Hawaii Condition Let

LETTER submitted by O3b Limited

Condition Change Letter


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20180122-00053 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

         Re: O3b Limited
         IBFS File No. SES-LIC-20180122-00053
         Call Sign: E180005

Dear Ms. Dortch:
        Pursuant to ongoing communications with the Commission’s Satellite Division, O3b
Limited (“O3b”) hereby seeks correction of the license conditions for its E180005 earth station
to specify that O3b met the standards of Section 25.136(a) of the Commission’s rules and that
O3b is not required to protect future Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service (“UMFUS”)
deployments in the 27.6-28.35 GHz band.
        In its application for this earth station, O3b made a showing pursuant to 47 C.F.R.
§ 25.136(a), which describes the circumstances that allow an earth station licensee to operate
without being obligated to protect UMFUS stations. See File No. SES-LIC-20180122-00053 (the
“E180005 Application”), granted March 8, 2018. Specifically, Attachment 3 to this application
entitled “Compliance with 47 C.F.R. § 25.136(a)(4)” demonstrated that the E180005 earth
station satisfies the criteria in 47 C.F.R § 25.136(a)(4) and is therefore qualified to operate
without providing interference protection to UMFUS stations.
        The terms of Section 25.136(a) specify that “an applicant for a license for a transmitting
earth station in the 27.5-28.35 GHz band that meets one of the following criteria may be
authorized to operate without providing interference protection to stations in the Upper
Microwave Flexible Use Service.”1 As noted in Attachment 3, E180005 meets the thresholds
delineated in Section 25.136(a)(4)(i-iv) to be granted this status.2
       Notwithstanding this showing, the grant of the E180005 application states that O3b must
not cause harmful interference to any UMFUS operations in the 27.6-28.35 GHz band and that it
must terminate transmission upon notification of harmful interference. Specifically, the license
includes condition 90441, which states that:

    47 C.F.R. § 25.136(a).
 Section 47 C.F.R. § 25.136(a)(4)(iv) of the rules requires successful completion of frequency
coordination with UMFUS licensees within the area in which the earth station generates a
specified power flux density.

       Operations in the 27.6-28.35 GHz band are on a secondary basis to the
       Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service (UMFUS). The licensee must not
       cause harmful interference to any UMFUS operations in the 27.6-
       28.35 GHz band, must accept interference from these operations, and must
       terminate transmissions on the affected frequencies immediately upon
       notification of harmful interference.

        The above condition does not reflect the status in the 27.6-28.35 GHz band applicable to
earth stations that meet the Section 25.136(a)(4) criteria. To accurately set forth the status
requested in its application, O3b requests that the Commission correct condition 90441. For
example, the Commission could modify the condition by deleting the second sentence and
replacing it with the underlined language below so that it would read as follows:
       Operations in the 27.6-28.35 GHz band are on a secondary basis to the Upper
       Microwave Flexible Use Service (UMFUS). Notwithstanding that status,
       pursuant to Section 25.136(a) the licensee is authorized to operate without
       providing interference protection to stations in the Upper Microwave
       Flexible Use Service.

    This adjustment to the E180005 license conforms to the language of Section 25.136(a) and
will serve the public interest by authorizing O3b operations at its earth station consistent with
Commission policies.
                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                                 /s/ Suzanne Malloy______
                                              Vice President of Regulatory Affairs
                                              O3b Limited
                                              900 17th Street NW, Suite 300
                                              Washington, DC 20006

May 3, 2018

Document Created: 2018-05-03 14:44:29
Document Modified: 2018-05-03 14:44:29

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