Attachment Order



Order on Reconsideration


This document pretains to SES-MFS-20050527-00662 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                   Federal Communications Commission                             pacs20s7

                                                Before the
                                   Federal Communications Commission
                                         Washington, D.C. 20864

 In the Materof
 Echoar Setllie LL C.
 Application for Special Temporary Authoriy                ile No. SAT—STA—20080321—00068
 Conserning Operstions ofEchoSar
 at the 77° WL. Orbitl Location
 Application for Modification of                           ile No. SAT—MOD—2005013—00103
 Direct Broadcast Satellte Authoriation                    Call Sign S2e21
 To Permit Long—Term Cesstion ofOperations
 atthe157" W.L. Orbital Location
Application for Modifiation ofEart Suition                ie No. SES—MFS—20050527—00662
Authoriztion o add the EchoStar 4 Steliteat               Cl Sign Boztsos
77° W.L. asa Point of Communication

                                   orpER ON RECONSIERATION
Adopteds uty 20, 2008                                              Released: Juty25, 2005
1By the Chief Itermational Bureau:

                                          1.      nTRopUcrIoN
        1.      Jn this Order, we gront in part EchoStar Satelite LL.C:‘s (EchoSta) potition secking
reconsideration ofthe denil ofa request for specialtemporary authority (STA), and of the dismissl of
two relted applications." Specificaly, we reinstate EchoStar‘s STA request insofaras it secks authority
to transfer control of ts EchoStar 4 satllte from EchoStar to QuetzSat, S. de R.Lde C.V. (QueteSad, in
connection with operation of the sateliteat the 77" W.L. orbital location." QuetzSat holds a concession
from Mexico to operate a satelite at the 77° W.L. orbital location, and would control the sateite
pursuant t that concession" We also reinstate EchoStar‘s application for modifieation of the EchoStar 4
space station ense. The modification applieation seeks authority for BchoStar 4 t cease operations at
the 157 W.L. orbitl loction on a long—ierm basis. In addition, we reinstate EchoBlar‘s application for
modifeation of an carth station authorization to permit that carth station to communicate with the

‘ EchoStarSteite LLC, Memorendirm Opinonand Order, DA 08—1881 (rel.June 3,2005) (Dentl Order)

* Fie No SAT—STA20050321—00068 (EcboSur 4 STA Request.
? Q@uetSat, a Mexisan entiy, obrained the concession from the Mexican Secrcurit of Communicationsand
Tratsporation (GCT) on Fsbmaar 2, 2005.

                                 Federal Communications Commisson                           DA 052067

 HichoStar4 satelite at the 77°WL.orbtal loction.     We find thatadditional information thatEchoSiar
 has provided in its peiion for reconsideration and in supplemental materials warants firther
 consideration of these three applications. The Interational Bureawill separately issue public ntices
 concerming these applications, in order to establish deadlines for public comment on the reinsated

                                         m       BackrouN»
         3       EchoSter fled ts STA Request on March 21, 2005, On May 13, 2005, EchoStar also
fileda request to modify is authorieation for te 157° WL. orbitl location, so that,despite the removal
of the EchoStar 4 sateltefrom that location, th liense would not automatially lapse.*. On May 25,
2005, EchoStar Ailed an application for modifieation of ts authorieation for ts erth station (Call Sign
E020306)t allow it to communicate with EchoStar 4 at the 77° W.L. orbital location" On May 23,
2005, the comment period closed on the EchoStar STA Request.. n response to this public notice,
DIRECTV, Inc. submited a lettr on May 4, 2000, requesting additional information conseming the
proposed operations of EchoStar 4.     EchoStr replied to DIRECTV‘s leter on May 10, 2004, and
provided additional information concerning the openations of EchoStar 4. On May 26, EchoSiar
submited a leter requesting expedited consideration of ts request. On June 3, 2005, the Intermational
Buresu denied the EchoStar STA Request, noting tht therequestappeared to be premised on a need to
meet an TTU bringing intouse date and thatthis was not an adequate public inteest reason tojustify a
         3.      On June 8, 2005, EchoSur filed its pettion for reconsideration of the Intemational
Rureau‘s Denial Order. The pettion for reconsidention, among other things, proposed modified
technical perameters for the operations of EchaStar 4 at the 77° W.L. orbiallocation, and indicated that
HEchoStar would seek to provide serviceto the United Sttes using the EchoStar 4 satellit atthe 77° W.L
orbiallocation. Mexico‘s SCT and Comiion Federal de Telecomnicaciones (COFETEL) submited a
feter supporting EchoSiar‘s request on June 9, 2005EchoStar filed supplementalinformation on June
14, 2005. DIRECTV filed comments on June 20, 2005,to which EchoStar replied on June 22, 2005. On
June 24, 2008, SCTand COFETEL submited an additioal leter concerning EchoSter 4 and the 77°

" See 47 CR.§25.161(6. This l provides forth automc ernination ofa stionauthorizaon upon Tihe
removal or modifiation ofh faclites wichrenders h stion notoperatonal fr morethin 90 das, unless
specif uthory is requened."
* ses—wrsa00sosa7.00002.
* Deial Orter§6.
" On June 10,2008, we designated heprocentings concening th aplictionsthtae thesubjectofhiOrde s
‘pernit butdisclose" for prposesofthe Commision‘s mdes overningex pane comminicatons. See ReportNo.
S¥T—00298, DA No 051646 (released uze 10,2005). On June 13, 14,15,and 29,and on Jaly 1 and 11, EcheSar
submited documention concerning epart dicussions.
* See eter Fom Jorge Alvare Hoth,Subsecrtaride Comicasiones, SCT and Jorge Aredondo Martines,
Preidene, COFETEL to Kevia . Marta, Chainan, ECC (Jue 9, 2005)

                                  Federal Communications Commission                            pacsasr

 WL orbitl location." EchoStr filed additional supplementa information on July 1, 2005, and Joly 5,
 205. On July 1, 2005, EchoStar also file a requestfor a blanket earth sation authorization, to receive
 signls from the EchoStar 4 ssteliteat the 77° WL. orbia location fo the purpose ofproviding a direct—
 1o— home service to U.S. subscribers."
         4.      On June 14, EchoStar filed a request fospecial temporary authority t drit the EchoStar
4 satelite from the 157° W.L. orbitl location to the 61.35° WL. orbital location." This request was
granted on June 17, 2005."" On July 1, 2005, EchoStar fled a requesttoalter the driofthe EchoStar 4
satelite so asto place it at the 77° W.L. orbtal ocation, and to operate the satellite atthat location under
a US. leense, pending actionon tTA requestthatis the subjectofthis Order." EchoStar‘sJaly 1,
2005, request was granted on July 6,2005.."

                                            i.      piscussion
        5.      We have declined to premise favorable public interet determinations on the fctthat
issuance ofan authorization might frciitate mesting an Interationa! Telecommunication Union (FTU)
bringinginto use deadlie."" In EchoStar‘s STA request, it sppeared that such bringing into use was the
sle parpose for EchoSiar‘s relocation of BchoSter4.""Thus, in the Denial Order,we found insufcient
grounds o demonstrte that EchoStar 4‘s relocation to 77° W.L. orbtal location would provide any
poblic interest benefit
        6.       Inits pettionforreconsideration and supplementa filings, EchoStar submits new
information conceming ts propasal. EchoSt indicates, forthefirst time, thatitcan and will provide
service tthe United Sttes using the BchoStr 4 satelte, Tt alsoindicates that QuetzSat Directo an
afhlise o QuetzSat, now has an aplieation pending with the SCT for a frther concession. This frther
concession is necessiry ifQuetrSatisto provide ts plinned directto—home service to Mexico. The
anticipated grant of this applieation, as well as other information provided by EchoSter in its petion,

* SeeLener from Leonel Lopez Gelay, Diretor Genealde Poltica de Telecomnicaciones, SCT and Ferando
Carillo Valdemsbano,Direcor Generaldo Organismos de Repulacin Interacional, COFETEL to Donald Abeson,
Chiet, Intomational Buress, PCC (Jane 24,2009).
" ite No. ses—Lrs—20050701—00852.
" ie Nosar—sta—20080614—0012¢
© Report No SAT—00502, DA 05—1772 (Jne 24, 2005
? rie No. sarsta—20050701.00142
" ReportNo. SAT—00306, DA 05—1978 (aly 3, 2005)
© Derial Order at§9,iingVisonStar Icorported, Memorendum Opinion and Onder, 19 ECC Red 14820, 11
(Iat! Bar.2004)and SEAmericom, Iac. Memorandim Opinion and Order, 20 BCC Red 436, . 39 (otBur.
" uns

                                Federal Communications Commission                           pa os—20s7

provides a suffiient prima fucie showing concerningthe public interest to warrantfurther considertion
of EchoStar‘s requests. We this reinstatethese appliations.
       7        HEchoStarhas miade changes in the basic echnical parametersfor the operations of
EchoSter 4 at the 77° W.L.orbitl location. We notethat cerain of th applications reinstated by this
arder need to be placed on publicnotic, Furthermore,during the pendeney ofthe petition for
reconsideration, EehoStar has filed additional and reated applications which need to be plced on public
notice. Therefore, we will separitely,through standard public comment procedures under the
Commission‘s ules, provide an opportunity for comment on both the reistated and newly filed
applications. We also notethat, because the EchoStar 4 atelite is now located at the 77° W.L.orbital
location, thase portions of e STA request and related earthsttion modification application conceming
drif oth sateliteto the 77° W.L.orbital ocation are now moot.
                                         1y.      conciuston
       0        As there is new information presented in the record, we will einstae the EchoStar STA
Request, BchoSar‘srelated requestto cease operations for an unspecified period longer than 90 days at
tbe 157° W.L. orbital loction, and EchoStar‘sapplicaion for modifeation ofts related Earth station
spplication, and proceed with processing ofhese applications and other related appliations.
                                    v.         orpeRNG chauses
         9.      Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED thit EchoGlr Satelite LLC‘s petitin for
reconsideration, filed June 8,2005,IS GRANTED to the extentindicated herein, and 18 OTHERWISE
         10. TS FURTHER ORDERED that EchoSar Satelite LLC‘s application, File No. SAT«
SAT—20050321—00068 (Call Sign S2621),18 RERVSTATED.
         11. TTIS FURTHER ORDERED tht EchoGtar Satelite LLC.‘ application, File No. SAT«
Mon—2005013—00105(Call sign sze21), is RENSTATED.
         12,     IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that EchoStar Satelite LLC.‘s application, SES—MES«
20050527—00662 (Call Sign EO20309, 13 REINSTATED.
         13. This Order on Reconsideration is ssued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s
1ules on delegations of authority47 C.RR. § 0.261,and is effective upon release

                                                Donald Abelson
                                                Chict Itermational Bureau

Document Created: 2005-07-29 15:21:33
Document Modified: 2005-07-29 15:21:33

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