Attachment Radiation Hazard

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20190627-00861 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                              Kepler Communications Inc.
                                                                                                                     196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
                                                                                                                               Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                                                                          M5T 2C2

                                      RADIATION HAZARD ASSESSMENT

Presented here are the analyses pertaining to the emission of non-ionizing radiation by the antenna
system(s) requested by this application. These analyses demonstrate how the requested antenna(s) will
perform in accordance with the human exposure limits specified by the FCC Office of Engineering and
Technology Bulletin No. 65.
The following parameters are used across all calculations.

    Human Exposure Limits1
    Parameter                                                                  Value              Units                  Condition Symbol
    Limit Controlled Environment                                                               50 W/m^2                  <=        Plim
    Limit Uncontrolled Environment                                                             10 W/m^2                  <=        Plim

    Parameter                                                                  Value       Units                         Symbol
    Pi                                                                          3.1415927 real                           π
    Speed of Light                                                             299,792,458 m/s                           c

C-Com Fly 981 ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Intellian v65 .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Intellian v85NX ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Intellian v240MT – 40 Watts (Minimum) .................................................................................................... 5
Intellian v240MT – 125 Watts (Maximum) .................................................................................................. 6
Sailor 900 ...................................................................................................................................................... 7

 See OET Bulletin 65: Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency
Electromagnetic Fields, Edition 97-01 at 67 (1997).

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                                                                      Kepler Communications Inc.
                                                                                        196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
                                                                                                  Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                                             M5T 2C2
C-Com Fly 981
 Basic Inputs
 Input Parameter                       Value          Units   Symbol
 Antenna Diameter                              0.98   m       D
 Antenna Transmit Gain                         41.2   dBi     G
 Transmit Frequency                    1.430E+10      Hz      f
 Power Input to the Antenna                      8    Watts   Pbuc
 Fixed Loss from Transmitter to Feed             1    dB      Ploss

 Calculated Parameter                  Value          Units   Symbol     Formula
 Total Feed Input Power                        6.74   Watts   P          Pbuc - Ploss
 Antenna Surface Area                          0.75   m^2     A          πD²/4
 Wavelength                                0.021      m       λ          c/f
 Gain Factor                            13182.57      real    g          10^(G/10)
 Antenna Efficiency                            0.61   real    η          gλ²/(π²D²)
 Max EIRP                                  49.49      dBW     E          G+P

 Antenna Field Distances
 Calculated Parameter                  Value          Units   Symbol     Formula
 Near-Field Distance                       11.45      m       Rnf        D²/(4λ)
 Distance to Far-Field                     27.49      m       Rff        0.6D²/λ
 Distance of Transition Range              11.45      m       Rt         Rt=Rnf

 Power Flux Density                                                                               Pass Limit?
 Calculated Parameter                  Value          Units   Symbol     Formula          Controlled    Uncontrolled
 Near Field Region                         21.85      W/m^2   Snf        16ηP/(πD²)       Yes           No
 Far Field Region                              9.36   W/m^2   Sff        gP/(4πRff²)      Yes           Yes
 Transition Region                         21.85      W/m^2   St         Snf*Rnf/Rt       Yes           No
 At Main Reflector                         35.75      W/m^2   Ssurface   4P/A             Yes           No
 b/w Reflector and Ground                      8.94   W/m^2   Sg         P/A              Yes           Yes


    •    Antennas are to be installed in/operated toward areas that are inaccessible to the general public
         and other untrained personnel.

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                                                                      Kepler Communications Inc.
                                                                                        196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
                                                                                                  Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                                             M5T 2C2
Intellian v65
 Basic Inputs
 Input Parameter                       Value          Units   Symbol
 Antenna Diameter                              0.65   m       D
 Antenna Transmit Gain                         37.7   dBi     G
 Transmit Frequency                    1.425E+10      Hz      f
 Power Input to the Antenna                      8    Watts   Pbuc
 Fixed Loss from Transmitter to Feed             1    dB      Ploss

 Calculated Parameter                  Value          Units   Symbol     Formula
 Total Feed Input Power                        6.74   Watts   P          Pbuc - Ploss
 Antenna Surface Area                          0.33   m^2     A          πD²/4
 Wavelength                                0.021      m       λ          c/f
 Gain Factor                             5888.44      real    g          10^(G/10)
 Antenna Efficiency                            0.63   real    η          gλ²/(π²D²)
 Max EIRP                                  45.99      dBW     E          G+P

 Antenna Field Distances
 Calculated Parameter                  Value          Units   Symbol     Formula
 Near-Field Distance                           5.02   m       Rnf        D²/(4λ)
 Distance to Far-Field                     12.05      m       Rff        0.6D²/λ
 Distance of Transition Range                  5.02   m       Rt         Rt=Rnf

 Power Flux Density                                                                               Pass Limit?
 Calculated Parameter                  Value          Units   Symbol     Formula          Controlled    Uncontrolled
 Near Field Region                         50.79      W/m^2   Snf        16ηP/(πD²)       No            No
 Far Field Region                          21.76      W/m^2   Sff        gP/(4πRff²)      Yes           No
 Transition Region                         50.79      W/m^2   St         Snf*Rnf/Rt       No            No
 At Main Reflector                         81.26      W/m^2   Ssurface   4P/A             No            No
 b/w Reflector and Ground                  20.31      W/m^2   Sg         P/A              Yes           No


    •    Radomes will be used to prevent access to the feed flange and main reflector areas.
    •    Antennas are to be installed in/operated toward areas that are inaccessible to the general public
         and other untrained personnel.
    •    Radiation in the near field/transition regions will meet the exposure limits for controlled
         environments if antenna is operated below 7.89 watts.

June 3, 2019                                   Kepler Communications Inc.                                         3 of 7

                                                                      Kepler Communications Inc.
                                                                                        196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
                                                                                                  Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                                             M5T 2C2
Intellian v85NX
 Basic Inputs
 Input Parameter                       Value          Units   Symbol
 Antenna Diameter                              0.85   m       D
 Antenna Transmit Gain                         40.7   dBi     G
 Transmit Frequency                    1.425E+10      Hz      f
 Power Input to the Antenna                      8    Watts   Pbuc
 Fixed Loss from Transmitter to Feed             1    dB      Ploss

 Calculated Parameter                  Value          Units   Symbol     Formula
 Total Feed Input Power                        6.74   Watts   P          Pbuc - Ploss
 Antenna Surface Area                          0.57   m^2     A          πD²/4
 Wavelength                                0.021      m       λ          c/f
 Gain Factor                            11748.98      real    g          10^(G/10)
 Antenna Efficiency                            0.73   real    η          gλ²/(π²D²)
 Max EIRP                                  48.99      dBW     E          G+P

 Antenna Field Distances
 Calculated Parameter                  Value          Units   Symbol     Formula
 Near-Field Distance                           8.59   m       Rnf        D²/(4λ)
 Distance to Far-Field                     20.61      m       Rff        0.6D²/λ
 Distance of Transition Range                  8.59   m       Rt         Rt=Rnf

 Power Flux Density                                                                             Pass Limit?
 Calculated Parameter                  Value          Units   Symbol     Formula         Controlled   Uncontrolled
 Near Field Region                         34.65      W/m^2   Snf        16ηP/(πD²)      Yes          No
 Far Field Region                          14.84      W/m^2   Sff        gP/(4πRff²)     Yes          No
 Transition Region                         34.65      W/m^2   St         Snf*Rnf/Rt      Yes          No
 At Main Reflector                         47.52      W/m^2   Ssurface   4P/A            Yes          No
 b/w Reflector and Ground                  11.88      W/m^2   Sg         P/A             Yes          No


    •    Antennas are to be installed in/operated toward areas that are inaccessible to the general public
         and other untrained personnel.

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                                                                      Kepler Communications Inc.
                                                                                        196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
                                                                                                  Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                                             M5T 2C2
Intellian v240MT – 40 Watts (Minimum)
 Basic Inputs
 Input Parameter                       Value          Units   Symbol
 Antenna Diameter                               2.4   m       D
 Antenna Transmit Gain                         47.4   dBi     G
 Transmit Frequency                    1.425E+10      Hz      f
 Power Input to the Antenna                     40    Watts   Pbuc
 Fixed Loss from Transmitter to Feed             1    dB      Ploss

 Calculated Parameter                  Value          Units   Symbol     Formula
 Total Feed Input Power                    38.74      Watts   P          Pbuc - Ploss
 Antenna Surface Area                          4.52   m^2     A          πD²/4
 Wavelength                                0.021      m       λ          c/f
 Gain Factor                            54954.09      real    g          10^(G/10)
 Antenna Efficiency                            0.43   real    η          gλ²/(π²D²)
 Max EIRP                                  63.28      dBW     E          G+P

 Antenna Field Distances
 Calculated Parameter                  Value          Units   Symbol     Formula
 Near-Field Distance                       68.45      m       Rnf        D²/(4λ)
 Distance to Far-Field                    164.27      m       Rff        0.6D²/λ
 Distance of Transition Range              68.45      m       Rt         Rt=Rnf

 Power Flux Density                                                                               Pass Limit?
 Calculated Parameter                  Value          Units   Symbol     Formula          Controlled    Uncontrolled
 Near Field Region                         14.66      W/m^2   Snf        16ηP/(πD²)       Yes           No
 Far Field Region                              6.28   W/m^2   Sff        gP/(4πRff²)      Yes           Yes
 Transition Region                         14.66      W/m^2   St         Snf*Rnf/Rt       Yes           No
 At Main Reflector                         34.25      W/m^2   Ssurface   4P/A             Yes           No
 b/w Reflector and Ground                      8.56   W/m^2   Sg         P/A              Yes           Yes


    •    Antennas are to be installed in/operated toward areas that are inaccessible to the general public
         and other untrained personnel.

June 3, 2019                                   Kepler Communications Inc.                                        5 of 7

                                                                      Kepler Communications Inc.
                                                                                        196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
                                                                                                  Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                                             M5T 2C2
Intellian v240MT – 125 Watts (Maximum)
 Basic Inputs
 Input Parameter                       Value          Units   Symbol
 Antenna Diameter                               2.4   m       D
 Antenna Transmit Gain                         47.4   dBi     G
 Transmit Frequency                    1.425E+10      Hz      f
 Power Input to the Antenna                    125    Watts   Pbuc
 Fixed Loss from Transmitter to Feed             1    dB      Ploss

 Calculated Parameter                  Value          Units   Symbol     Formula
 Total Feed Input Power                   123.74      Watts   P          Pbuc - Ploss
 Antenna Surface Area                          4.52   m^2     A          πD²/4
 Wavelength                                0.021      m       λ          c/f
 Gain Factor                            54954.09      real    g          10^(G/10)
 Antenna Efficiency                            0.43   real    η          gλ²/(π²D²)
 Max EIRP                                  68.32      dBW     E          G+P

 Antenna Field Distances
 Calculated Parameter                  Value          Units   Symbol     Formula
 Near-Field Distance                       68.45      m       Rnf        D²/(4λ)
 Distance to Far-Field                    164.27      m       Rff        0.6D²/λ
 Distance of Transition Range              68.45      m       Rt         Rt=Rnf

 Power Flux Density                                                                               Pass Limit?
 Calculated Parameter                  Value          Units   Symbol     Formula          Controlled    Uncontrolled
 Near Field Region                         46.81      W/m^2   Snf        16ηP/(πD²)       Yes           No
 Far Field Region                          20.05      W/m^2   Sff        gP/(4πRff²)      Yes           No
 Transition Region                         46.81      W/m^2   St         Snf*Rnf/Rt       Yes           No
 At Main Reflector                        109.41      W/m^2   Ssurface   4P/A             No            No
 b/w Reflector and Ground                  27.35      W/m^2   Sg         P/A              Yes           No


    •    Radomes will be used to prevent access to the feed flange and main reflector areas.
    •    Antennas are to be installed in/operated toward areas that are inaccessible to the general public
         and other untrained personnel.

June 3, 2019                                   Kepler Communications Inc.                                        6 of 7

                                                                      Kepler Communications Inc.
                                                                                        196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
                                                                                                  Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                                             M5T 2C2
Sailor 900
 Basic Inputs
 Input Parameter                       Value          Units   Symbol
 Antenna Diameter                              1.03   m       D
 Antenna Transmit Gain                         41.6   dBi     G
 Transmit Frequency                    1.425E+10      Hz      f
 Power Input to the Antenna                      8    Watts   Pbuc
 Fixed Loss from Transmitter to Feed             1    dB      Ploss

 Calculated Parameter                  Value          Units   Symbol     Formula
 Total Feed Input Power                        6.74   Watts   P          Pbuc - Ploss
 Antenna Surface Area                          0.83   m^2     A          πD²/4
 Wavelength                                0.021      m       λ          c/f
 Gain Factor                            14454.40      real    g          10^(G/10)
 Antenna Efficiency                            0.61   real    η          gλ²/(π²D²)
 Max EIRP                                  49.89      dBW     E          G+P

 Antenna Field Distances
 Calculated Parameter                  Value          Units   Symbol     Formula
 Near-Field Distance                       12.61      m       Rnf        D²/(4λ)
 Distance to Far-Field                     30.26      m       Rff        0.6D²/λ
 Distance of Transition Range              12.61      m       Rt         Rt=Rnf

 Power Flux Density                                                                                Pass Limit?
 Calculated Parameter                  Value          Units   Symbol     Formula          Controlled    Uncontrolled
 Near Field Region                         19.77      W/m^2   Snf        16ηP/(πD²)       Yes           No
 Far Field Region                              8.47   W/m^2   Sff        gP/(4πRff²)      Yes           Yes
 Transition Region                         19.77      W/m^2   St         Snf*Rnf/Rt       Yes           No
 At Main Reflector                         32.36      W/m^2   Ssurface   4P/A             Yes           No
 b/w Reflector and Ground                      8.09   W/m^2   Sg         P/A              Yes           Yes


    •    Antennas are to be installed in/operated toward areas that are inaccessible to the general public
         and other untrained personnel.

June 3, 2019                                   Kepler Communications Inc.                                         7 of 7

Document Created: 2019-06-03 13:13:43
Document Modified: 2019-06-03 13:13:43

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