Attachment Narrative Exhibit

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20190930-01217 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


WorldVu Satellites Limited
1785 Greensboro Station Place, Tower 3
McLean, VA 22102

                                                    September 30, 2019

                   Exhibit A: Narrative Statement


       WorldVu      Satellites   Limited   (“OneWeb”)      seeks    authority   from    the   Federal

Communications Commission (the “Commission”) to operate up to 1,500,000 fixed compact

electronically steered antenna user terminals (“ESA User Terminals”) under a blanket license to

communicate with the OneWeb non-geostationary orbit, fixed-satellite service (“NGSO FSS”)

system. In accordance with the terms of OneWeb’s grant of U.S. market access, these ESA User

Terminals will operate in the 10.7-12.7 GHz band (downlink) and the 14.0-14.5 GHz band

(uplink). Grant of the instant application will serve the public interest, convenience, and necessity.

For the reasons set forth herein, OneWeb respectfully requests the expeditious grant of the instant


I.     Introduction and Overview of Proposed Operations

       The OneWeb NGSO FSS system is authorized to access the U.S. market in the 10.7-12.7

GHz and 14.0-14.5 GHz frequencies. 1 OneWeb successfully launched its first six production

satellites into low-earth orbit on February 27, 2019, with additional launches planned for later this

year. 2 OneWeb has already sought authority for four Ka-band gateway earth station facilities

  See WorldVu Satellites Limited; Petition for a Declaratory Ruling Granting Access to the U.S.
Market for the OneWeb NGSO FSS System, Order and Declaratory Ruling, 32 FCC Rcd 5366
(2017) (“OneWeb Market Access Grant”). OneWeb also incorporates by reference the OneWeb
Market Access grant to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of Section 25.137 of the
Commission’s rules for earth station applicants proposing to communicate with non-U.S.-
licensed space stations. In addition, OneWeb certifies that it has complied with all applicable
Commission requirements for non-U.S.-licensed systems to operate in the United States. See 47
C.F.R. § 25.137(a), (d).
  See, e.g., Jackie Wattles, OneWeb Launches First Batch of Internet Satellites, CNN (Feb. 28,
2019, 7:02 PM),


located in the United States, 3 and recently inaugurated a state-of-the-art satellite manufacturing

facility in Florida that, in the words of Chairman Pai, promises to “do for the satellite industry

what Henry Ford did for cars.” 4

         Authorization to operate the ESA User Terminals across the United States represents a

critical step forward in OneWeb’s operational deployment. OneWeb’s provision of high-speed,

low-latency satellite connectivity through the ESA User Terminals is crucial to bringing the

benefits of this innovative connectivity to the U.S. consumer. Commission authorization of the

ESA User Terminals is essential to OneWeb’s efforts to expedite the deployment of its satellite-

based connectivity service to the benefit of those U.S. consumers who currently have no or limited

access to broadband due to the lack of terrestrial networks in rural and remote locations.

II.      Compatibility with Existing Ku-band Allocations and Spectrum Sharing

         The 10.7-12.7 and 14.0-14.5 GHz bands are allocated to the FSS on a primary or co-

primary basis, and the Commission’s rules permit blanket licensing of NGSO FSS earth stations

in these bands. 5 OneWeb’s Market Access Grant permits OneWeb to access these frequencies

subject to certain conditions. 6 As a general matter, OneWeb will operate the ESA User

  See IBFS File Nos. SES-LIC-20180604-01082 (filed Jun. 4, 2018); SES-LIC-20180727-02075
(filed Jul. 27, 2018); SES-LIC-20180727-02076 (filed Jul. 27, 2018); SES-LIC-20190422-00538
(filed Apr. 22, 2019).
 See Jeff Foust, OneWeb Satellites inaugurates Florida factory, SPACENEWS (Jul. 22, 2019),; see also Remarks of
Chairman Pai at the Opening of OneWeb Satellites’ Production Facility, FCC (Jul. 22, 2019),
    See 47 C.F.R. § 25.106; see also 47 C.F.R. § 25.115(f)(2).
    OneWeb Market Access Grant at ¶¶ 23(a)-(e); 24(a)-(b).


Terminals in a manner consistent with these current allocations and regulations concerning Ku-

band earth stations in the Ku-band. In particular, OneWeb certifies or has already certified it will

comply with the following restrictions:

         •   Equivalent Power Flux-Density Requirements (“EPFD”). To protect geostationary
             satellite operations in these bands, OneWeb has already certified it will satisfy all
             applicable obligations under Article 22 and Resolution 76 of the International
             Telecommunication Union’s (“ITU”) Radio Regulations, currently codified by
             reference in the Commission’s rules. 7 As the Commission has noted, “[a]ny NGSO
             FSS system operating in compliance with these limits is considered as having fulfilled
             its obligation under Article 22 of the ITU Radio Regulations not to cause
             unacceptable interference to any GSO network.” 8

         •   Power-Flux Density Requirements (“PFD”). OneWeb has certified it will satisfy all
             applicable obligations under Article 21 of the ITU Radio Regulations and the
             corresponding PFD limits set forth in Section 25.208 of the Commission’s rules in
             these bands. 9

         •   Coordination with Radio Astronomy Service. OneWeb will also coordinate with the
             radio astronomy service and observatories, where applicable, prior to commencing
             operations. 10

  See id. at ¶ 23(b)-(e); see also 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.115(f)(1), 25.146(a)(2) (requiring NGSO FSS
earth station applications to contain the required certification regarding EPFD compliance). To
clarify the slight discrepancy between the relevant conditions on the OneWeb Market Access
Grant and the Commission’s EPFD certification requirement, OneWeb respectfully submitted an
EPFD and PFD certification letter earlier this year. See Letter from Brian D. Weimer, Counsel
to WorldVu Satellites Limited, to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, IBFS File No. SAT-LOI-
20160428-00041 (Mar. 14, 2019) (“EPFD/PFD Certification Letter”).
 See Update to Parts 2 and 25 Concerning Non-Geostationary, Fixed-Satellite Service Systems
and Related Matters, Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 32 FCC
Rcd 7809, 7820 at ¶ 32 (2017) (“NGSO Order”).
    See EPFD/PFD Certification Letter.
  See 47 C.F.R. § 2.106, nn. US113, US131, US211, US342; see also OneWeb Market Access
Grant at ¶ 24 (a)-(b).


          OneWeb will otherwise comply with the applicable conditions contained in the OneWeb

Market Access Grant and the Commission’s Part 25 rules. 11

III.      Grant of the Instant Application Will Serve the Public Interest

          Grant of the instant application will authorize deployment of the end-user component of

the OneWeb system and expedite deployment of OneWeb’s satellite connectivity service to the

benefit of U.S. consumers. OneWeb received U.S. market access in June 2017 and began

applying for Ka-band gateway earth stations in 2018. 12 Obtaining authority for ESA User

Terminal operations is the critical next step as OneWeb prepares to commence commercial

service in the United States and abroad.

          In the OneWeb Market Access Grant, the Commission noted that by granting market

access to OneWeb, it was “advanc[ing] [its] mandate ‘to make available, so far as possible, to all

the people of the United States . . . rapid, efficient, Nation-wide, and world-wide’

communication services.” 13 By granting OneWeb authority to operate ESA User Terminals in

the United States, the Commission will unlock the ability of the OneWeb system to provide next-

generation connectivity service to U.S. consumers on a nationwide basis, including many

unserved and underserved locations.

          Granting OneWeb authority to operate the ESA User Terminals in the United States is

consistent with the Commission’s “fundamental approach: [to] encourage the private sector to

  See OneWeb Market Access Grant, ¶¶ 23-25. Additionally, OneWeb hereby certifies that it is
planning to use a contention protocol, and such contention protocol usage will be reasonable. See
47 C.F.R. § 25.115(i).
     See supra nn. 1, 3.
     OneWeb Market Access Grant, at ¶ 1.


invest and innovate and allow market forces to deliver value to American consumers.” 14 As

OneWeb has emphasized and the Commission has recognized, NGSO-provisioned connectivity

will be a critical component of efforts to bridge the digital divide in the United States. 15

OneWeb in particular will be able to provide innovative services and applications to markets that

previously were not possible. 16 The expeditious grant of the instant application will allow

OneWeb to move forward on the path to transforming satellite connectivity in the United States.

  See Statement of Chairman Ajit Pai, FCC Boosts Satellite Broadband Connectivity &
Competition, FCC (Nov. 15, 2018).
  See Jeffrey Hill, FCC Chairman Wants to Cultivate Innovation in Space, VIA SATELLITE (Feb.
cultivate-innovation-in-space/ (Chairman Pai stating he is “bullish” about satellite systems being
the best solution to bridging the digital divide in the United States).
   See Mark Holmes, Greg Wyler, The Definitive 2018 Interview, VIA SATELLITE (Dec. 2018),
interview/ (OneWeb will work to ensure that “emergency response vehicles are outfitted
appropriately so that they can maintain continuous, low latency connectivity” that “can continue
after a hurricane and an emergency.”).


IV.    Conclusion

       For the foregoing reasons, OneWeb respectfully requests authority to operate the ESA

User Terminals in the United States.

Respectfully submitted,

 /s/ Eric Graham                                  Brian Weimer
 Eric Graham                                      Douglas Svor
 Regulatory Affairs, North America                Samuel Swoyer
 WorldVu Satellites Limited                       Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP
 1785 Greensboro Station Place, Tower 3           2099 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 100
 McLean, VA 22102                                 Washington, DC 20006
                                                  (202) 747-1930

                                                  Counsel to WorldVu Satellites Limited
 September 30, 2019


                                         APPENDIX A

       As a supplement to the information contained in the Schedule B attached to the Form

312, OneWeb provides the following additional technical information:

   •   For entry cell E49, the appropriate input unit is dBW/4 kHz.

                                  APPENDIX B: RADIATION HAZARD REPORT

In accordance with OET Bulletin 65, this Radiation Hazard Report measured radiation exposure
levels in seven zones for two cases—general population and occupational—at the closest point to
the uncontrolled area of any testing location and measured at the lowest elevation angle of any
testing location. The radiation levels calculated for each zone in Section B are derived from the
calculations made in Section A. The results in Section C for OneWeb’s ESA User Terminal
illustrate any radiation hazard that may exist for the general public and/or occupationally will be
mitigated by limited access and various protocols to ensure safe exposure levels.

I.         OneWeb Compact-ESA

           A.       Defined & Calculated Variables for OET Bulletin 65

                                                OET 65 Calculated
       Variables         Value         Unit                              Formula         Value         Unit
            Aperture       0.46    Meters                                       c/F         0.0210   Meters
                  d=                                              PI =
         Subreflector        0     Meters         Total Antenna Input           P*p            2.2   Watts
           Diameter                                            Power
            Aperture       70%     Percentage                               π(D/2)2        0.16619   Meters2
                                                     Area of reflector
     FCC Designation        Ku     Band                        area of       π(d/2)2             0   Meters2
                  F=                                              G=           G=
                          14250    MHz                                                 3302.948268   Linear
           Frequency                                    Antenna Gain        4πηA/λ2
          Transmitter       2.2    Watts            Antenna Gain dB      10log10(G)           35.2   dBi
         Power Watts
                                                                Rnf =
           Number of         1     #                                     Rnf = D2/4λ          2.51   Meters
                                                   Near-Field Region
                 Rua =
      Closest Point to
                           0.05    Meters                                                     2.51   >Meters
                 Area                               Transition Region      >Rnf <Rff
                 Rua =
      Elevation angle       37     Degrees                                                    6.03   <Meters
      at closest point
                                                                                              6.03   Meters
                                                                 Rff =         Rff =
                                                     Far-Field Region       0.6D2/λ           4.54

       B.     Radiation Levels in Each Zone

                                                                     Exposure Limits Met
 Radiation Analysis Zone       Formula       Level     Value                    Occupational
                                                                  <1mW/cm2       <5mW/cm2
 1     Power Sub-reflector           4PI/a     N/A mW/cm2            Yes            Yes
 2         Antenna Surface          4PI/A     5.295 mW/cm2           No             No
 3   Main Reflector Ground           PI/A     1.324 mW/cm2           No             Yes
                      Snf =
 4               Near-Field      4η(PI/A)     3.707 mW/cm2            No             Yes
            Power Density
 5                             Snf*Rnf/Rnf    3.707 mW/cm2            No             Yes
       Max Power Density
 6                             PI*G/4πR2      1.588 mW/cm2            No             Yes
       Max Power Density
 7      Off-axis Near Field     Snf-20dB 0.03707 mW/cm2               Yes            Yes

       C.     Results

OneWeb’s ESA creates no general population nor occupational radiation hazard. Zone 1 is of no
concern because the OneWeb ESA contains no power sub-reflector, and Zone 7 is below the
acceptable exposure limits. Although Zones 2 through 5 exceed the acceptable general
population radiation exposure limits, there remains no radiation hazard concern to the general
public because the OneWeb ESA User Terminal will be installed with authorized personnel only
signage in restricted areas such as on rooftops and behind fencing. Zone 6 also creates no
concern to the general public because it develops 6.03 meters above whatever surface level the
OneWeb ESA User Terminal is installed. With regards to Zone 2 also exceeding the acceptable
occupational limit, authorized service personnel are trained to turn off the OneWeb ESA User
Terminal when servicing in very close proximity to the antenna. Accordingly, there is no risk of
radiation exposure beyond the acceptable limits.


          OneWeb respectfully submits that the Commission’s antenna performance standards

contained in Section 25.209 of the Commission’s rules are not applicable to NGSO user

terminals. 17 Section 25.209 currently contains performance standards for gateway earth stations

in the Ku-band, but no such corresponding provision for user terminals. 18

          In developing the original regulatory framework for NGSO FSS systems, the

Commission explicitly declined to “specify an NGSO FSS customer premises earth station

reference antenna pattern.” 19 The recent NGSO Order similarly declined to adopt any antenna

performance standard for NGSO user terminals, noting that it was “premature to adopt any

additional technical limitations to promote sharing among NGSO FSS systems.” 20

          Accordingly, the antenna performance standard currently contained in the Commission’s

rules are inapplicable to OneWeb’s request for authority to operate the User Terminals in the

United States. 21

     See 47 C.F.R. § 25.209.
  See id. at § 25.209(h) (specifying performance standards for Ku-band gateway antennas). As a
result, the requirements in Section 25.132 requiring FSS applications to include certifications of
the results of a series of radiation pattern tests is similarly inapplicable. See 47 C.F.R. §
  Amendment of Parts 2 and 25 of the Commission's Rules to Permit Operation of NGSO FSS
Systems Co-Frequency with GSO and Terrestrial Systems in the Ku-Band Frequency Range, 16
FCC Rcd. 4096, 4187 at ¶ 240 (2000)
     NGSO Order, at ¶ 55.
  OneWeb notes that other NGSO FSS applicants have taken a similar approach when seeking
authority for Ku-band user terminals in the United States. See, e.g., SpaceX Services,
Application for Blanket Licensed Earth Stations, IBFS File No. SES-LIC-20190211-00151 (filed
Feb. 1, 2019).

Document Created: 2019-09-30 14:12:07
Document Modified: 2019-09-30 14:12:07

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