Attachment RadHaz

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20180810-02193 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                       du Treil, Lundin & Rackley, Inc.
                                                                                   Consulting Engineers

                           RF HAZARD STATEMENT
                        C-BAND FIXED EARTH STATION
                          BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA

               This Engineering Statement was prepared on behalf of Louisiana
Television Broadcasting, LLC, in support of an evaluation of the radio frequency (RF)
environment in the vicinity of a C-Band fixed earth station antenna. This statement
details compliance with Section 1.1307(b) of the FCC Rules concerning human exposure
RF energy. This statement also details the RF safety work rules for the safe operation of
the proposed facility.


               The proposed facility will transmit in the C-Band with a maximum EIRP
of 81.5 dBW. The facility will employ a Scientific Atlanta model 8200 10.0-meter
diameter aperture antenna, which is mounted on the ground on a concrete foundation.
The antenna has a maximum overall height of 11.71 m above ground level with an
antenna centerline height of 6.71 m above ground level.

Calculated RF Exposure Levels

              Based on Section 73.1310 of the FCC Rules, the pertinent maximum
permissible exposure (MPE) limits for the subject facility are as follows:

                                     MPE for General
          Frequency                                             MPE for Occupational /
            (MHz)                                            Controlled Exposure (mW/cm2)
                                    Exposure (mW/cm2)

         5,925 – 6,425                      1.0                          5.0

                                                                 du Treil, Lundin & Rackley, Inc.
                                                                                         Consulting Engineers

                                                                                         Page 2

               Calculations of RF exposure were conducted pursuant to the FCC’s OET
Bulletin No. 65, Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to
Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields (Edition 97-01, August 1997). The following
parameters were employed in the calculations:

           Antenna Gain = 53.5 dBi
           Frequency = 6,175 MHz
           Diameter = 10.0 m = 1000 cm
           Maximum Input Power = 631 watts = 631,000 mW
           Efficiency Factor (calculated) = 0.54

The following is calculated based on the equations contained in FCC OET Bulletin
No. 65:

           Extent of near-field, Rnf = 514.6 m
           Maximum on-axis near-field power density, Snf = 1.72 mW/cm2
           Distance to beginning of far-field, Rff = 1,235 m
           Far-field on-axis power density, Sff = 0.74 mW/cm2

                Based on FCC OET Bulletin No. 65, “for off-axis calculations in the near-
field and in the transition region it can be assumed that, if the point of interest is at least
one antenna diameter removed from the center of the main beam, the power density at
that point would be at least a factor 100 (20 dB) less than the value calculated for the
equivalent distance in the main beam.”* At one antenna diameter distance (10 m)
cylindrically off-axis from the antenna main beam, the power density level would,
therefore, be less than (Snf /100=) 0.017 mW/cm2.

                For areas in the vicinity of the antenna, calculations based on simple far-
field calculations were used to estimate the RF exposure levels for locations located from
48° and greater off-axis.† Based on these calculations, the general population /
uncontrolled environment requirement of 1.0 mW/cm2 would be met at distances
exceeding 0.75 m (2.5 ft.) from the dish.

    See ¶2 on Page 30 of OET Bulletin No. 65.
    See ¶3 on Page 30 of OET Bulletin No. 65 with reference to Equation 18 on Page 29.

                                                           du T
                                                              Treil, Lun
                                                                       ndin & Rackley, In
                                                                                           Consulting Engin

                                                                                           Page 3

                 Based on the above, thet area withhin 10 meterrs or greater located
c            y from the ceenter of the main
                                        m beam, aand within 00.75 m (2.5 fft.) at 48° or
g       off-aaxis from thee dish itself, shall be resttricted from access and pproperly posted
w        signns. RF energgy levels outsside of the reestricted areea will be bellow the FCC
M for gen    neral populattion / unconttrolled envirronments. Thherefore, thee proposed faacility
m     the req quirements of
                          o Section 1..1307(b) conncerning hum    man exposurre to RF enerrgy.

W    Rules for Control of RF Exposure

            All personns must adhere to the foollowing worrk rules for ccompliance w
t FCC guid
         delines for human
                     h      expossure RF enerrgy.

        1.   No
             N persons shall
                        s      be withhin the restri cted area surrrounding thhe earth statiion
             a       wheen it is transm

        2.   In
             I the event persons are required to eenter the resstricted area surroundingg the
             e     station antenna, thee antenna traansmissions shall be term
                                                                            minated untiil all
             p        exit the restricteed area.

        3.   The
             T applican  nt shall ensu
                                     ure that no buuilding or othher obstaclees will be in tthe
             a     that ex
                         xceed the MPPE levels.

                                         Louis R. duu Treil, Jr., P

                                         du Treil, L
                                                   Lundin & Raackley, Inc.
                                         3135 Southhgate Circle
                                         Sarasota, F
                                                   FL 34239

                                         July 26, 20018

Document Created: 2018-07-26 11:08:40
Document Modified: 2018-07-26 11:08:40

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