of communication for one million receive-only earth
stations located in the United States in an amendment it filed on June 24, 2005. File No. SES-AFS-20050624-
00813. The amendment related to EchoStar’s underlying application for blanket authority, which the Bureau
granted on December 20, 2005, while reserving action on communication with AMC-16. EchoStar Blanket
Authorization, DA 05-3227 at ¶ 7. For administrative purposes, on March 28, 2006, the Satellite Division revised
the file number of the request to communicate with AMC-16 to designate a modification of the blanket authorization
and the file number has been changed to File No. SES-MFS-20050624-00813.
  Policy Branch Information, Actions Taken, Public Notice, Report No. SAT-00239, DA 04-2884 (rel. Sept. 3,
     The SES Americom Application, at pp. 3, 4.
  Satellite Communications Services, Satellite Radio Applications Accepted for Filing, Public Notice, Report No.
SES-00744 (rel. Aug. 31, 2005).
  Policy Branch Information, Satellite Space Applications Accepted for Filing, Public Notice, Report No. SAT-
00316 (rel. Aug. 26, 2005); Satellite Communications Services, Satellite Radio Applications Accepted for Filing,
Public Notice, Report No. SES-00744 (rel. Aug. 31, 2005).
     47 C.F.R. § 25.118(e).
     Fleet Management Notice of SES Americom, Inc., File No. SAT-MOD-20050527-00110.


                                     Federal Communications Commission                         DA 06-757


        5.      In these applications, SES Americom and EchoStar request modifications to their
respective licenses to authorize the temporary relocation of AMC-16 to the 118.75º W.L. orbital location,
the reception of Ku-band DTH FSS from AMC-16 at the 118.75º W.L. orbital location by EchoStar’s
U.S. customers, and the operation of TT&C and feeder link communications from U.S. earth stations to
the AMC-16 satellite. EchoStar plans to use AMC-16 to offer international programming, including
existing services and new international services as they are added to EchoStar’s programming line-up.20
By moving certain existing programming to AMC-16, EchoStar will free capacity on its other satellites,
allowing EchoStar to provide expanded local-into-local and HDTV services to its customers.21

         6.      Review of EchoStar’s Applications. In the EchoStar Blanket Authorization, the Bureau
examined the public interest in allowing the Anik F3 space station to provide satellite service in the
United States from the 118.7º W.L. orbital location, considering the effect on competition in the United
States, eligibility and operating requirements, spectrum availability, and national security, law
enforcement, foreign policy, and trade concerns.22 The Bureau found that grant of EchoStar’s application
was in the public interest despite the existence of de jure barriers to U.S.-licensed space stations in the
Canadian market.23 The Bureau also found that operation of Anik F3 in the Ku-band frequencies at the
118.7º W.L. orbital location to provide DTH FSS presented no spectrum availability issues that would
preclude authorization. We find that the analysis in the EchoStar Blanket Authorization likewise supports
grant of SES Americom’s and Echostar’s requests concerning AMC-16. We find no material difference
in the competitive and public interest considerations for Ku-band service to U.S. earth stations from a
Canadian-licensed satellite at the nominal 118.7º W.L. orbital location, whether Anik F3 or AMC-16.
Consequently, the conclusions we reached in the EchoStar Blanket Authorization remain valid for this
request. EchoStar and SES Americom indicate that moving AMC-16 to the 118.75º W.L. orbital location
will more quickly bring substantial new DTH FSS to U.S. customers in the near term, and will permit
delivery of that capacity to a single EchoStar dish for many customers, which would not be possible from
the 85º W.L. orbital location. 24 We therefore grant modification of EchoStar’s blanket earth station
authority to permit reception of Ku-band DTH FSS from AMC-16 at the 118.75º W.L. orbital location.

        7.      We also grant authority for EchoStar to provide feeder links to the AMC-16 space station
from EchoStar’s two nine-meter Ku-band earth stations located in Cheyenne, Wyoming.25 In the
EchoStar Blanket Authorization, the Bureau found that these antennas comply with our technical rules,
including the two-degree spacing technical standards, and authorized EchoStar to use the antennas to
access “ALSAT” and Anik F3 as points of communication. We hereby modify that license to authorize
access to AMC-16 as a point of communication at the 118.75º W.L. orbital location.

        8.       Review of SES Americom’s Applications. The Commission generally has allowed satellite
operators to rearrange satellites in their fleet to reflect business and customer considerations where no
public interest factors are adversely affected.26 Grant of this requested temporary relocation will allow

     SES Americom Application at p. 8.
     EchoStar Blanket Authorization, DA 05-3227 at ¶ 8.
     Id. at ¶ 14.
     SES Americom Application at p. 9.
     Echostar 9 Meter Hub Earth Station Application, File No. SES-LIC-20050621-00799.
  Amendment of the Commission’s Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, Second Report and Order, 18 FCC
Rcd 12507, 12509 ¶ 7 (2003).


                                    Federal Communications Commission                                  DA 06-757

SES Americom to provide interim services to its customer, EchoStar, and will provide EchoStar
flexibility in providing improved service to U.S. consumers.

         9.      Section 25.161(c) of the Commission’s rules provides that a space station license will
automatically terminate if removal of facilities renders the authorized station not operational for over 90
days, unless specific authority is requested.27 SES Americom requests waiver of this rule in order to
retain its authorization to operate in the Ka-band at the 85° W.L. orbital location. SES Americom
indicates that it will resume Ka-band operations by AMC-16 at the 85° W.L. orbital location no later than
December 31, 2006.28 SES Americom asserts that waiver of the rule is justified by the public interests to
be achieved, without any adverse impact on users. The Bureau has indicated that Section 25.161(c) is
intended to avoid unacceptable lapses in service to customers and to prevent warehousing of scarce orbit
and spectrum resources.29 SES states that the move of AMC-16 is at the request of EchoStar, lessee of the
full capacity of the AMC-16 communications payloads, so it has no other customer whose interests are at
stake. We conclude that a waiver is warranted. We note that there will be no interruption in Ku-band
service from the 85° W.L. orbital location because the AMC-2 satellite is at the 85° W.L. orbital location.
With respect to Ka-band operations, because the relocation is for a short duration with a defined end date,
and because the temporary use of the satellite at a different orbital location will facilitate improved
service to the satellite’s current customer, without any lapse in service,30 we grant the requested waiver of
Section 25.161(c). The grant of the waiver, however, is conditioned upon AMC-16 returning to the 85°
W.L. orbital location no later than December 31, 2006.

        10.    We have exchanged letters with Industry Canada in order to ensure that there is a mutual
understanding regarding the operation of the AMC-16 satellite. The understandings, and the factual
background for these understandings, are provided as Annex A and are material considerations for the
authorization contained in this Order.


              11.     IT IS ORDERED that EchoStar Satellite, LLC’s request, File No. SES-MFS-20050624-
      00813, to modify its authorization, Call Sign E040344, IS GRANTED31 and EchoStar Statellite, LLC
      is authorized to receive Ku-band Direct-To-Home Fixed Satellite Service from the Canadian-licensed
      AMC-16 at the 118.75º W.L. orbital location, consistent with the technical parameters specified in its
      application, and subject to the following conditions:

           i.       EchoStar is not authorized to provide programming to U.S. customers that it
                    obtains through exclusive agreements entered into with Canadian licensed space
                    station operators, program suppliers, and/or program distributors.

     47 C.F.R. § 25.161(c).
     SES Americom Application at p. 10.
  See VisionStar Incorporated, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 19 FCC Rcd 14820, 14825 ¶ 12 (Int’l Bur. 2004);
Tempo Satellite, Inc., Memorandum Opinion and Order, 13 FCC Rcd 11069, 11072 ¶ 10 (Int’l Bur. 1998).
     SES Americom Application at p. 10.
  Consistent with Satellite Division practice, contemporaneously with the release of this order, the Systems
Analysis Branch will issue documents with respect to the earth station facilities addressed by this order. Those
documents will incorporate conditions adopted by this order, specify more detailed technical parameters for such
operations, and list a number of standard conditions that apply to such operations.


                                 Federal Communications Commission                               DA 06-757

        ii.     EchoStar must comply with all rules applicable to other Commission licensees
                (e.g., the public interest obligations of DTH FSS providers in the Ku-band, 47
                C.F.R. § 25.701).

           12. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that EchoStar Satellite, LLC’s request, File No. SES-LIC-
   20050621-00799, as amended by SES-AMD-20051118-01601, IS GRANTED, and Echostar’s earth
   station authorization, Call Sign E050181, IS MODIFIED to specify the AMC-16 space station at
   118.75º W.L. orbital location as an authorized point of communication in the 11.7-12.2 GHz/14.0-14.5
   GHz frequency band subject to the following condition:

                Communications between the Cheyenne, Wyoming earth station(s) and the AMC-16 and
                Anik F3 satellites shall be in compliance with the satellite coordination agreements
                reached between Canada and other administrations.

         13.    IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that SES Americom, Inc.’s request, File No. SAT-MOD-
20050621-00132, as amended by SAT-AMD-20051115-00218, to conduct Telemetry, Tracking and
Control functions during relocation of the AMC-16 satellite from the 85º W.L. orbital location to the
118.75º W.L. orbital location and during the satellite’s subsequent return to the 85º W.L. orbital location
IS GRANTED, and SES Americom, Inc.’s authorization for AMC-16, Call Signs S2181, IS MODIFIED,
subject to the following conditions:

        i.      During the drift to the 118.75º W.L. orbital location, and during the return drift
                back to the 85º W.L. orbital location, SES Americom, Inc. shall not operate the
                main communications payload on AMC-16.

        ii.     SES Americom, Inc. shall coordinate all drift orbit Telemetry, Tracking, and
                Control operations with other potentially affected in-orbit operators.

        iii.    During relocation of the AMC-16 satellite, operations shall be on a non-harmful
                interference basis, meaning that SES Americom, Inc. shall not cause interference
                to, and shall not claim protection from interference caused to it by, any other
                lawfully operating satellites.

        iv.     In the event that any harmful interference is caused as a result of operations
                during the relocation of the AMC-16 satellite, SES Americom, Inc. shall cease
                operations immediately upon notification of such interference and shall inform
                the Commission immediately, in writing, of such an event.

        14.     IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that SES Americom, Inc.’s requests, File Nos. SES-MFS-
20050622-00803, as amended by SES-AFS-20050713-00909 and SES-AMD-20051115-0157; and SES-
MFS-20050622-00804, as amended by SES-AFS-20050713-00910, and SES-AMD-20051115-0156, for
authority for earth station operations for Telemetry, Tracking and Control functions with AMC-16 at the
118.75º W.L. orbital location, ARE GRANTED, and SES Americom, Inc.’s authorizations, Call Signs
E040368, E040407, ARE MODIFIED to authorize such operations.

         15.    IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that SES Americom, Inc.’s request to waive Section
25.161(c) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.161(c), is GRANTED. SES Americom, Inc. shall
continue to be authorized to operate the AMC-16 satellite in Ka-band frequencies at the 85º W.L. orbital
location, and shall resume those operations upon the relocation to that location, no later than December
31, 2006. If SES Americom, Inc. does not resume operating in Ka-band frequencies at the 85º W.L.
orbital location by that date, or if Ku-band operations at the at the 85º W.L. orbital location are not
operational for 90 days or more, the authorization will be automatically terminated.


                                 Federal Communications Commission                              DA 06-757

        16.     IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that SES Americom, Inc. shall inform the Commission,
through a letter to the Chief, Satellite Division, FCC, within five business days following the date on
which the AMC-16 satellite departs the 85° W.L. orbital location, and again within five business days
following the return of the AMC-16 to the 85° W.L. orbital location.

         17.    SES Americom, Inc. is afforded thirty days to decline these authorizations as conditioned.
Failure to respond within this period will constitute formal acceptance of the authorizations as

         18.   This Order is issued pursuant to authority delegated in Section 0.261 of the Commission’s
rules, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon release.

                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                         Donald Abelson
                                         Chief, International Bureau


Federal Communications Commission   DA 06-757

      ANNEX A


                           Faderal Communications Commission
                                  Washington, DC 20554
rematon Buons
                                       March 21, 2006

    Ms: Chantal Besumier
    Director,Space and Intermational Regulatory Activites
    Radiocommunicationand Broodcasting Regulatory Branch
    Industry Canada
     15" Floor, 300 Slater Stret
    Otwa, Ontaio, Canada
    kia 0Cs
            Re:—   Opentions ofthe AMC—16 Space Sution
    Dear Ms. Beaumiec
           "This ete is to contirm the informal understandings ofthe Canadian Depariment
    oflndusty (Indusry Canad) and the Federal Commmunications Commission (PCC)
    concerning cetaintechnicaissues involved n the opertion oa eosationary seteite
    known as AMC:16 by SES Americom, Inc. (SES Americom) and Telesat Canada
    (Telesa0, pursuant to agrcements between and among SES Americom, Telesat, and
    EchoSter Satelite, L L C. (EchoStar
    The Transactionby and among SES Americom, Telesat, nd EchoStar
            SES Americom currenty operatesthe AMC—16 sateliteatthe 85" W.L.orttal
    Jocetion, subjectto FCC euthoriy.
            Pursuanttoa Memorandim of Agreement (Agreementby and among Telesat,
    EchoStar and SES Americom, dated as ofJine 20,2005,it is contemplated that SES
    Americom will move its AMC—16 satellit from the 85° W.L. orbitl locetion tothe
     118.75° W orbital loction. The Agreement contemplates that,at that location,the
    satelite will operte under Telesat‘s direction and contol prsant t an authoriztion
    issued by Industry Canadato Telest, and that AMC—16 wil e used to provide servicto
    Eho ta eustomers until Telsat iunches and brings ito operaton the Anik F.3 satlite
    atthe 118;® WLLorbtal location. Teleset and EchoStr have entered int a seporate
    serviceagreetment under which Telesatagreed to provide Ku—band capaciy to EchoStar
    at the 118.7° W.L. orbtal lcation.
           "The Agrsement specifies hetthe AMC—16 space station willbe removed from the
    118.75° W.L. orbital ocation no lter than 30 days following thdateEchoStrand SE
    Americom receive noticefrom Telest hat it has completed in—orbit tesing ofAnik F3
    and hastransfrred customertraffc from AMC—16 to Anik F3 The Agreement will

Chantal Besumicr
March 20, 2006

continue untl Anil F—3 oranother interim satelite is operational, unless the AMC—16
spacestation suffers an opertional filar and is moved outothe 118.75° W.L. poskion
or unless EchoStar wishes trelocatethe AMC—16 space station for another use.
       ‘The Aprcement provides that SES Americom will operate AMC—16, performing
telemetry, trcking, and commund functions fom earth sutions in the United Stare,
wnder Telesat‘sdiection and control. The Agrecmentalso requires SBS Americom to
take any necessory steps to comply with U.S. export contrl egulatione.
       "The 1988 Trilteral Arrangement designated t118.7° W.L. orbitl locaion for
Ku—band Fixed:Satllie Service (PSS) use by Canada." On October1 2001, Industry
Canada anaded Telesat an approval in principl fo a new C, Ku— and Ka—band
communications suelle at the 118.7> W.L. orbitlocation. On March 1. 2006.Indusiy
Canada authorized Telesat Coneda to operte AMC—16, using Kw—band spectrum only,on
w interim busisuntil Telosar‘new satelit, Anik F3, is brought ntouse atth 118 7°
WLorbial loction.
Informal Understandings between Industry Canada and the FCC on certain
technical ssues concerning operation ofAMC—16
       Itis my understanting that o two agencies have concured on the fllowing
technical issues concering the opertion ofAMC—16:
  1    Atthe L875 W.L.orbital location, the AMC:16 spacecrat will operte on Ku—
       band fequenciesonly, subjectto Canadian suthority. The Cansdian
       administation will have responsiblity for compliance with the ITU Radio
       Regulations (includingthe requirementfor lcensing as specified in Aricle 18.1
       ofthe Radio Repultions, and any applieable agresment—seeking procedurss)in
       connection with cpertion ofKand frequencies on the AMC—16stelite ahe
       118.75° WL orbial loction.
 2.   Operation ofthe AMC—16 sateliteatany location other then at th118.75° W.L
      orbial location willbe subjectto eensing by the FCC, icluing any operations
      as a result of equipmentfalir: in the satllt tat resuls in the inabllty o
      maintain th setelite within +005 degrees ots assigned posiioatth 118 75°
      WiL orbial loction:
 3. Indusiry Canada, through the Dirctor, Spaceand Intermational Regulatory
    Activites, once the Canadian icensee has beeninformed, wll providethe FCC
    with four (8) days® advance writn notice(e—mail with confirmed receiptfrom
    the FCC‘s Chiet, Satelite Divisin, nternational Bureas,wllbeconsidered

‘Triteat Amamgenent Resaring e Us oie Geonalomry ibty Canats, Mexcs, d t Unid
Sores, uic Natce, timco No 4406 rl.Spe2, 1998 (*TritalAmngemen)

Chantal Beaumicr
Mersh20, 2006

        sufient)of ay planned termination or expirtionothe Conadian License for
       the AMC—16 stelte.

  4.   Industry Canade willconditiont AMC—16 License to require Telosatto
       maintai, brring catasrophic fulire ofsatllite componentsthe capoblity to de—
       orbitthe AMC—16 spaccerat toan orbit consistent with U Recommenation
       $.100%—1, Environmental Protection of the Geostationary—Satelte Orbit
       "The informal understandingssot foth in this aterconcerning opertion ofKis—
band requencies on the AMC:16 satllte do not constiuta concurrenceby h PCC o
the United Sates Adiministation with any Canadian flings with the TU
Radiocommanication Bereeu atthe 118.7° W.L.orbitl ocation. 1 is my understanding
that the FCC and Industry Canida wil, eparately, and as pars of heagreement—secking
process applicabl under the TTU Radio Regubtions, work in good futh o complete that
process imofar as necessay,in connection with the opentionofthe AMC:16 satelite at
the nominal 118:7° W.L. oritlloction.

        "The PCC has not issued any of thsuthoriztions hat would be necemary to
provide direco—home sevicesto customers n the United States using the AMC—16
 sateliteatthe 118.75° W.L..orbital location. The FCC has received an apoliation for
modifeation ofthleense for the AMC—16 stelit,totemporanly relocate t o the
 118.75° W.L. orbital ocation. The PCC has also received an applcation foa blanket
authorization of ath tations secking to resaive directto—home ransmissions in the
United Sttesfrom the AMC—16 stelite atthe 118.75" W.L. orbital location These
applieations will require separie ction bythe RCC. This echange of leters does not
constiite approval oany ofthese applications
        In the event thatthre are any provisions in Telesats lcense flom Industry
Canada, r any provisions n the Conadian lows and regulations goveming the
telecommunications opertions ofTaleet Canada that would proclude or otheriselenit
the exercise ofEchostr‘s or SES Americon‘s contactua ights within the timefames
specified in the Agreementthe FCC would apprecitethe opportunity to consult with
Indutry Canada, pioto any exeriseofsch lcensing authorib, or applicationsofuch
Jw or regulations by Industry Caneda. 1 would appreciae acknowledament ofhese
views and expressionoany views whichIndustry Canada may have concernin the
maitediscussed in this parigraph. Let me alsoexpressthe FCC‘s willmgness to discuns
this materfurther, in the event,aa later dte,itbecomes necessaryto do so.
        Lastly,ll notices, inquiies,and correspondence from Industry Canada
concerming these mattersshouldbe drecte to the Chict Saelite Division, Intemational
Burcou (phonnumber 202.118 2341) (e mail: Robert Neleon@ifss.gou, with copy to and Mark.Youne@fee.gou), on the par ofthe FCC. The FCC
will forvard allnotiees nquiries and correspondence concerming thse maters t the
Directr, Space and Itematioal Repulatory Activies(phone number 613.998—3819) (c—

Chantal Beoumier
Marsh 20, 2006

mail beaurierchontl@i.goen) on the prt of Industy Canada. Please let us knowif
this addess subsequenty changes
        Ifthe forepsing correspondsto your understanding oftheinformal arangements
bemween our two agencies concerning the varioustechnica ssues involved in he
temporaryopertion ofKu—band fequencies on AMC—16 atth118.75° W.L. orbial
Hocation,piese contiem by retom leter. Thank you.
                                         Robert G. Nelsoo
                                         Satelit Division

      Pasl Bush
      Viee President, Broadcasting & Corporte Development
      Telesat Canada
      Naney J.Eskenazi
      Vie President and Associate General Counsel
      SES Americom, Inc

BWR nooy cce nowve
     snsinr e
     Gumox kinces

                                                    ouFileosois—1 (54873 REY

                                                         Mas 2 3 2e

     Mr. Robert Nelson
     Chiet, Sarellte Division
     Intermtional Buresu
     Foderal Communications Commission
     Washingon, D.c. 20581
     Dear Mc Nelson:
              "Thank you for yourletr of March 22, 2006 stingout our informal
     common understandings conseming cerain echnieal issus involved in the
     peration oa broadcasting—satelt service satlite nown by Telesat Canada and
     SES Americom, AMC—16.
               1 am pleased to provide myconfimation oouinformal
     understandings and acknowledgement oheother views expressod i yourleter
                1 alsonote from yourlaterthat ithe event thereare any provisionin
     ‘Teesi‘s Hcensefrom Industy Canada, or y provisons in the Canadian laws
     and regilations governin thtlecommunications opertionsofTeleatCanada
     that would preclude or othervise lmitthe exersiseofEchostars and SES
     Americon‘scontactial right withn the tme frames pecifd in the Agrcement,
     the FCC would appresiate the opportunity to consut wth Indutry Canada, prioe
     to any exereise ofsuch censingauthoriy, or appliations of such law or
     reaulaionsby Industy Canada. To theextent possble under te circumstances
     and th law,Industry Canada willinform the FCC ofthe exereiseoleensing
     suthorip,o applictionof awor regultionby Industry Canada, that would
     preclude or othervise limitthe exereise ofSES Americonts contractusl ights
     within the time flames specifid in the Agreement


          Once again,I wantto express my apprecition fote support your
administation is givingto thiskind o commersial arangementto fiiitte he
deliveryof importantand valuable sateite services

                                        Chantal Beaumicr
                                        Directr, Space and Intemational
                                        Reyulatory Activites
se Robert Power, Telesst Canada

Document Created: 2006-04-10 11:13:09
Document Modified: 2006-04-10 11:13:09

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