Attachment MBTT System

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20180425-00410 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


RF Radiation hazard Assessment Report for a                                    Exhibit B to FCC 312
6.3 m Cassegrain Antenna                                                               Page 1 of 10

This analysis predicts the RF radiation levels around a multi-band satellite communication system
comprised of a 6.3 meter diameter cassegrain type antenna having a sub reflector dimension of
approximately 30 cm in diameter. Swappable feeds permit various operational bands and the principal
frequencies of interest here are; for Ku band with center frequency at 14.25 GHz and for Ka Band with
center frequency at 29.5 GHz.

The analysis described in this report follows, in part, the methodology established in FCC Office of
Engineering and Technology Bulletin, No. 65 as revised and is used to determine the free space
equivalent power density in the far-field, near-field, transition region, between the subreflector or feed
and main reflector surface, at the main reflector surface, and between the antenna edge and the ground
and to compare these levels to the specified Maximum Permissible Exposure as promulgated for the
controlled an uncontrolled environment.

The system itself is mounted on a raised platform and the antenna is housed within a radome atop of a
building. Access to the building and radome is controlled as depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Antenna and relative elevations.

RF Exposure Limits

When evaluating for Health and Safety compliance, it is the practice that the most conservative standard
be applied. Under most conditions, this would be the Massachusetts Radiation Control Program (Ma
RCP 105 CMR 122.000) regulations based on the FCC standard 1977; however, in some circumstances
the most recent IEEE (IEEE C95.1-2005) standard is more conservative particularly for the General Public
at certain frequencies, which IEEE has re-termed the Action Level. The Department of Defense through
the DoD instruction process has issued DoD Instruction 6055.11, “Protection of DoD Personnel from
Electromagnetic Fields,” August 19, 2009 which is identical to the current IEEE standard.

The Basic restriction as set forth by the FCC/IEEE is based on the specific Absorption Rate (SAR), which is
difficult to quantify practically, hence the derived quantities listed for the FCC/IEEE MPEs are rms

RF Radiation hazard Assessment Report for a                                        Exhibit B to FCC 312
6.3 m Cassegrain Antenna                                                                   Page 1 of 10

electric (E) and magnetic (H) field strengths or plane-wave equivalent power density values . The
derived quantities listed for the IEEE/FCC MPEs are rms electric (E) and magnetic (H) field strengths for
frequencies below 400 and 300 MHZ respectively. Above these frequencies, the derived standard is
based on the RMS power density both for the electric and magnetic fields. The FCC/ IEEE state that
compliance with these MPEs ensures compliance with the basic restrictions on whole-body averaged
SAR. For non-uniform exposure over the length of the body, the FCC/IEEE recommends that the electric
or magnetic field strength be spatially averaged over this length. More commonly, the free space power
density is used across all frequency ranges for convenience since this can be related to the electric or
magnetic field strength by the free space impedance

The basic restrictions also permit for time averaging for the uncontrolled/general public (30 mins) and
the controlled (6 mins) environs. Controlling the exposure time for individuals whether it be for an
informed worker or for the member of the public is generally not considered to be an acceptable means
for demonstrating compliance since documentation of the time individuals are in the field or when a
given emitter is radiating is generally not taken into account except for specific cases and generally for a
retrospective evaluation. However, time averaging with respect to pulsed operation (duty factors) and
moving antennas may be considered appropriate especially for the former.

The free space power density MPE for each band is provided in Table 1. The highlighted values
represent the more conservative of the two standards evaluated and will be used.

Tablel 1. MPE values for FCC/MDPH and IEEE/DoDI

                                                                             IEEE 95.1-2005/DoDI-6055.11-
                      Center               FCC/MDPH – RCP
      Band          Frequency               MPE (mW cm-2)
                                                                                    MPE (mW cm-2)
                                     Controlled       General Public         Controlled       Action Level
 Ku                    14.25             5                 1                     10                1
 ka                    29.5              5                 1                     10                1

In considering calculations other than numerical, most are based on far field conditions where a plane
wave is presumed to exist and extrapolating to distances close in to the aperture can significantly
overestimate the free space power density at these distances. This is particularly true for large
apertures and small wavelengths.

On Axis Far Field Region
For far field conditions the following relationship may be applied (OET 65 Equation 3):
                                                           π‘ƒπ‘ƒπ‘Žπ‘Žπ‘Žπ‘Žπ‘Žπ‘Ž 𝐺𝐺
                                                𝑆𝑆𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 =
                                                           4πœ‹πœ‹π‘Ÿπ‘Ÿ 2
        Where: Sff is the power density in the far field at distance r,
               Pave is the average power being transmitted, and
               G is the antenna gain.

The Far field is said to exist at a distance described by the relationship

RF Radiation hazard Assessment Report for a                                  Exhibit B to FCC 312
6.3 m Cassegrain Antenna                                                             Page 1 of 10

                                                                 𝐷𝐷 2
                                             𝑅𝑅𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 = 0.6
       Where: Rff is the distance at which the far field is said to begin,
              D is the antenna diameter, and
              λ is the corresponding wavelength for a given frequency.

Power Density Estimate at the Face of the Aperture
The maximum Power density directly in front of the aperture may be estimated as follows (OET 65
equation 11):
                                            𝑆𝑆𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 =
       Where: Ssurface = maximum power density at the antenna surface,
              P = power fed to the antenna, and
              A = physical area of the aperture antenna.

Power Density Estimate within the Near Field
At distances away from the surface of the aperture but less than the extent of the near field, the
maximum value of the near-field, on-axis power density can be expressed as follows (OET 65 Equation
                                              𝑆𝑆𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 =
                                                         πœ‹πœ‹π·π· 2
       Where: Snf = maximum near-field power density,
              η = aperture efficiency, typically 0.5-0.75,
              P = power fed to the antenna, and
              D = antenna diameter.

The aperture efficiency can be approximated by the following relationship.

                                                      πΊπΊπ‘Žπ‘Žπ‘Žπ‘Žπ‘Žπ‘Ž πœ†πœ†2
                                              πœ‚πœ‚ =
                                                       πœ‹πœ‹ 2 𝐷𝐷2
       Where: λ = is the wavelength,
              Gabs = the numerical (absolute) gain which may be obtained from Gabs= 10(Gdbi/10), and
              All other parameters as previously defined.

The extent of the near field may be determined from the following.

                                                     𝐷𝐷 2
                                                𝑅𝑅𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 =
       Where: Rnf = the extent of the near field and all other parameters are as previously defined.

RF Radiation hazard Assessment Report for a                                     Exhibit B to FCC 312
6.3 m Cassegrain Antenna                                                                Page 1 of 10

In the region between the extent of the near field to the beginning of the far field is described as the
transition field and on a first order approximation the free space power density falls off linearly with
distance from the extent of the near field to the beginning of the far field.

Power Density in the transition region

The free space power density in this region follows the following relationship.
                                               𝑆𝑆𝑑𝑑 = 𝑆𝑆𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛

        Where: St is the power density in the transition region at a distance of interest Rt,
               Snf is the power density in the near field, and
               Rnf is the extent of the near field.

Power density Estimates in the region between the Sub Reflector and the Main Reflector

Transmissions from the feed horn are directed toward the subreflector surface, and are confined within
a conical shape defined by the feed horn. The relationship for the power density between the main
reflector and the subreflector is cast in the same relationship as that for the power density at the plane
of the reflector and can be expressed as follows:
                                                 𝑆𝑆𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 =

        Where: Ssr is the power density between the subreflector and the main reflector,
               Asr is the area of the sub reflector, and
               P is the power at the feed.

Power Density Estimates from the edge of the reflector surface to ground

Assuming uniform illumination of the reflector surface, the power density between the antenna and the
ground can be estimated from the following equation

                                                   𝑆𝑆𝑔𝑔 =

        Where: Sg is the power density between the reflector and the ground,
               and all other terms are as previously defined.

It should be recognized that this is a conservative value as this system provides for a tapered edge and
thus this representation is conservative.

Off Axis Power Density in the Far Field

Within the far field the radiation field is characterized by a series of maxima and minmum referfered to
as side lobes as a function of the off-axis angle from the boresite. Theoretical antntenna patterns that

RF Radiation hazard Assessment Report for a                                      Exhibit B to FCC 312
6.3 m Cassegrain Antenna                                                                 Page 1 of 10

describe the antenna gain as a function of this angle results in gains that are significantly less than the
main beam gain. If the main beam in the far fieldis less than the applicable MPE, then likewise any
sidelobes (including back lobes, would result in power densities being below that MPE for any off axis
condition. Alternatively, an antenna gain pattern envelope could be used in needed and is expressed in
the following form suitable for these type of systems:

                                          πΊπΊπ‘œπ‘œπ‘œπ‘œ = 32 − 25 𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿(πœƒπœƒ)

        Where: Goa is the off axis gain envelope, and θ is the off axis angle relative the main beam

Thus, the power density off axis from the main beam in the far field may be determined by the ratio of
the relative gains times the on-axis power density in the far field as expressed here:

                                               π‘†π‘†π‘œπ‘œπ‘œπ‘œ = 𝑆𝑆𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓

Near Field Off Axis Power Density

For off-axis calculations in the near-field and in the transition region, it can be assumed that, if the point
of interest is at least one antenna diameter removed from the center of the main beam, the power
density at that point would be at least a factor of 100 (20 dB) less than the value calculated for the
equivalent distance in the main beam. Should the near field free space equivalent Power density be less
than the MPE, then all areas off axis will be likewise, otherwise it may be worth considering this
reduction in a hazard evaluation.

Summary and Conclusions:

Using the methods described above, hazard assessments were evaluated and are summarized in Tables
2 and 3 for the analysis shown in Tables 4 and 5. Graphical depictions of the RF free space equivalent
power levels as a function of down range distance along the boresite of the antenna are presented in
Figures 2 and 3. All areas are below the respective MPEs (Controlled and Uncontrolled) with the
exception of the region describe as being between the sub reflector and the main reflector at the plane
of the main reflector for the uncontrolled environment only.
These areas are not accessible to members of the general public. The antenna is maintained within a
radome that is access controlled and thus access to the area between the subreflector and the main
reflector is prohibited during operation.

It should be stated that the underlying assumptions used in the application of OET 65 tends to be
conservative in that the presumption of uniform illumination of the main reflector prevails, whereas for
this configuration an edge taper exists providing for tighter and greatly reduce sidelobes.

RF Radiation hazard Assessment Report for a                                    Exhibit B to FCC 312
6.3 m Cassegrain Antenna                                                               Page 1 of 10

Table 2: Hazard Summary for Uncontrolled environment

Region                                   Ku Band                                      Ka Band
                      Radiation Level     Hazard Assessment        Radiation Level     Hazard Assessment
                      mW/cm2                                       mW/cm2
Far Field             0.35                Satisfies FCC/MDPH and   0.36                Satisfies FCC/MDPH and
                                          IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE                          IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE
Near Field            0.82                Satisfies FCC/MDPH and   0.85                Satisfies FCC/MDPH and
                                          IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE                          IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE
Transition Region     Equal to or less    Satisfies FCC/MDPH and   Equal to or less    Satisfies FCC/MDPH and
                      than Near field     IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE      than Near field     IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE

Main Reflector        1.28                Potential Hazard         1.28                Potential Hazard
Region (Plane)
Between Main          565.9               Potential Hazard         565.9               Potential Hazard
Reflector and
Power Density         0.32                Satisfies FCC/MDPH and   0.32                Satisfies FCC/MDPH and
Between Reflector                         IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE                          IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE
and Ground
Far Field Off Axis                        Satisfies FCC/MDPH and                       Satisfies FCC/MDPH and
                                          IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE                          IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE
Near Field Off Axis   0.0082              Satisfies FCC/MDPH and   0.0085              Satisfies FCC/MDPH and
                                          IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE                          IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE

Table 3: Hazard Summary for Controlled Environment

Region                                   Ku Band                                      Ka Band
                      Radiation Level     Hazard Assessment        Radiation Level     Hazard Assessment
                      mW/cm2                                       mW/cm2
Far Field             0.35                Satisfies FCC/MDPH and   0.36                Satisfies FCC/MDPH and
                                          IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE                          IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE
Near Field            0.82                Satisfies FCC/MDPH and   0.85                Satisfies FCC/MDPH and
                                          IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE                          IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE
Transition Region     Equal to or less    Satisfies FCC/MDPH and   Equal to or less    Satisfies FCC/MDPH and
                      than Near field     IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE      than Near field     IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE

Main Reflector        1.28                Satisfies FCC/MDPH and   1.28                Satisfies FCC/MDPH and
Region (Plane)                            IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE                          IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE
Between Main          565.9               Potential Hazard         565.9               Potential Hazard
Reflector and
Power Density         0.32                Satisfies FCC/MDPH and   0.32                Satisfies FCC/MDPH and
Between Reflector                         IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE                          IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE
and Ground
Far Field Off Axis                        Satisfies FCC/MDPH and                       Satisfies FCC/MDPH and
                                          IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE                          IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE
Near Field Off Axis   0.0082              Satisfies FCC/MDPH and   0.0085              Satisfies FCC/MDPH and
                                          IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE                          IEEE C95.1-2005 MPE

RF Radiation hazard Assessment Report for a                          Exhibit B to FCC 312
6.3 m Cassegrain Antenna                                                     Page 1 of 10

Figure 2: Graphical Depictions of the RF Free Space Equivalent Power Levels as a Function of
Down Range Distance along the Boresite of the Antenna for Ka Band

Figure 3: Graphical Depictions of the RF Free Space Equivalent Power Levels as a Function of
Down Range Distance along the Boresite of the Antenna for Ku Band

RF Radiation hazard Assessment Report for a                                                            Exhibit B to FCC 312
6.3 m Cassegrain Antenna                                                                                       Page 1 of 10

Table 4: RF Analysis for Ka Band

              Comm Ka @ 29.5 GHz
              Information Provided                                          Converted Values
              Center Frequency                         29.5 GHz                 29500 MHz
              Dish Diamenter                    248.0314961 inches                 6.3 m
              Transmit Power                       1.00E+02 W                      100 W
              Antenna Gain                               64 dBi                     64 dBi
              Duty Factor                                 1                          1
              Diameter of Subreflector                   30 cm                     0.3 m

                                                     MDPH             IEEE C95.1-2005/DoDI 6055.11 - 2009
                      Limits (SL)
                                          General Public Occupational   Action     Controlled
                     (mW/cm2)                   1             5            1          10

                     Parameter                  Symbol           Formula      Value            Units
              Antenna Diameter            D                Input                   6.3 m
              Antenna Surface Area        A                 πD2/4            31.172454 m2
              Sub Reflector Diameter      Dsr              Input                   0.3 m
              Sub rflector Surface Area   Asr               πD2/4            0.0706858 m

              Frequency                   f                Input                 29500 MHz
              Wavelength                  λ                300/f             0.0101695 m
              Transmit Power              P                Input                   100 W
              Antenna Gain (dBi)          G                Input                    64 dBi
              Duty Factor                 DF               Input                     1
              Average Power               Pave             P*DF                    100
              Antenna Gain(factor)        Gabs             10G/10            2511886.4 N/A
              Pi                          π                Constant          3.1415927 N/A
              Antenna Efficiency          η                Gabsλ2/(π 2D2)    0.6631589 N/A
              Distance to Far Field       Rff              0.6D2/λ             2341.71 m
              Power Denisty at
              Reflector Surface           Sr               4P/A              12.831842 W/m
                                                                             1.2831842 mW/cm2
              On-Axis Power Density at
              Far Field                Sff                 GabsP/4πRff2      3.6452214 W/m
                                                                             0.3645221 mW/cm2
              Extent of Near Field        Rnf              D /4λ              975.7125 m
              Near Field Power Density Snf                 16.0ηP/(πD2)      8.5095506 W/m

                                                                             0.8509551 mW/cm2
              Transition Region Power
              Density                 St                   SnfRnf/Rt
              Power density between
              the sub reflector and
              main reflector          Ssr                  4P/Asr            5658.8424 W/m

                                                                             565.88424 mW/cm2
              Power density between
              antenna and ground          Sg               P/A               3.2079605 W/m
                                                                             0.3207961 mW/cm2

RF Radiation hazard Assessment Report for a                                                        Exhibit B to FCC 312
6.3 m Cassegrain Antenna                                                                                   Page 1 of 10

Table 5: RF Analysis for Ku Band

             Ku @ 14.25 GHz
             Information Provided                                          Converted Values
             Frequency                               14.25 GHz                 14250 MHz
             Dish Diamenter                    248.0314961 inches                 6.3 m
             Transmit Power                       1.00E+02 W                      100 W
             Antenna Gain                             57.5 dBi                   57.5 dBi
             Duty Factor                                 1                          1
             Diameter of Subreflector                   30 cm                     0.3 m

                                                    MDPH             IEEE C95.1-2005/DoDI 6055.11 - 2009
                     Limits (SL)
                                         General Public Occupational   Action     Controlled
                    (mW/cm2)                   1             5            1          10

                    Parameter                  Symbol           Formula      Value            Units
             Antenna Diameter            D                Input                   6.3 m
             Antenna Surface Area        A                 πD2/4            31.172454 m2
             Sub Reflector Diameter      Dsr              Input                   0.3 m
             Sub rflector Surface Area   Asr               πD2/4            0.0706858 m

             Frequency                   f                Input                 14250 MHz
             Wavelength                  λ                300/f             0.0210526 m
             Transmit Power              P                Input                   100 W
             Antenna Gain (dBi)          G                Input                  57.5 dBi
             Duty Factor                 DF               Input                     1
             Average Power               Pave             P*DF                    100
             Antenna Gain(factor)        Gabs             10G/10            562341.33 N/A
             Pi                          π                Constant          3.1415927 N/A
             Antenna Efficiency          η                Gabsλ2/(π 2D2)     0.636256 N/A
             Distance to Far Field       Rff              0.6D2/λ            1131.165 m
             Power Denisty at
             Reflector Surface           Sr               4P/A              12.831842 W/m
                                                                            1.2831842 mW/cm2
             On-Axis Power Density at
             Far Field                Sff                 GabsP/4πRff2      3.4973429 W/m

                                                                            0.3497343 mW/cm2
             Extent of Near Field        Rnf              D /4λ             471.31875 m
             Near Field Power Density Snf                 16.0ηP/(πD2)      8.1643371 W/m

                                                                            0.8164337 mW/cm2
             Transition Region Power
             Density                 St                   SnfRnf/Rt
             Power density between
             the sub reflector and
             main reflector          Ssr                  4P/Asr            5658.8424 W/m
                                                                            565.88424 mW/cm2
             Power density between
             antenna and ground          Sg               P/A               3.2079605 W/m
                                                                            0.3207961 mW/cm2

Document Created: 2018-04-06 11:43:27
Document Modified: 2018-04-06 11:43:27

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