Attachment Ext.Ku Study + Coor

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20190611-00756 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                          Exhibit For
                                      SES Americom, Inc
                                     Sunset Beach, Hawaii
                                GD Satcom / 9 Meter Earth Station

     Compliance with FCC Report & Order (FCC96—377) for the 13.75 — 14.0 GHz Band
                              Analysis and Calculations

1.       Background

This Exhibit is presented to demonstrate the extent to which the licensed SES Americom, Inc.
satellite earth station, is in compliance with FCC REPORT & ORDER 96—377. The potential
interference from the earth station to US Navy shipboard radiolocation operations (RADAR) and
the NASA space research activities in the 13.75 — 14.0 GHz Band is addressed in this Exhibit. The
parameters for the earth station are:

                          Table 1. Earth Station Characteristics

     e   Coordinates (NADS83):                    21° 40‘ 16.4" N, 158° 1° 52.8" W

     e   Satellite Location for Earth Station:   From 88.0° W to 228.0° W

     e   Frequency Band:                           13.75—14.0 GHz for uplink

     e   Polarizations:                            Linear

     e   Emissions:       NON, 100KG7W, 800KG9D, 35M0G7W, 54M0G7W and 72M0G7W

     &   Modulation:                               Digital

     e   Maximum Aggregate Uplink EIRP:           42.1 dBW for the NON Carrier
                                                  56.1   dBW   for the   100 kHz Carriers
                                                  65.1   dBW   for the   800 kHz Carriers
                                                  81.5   dBW   for the   35 MHz Carriers
                                                  83.4   dBW   for the   54 MHz Carriers
                                                  84.6   dBW   for the   72 MHz Carriers
     e   Transmit Antenna Characteristics
            Antenna Size:                          9.0 meters in Diameter
            Antenna Type/Model:                    GD Satcom
            Gain:                                  60.1 dBi

     e   RF power into Antenna Flange:             No Modulation (NON)
                                                   —18.0 dBW or —18.0 dBW/4 kHz (Maximum)

                                                 100 kHz
                                                 —4.0 dBW
                                                 or —18.0 dBW/4 kHz

                                                 800 kHz
                                                 5.0 dBW
                                                 or —18.0 dBW/4 kHz

                                                  35 MHz
                                                  21.4 dBW
                                                  or —18.0 dBW/4 kHz (Maximum)

                                                  54 MHz
                                                  23.3 dBW
                                                  or —18.0 dBW/4 kHz (Maximum)

                                                  72 MHz
                                                  24.5 dBW
                                                  or —18.0 dBW/4 kHz (Maximum)

     *   Minimum Elevation Angles:
           Sunset Beach, HI.                       9.9° @ 97.6° Az

     e   Side Lobe Antenna Gain:                   32 — 25*10g(0)

Because the above uplink spectrum is shared with the Federal Government, coordination in this
band requires resolution data pertaining to potential interference between the earth station and both
Navy Department and NASA systems. Potential interference from the earth station could impact
with the Navy and/or NASA systems in two areas. These areas are noted in FCC Report and Order
96—377 dated September 1996, and consist of (1) Radiolocation and radio navigation, (2) Data
Relay Satellites.

Summary of Coordination Issues:

1) Potential Impact to Government Radiolocation (Shipboard Radar)
2) Potential Impact to NASA Data Relay Satellite Systems (TDRSS)

2.       Potential Impact to Government Radiolocation (Shipboard Radar)

Radiolocation operations (RADAR) may occur anywhere in the 13.4 — 14 GHz frequency band
aboard ocean going United States Navy ships. The Federal Communication Commission (FCC)
order 96—377 allocates the top 250 MHz of this 600 MHz band to the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS)
on a co—primary basis with the radiolocation operations and provides for an interference protection
level of —167 dBW/m*/4 kHz.

The closest distance to the shoreline from the Sunset Beach earth station is approximately 1.0 km
West toward the Pacific Ocean. The calculation of the power spectral density at this distance is
given by:
                                       NON   100 kHz 800kHz 35MHz 54 MHz 72MHz

       1.     Clear Sky EIRP (dBW): 42.1       56.1     65.1        81.5   83.4  84.6
         ._   Cartier Bandwidth:    CW       100 kHz   800 kHz     35 MHz 54 MHz 72MHz
       3.     PD at antenna Input: —18.0     —18.0     —18.0       —18.0   —18.0  —18.0
              (dBW/4 kHz)
       4.     Transmit Antenna Gain:                                 60.1 dBi
       5.     Antenna Gain Horizon:                              FCC Reference Pattern
       6.     Antenna Elevation Angle:                               9.9°

The proposed earth station will radiate interference toward the Pacific Ocean according to its off—
axis side—lobe performance. A conservative analysis, using FCC standard reference pattern, results
in off—axis antenna gains of 1.84 dBi toward the Coast.

The signal density at the shoreline, through free space is:

NON Carriers (CW Carrier)
PFD = Antenna Feed Power density (dBW/4 kHz) + Antenna Off—Axis Gain (dBi) — Spread Loss (dBw—
        = —18.0 dBw/4 kHz + (1.84) dBi—10*log[4I1*({1000m]‘]
        =—87.15 dBW/m*/4 kHz + Additional Path Losses (~26.5 dB)
       =—113.65 dBW/m*/4 kHz

100 kHz Carriers
PFD = Antenna Feed Power density (dBW/4 kHz) + Antenna Off—Axis Gain (dBi) — Spread Loss (dBw—
       = —18.0 dBw/4 kHz + (1.84) dBi — 10*log[4I1*(1000m}]
       =—87.15 dBW/m*/4 kHz + Additional Path Losses (~26.5 dB)
       =—113.65 dBW/m®/4 kHz

800 kHz Carriers
PFD = Antenna Feed Power density (dBW/4 kHz) + Antenna Off—Axis Gain (dBi) — Spread Loss (dBw—
       = —18.0 dBw/4 kHz + (1.84) dBi — 10*log[4I1*(1000m]‘]
       =—87.15 dBW/m*/4 kHz + Additional Path Losses (~26.5 dB)
      =—113.65 dBW/m*/4 kHz

35 MHz Carriers
PFD = Antenna Feed Power density (dBW/4 kHz) + Antenna Off—Axis Gain (dBi) — Spread Loss (dBw—
       = —18.0 dBw/4 kHz + (1.84) dBi — 10*log[4I1*(1000m]‘]
         —87.15 dBW/m*/4 kHz + Additional Path Losses (~26.5 dB)
      =—113.65 dBW/m*/4 kHz

54 MHz Carriers
PFD = Antenna Feed Power density (dBW/4 kHz) + Antenna Off—Axis Gain (dBi) — Spread Loss (dBw—
       = —18.0 dBw/4 kHz + (1.84) dBi— 10*log[4I1*(1000m}‘]
       =—87.15 dBW/m*/4 kHz + Additional Path Losses (~26.5 dB)
      =—113.65 dBW/m*/4 kHz

72 MHz Carriers
PFD = Antenna Feed Power density (dBW/4 kHz) + Antenna Off—Axis Gain (dBi) — Spread Loss (dBw—
                   —18.0 dBw/4 kHz + (1.84) dBi— 10*log[4T*(1000m}‘]
       1 op al

                  —87.15 dBW/m*/4 kHz + Additional Path Losses (~26.5 dB)
                 —113.65 dBW/m*/4 kHz

Our calculations show additional path loss of approximately 26.5 dB including absorption loss and
earth diffraction loss for the actual path profiles from the proposed earth station to the nearest
shoreline. Please note these losses include close—in local buildings in the direction of the shoreline.

The worst case calculated PFD including additional path losses to the closest shoreline location is
—113.65 dBW/m*/4 kHz. This is 53.35 dB above the —167 dBW/m*/4 kHz interference criteria of
R&O 96—377.

In an effort to analyze the effects of earth station transmissions on naval radar systems, power flux
densities were calculated from the earth station to the shipboard radars in increments from 12.8
miles to 60 miles (See Table 2). The calculation of interference level to the RADAR sidelobes was
made at the initial distance of 12.8 miles. A distance of 12.8 miles (20.6 Km.) was used as the
initial increment because it is the distance from the earth station site to the offshore operating
shipping lane. This is the worst case condition. If the interference level is below the criteria at this
range, it will be below the criteria at all of the greater ranges. A power flux density was also
calculated from the shipboard radars to the shoreline and the reflection of the radar transmissions
back to the radar. Since this flux density concerns the transmission from the ship to shore and back
to the ship the mileage number is doubled. The power flux densities are based on the following

Earth Station to Naval Radars

       Prp=PEsGes / 4tr

  Where: Prp = Power Flux Density
                   Pgs = Power of Earth Station (—14.0 dbW/4 kHz)
                   Ges = Worst Case Earth Station Gain Toward the Shipboard Radars
                          (1.84 dB)
                    4x = 10Log(4x) =—11.0
                     r = Distance from ES to radars in Meters [Used 20Log(r)]

Naval Radars to Shore and Reflection back to the Radar Source

   Prp=        P1GT / 4x (2r) * (0.01 m)

  Where: Prp = Power Flux Density
             Pr= Power of Radar (Used 56.0 dBW for 3.65 MHz)
             Gt = Gain of Radar (Used 44 dB)
              4t =10Log(4r) =—11.0
             2r = Distance to Shoreline and Reflection back to Radar Source
          0.01m*= Size of the Radar Sectional Area of Target

Based upon calculations from the above formulas, it was determined that reflections of the radar
transmissions from the shoreline and back to the radar were 86.5 dB higher than the earth station
transmissions into the radar.

These calculations are presented in the tables below. This being the case, it can be concluded that
in the main beam, earth station operations should not be a problem for naval radar operations.

                                              Table 2

                      Flux Density
Distance from        Interference     Desired Radar Return       Radar Signal
 ES to Radar           From ES        from (0.01m) Target       ES Interference
   (Miles)         (dBW/4 kHz/m?)          (dBW/4 kHz/m?)           (dB)

   12.8                —113.6                   —63.2                50.4
   15.0                —114.3                   —63.9                50.4
   20.0                —117.8                   —67.4                50.4
   30.0                —121.1                   —70.7                50.4
   40.0                —123.5                   —73.1                50.4
   50.0                —125.5                   —75.1                50.4
   60.0                —127.1                   —76.7                50.4

The worst—case calculated PFD, which includes 26.5 dB of additional path losses to the shoreline
location is —1 13.6 dBW/m?/4 kHz. If off axis, side lobe considerations are made, 44 dB was used
as the gain of the radar and —10.0 dBi was the radar antenna side lobe gain toward the direction of
the earth station. This additional —54.0 dB will create an equivalent PFD of —167.6 dBW/m*/4 kHz,
which is 0.6 dB lower than the —167 dBW/m*/4 kHz interference criteria of R&O 96—377.

Therefore, there should be no interference to the US Navy RADAR from the Sunset Beach earth
station in both the main beam and side lobe of the radar.

3.     Potential Impact to NASA‘s Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS)

The geographic location of the SES Americom, Inc. earth station in Sunset Beach, Hawaii is
outside the 390 km radius coordination contour surrounding NASA‘s White Sands, New Mexico
ground station complex. Therefore, the TDRSS space—to—earth link will not be impacted by the
SES Americom, Inc. earth station in Sunset Beach, Hawaii.

The TDRSS space—to—space link in the 13.772 to 13.778 GHz band is assumed to be protected if
an earth station produces an EIRP less than 71 dBW/6 MHz in this band. The 9 meter earth station
antenna will have an EIRP less than 71 dBW/6 MHz for both the CW carrier, 100 kHz, 500 kHz
and 1 MHz carriers in this band. The total EIRP for the CW Carrier is 42.1 dBW and the equivalent
EIRP per 6 MHz segment will remain at 42.1 dBW/6 MHz. The total EIRP for the 100 kHz,
carriers is 56.1 dBW. The equivalent EIRP per 6 MHz segment will remain at 56.1 dBW/6 MHz.
The total EIRP for the 800 kHz is 65.1 dBW. The equivalent EIRP per 6 MHz will be 64.9 dBW/6
MHz. Therefore, there should not be interference to the TDRSS space—to—space link for the CW
carriers, 100 kHz and 800 kHz.

When considering the 35 MHz, 54 MHz and 72 MHz carriers, the total EIRP of 81.5 dBW (35
MHz), 83.4 dBW (54 MHz) and 84.6 dBW (72 MHz) equate to an EIRP per 6 MHz of 75.67
dBW/6 MHz (35 MHz), 74.4 dBW/6 MHz (54MHz) and 72.6 dBW/6 MHz (72 MHz) respectively.
To avoid interference to the TDRSS space—to—space link the 35 MHz, 54 MHz and 72 MHz carriers
will not be used for the transmit spectrum of 13.772 to 13.778 GHz by this earth station.

4.   Coordination Issue Result Summary and Conclusions

The results of the analysis and calculations performed in this exhibit indicate that compatible
operation between the earth station at the Sunset Beach facility and the US Navy and NASA
systems space—to—earth link are possible for all of the proposed carriers. Operations in NASA
systems space—to—space link (13772.0 to 13778.0 MHz) will also be permitted for all of the carriers
with the exception of the 35 MHz, 54 MHz and 72 MHz emissions.


                      Prepared for
                 SES Americom, Inc.
                 SUNSET BEACH, HI
                Satellite Earth Station

                     Prepared By:
             19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard
                 Ashburn, VA 20147
                    April 26, 2019

                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.   CONCLUSIONES . ; :1 . :: 0001 0019000000000 eovommmmmnneeveemvennennemmmneenn hn eeaprn en n seerrei e bevatite es nommanermnecenne rreenoins onl enc anitiner 3
2.   SUMMARY OF RESULTS ...122200: 02000 »r ez vnv ze re en v es se es ev nc r en ce rre en enc ns eare dn en en n e e en en ns enrevessyrans eetmernsasage 4
3.   SUPPLEMENTAL SHOWWING ... .. ... 2222222222 2000000000e6eerereer e rer e es ererrrrrerereabrreereree en e en en en en en enb r en e en n en n n en bn e de e bre n n en 5
4.   EARTH STATION COORDINATION DATA . , . ... . .2 0020000090 rr t ts nrr en rarererer in ar en n nr n nnr n r ind r en brarenr se n e ren en e se n anes 6

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                                                         04/26/2019                           Page 2 of 10


An interference study considering all existing, proposed and prior coordinated microwave
facilities within the coordination contours of the proposed earth station demonstrates that
this site will operate satisfactorily with the common carrier microwave environment. Further,
there will be no restrictions of its operation due to interference considerations.

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report    04/26/2019          Page 3 of 10


A number of great circle interference cases were identified during the interference study of
the proposed earth station. Each of the cases, which exceeded the interference objective
on a line—of—sight basis, was profiled and the propagation losses estimated using NBS
TN101 (Revised) techniques. The losses were found to be sufficient to reduce the signal
levels to acceptable magnitudes in every case.

The following companies reported potential great circle interference conflicts that did not
meet the objectives on a line—of—sight basis. When over—the—horizon losses are considered
on the interfering paths, sufficient blockage exists to negate harmful interference from
occurring with the proposed transmit—receive earth station.


       AT&T Corp
       Scientel Solutions, LLC

No other carriers reported potential interference cases.

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report    04/26/2019         Page 4 of 10

Pursuant to Part 25.203(c) of the FCC Rules and Regulations, the satellite earth station proposed in this
application was coordinated by Comsearch using computer techniques and in accordance with Part 25 of the
FCC Rules and Regulations.

Coordination data for this earth station was sent to the below listed carriers with a letter dated 04/05/2019.

        AT&T Corp.
        Cellco Partnership — Hawaii
        Clearwire Hawaii Partners Spectrum LLC
        Clearwire Spectrum Holdings III, LLC
        Coral Wireless Licenses, LLC
        County of Kauai Department of Police
        Hawaii Catholic TV, Inc
        Hawaii Dialogix Telecom LLC
        Hawaii Public Television Foundation
        Hawaii State
        Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc
        Hawaiian Telcom, Inc.
        Honolulu Board of Water Supply
        Honolulu City & County Dept of Info Tech
        Kalo TV, Inc.
        KITV, Inc
        Lesea Broadcasting of Hawaii, Inc.
        Maui, County of
        Mid Pacific Communications Inc.
        New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC — Hawaii
        NPCR, Inc.
        NRJ TV Hawaii License Co, LLC
        Oceanic Time Warner Cable LLC
        Raycom Media Licensee, LLC
        Scientel Solutions, LLC
        Servpac, Inc
        Sprint Spectrum L.P.
        T—Mobile License LLC
        Trex Broadband
        University of Hawaii
        Verizon Wireless VAW LLC — (Hawaii)

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                 04/26/2019               Page 5 of 10

This section presents the data pertinent to frequency coordination of the proposed earth station that was
circulated to all carriers within its coordination contours.

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report            04/26/2019             Page 6 of 10

                                                          Earth Station Data Sheet
                                              19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard, Ashburn, VA 20147

Date:                                     04/26/2019
Job Number:                               190405COMSGEO2
Administrative Information
Status                                    ENGINEER PROPOSAL
Call Sign
Licensee Code                             P3210
Licensee Name                             SES Americom, Inc.

Site Information                          SsUNSET BEACH, HI
Venue Name
Latitude (NAD 83)                         21° 40‘ 16.4" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                        158° 1‘ 52.8" W
Climate Zone                              B
Rain Zone                                 4
Ground Elevation (AMSL)                   143.69 m / 471.4 ft

Link Information
Satellite Type                            Geostationary
Mode                                      TR — Transmit—Receive
Modulation                                Digital
Satellite Arc                             88° W to 228° West Longitude
Azimuth Range                             97.6° to 262.3°
Corresponding Elevation Angles            9.9°/10.0°
Antenna Centerline (AGL)                  5.49 m / 18.0 ft

Antenna Information                               Receive — FCC32                              Transmit — FCC32
Manufacturer                                      GD Satcom                                    GD Satcom
Model                                             9.0KXK200                                    9.0KXK200
Gain / Diameter                                   58.5 dBi / 9.0 m                             60.1 dBi / 9.0 m
3—dB / 15—dB Beamwidth                            0.20° / 0.38°                                0.16° 7 0.32°

Max Available RF Power         (dBW/A4 kHz)                                                    —8.0
                               (dBW/MHz)                                                       16.0

Maximum EIRP                   (dBW/A kHz)                                                     52.1
                               (dBW/MHz)                                                       176.1

Interference Objectives:     Long Term            —156.0 dBW/MHz          20%                  —151.0 dBW/4 kHz            20%
                             Short Term           —146.0 dBWwW/MHz        0.01%                —128.0 dBW/4 kHz            0.0025%

Frequency Information                             Receive 11.0 GHz                             Transmit 14.0 GHz
Emission / Frequency Range (MHz)                  NON — 72M0G7W / 10950.0 — 12750.0            NON — 72M0G7ZW / 13750.0 — 14500.0

Max Great Circle Coordination Distance            483.3 km / 300.3 mi                          233.0 km / 144.8 mi
Precipitation Scatter Contour Radius              380.4 km / 236.4 mi                          100.0 km / 62.1 mi

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                               04/26/2019               Page 7 of 10

                                                  Earth Station Data Sheet
                                         19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard, Ashburn, VA 20147

Coordination Values               SUNSET BEACH, HI
Licensee Name                     SES Americom, Inc.
Latitude (NAD 83)                 21° 40‘ 16.4" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                158° 1‘ 52.8" W
Ground Elevation (AMSL)           143.69 m / 471.4 ft
Antenna Centerline (AGL)          5.49 m / 18.0 ft
Antenna Model                     GD Satcom 9 meter
Antenna Mode                            Receive 11.0 GHz                           Transmit 14.0 GHz
Interference Objectives: Long Term         —156.0 dBW/MHz       20%                —151.0 dBW/4 kHz          20%
                         Short Term        —146.0 dBwW/MHz      0.01%              —128.0 dBW/4 kHz          0.0025%
 Max Available RF Power                                                            —8.0 (dBW/4 KkHz)

                                                                 Receive 11.0 GHz                      Transmit 14.0 GHz
                Horizon               Antenna                Horizon        Coordination        Horizon        Coordination
Azimuth (°)     Elevation (°)         Discrimination (°)     Gain (dBi)     Distance (km)       Gain (dBi)     Distance (km)
 0               0.00                 97.53                  —10.00          307.68             —10.00          143.68
  5              0.00                 92.60                  —10.00          307.68             —10.00          143.68
 10              0.00                 87.68                  —~10.00         307.68             —10.00          143.68
 15              0.00                 82.76                  —10.00          307.68             —10.00          143.68
20               0.00                 77.83                  —10.00          307.68             —10.00          143.68
25               0.00                 72.91                  —10.00          307.68             —10.00          143.68
30               0.00                 68.00                  —10.00          307.68             —10.00          143.68
35               0.00                 63.09                  —10.00          307.68             —10.00          143.68
40               0.25                 58.16                  —10.00          295.09             —10.00          139.65
45               0.30                 53.26                  —10.00          283.49             ~10.00          133.97
50               0.60                 48.33                  —10.00          236.49             —10.00          108.10
55               0.58                 43.47                   —8.95          245.22              —8.95          112.49
60               0.53                 38.63                   —7.67          255.86              —7.67          119.11
65               0.92                 33.73                   —6.20          225.53              —6.20          101.58
70               1.30                 28.86                   —4.51          212.43              —4.51          100.00
75               1.31                 24.15                   —2.57          224.45              —2.57          100.00
80               1.46                 19.52                   —0.26          231.85              —0.26          102.85
85               1.70                 15.05                    2.56          237.54               2.56          104.81
90               1.72                 11.21                    5.76          255.68               5.76          114.74
95               2.62                  7.78                    9.73          244.33               9.73          106.48
100              2.75                  7.56                   10.04          240.93              10.04          104.76
105              3.23                  9.95                    7.06          202.46               7.06          100.00
110              3.27                 14.01                    3.34          174.98               3.34          100.00
115              3.39                 18.48                    0.33          155.82               0.33          100.00
120              3.85                 22.82                   —1.96          138.04              —1.96          100.00
125              3.30                 27.53                   —3.99          141.50              —3.99          100.00
130              3.50                 31.86                   —5.58          131.62              —5.58          100.00
135              3.22                 36.33                   —7.01          132.02              —7.01          100.00
140              3.08                 40.63                   —8.22          130.40              —8.22          100.00
145              2.94                 44.79                   —9.28          129.63              —9.28          100.00
150              2.21                 49.06                  —10.00          144.08             —10.00          100.00
155              2.06                 52.81                  —10.00          146.11             —10.00          100.00
160              2.47                 55.88                  —10.00          137.77             —10.00          100.00
165              2.09                 58.88                  —10.00          145.32             —10.00          100.00
170              2.59                 60.53                  —10.00          134.79             —10.00          100.00
175              2.36                 61.89                  —10.00          140.38             —10.00          100.00
180              2.21                 62.40                  —10.00          143.92             —10.00          100.00
185              1.95                 62.28                  —10.00          149.24             —10.00          100.00

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                   04/26/2019          Page 8 of 10

                                                  Earth Station Data Sheet
                                         19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard, Ashburn, VA 20147

Coordination Values               SUNSET BEACH, HI
Licensee Name                     SES Americom, Inc.
Latitude (NAD 83)                 21° 40‘ 16.4" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                158° 1‘ 52.8" W
Ground Elevation (AMSL)           143.69 m / 471.4 ft
Antenna Centerline (AGL)          5.49 m / 18.0 ft
Antenna Model                     GD Satcom 9 meter
Antenna Mode                               Receive 11.0 GHz                       Transmit 14.0 GHz
Interference Objectives: Long Term         —156.0 dBW/MHz      20%                —151.0 dBW/4 kHz          20%
                         Short Term        —146.0 dBwW/MHz     0.01%              —128.0 dBW/4 kHz          0.0025%
Max Available RF Power                                                            —8.0 (dBW/4 kHz)
                                                                 Receive 11.0 GHz                     Transmit 14.0 GHz
                Horizon               Antenna               Horizon        Coordination        Horizon        Coordination
Azimuth (°)     Elevation (°)         Discrimination (°)    Gain (dBi)     Distance (km)       Gain (dBi)     Distance (km)
190              2.26                 60.81                  —10.00         142.75             —10.00         100.00
195              2.13                 58.86                  —10.00         146.09             —10.00         100.00
200              1.86                 56.23                  —10.00         152.50             —10.00         100.00
205              1.58                 53.06                  —10.00         163.43             —10.00         100.00
210              1.53                 49.39                  —10.00         165.37             —10.00         100.00
215              0.95                 45.70                   —9.50         200.93              —9.50         100.00
220              0.40                 41.80                   —8.53         274.45              —8.53         128.99
225              0.34                 37.55                   —7.36         295.99              —7.36         139.24
230              0.29                 33.20                   —6.03         320.11              —6.03         148.33
235              0.33                 28.73                   —4.46         322.94              —4.46         149.13
240              0.00                 24.36                   —2.67         375.31              —2.67         176.18
245              0.00                 19.93                   —0.49         398.37              —0.49         188.13
250              0.00                 15.82                    2.02         426.50               2.02         205.08
255              0.00                 12.37                    4.69         456.73               4.69         220.85
260              0.00                 10.26                    6.72         483.31               6.72         232.99
265              0.00                 10.34                    6.63         482.15               6.63         232.47
270              0.00                 12.58                    4.51         454.51               4.51         219.80
275              0.00                 16.09                    1.84         424.43               1.84         204.03
280              0.00                 20.22                   —0.65         396.64              —0.65         187.22
285              0.00                 24.67                   —2.80         373.91              —2.80         175.47
290              0.00                 29.29                   —4.67         355.33              —4.67         166.15
295              0.00                 34.00                   —6.29         339.95              —6.29         158.66
300              0.00                 38.78                   —7.172        327.26              —7.172        152.53
305              0.00                 43.61                   —8.99         316.18              —8.99         147.46
310              0.00                 48.46                  —10.00         307.68             —10.00         143.68
315              0.00                 53.33                  —10.00         307.68             —10.00         143.68
320              0.00                 58.22                  —10.00         307.68             —10.00         143.68
325              0.00                 63.12                  —10.00         307.68             ~10.00         143.68
330              0.00                 68.03                  —10.00         307.68             —~10.00        143.68
335              0.00                 72.94                  —10.00         307.68             —10.00         143.68
340              0.00                 77.86                  —10.00         307.68             —~10.00        143.68
345              0.00                 82.78                  —10.00         307.68             —10.00         143.68
350              0.00                 87.71                  —10.00         307.68             —10.00         143.68
355              0.00                 92.63                  —10.00         307.68             —10.00         143.68

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                  04/26/2019           Page 9 of 10



Gary K. Edwards
Senior Manager
19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard
Ashburn, VA 20147

DATED: April 26, 2019

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report   04/26/2019    Page 10 of 10

Document Created: 2019-06-10 11:45:43
Document Modified: 2019-06-10 11:45:43

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