GCI C-Band Certifica

C-Band Certification submitted by GCI Communication Corp.

GCI C-Band Certification


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20190509-00583 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, NW
Washington, DC 20554

Re:           C—Band Certification

To Whom it May Concern:

GCI Communication Corp. ("GCI") is an operator of fixed—satellite service (FSS) earth stations
in the 3.7—4.2 GHz band that are licensed or registered {authorized) in the International Bureau
Filing System (IBFS). Pursuant to Public Notice DA 19—278, GCI is submitting this certification
for the relevant call signs, file numbers, and applicant or registrant names that are listed in
Attachment A.!

The undersigned, individually and for the applicant, licensee, or registrant, hereby certifies that
all information reflected in his or her licenses or registrations in IBFS, including any attached
exhibits, are true, complete and correct to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, and have
been made in good faith."

! See Deadlinefor Submission ofInformation on Earth Station and Satellite Use ofthe 3.7—4.2 GHz Band, Public
Notice, DA 19—278 (rel. Apr. 11, 2019) Because "[ejarth station operators that filed for new or modified licenses or
registrations between April 19, 2018 and October 31, 2018, using the processes outlined in the Earth Station Filing
Window Public Notices, are exempt from this certification requirement," GCI excludes from this certification earth
stations for which a new or modified license or registration was filed during that applicable time period. I¢. at 2.
2 Id. At 1.                                                                                   '

2550 Denali Street * Suite 1000 * Anchorage, Alaska 99503—2751 «* 907—868—5600

Please direct any questions to the undersigned.

74 XGB4
Rick Hitz
                                                    /o S
                                                  Mark Ayers
VP, Regulatory Finance Economics                  VP, Architecture & Planmng
Law and Corporate Advocacy Department             Network Services Administration
GCI Communication Corp.                           GCI Communication Corp.


                            ATTACHMENT A

Callsign   File Number              Entity
E000627    SES-RWL-20101025-01336   GCI Communication Corp.
E000629    SES-MOD-20101203-01496   GCI Communication Corp.
E000632    SES-RWL-20101029-01367   GCI Communication Corp.
E000633    SES-RWL-20101025-01337   GCI Communication Corp.
E000635    SES-MOD-20101124-01461   GCI Communication Corp.
E000638    SES-RWL-20101025-01332   GCI Communication Corp.
E020104    SES-RWL-20170726-00814   GCI Communication Corp,
E020107    SES-RWL-20170726-00815   GCI Communication Corp,
E020221    SES-RWL-20170726-00818   GCI Communication Corp,
E020222    SES-RWL-20170726-00819   GCI Communication Corp,
E020223    SES-RWL-20170726-00820   GCI Communication Corp.
E020224    SES-RWL-20170726-00821   GCi Communication Corp.
E020225    SES-RWL-20170911-00999   GC! Communication Corp.
E020226    SES-RWL-20170911-00998   GC! Communication Corp.
E020227    SES-RWL-20170911-00996   GCI Communication Corp.
E020253    SES-RWL-20170911-00995   GC! Communication Corp.
E030192    SES-RWL-20180927-02885   GC! Communication Corp.
E040338    SES-LIC-20040816-01179   GCI Communication Corp.
E040395    SES-LIC-20041008-01507   GO Communication Corp.
E050399    SES-MOD-20060619-01026   GCI Communication Corp.
E060358    SES-LIC-20060918-01752   GCI Communication Corp.
E060426    SES-LIC-20061204-02090   GCI Communication Corp.
E060427    SES-LIC-20061204-02091   GCI Communication Corp,
E060428    SES-MOD-20071221-01748   GCI Communication Corp.
E090158    SES-LIC-20090902-01116   GCI Communication Corp.
E110133    SES-LIC-20110930-01158   GCi Communication Corp,
E110137    SES-LiC-20111003-01164   GCI Communication Corp.
E110140                             GCI Communication Corp.
E120184    SES-LIC-20120917-00828   GC! Communication Corp.
E120185    SES-LIC-20120917-00829   GCI Communication Corp.
E120186    SES-LIC-20120917-00832   GCI Communication Corp.
E120187    SES-LIC-20120917-00833   GCI Communication Corp.
E120192    SES-LIC-20120925-00849   GCI Communication Corp.
E120193    SES-LIC-20120925-00850   GCI Communication Corp.
E120235    SES-MOD-20130613-00493   GCI Communication Corp.
E120237    SES-MOD-20160801-00752   GCI Communication Corp.
E130146    SES-LIC-20130805-00692   GCI Communication Corp.
E160156    SES-UC-20160927-00808    GCI Communication Corp.
E2490      SES-RWL-20100215-00185   GCi Communication Corp.
E6641      SES-RWL-20091007-01304   GCI Communication Corp,
E850089    SES-RWL-20100215-00186   GCi Communication Corp.
E873440    SES-RWL-20100215-00187   GC! Communication Corp.
E873586    SES-RWL-20100216-00191   GC! Communication Corp.
E890647    SES-RWL-20090721-00896   GC! Communication Corp,
E900442    SES-RWL-20100803-00981   GCI Communication Corp,
E900478    SES-RWL-20100803-00980   GCI Communication Corp.

                                    Page 1 of 2

Callsign   File Number               Entity
E960383    SES-MOD-20070802-01032    GC! Communication Corp,
E960388    SES-MOD-20070802-01033    GCt Communication Corp.
E960396    SES-RWL-20040811-01142    GCI Communication Corp.
E960397    SES-MOD-20040816-01174    GCI Communication Corp.
E960401                              GC! Communication Corp.
E960436                              GCi Communication Corp,
E960438                              GCI Communication Corp.
           SES-AM D-20080509-00594
E960439                              GO Communication Corp.
E960440                              GCI Communication Corp.
KE92       SES-RWL-20110106-00018    GCI Communication Corp.
E020088                              GCI Communication Corp.
KD74       SES-RWL-20100803-00985    GCi Cable, Inc

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Document Created: 2019-05-28 10:29:49
Document Modified: 2019-05-28 10:29:49

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