Attachment ERRATUM

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20050427-00499 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                  Federal Communications Commission                             ba osuss

                                             Before the
                                Federal Communications Commission
                                      Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matters of                                      )
EchoStar Satelite LLC                       )                  File No: SAT—STA—20050203—00018
                                            )                  Call Sign:S2658
Request For Special Temporary Authority for )
the                                         )
EchoStar 5 Satellite                                   )
                                                       )       File No. SES—LFS—20050203—00133
EchoStar Satelite LLC                                  )       Call Sign: 2050020
Request for Blanket Authority to Operate              )
1,000,000 Earth Stations to receive DBS               )
programming from the Canadian BSS orbital             )
stot a 129® W.L.                                      )

                                  ORDER AND AUTHORIZATION
     Adopted: June 30, 2005                                       Released: June 30, 2005
By the Deputy Chief, Satellite Division, Intemational Bureau:
                                       L       INTRODUCTION
1.       By this Order, we grant EchoStar Satelite LLC‘s (‘EchoStar") application for Special
Temporary Authority ("STA") to relocate its EchoStar 5 satellite from current orbital location of
119° W.Lto the 129° W.L. orbital location.‘ ‘This request is purstiant to an agreement between
EchoStar and Ciel Satellite Communications, Inc. (‘Ciel"). We also grant EchoStar‘s request for
a blanket authorization for 1,000,000 receive only earth stations, which will be used to provide
additional "local—into—local,"" high definition, and other signals to U.S. consumers using the
EchoStar 5 satelite.". The EchoStar 5 satellite will operate at the 129° W.L. orbital location

! The term ©129° W L. orbtl location" ause in this Order, refesto the nominl orbitalpostion forthrelevant
Canadianfrequency assignment undethInteational Telecommunicaton Union(TTU) Region 2 Plan for BSS
and Feeder Link Assignments, as contained in Apperdix 300A of the Radio Regubations, and to any specifie
orbtal location wthin thcluter deined by such assignment
* The term ‘locainto—local.®as used n thi Order, efi to provision via stelitretransmission of loca elevison
broadeastsignls to subscribers who resde in a local tlevsion station‘s marke, whichis defined asa Desigated
Market Area,or"DMA®, See 17 US.C. § 1229)(A)
> This action is aken pursuant to Section 25.132 of the Commisson‘s Rutes. See 47 CER. § 25.132() (rquiring
receive—only Earth stations thatwould operte withnon1. Heensed space stations t request a leense). Any Eath

                                  Federal Communications Commission                               baos—isss

pursuant to a Canadian space station authorization issued to Ciel.
                                   I. BACKGROUND
         A«—     The Transaction between EchoStar and Ciel
3        The proposed relocation of EchoStar 5 is pursuant to an agreement between EchoStar and
Ciel concerning the use of EchoStar 5 at an orbital location assigned to Canada under the TTU
Region 2 Plans for the BSS and associated feeder—links.* EchoStar agreed to move the EchoStar
5 satellite to the 129° W.L. orbital location, subject to necessary governmental approvals. The
agreement provides EchoStar with an exclusive right to use all of the capacity on the EchoStar 5
satelite at the 129° W.L. orbital location until at least September 30, 2008 Under the
agreement, EchoStar may, undercertain circumstances, move the EchoStar 5 satellte to one of
its Commission licensed orbitallocations‘, in the event that EchoStar 5 is needed to replace some
orall of the capacity of certain EchoStar satellites due to an anomaly or anomalies in EchoStar‘s
fleet. Additionally, as provided for in the agreement, operations of the EchoStar 5 satellite may
continue for a period of time at the 129° W.L. orbital location, under certain circumstances,
including the launch failure of a planned follow—on satellite. That satellite is expected to be
Taunched by the end of 2008.
3.      ‘The agreement contemplates that, once EchoStar 5 is at the 129° W.L. orbital location, it
will be under Cicl‘s direction and control. Telemetry, tracking, and control functions (TT&C
functions) will be performed, under Ciel‘s direction, using Earth stations located in the United
States and licensed to EchoStar for EchoStar 5‘s entire term of service under the agreement. On
February 2, 2005, Industry Canada provided Ciel with an approval in principle to develop and
operate a broadcast—satellite space station at t129° WL.orbital location.®
       B. Procedural History
4.      On February 3, 2005, EchoStar filed both its STA request to relocate the EchoStar 5
satellte and its request for a blanket Earth station authorization. On February 4, 2005, EchoStar
fileda copy of a preliminary agreement with Ciel and requested that it be withheld from public

(.contined from previous page)
sttion authoriztionsrequired for ricking, telemety, and command finctions in connection with operations of the
EchoSta 5 satlite willb addressed separately
* The Plan for the BroadcastngSatlite Service (BSS)in the Band 122—12:7 GHz in Region 2 s contained in
Appendix 20 of the TTU Radio Repultions, and th associted Plan for thefeederlinks ithe frequency band 17.3«
178 Oe forthe broodcstingsitlite srvice in Region 2 is conained in Apperdix 308 of the ITU Radio
* HichoStar holds icenses t operate steltesprsuantto the U.S. ssignments for the 61.5, 110, 119, 148, and 157°
W.L.orbiral ocations underthe TRegion 2 Planfor BSS and Feeder Link Assignments.
* EchoSur STA Request at Exhbit 2. Abso available. at hipitategisicaceafpic/nemetinint—
qst nstiwap}fcielopdfSFILEFcice t

                                 Federal Communications Commission                             ba os—isss

inspection pursuant to Sections 0.457 and 0.459 of the Commission‘s rules." The Satellite
Division issued a Public Notice of EchoStar‘s STA request on March 4, 2005."\ Separately, on
April 6, 2005, we issued a Public Notice of EchoStar‘s request for a blanket Earth station
authorization." On April 4, 2005, the Bureau sent a letter to EchoStar requesting a definitive
agreement and further technical information concemning the EchoStar 5 STA application.""
5.      On May 4, 2005, EchoStar submitted a partial response to the Bureau‘s letter®" and on
May 11, 2005, EchoStar submitted the remainder of ts response to the Bureau‘s leter along with
copy of its definitive agreement with Ciel,requesting confidential reatment for certain portions
of the agreement." The Bureau made a follow—up request for additional technical information
on May 24, 2005."" EchoStar responded on May 31, 2005." No parties commented on cither
the STA or blanket earth station license applications.
                                         m       DISCUSSION

6.      We find that granting the STA and associated blanket earth station authorization is in the
public interest. ‘These actions will provide satellite capacity for the provision of additional local—
into—local, high definition, and other programming to its. subscribers and. would. further
EchoStar‘s plan to provide its local—into—Jocal programming in each market on a single satellite
dish pursuant to the Satelite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act of 2004
(SHVERA)," thereby improving the quality of service to U.S. consumers."*. We discuss below
the basis for his conclusion.

" 47 CER. § 0457, 049. See EchoarStelite LLC, Request for Blanket Authorty to Operat1000000 Earh
Suations to receive DBS programming from the Canadian BSS orbtal lot at 129° W.L. and to conduct Telemetsy.
"Tracking and Command Operatios n orderto Relocte Echoar 5 tthis Orbial Location:
* Report No. SAT—00275(eleased March 4,2005)
* Report No. SES—00701 (released April 6, 2005
" Letter rom Thomas 5. Tyez, Chief, Stelte Divisin, Intermational Bureau,to Pantlis Michalopootos, Counsel
for EchoStar,dated Aprl 4 2005,regarding Fle Nos)SAT— SAT—20050203.00018.
" Letter rom Panteis Michalopoulos, Counsefor EchoStar to Thomas Tyez, Chie, Satelte Division, dated May
4,2005, File No. SAT—STA—2005020—00018, submitinga partal response and requesting a one week extension of
the Bureau‘s deadinefor esponding to ts Aprl 4 2008 leter
" Leter from Pantcis Michalopoulas, Counsel for EchoStar to Thomas Tycz, Chicf Satelite Division,
Internationl Bureau, dated May 1 1, 2005 File No. SAT—TA—20080203—00018.
® Leter from Thomas S. Tyez, Chi,Sitelite Division, Inermational Buresu regarding File Nos) SATSAT—
20050203—00018, dated May24,2005.
"* Leter from Pantelis Michalopoutos, Counsel for Echoar to Thomas Tyez, Chicf Satlite Division,
Interational Bureau, dated May 31, 2005, File No. SAT—STA—20050203—00018.. EchoStar requested confidental
trcatmentforthattichmentto the esponse leter.
5 47 US.C. § 338 as amended by The Sarelte Home Viewer and Reauthorizaion Act of 2004, Pub L. No. 108—
a47, 118S2800,2303 2000
"* EchoStar will continue to be considered a "DBS provide," pursuantto Setion 25.701 of the Commission‘s
Rules, 47 CIRR. § 25.701, in comnection with the operitions of the EchoStar sitelite at the 123" WL ocbial

                                 Federal Communications Commission                            ba os—isss

3       DISCO !I Framework.        The Commission‘s DISCO II Order adopted a framework under
which the Commission would consider requests for non—U.S. licensed satellite systems to serve
the United States."" To implement this framework, the Commission, among other things,
established a procedure by which a service provider in the United States could request immediate
access to a foreign in—orbit satelite that would serve the U.S. market."" This procedure requires
 the service provider to apply for an earth station license that would list the foreign satellite as an
 authorized point of communication. Under the DISCO II framework, for direct—to—home services
 such as those involved in this case, we examine whether there are effective competitive
opportunities for U.S. licensed satellites to serve the home market of the non—U.S satellite
secking access to the United States. In particular, we examine whether there are de jure or de
facto barriers to entry for the provision of analogous service, and whether any such barriers
would cause competitive distortions in the United States. These factors are considered together
with other public interest considerations to determine whether grant of the request would serve
the public interest.
8.      DBAC, DirecTV 5, and Comperition Issues. The DISCO 11 framework, as applied in the
DBAC and DirecTV 5 cases"" is relevant in this case. In DIRECTV 5, as here, we authorized a
U.S. DBS space station operator to move its satellite to a Canadian—authorized orbital position to
provide direct—to—home service to the United States._ In finding that authorization to be in the
public interest, we relied on the DBAC case. In DBAC, we authorized a U.S. earth station
operator to access a Canadian—authorized satelite to provide direct—to—home service to the United
States. In finding that authorization to be in the public interest, we first examined whether there
were de jure or de facto barriers to entry in the Canadian market for services analogous to the
services DBAC was secking authority to provide in the United States. We found that such de
jure bartiers do exist. However, we also concluded that there was a compelling public interest
justification for authorizing such service in the United States, and that grant of the authorization
would enhance, rather than distort or harm, compettion in the United States. Similarly, in
DirecTV 5, we concluded that the benefits from grant of DIRECTV‘s proposal were compelling
and warranted favorable action.
9.       In DBAC, we considered, firs, whether compeitive distortions might result from
authorizing DBAC to provide the services proposed. We found that competitive distortions
would be likely to result only under a number of conditions: (1) through use of the Canadian
satelltes, the Applicant would have access to cost savings, subsidies or quality—enhancing assets
not available to other U.S. service providers; (2) those cost savings, subsidies, or quality—

"" See Amendment of the Commissions Regulatory Poliies o Allow Nor—U.S. Licensed Satelites Providing
Domestic and Interational Servicein the Unied States, Report and Order, 1B Docket No. 96—111, 12 FCC Red
24094 (1997) (DISCO it o DISCO 1t Orden)
" See DISCO 11 12 ECC Red at 24174, 4 186. For a more detailed summary of the DISCO II framework,see
Amendment of the Commission‘s Repultory Poliies to Allow Nor—U.S—Licensed Space Sutions to Provide
Domesticand Interational Satlite Servicein the United States, Fist Order on Reconsideration, 1B Docket No.
96—111, 15 RCC Red 7207, 7209—10,34—5(1999) (DISCO I Pis Reconsideration Order,
® Digial Broadband Applications Corp, Order, 18 FCC Red 9455 (In‘l. Bur. 2003) (DBAO)..          DirecTV
Enterprises, LLC, Request forSpecil Tempory Authoriy forthe DIRECTVS Satelfte, Order and Authorizerion
19 FCC Red 15520 CBur. 2004 (DirecV3.

                                  Federal Communications Commission                          wa os—isss

enhancing assets would be sufficiently large to enable the Applicant to offer prices and quality of
services that would cause some or all of the incumbent U.S. DTH/DBS providers to exit the
market; (3) following exit of some or all of the domestic DTH/DBS providers, the Applicant
would be able to raise the price of service to U.S. customers; and (4) entry barriers exist such that
neither the incumbent U.S. DTH/DBS pmvidmor new U.S. DTH/DBS providers could enter
the market, thereby defeating the price increase."" We also noted that competitive distortions
related to predatory pricing are a rare phenomenon,in part because of the high risk that they will
be unsuccessful."" In this case, as in DIRECTV 5, while this authorization will provide EchoStar
with access to quality—enhancing assets, ... stellite capacity for the provision of local—into—Jocal
and other services in additional markets in which EchoStar is not currently providing these
services, there is no evidence that this access will create a competitive distortion by allowing
EchoStar to carry out a predatory strategy.
 10.     In DBAC, we then considered whether there was a compelling publicinterest justifiation
for authorizing service. We found that, since DBAC had not yet entered the markets for DBS or
multi—hannel video programming distribution (MVPD) services, authorization of DBAC to
provide these services using Canadian satellites would increase comperition in DBS services and
in MVPD services generally."" Here, we find that there is a compelling public interest
justification for granting EchoStar‘s application because, as EchoStar states in its request, it will
facilitate EchoStar‘s efforts to provide. more: local—into—local, high—definition, and other
programming, and to transition its "two—dish" markets to one dish for all local television
broadcast station signals offered in each market." EchoStar further states that allowing it to
provide this additional programming from the 129° W.L. orbital position will enable EchoStar to
compete more effectively with established cable operators in the MVPD market."" Finally, grant
of this request will allow EchoStar to operate at an orbital location that was not previously
available to consumers in the United States.""           Inasmuch as there is no competitive distortion
associated with this authorization and grant of this authorization will facilitate the increase in
provision of local broadcast channel service, we find that the benefits associated with grant of
EchoStar‘s proposal are compelling and warrant approval ofthis request.
11. International Coondination/Relationship to DBS Spacing Issues. The ITU Region 2
Plans for the BSS and associated feeder—links includes an assignment to Canada at the 129° W.L.
orbital location. There are no co—frequency U.S. BSS assignments within 9 degrees of the 129°
W.Lorbital location, and no current BSS operations by any country within 9 degrees ofthe 129°
W.L. orbital location. Therefore, operations at the 129° W.L.. orbital location will not disrupt or
degrade any currently operating DBS service.

® pBaCat9402,9 16
" ul
®EchaSar 5 STA at 4. "Two—dish" marketsar thos thatrequire the direct: home subscribe to use two satelite
dish anternasto receivealllocaltelevision broadcas signas in a market
" uh is
" taso

                                Federal Communications Commission                       a osisss
12. Exchange of Letters with Industry Canada. We have exchanged letters with Industry
Canada in order to ensure that there is a mutual understanding regarding the operation of the
EchoStar 5 satellite. ‘The understandings, and the factual background for these understandings,
are provided as Annex A and are material considerations for the authorization contained in this
Order. In general, the exchange of letters indicates that EchoStar 5 space station operations at
the 129° W.L. orbital location will be pursuant to authorization of Ciel by Industry Canada.
13. Disposition ofthe EchoStar 5 FCC License. EchoStar 5 will not be operating pursuant to
a Commission authorization once it begins operating at the 129° W.L. orbital location.
Accordingly, we are terminating the EchoStar 5 license (Call Sign $2658), effective upon
EchoStar 5 reaching the 129° W.L. orbital location.
                             IV.    CONCLUSION AND ORDERING CLAUSES
14. Based on the foregoing, we find that grant of EchoStar‘s requests will serve the public
interest by improving the quality of local—into—local, high definition, and other satellite services
to its subscribers.
15. Accordingly, TT IS ORDERED, that the application of EchoStar Satelite LLC File No.
SAT—STA—20050203—00018 (Call Sign: $2658) is GRANTED, and EchoStar Satellite LLC is
authorized for a period of 60 days to relocate EchoStar 5 from the 119° W.L. orbital location to
the 129° W.L orbital location and to conduct space station Telemetry, Tracking and Command
communications during the movement ofthe satellite to the 129° W.L. orbitallocation, subject to
the following conditions:
                i.) EchoStar Satellite LLC shall coordinate all drift orbit Telemetry, Tracking, and
                Control operations with other potentially affected in—orbit operators.
                ii) During relocation of the EchoStar 5 satellite, EchoStar Satellite LLC‘s
                operations shall be on a non—harmful interference basis, i. EchoStar Satellte
                LLC shall not cause interference to, and shall not claim protection. from
                interference caused to it by, any other lawfully operating satellits.
                iii) In the event that any harmful interference is caused as a result of EchoStar
                Satellite LLC‘s operations during the relocation of the EchoStar 5 satellie,
                EchoStar Satellite LLC, shall cease operations immediately upon notfication of
                such interference and shall inform the Commission in writing immediately of
                such an event
16.     TT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that, pursuant to Section 25.137 (c) of the Commission‘s
rules, the application of EchoStar Satellite LLC, File No. SES—LES—20050203—00133, 18
GRANTED, and EchoStar Satelite LLC IS AUTHORIZED, until December 31, 2008, to use
1,000,000 receive—only Earth stations to receive transmissions in the 12.2—12.7 GHz frequency
band from the EchoStar 5 satelite at the 129° W.L. orbital location, which is licensed to Ciel
Satelite Communications, Inc. by Industry Canada, consistent with the technical parameters
specified in its application, and subject t the following condition:
                 i.) Operations shall be consistent with applicable coordination agreements; to the
                 extent such agreements have not been reached, operations shall be on a non—

                                 Federal Communications Commission                     ba os—use

               harmful interference basis, ie., operations of the EchoStar 5 satelite shall not
               cause interference to, and shall not claim protection from, interference caused to t
               by any other lawfully operating satellites.
17.    IT 1S FURTHER ORDERED, that, effective upon the date when the EchoStar 5 satellite
reaches the 129° W.L. orbital location, the license for that satellite (Call Sign $2658) 18
18.     EchoStar Satelite LLC shall inform the Commission, through a letter to the Chicf,
Satellite Division, FCC, within five business days following the date on which the EchoStar 5
satelite reaches the 129° W.L. orbital location.

19.    EchoStar Satelite LLC is afforded thirty days to decline these authorizations as
conditioned. Failure to respond within this period will constitute formal acceptance of the
authorizations as conditioned.
20. This Order is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.ER. §
0.261 and is effective upon release.
                                        FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                 A                               )
                                               ComualiC. //Lmu/
                                             Cassandra C. Thomas
                                             Deputy Chie, Satelite Division
                                             International Bureau

                        Federal Communications Commission                               pa os—isss

                                        Annex A

                        Faderal Communications Commission
                               Washington, DC 20554


Ms. ChanalBemumier
Direco,Spaceand Intematonal RegultaryAcivites
Radiocommunicationand Broadcastng Repulatary Branch
Industy Canada
15Floo, 300 SaerSvect
Ottswa, Omario,Canada

Re: Operitionofithe EchoSar 5 Space Srion

Dear Ms.Beaumien:
       "This eter is tconim the informal undesiandingsofthe Canadian Department of
Industy Ondustry Canada) and the FederalCommunications Commision (PCC) concening
cerainestnieal issve involved in theapertion, pursoant t an agreementbetween EcheStar
Satelit LLC (EchoStaand CiSaelite CommunicatonsIn. (Cie), ofa Brondensting—
Satelite Srvice (B3S)saele known by EchoBar and Cl as EchoSta S. The following
explanaton is derived fom the apreement
"The Transacton Between EchoStar and Cl
        EcboSiar cureny operate the Echobtar S satie at the 119° W..ohialloction,
subjectto FCCauthorty. Underan apreement betweenKchoStarand Cic. EchoSr grend to
move the BchoSa S satlite o the 129° W L. orbial loction,subjectto necessry
povemmental approvals.The agreement proviesEchoStar wth an xclusve right o e allof
the capaciy on heEchoStar suelite athe129 W.L. ol location uttheinservice te
of theCic2 seatthe 129" WLorbital cation, which is xpecte o b i to
December 31,2008, Under theayreement, EchoSar may movethe EchoStar S suelit to one of
is PCC licensed orbtallections in the event that EctoSa is needad o replace tome orall of
the capociy ofcerain EchoStarstelites dve t an anomaly o anomales in EchoSar‘sstelite
fles. Additonaly, as provided for in the aprement, prations othe EchoStar S satlite may

 Te tem123° Wt odia eston." n t t noira i poticn h eleant Conatan feweney
anigmen undrte FURason 2 un o BS en Feedw Lk Asipanenso colaned in Appenda 008
orih atl Repainsan i any seorhial caon witin ie ce defed y ch sugnmen

                      Federal Communications Commission                              baos—tss8

continu foa periodoftime at the 129" .L. ocbtal ocation under cerain cincumstncessuch
as in the event ofa lainchfulareofthe Cio.2 satelite.
        ‘Theagreement conterplates hat,cace EchoSr isa the 129" W.L. ortitlfocution it
wilbe operted under Cit direction and conrol. EchoSlr will perform telemety, tacking.
and contralfintions TT&C fontion)unde Cie‘s iecion and contal doring BchoSur$‘s
term ofserviceatthe 129° W.L orbial ocaton.
        On Fabmary 12008, Idusty Canada provided Cel withanapprovalin principle o
develop and operae a broadcstteltespace striona he 129" W.L. ortitl location.
EchoStar has Aled with the PCC a reques fo Specil Temporiry Authoriztion to move he
EchoStar stelte fom it curenly authorized Locatio o the 129° W.L. orbial lcaton and a
request o deployearthsution in the Unted Sutes that would reeivesignalsfom EchoBar5,
anee heensed by Industey Canada for operition atthe 129° W L. orital ocation.
        "The agreement equires EchoSia o take tepsnecessaryto comply with US. export
contol regilions.
Informal Understandings Between Industry Canada and the FCC on certaintechnieat
issues concerning operation of EchoSar 5
        Itis my understanding that urtwo agencis hav concurre on the fllowing technical
issue concerning th opertion of EchoSr 5
    1. Atthe 129 W.L.orbtal location, the EchoStar S spceerat will operte subjecto
        Canadian authorily. Becauthis loction is a Canadian enryto the Region 2 Plan of
        Apgendix 30 0 ofthe TRacio Regulation, the Canadian adeniinvaton willhave
        responshlty for compliance wit the TTU Radio Repalaions(ncluding therequirement
        for censing as specified in Artcle 18 1 ofhe Radio Repubtons,and any appleable
        agreementseckingprocedure) in connection woperaion ofthe EchoStar stelteat
        the 129" W.L. orbial lcaton:
   2. Any apertion of he EchaStar , other than a the 129" WL. orbtal loction. will be
      subjecto eersing by the FCC,includingany operionsas aresult ofequipmentfadure
      in thestelte thatresul in theinabiliyto mainin the stelie wthin40.I degrees o s
      assigned postonatthe 129" W.L. orbtal ocation.
   3. Industry Canads, through he Diestr Spoceand Intemional Repulatory Activites,
      ance the Canadian lcense hasbeen informed, will rovide th PCC with 4 fou)days
      advance witen natce (email witconimed rmceipt from the PCCs Chief, Intomational
      Bureas, Satlfte Divison, willbe considered wffcien) ofany lanned ernination or
      expirtion of Canadian License forthe EchoStar S selit.

                        Federal Communications Commission                               pa os—isss

   4. EchoSlars abiliy to use the EchoSa 5 steltein the event offailire ofan EchoSlar
      satelit, wthn the time fome specified in the EchoStarCie agreement,i a private
      contactial mater between EchoStarand Cic.
   5. Industy Canada wllcondiion the EchoStar 5 Licens o requireCcltmaintain
       baring cxtstrophi ie ofsatelte componentsth capabilty to de—obit he
       Echoar 3 spcecrft o n rbiconsitnt wth T Recommendatin S.1003—1,
       Environmental Protction othe GeosiationarSaelite Orbit

        "The iformal undestandings set h in hi eterconcemningopentionofh Echoar
5 stelte do notconsutea concurrence by the FCC o the U.S. Adminsiation with any
CanadiaAlings wit the TV Radiocormmuniction Burcauatthe 12 ... ocbtaocation
under Appendies 30 or 30A ofthe MTU Radio Repulations. 1t is my undersanding thatthe PCC
and Indunty Canada wil, separaicls,and as part oheagreementsecking process applicable
underthe U Radio Regulations, work in good falth o complete that procesnsofr as
necessay,in connection with theoperation ofh BehoStar 5 satlit atthe 129" W.L.orbial
        "The FCC has na issud anyofth authoriationsthat would be necessry to provide
irectohome serviesto cutamers n the United Sies using the choSta S atllt atthe
 129° W.L erial location. The FCC hasreceived bth an applation for Specil Temporary
Authority (STA) to reloat he EchoSa S satelte t he 129° WL ocbial loction,and an
application foa banke uthorizaion ofErth tation seckingto recevediecto—home
iraninsiions in the United Satefrom the EchoStar S satlite t the 129° W.L.oria ocaion.
"These aplications will equire sepwrat ation bytheFCC. This exchange of etrsdocs not
consitie approval fithr ofheseappliations
        in the event ofthefilureofan EchaStar satlis,and upon the exersiseby BchoSiar of
its contractilightto move the EchoStar 5 satlite, and in the event thatthereare y
provisions in Gels Hense from Indusry Canada,orany provisions in he Canadian laws and
regultionsgoverning th telesommunictions opertions ofCil that would precude or
othersiselint the exrtise of EchoStar‘scontmctualrights wihin thetime fames pecifed in
the EchoSiarCiel agreement the PCC would apprciate the apportunty t consult with Industy
Canada, riotoany exercie ofsuch censing uthoriy, or apoleation ofsuch law oreyulation
by Industy Canada. 1 would apprecit acknowledgement ofthese viewsand expresion ofny
views which lndusry Canada may have cancerning the mate discused n this paragaph. Let
me also expres the FCC‘swilingness t dscuss his materfurther in th event, ata lier dar,
it becomesnecessanto do o.
        Latl,all noties, inguiresand corespondence from Industy Canada conceruing these
matersshould be ireted t he Chiet Srelte Divson,InemationalBurca(Phone number
202.418.0719)(email ThomasTycr, with acopy to KaclRensinger@ifee gov), on the
por afthe FCC. The FCC will forwart all naties,inquies, nd corspondence conccning
these mati to the Direco, Space and Inerational Repulatory Activites (Phone mumiber


                       Federal Communications Commission                          paos—1888

613.998.3819)(, on thpart ofIndasry Canada.. Pleaeletus
kinow ifthis ddesssubsequenty changes
        1fhe forepoing corespondsto yourundersandingofh nformal arangements between
ourtro agencis conceening th various echnialissueivolve in t operonof EchoSla ,
please contim by retm lter. Thank you
                                                      as 5.
                                               Thomas S. Tyez

«s    KevinSnyth
      ie Saelite Corponiion
      David . Moskowite
      Exseutive Viee Presdent ind Genera Counnel
      EchoStor Saelite, LC


                     Federal Communications Commission                          pa os—isss

WB nessceus ntunteet
   dunr on e

                                                    ourri: ossee—
    JUN 22 2005
   Chiet Sulite Division
   Internional Burens
   Fodeal Communications Commision
   Washingon, D.C. 20894
              "Thank you fryour eterofJun21, 2005 setingout ourinfmal
   comman undestandings oncernin cerai echnical issusimolved in the
   opertion ofa BroadcatingSatlite Sevice (B95)saelte known by Gil
   Satelite Communieatons c (Cieand choSar Satlite LLC, (EchoSta)as
              1 am pleased t providemy confimationofour inormal
   undertantingsand acknowladgement aft other vews expresed in your loter.
   Addiionall,ledusty Conadaackmouledgesth, in theventoftermination of
   the leass agreement owing o thfilir ofa Ehoistelte, EchoSr‘sablty
   to use theFchStar S satlita an orbtal postion leensed bythe FCC is a
   privat contactul mater between EchoSarand Cil. Nonethelessshouldthere
   be ary provisons in Cies ieene, oan provisons in the Canadian laws and
   regulations governig the elocommunicatons oficht would recludeor
   athervis imitth exrsiseofEstoSar‘ contmctualighs t tominate the lese
   and use th satelite witin ttime Famesspecifid in he EchoStarCicl
   agreemens, he FCC would be informed. t heextent possbl underthe
   ircumstancesand the law, ofthe exerise ofeensing authorty, or appleaion of
   law or repuation byIndusty Canada.




                  Federal Communications Commission                        paos—ises

          COneeayain, 1 want o expess my approcaion frthsupport your
administation is giving t hiskin ocommerialaangementto icthe
deliveryofimportant and valsble satlit service in our respectve counties

                                          Charta Besumier
                                          Directos Space andIntermtional
                                          Repplatoy Acivties
: Kevin Smyth,Ciel Sateite Communications


Document Created: 2005-06-30 14:28:53
Document Modified: 2005-06-30 14:28:53

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