Attachment Exhibit B

This document pretains to SES-LIC-INTR2019-01160 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Ka-Band Earth Station – Santa Paula, CA
     Frequency Coordination Report
                       28 GHz

  Prepared on Behalf of
   WorldVu Satellites
       March 7, 2019

                                                                 WorldVu Satellites Limited
                                                    Ka-Band Earth Station – Santa Paula, CA
                                                            Frequency Coordination Report
                                                                                    28 GHz

Table of Contents

1.    Summary of Results                                                              -1-

2.    28 GHz Common Carrier and LTTS Coordination                                     -1-

3.    28 GHz LMDS and UMFUS Coordination                                              -2-

4.    Earth Station Coordination Data                                                 -3-

5.    Contact Information                                                             -7-

Comsearch Proprietary              March -7, 2019                                      -0-

                                                                               WorldVu Satellites Limited
                                                                  Ka-Band Earth Station – Santa Paula, CA
                                                                          Frequency Coordination Report
                                                                                                  28 GHz

    1. Summary of Results
On behalf of WorldVu Satellites Limited, Comsearch performed a coordination notice for all
existing and proposed terrestrial licenses within the coordination contours of their proposed Ka-
Band earth station in Santa Paula, CA, which will transmit at 28 GHz1. Prior-notification letters
were sent to the licensees and a copy of the notification data is provided in section four of this
report. The earth station coordination was finalized on March 6, 2019.

No objections were received from any of the incumbent 28 GHz licensees. Our notification to
the incumbents was performed under the assumption that the earth station would be operating
on a secondary basis to LMDS Block A operations and a contact at WorldVu Satellites Limited
has been provided in case any concerns may arise in the future.

    2. 28 GHz Common Carrier and LTTS Coordination
In accordance with FCC Rules and Regulations, the Ka-Band earth station in Santa Paula, CA
was prior-coordinated by Comsearch. A notification letter and datasheets for this earth station
were sent to the following 28 GHz common carrier fixed microwave licensees. These licensees
are authorized to operate temporary fixed operations from 27.5 – 29.5 GHz on a nationwide
basis or local basis.

         Licensee                                                  Authorized Geographic Area

         BellSouth Telecommunications, LLC                         California
         Frontier Southwest Incorporated                           Nationwide
         M.U.T. Licensing, LLC                                     California

A notification letter and datasheets for the Ka-Band earth station in Santa Paula, CA were also
sent to the following 28 GHz local television transmission licensee. This licensee is authorized
to operate temporary fixed operations from 27.5 – 29.5 GHz on a nationwide basis.

         Licensee                                                   Authorized Geographic Area

         Information Super Station, LLC                             Nationwide

No objections were received from the common carrier or local television transmission service

1   The proposed earth station will operate in the 27.5 – 29.1, 29.5 – 30.0 GHz portion of the Ka-Band.

Comsearch Proprietary                            March -7, 2019                                           -1-

                                                                         WorldVu Satellites Limited
                                                            Ka-Band Earth Station – Santa Paula, CA
                                                                    Frequency Coordination Report
                                                                                            28 GHz

 3. 28 GHz LMDS and UMFUS Coordination
A Notification letter was sent to the following 28 GHz LMDS licensees. The proposed earth
station will operate on frequencies that overlap Block A of the LMDS service. The total
frequency allocation for Block A of the LMDS spectrum appears below.

Block A:        27.500-28.350 GHz
                29.100-29.250 GHz
                31.075-31.225 GHz

         Licensee                               Channels                    Market

         Cellco Partnership                      Block A             County Based
         NextWeb, Inc. d/b/a
         TelePacific Communications              Block A             County Based

A Notification letter was sent to the following 28 GHz UMFUS licensees. The proposed earth
station will operate on frequencies that overlap Channel L1 & L2 of the UMFUS service. The
total frequency allocation for Channels L1 & L2 of the UMFUS spectrum appears below.

Channel:        L1      27.500 - 27.925 GHz
                L2      27.925 - 28.350 GHz

         Licensee                                  Channel                 Market

         Cellco Partnership
                                                      L1, L2       County Based
         NextWeb, Inc. d/b/a TelePacific
         Communications                               L1, L2       County Based
         T-Mobile License LLC
                                                        L2         County Based

No objections were received from the LMDS or UMFUS incumbents.

Comsearch Proprietary                      March -7, 2019                                      -2-

                                                                       WorldVu Satellites Limited
                                                          Ka-Band Earth Station – Santa Paula, CA
                                                                  Frequency Coordination Report
                                                                                          28 GHz

 4. Earth Station Coordination Data
This section presents the data pertinent to the proposed Ka-Band earth station in Santa Paula,
CA. This data was circulated to all incumbent licensees in the shared 28 GHz frequency ranges.

Comsearch Proprietary                    March -7, 2019                                      -3-

                                                      WorldVu Satellites Limited
                                         Ka-Band Earth Station – Santa Paula, CA
                                                 Frequency Coordination Report
                                                                         28 GHz

Comsearch Proprietary   March -7, 2019                                      -4-

COMSEARCH                                                                                                     *

Coordination Values                      SANTA PAULA CA
Licensee Name                            WorkdVu Satelites Limted
Lattude (NAD 83)                         34026720 N
Lorgitude (NAD 83)                       18 0238° w
Ground Elevation (AMSL)                  282.18 mJ 717 it
Antenna Centerine (GL)                   274 m 90
Antennia Model                           CBI 35 meter
Antenna Mode                                     Reseive 18.0 Gitz                            ‘Transint 28.0 GHz
Interference Objecives: Long Tern                «1624 oWNRz:           20%                   1510 dBW@ kiz          20%
                             Short Tem           <142.4 BWz             001%                  126 0 dBWA kiz         0.0025%
 Mex Available RF Poner                                                 —39.8 (dBWKiiz)

                                                                          Receive 18.0 GHiz                           Tranmt 200 GHHz
                  Horzon                  Aneme                      Hote            Cominaton                Horzon           Cooninsion
Aemm()            Elowston (]             Docrmraion (1              Gan (s8)        Gstros fim)              Gan (t6]         Ditarce fm)
 0                 000                     7513                       MSs             12900                    1207             100.00
  5                000                     704                        163             129.00                    1207            100.00
 10                000                     6676                       MSs             12900                    1207             100.00
 16                000                     B2i8                       TS3             129.80                    1207            100.00
20                 0.00                    %.8                        168             12900                    1207             100.00
%                  008                     5170                       TS3             12900                    1207             100.00
30                 0.00                    5.09                       11.53           129000                   1207             100.00
%                  000                     #1.3                       TS3             129.00                   1207             100.00
«0                 000                     43 50                      S3              12500                    1207             100.00
45                 a09                     40.80                      Te#             129.00                   1207             100.00
5o                 000                     31.3                       uEd             12200                    1207             100.00
5                  000                     %%                         MS3             12900                    1207             100.00
ul                 000                     3X                         TS3             12900                     1207            100.00
&5                 000                     3150                       TSS             12900                    1207             100.00
70                 co0                     3147                       S3              12200                     1207            100.00
To                 000                     3117                       1153           12900                         1207        100.00
8o                 008                      3187                      1158           12000                         1207        100.00
&                  000                      32                        Tss            12900                         1207        100.00
5                  990                     %2                         MS3            1200                          1207        100.00
95                 000                      37.66                     Tsd            12900                         1207        100.00
100                000                     0 88                       S3             12900                         1207        100.00
108                000                     4271                       1153           12900                         1207        100.00
10                 000                     47.15                      153            12000                         1207        100.00
115                000                      50 80                     Tss            12900                         1207        100.00
120                0.00                    550                        TS3            12980                         1207        100.00
128                oo0                     se s2                      s3             12000                         1207        100.00
130                008                     t                          1153           12900                         1207        100.00
135                0.00                    Se4E                       11.53          129.00                        1207        100.00
140                000                     7M                         TS3            12900                         1207        100.00
145                oo0                     T0                         Mss            12900                         1207        100.00
150                0.00                    BM                         Thes           129000                        1207        100.00
156                008                      mss                       uEJ            12900                         1207        100.00
160                o00                     87 50                      153            12000                         1207        100.00
18                 008                     9200                       TS3            129.00                        1207        100.00
170                ond                     938                        uEd            129.00                        1207        100.00
e                  000                     10083                      MS3            12900                         1207        100.00
120                ong                     1087                       uesd           129.00                        1207        100.00
185                000                     109.08                     Tss            12900                         1207        100.00

                                                      WorldVu Satellites Limited
                                         Ka-Band Earth Station – Santa Paula, CA
                                                 Frequency Coordination Report
                                                                         28 GHz

Comsearch Proprietary   March -7, 2019                                      -6-

                                                                        WorldVu Satellites Limited
                                                           Ka-Band Earth Station – Santa Paula, CA
                                                                   Frequency Coordination Report
                                                                                           28 GHz

 5. Contact Information
For questions or information regarding the 28 GHz Frequency Coordination Report,
please contact:

Contact person:         Dennis Jimeno
Title:                  Engineer III, Telecommunications
Company:                Comsearch
Address:                19700 Janelia Farm Blvd., Ashburn, VA 20147
Telephone:              703-726-5858
Fax:                    703-726-5599
Web site:     

Comsearch Proprietary                     March -7, 2019                                      -7-


                    Prepared for
              WorldVu Satellites Limited
                SANTA PAULA, CA
               Satellite Earth Station

                     Prepared By:
             19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard
                 Ashburn, VA 20147
                    March 07, 2019

                                                      TABLE OF CONTENTS
1. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 3
2. SUMMARY OF RESULTS ............................................................................................................................ 4
3. SUPPLEMENTAL SHOWING ....................................................................................................................... 5
4. EARTH STATION COORDINATION DATA .................................................................................................. 8
5. CERTIFICATION ......................................................................................................................................... 12

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                                             03/07/2019                        Page 2 of 12


An interference study considering all existing, proposed and prior coordinated microwave
facilities within the coordination contours of the proposed earth station demonstrates that
this site will operate satisfactorily with the common carrier microwave environment. Further,
there will be no restrictions of its operation due to interference considerations.

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report    03/07/2019          Page 3 of 12


A number of great circle interference cases were identified during the interference study of
the proposed earth station. Each of the cases, which exceeded the interference objective
on a line-of-sight basis, was profiled and the propagation losses estimated using NBS
TN101 (Revised) techniques. The losses were found to be sufficient to reduce the signal
levels to acceptable magnitudes in every case.

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report    03/07/2019         Page 4 of 12

Pursuant to Part 25.203(c) of the FCC Rules and Regulations, the satellite earth station proposed in this
application was coordinated by Comsearch using computer techniques and in accordance with Part 25 of the
FCC Rules and Regulations.

Coordination data for this earth station was sent to the below listed carriers with a letter dated 01/30/2019.

        ABC Holding Company Inc.
        AT&T Corp.
        AT&T Mobility Spectrum LLC - Southern CA
        Aera Energy LLC
        Aerioconnect Inc
        Aerioconnect, Inc.
        Aerionet, Inc.
        Anaheim City, of
        Antelecom, Inc.
        Antelope Valley College
        BP West Coast Products LLC
        Bakersfield, City of
        Bel Air Internet, LLC
        Beverly Hills, City of
        Burbank, City of
        CBS Broadcasting Inc
        CBS Communications Services Inc
        California Internet, L.P
        California Internet, L.P.
        California Resources Corporation
        California, State of
        Castaic Lake Water Agency
        Chevron USA Inc.
        Citicasters Licenses, Inc.
        City of Culver City
        City of Los Angeles Dept Water & Power
        City of Monrovia
        City of Montebello
        City of Pasadena, California
        City of Santa Barbara Fire Department
        City of Whittier
        Clearwire Spectrum Holdings III, LLC
        Communication Services
        Communication Services Inc.
        Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC
        Disneyland Resort
        El Monte Police Department
        Embee Technologies
        Entercom License, LLC
        Fireline Network Solutions Inc.
        Foothill Transit

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                 03/07/2019              Page 5 of 12

       Fox Television Stations, LLC
       Frontier California Inc.
       Gilcomm, LLC
       Glendale City California
       Global Telecom & Technology Americas
       Go Creative Wireless
       Iberdrola Renewables, LLC
       KTLA, LLC
       Kern County Superintendent of Schools
       Kern Ed Telecom Consortium
       Kern Schools Federal Credit Union
       Kern Valley Dispatch
       Kern, County of
       LT-WR, LLC
       Las Virgenes Unified School District
       Long Beach, City of (WCD)
       Los Angeles City Info Technology Agency
       Los Angeles County Dept of Public Works
       Los Angeles County FCC Licensing Section
       Los Angeles County Metro Transit Auth
       Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Comm
       Los Angeles SMSA Ltd. Partnership
       Los Angeles, City of (ITA)
       Macpherson Oil Company
       Metropolitan Water Dist of So California
       Mobile Relay Associates Inc.
       NBC Telemundo License LLC
       New Cingular Wireless PCS - Los Angeles
       New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - N CAL
       New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC - SE Cal
       Nextel of California Inc.
       Nextweb Inc
       Olympic Wireless, LLC
       One Ring Networks, Inc.
       Pacific Bell Tel Com dba AT&T California
       Pasadena Area Community College Dist
       Pomona College - KSPC
       Redondo Beach Police Department
       Regents of the University of California
       Santa Barbara Cellular Systems, Ltd.
       Santa Barbara, County of
       Skyriver Communications
       SmartSky Networks, LLC
       South Bay Regional Public Comm Authority
       Southern California Gas Company
       Spectrum Link, Inc.
       Sprint Spectrum L.P.
       Sprint Telephony PCS, L.P.
       T-Mobile License LLC
       THUMS Long Beach Company
       Tejon Ranch Co
       Tesoro Companies, Inc
       Towerstream Corp.
       Turn Wireless, LLC
       Union Pacific Railroad Company
       Ventura County Office of Education

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report   03/07/2019   Page 6 of 12

       Ventura, County of
       Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC (Southern CA)
       Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC-N CA/NV
       Walnut Valley Water District
       West Covina, City of
       WiLogic, Inc
       Widmo Holdings LLC
       Wiline Spectrum Holdings LLC
       XO Communications, LLC

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report   03/07/2019   Page 7 of 12

This section presents the data pertinent to frequency coordination of the proposed earth station that was
circulated to all carriers within its coordination contours.

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report            03/07/2019            Page 8 of 12

                                                      Earth Station Data Sheet
                                             19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard, Ashburn, VA 20147

Date:                                    03/07/2019
Job Number:                              190130COMSGE02
Administrative Information
Status                                   ENGINEER PROPOSAL
Call Sign
Licensee Code                            WORSAT
Licensee Name                            WorldVu Satellites Limited

Site Information                         SANTA PAULA, CA
Venue Name
Latitude (NAD 83)                        34° 24' 7.2" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                       119° 4' 23.5" W
Climate Zone                             A
Rain Zone                                4
Ground Elevation (AMSL)                  232.18 m / 761.7 ft

Link Information
Satellite Type                           Low Earth Orbit
Mode                                     TR - Transmit-Receive
Modulation                               Digital
Minimum Elevation Angle                  5.0°
Azimuth Range                            0.0° to 360°
Antenna Centerline (AGL)                 2.74 m / 9.0 ft

Antenna Information                            Receive - FCC32                         Transmit - FCC32
Manufacturer                                   CPI                                     CPI
Model                                          3.5 meter                               3.5 meter
Gain / Diameter                                54.6 dBi / 3.5 m                        58.0 dBi / 3.5 m
3-dB / 15-dB Beamwidth                         0.32° / 0.36°                           0.21° / 0.23°

Max Available RF Power        (dBW/4 kHz)                                              -39.6
                              (dBW/MHz)                                                -15.6

Maximum EIRP                  (dBW/4 kHz)                                              18.4
                              (dBW/MHz)                                                42.4

Interference Objectives:    Long Term          -152.4 dBW/MHz         20%              -151.0 dBW/4 kHz        20%
                            Short Term         -142.4 dBW/MHz         0.01%            -128.0 dBW/4 kHz        0.0025%

Frequency Information                          Receive 18.0 GHz                        Transmit 28.0 GHz
Emission / Frequency Range (MHz)               2M16G7D - 18M0G7D / 17800.0 - 18600.0   230MG7D / 27500.0 - 29100.0
                                               2M16G7D - 18M0G7D / 18800.0 - 19300.0   230MG7D / 29500.0 - 30000.0

Max Great Circle Coordination Distance         129.0 km / 80.1 mi                      100.0 km / 62.1 mi
Precipitation Scatter Contour Radius           100.0 km / 62.1 mi                      100.0 km / 62.1 mi

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                       03/07/2019            Page 9 of 12

                                              Earth Station Data Sheet
                                     19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard, Ashburn, VA 20147

Coordination Values             SANTA PAULA, CA
Licensee Name                     WorldVu Satellites Limited
Latitude (NAD 83)                 34° 24' 7.2" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                119° 4' 23.5" W
Ground Elevation (AMSL)           232.18 m / 761.7 ft
Antenna Centerline (AGL)          2.74 m / 9.0 ft
Antenna Model                     CPI 3.5 meter
Antenna Mode                             Receive 18.0 GHz                          Transmit 28.0 GHz
Interference Objectives: Long Term       -152.4 dBW/MHz 20%                        -151.0 dBW/4 kHz          20%
                         Short Term      -142.4 dBW/MHz 0.01%                      -128.0 dBW/4 kHz          0.0025%
 Max Available RF Power                                                            -39.6 (dBW/4 kHz)

                                                              Receive 18.0 GHz                         Transmit 28.0 GHz
               Horizon            Antenna                 Horizon        Coordination          Horizon         Coordination
Azimuth (°)    Elevation (°)      Discrimination (°)      Gain (dBi)     Distance (km)         Gain (dBi)      Distance (km)
 0              0.00              75.13                    11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
 5              0.00              70.92                    11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
 10             0.00              66.76                    11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
 15             0.00              62.65                    11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
 20             0.00              58.63                    11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
 25             0.00              54.70                    11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
 30             0.00              50.89                    11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
 35             0.00              47.24                    11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
 40             0.00              43.80                    11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
 45             0.00              40.60                    11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
 50             0.00              37.73                    11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
 55             0.00              35.26                    11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
 60             0.00              33.29                    11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
 65             0.00              31.90                    11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
 70             0.00              31.17                    11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
 75             0.00              31.17                    11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
 80             0.00              31.87                    11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
 85             0.00              33.24                    11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
 90             0.00              35.20                    11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
 95             0.00              37.66                    11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
100             0.00               40.53                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
105             0.00               43.71                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
110             0.00               47.15                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
115             0.00               50.80                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
120             0.00               54.60                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
125             0.00               58.52                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
130             0.00               62.55                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
135             0.00               66.65                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
140             0.00               70.81                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
145             0.00               75.02                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
150             0.00               79.26                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
155             0.00               83.53                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
160             0.00               87.80                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
165             0.00               92.09                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
170             0.00               96.36                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
175             0.00              100.63                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
180             0.00              104.87                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
185             0.00              109.08                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                03/07/2019            Page 10 of 12

                                              Earth Station Data Sheet
                                     19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard, Ashburn, VA 20147

Coordination Values             SANTA PAULA, CA
Licensee Name                     WorldVu Satellites Limited
Latitude (NAD 83)                 34° 24' 7.2" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                119° 4' 23.5" W
Ground Elevation (AMSL)           232.18 m / 761.7 ft
Antenna Centerline (AGL)          2.74 m / 9.0 ft
Antenna Model                     CPI 3.5 meter
Antenna Mode                             Receive 18.0 GHz                          Transmit 28.0 GHz
Interference Objectives: Long Term       -152.4 dBW/MHz 20%                        -151.0 dBW/4 kHz          20%
                         Short Term      -142.4 dBW/MHz 0.01%                      -128.0 dBW/4 kHz          0.0025%
 Max Available RF Power                                                            -39.6 (dBW/4 kHz)

                                                              Receive 18.0 GHz                         Transmit 28.0 GHz
               Horizon            Antenna                 Horizon        Coordination          Horizon         Coordination
Azimuth (°)    Elevation (°)      Discrimination (°)      Gain (dBi)     Distance (km)         Gain (dBi)      Distance (km)
190             0.00              113.24                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
195             0.00              117.35                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
200             0.00              121.37                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
205             0.00              125.30                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
210             0.00              129.11                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
215             0.00              132.76                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
220             0.00              136.20                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
225             0.00              139.40                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
230             0.00              142.27                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
235             0.00              144.74                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
240             0.00              146.71                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
245             0.00              148.10                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
250             0.00              148.83                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
255             0.00              148.83                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
260             0.00              148.13                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
265             0.00              146.76                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
270             0.00              144.80                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
275             0.00              142.34                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
280             0.00              139.47                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
285             0.00              136.29                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
290             0.00              132.85                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
295             0.00              129.20                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
300             0.00              125.40                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
305             0.00              121.48                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
310             0.00              117.45                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
315             0.00              113.35                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
320             0.00              109.19                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
325             0.00              104.98                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
330             0.00              100.74                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
335             0.00               96.47                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
340             0.00               92.20                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
345             0.00               87.91                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
350             0.00               83.64                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00
355             0.00               79.37                   11.53          129.00                12.07          100.00

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                03/07/2019            Page 11 of 12



BY: __

Gary K. Edwards
Senior Manager
19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard
Ashburn, VA 20147

DATED: March 07, 2019

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report   03/07/2019    Page 12 of 12

Document Created: 2019-03-11 10:53:53
Document Modified: 2019-03-11 10:53:53

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