Attachment Attachment A

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20171218-01343 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                            Attachment A
                                           Technical Annex

A.1 Scope and Purpose

        The purpose of this Attachment is to provide the Commission with the salient technical
characteristics of the Boeing Commercial Satellite Services Inc. (BCSS) Commercial Ka-Band Service
and earth station performance over Inmarsat-5 F2 (“I5F2”) High Capacity Payload (HCP) Commercial-
Ka band steerable beam operations, as required by 47 C.F.R. §25.115 and other sections of the FCC’s
Part 25 rules.

A.2 General Description of Overall System Facilities, Operations and Services (§25.130(a))

   BCSS is the preferred reseller of Inmarsat’s High Capacity Commercial Ka-Band (HCC).
The I5F2 satellite network will employ two large gateway antennas and will provide service to widely-
deployed, small user antennas. The gateway antennas will be capable of communicating with the
spacecraft throughout the 27.5-30.0 GHz and 17.7-20.2 GHz bands. The gateway antenna will be
located in Lino Lakes, Minnesota (the “Lino Lakes Gateway”). The I5F2 satellite will have two
identical steerable spot beams that will be pointed at the same location on earth, effectively forming one
single beam, and that will be used by the gateway antennas (“Gateway Beam”).

        The I5F2 satellite will have two identical steerable spot beams that will be pointed at the same
location on earth, effectively forming one single beam, and that will be used by the gateway antennas
(“Gateway Beam”). The currently planned coverage of the Gateway Beams is shown in Figure A.2.1.
The satellite service will utilize one of the six steerable spot beams (“High Capacity Spot Beams” or
“HCP Spot Beams”), configured to 29-29.1 GHz (Earth-to-space) and 19.2-19.3 GHz (space-to-Earth)
bands that will be used principally by user antennas. BCSS plans to install earth stations in Washington
D.C. and New York City. The earth stations will be comprised of a Paradigm Connect 180 terminal with
a 40 watt Block Upconverter (BUC), and a Newtec Modem. This configuration will be known as the
“BCSS HCC Earth Station” throughout the remainder of this document. An example of a High Capacity
Spot Beam coverage pattern is shown in the Figure A.2.2. The return link uses I5F2’s HCC channel
capability to route the commercial-Ka uplink carrier from the BCSS HCC Earth station into the gateway
downlink which is in the commercial Ka-band. The forward link uses HCC channel capability to route
the Commercial-Ka uplink carrier from Gateway into the Connect 180 user terminal downlink which is
operating in commercial Ka-band.

A.3 Point of Communication: I5F2 at 55° W.L. orbital location
Coordinates of BCSS HCC Earth Stations:
   1. Washington DC (WDC): 38° 56' 41.8" N, 77° 4' 9.3" W;
   2. New York, NY (NYC): 40° 45' 17.4" N, 73° 58' 45.9" W;


                       Attachment A
                      Technical Annex

   Figure A.2.1. Planned Coverage Pattern of Gateway Beam

                                        43 dBW

                                      41 dBW
                                      39 dBW
                                      37 dBW
                                        35 dBW
                                        33 dBW
                                         31 dBW
                                           29 dBW
                                           27 dBW

Figure A.2.2. Sample High Capacity Spot Beam Coverage Pattern




                                           Attachment A
                                          Technical Annex

A.4 Frequency, Polarization and Carrier Description
                  Commercial-Ka band          Carrier                                         Uplink
                                                             Emissions        Uplink
   Location        Uplink Frequency         Frequency(s)                                       EIRP
                                                            Designators     Polarization
                      Band MHz                 MHz                                            (dBW)
 WDC / NYC           29000 - 29100          29017, 29051     31M5M1D             RHCP          57.0
 Lino Lakes          27500 - 27600          27519, 27557     35M5M1D             RHCP          57.0

                  Commercial-Ka band          Carrier                                        Downlin
                                                             Emissions       Downlink
   Location       Downlink Frequency        Frequency(s)                                     k EIRP
                                                            Designators     Polarization
                      Band MHz                 MHz                                            (dBW)
 WDC / NYC            19200 - 19300         19219, 19257     35M5M1D             LHCP          46.4
 Lino Lakes           17700 - 17800         17717, 17751     31M5M1D             LHCP          43.0

All of these carriers mentioned in this section are in SCPC mode.

A.5 Identification of any random access technique, if applicable


A.6 Identification of a specific rule or rules for which a waiver is requested

   The BCSS seeks authority to use spectrum in the 19.2-19.3 GHz band for Fixed Satellite Service
(FSS) point-of-communication to the I5F2 satellite constellation. See Exhibit A, Section II, “Waiver
Requests for Non-Conforming Use.”

A.7 A frequency coordination analysis in accordance with §25.203(b) is contained in Exhibit B and
Exhibit C.

A.8 U.S. Government Coordination

     BCSS will engage as directed with U.S. Government agencies pursuant to U.S. Table of Frequency
Allocation footnote US334. In accordance with Section 25.103(f), the half power beam width of the
BCSS HCC Earth station antenna is 0.62° at 18 GHz.

A.9 Sharing with NGSO FSS in the 28.6-29.1 GHz and 18.8-19.3 GHz Bands

     The 28.6-29.1 GHz uplink band is designated for NGSO FSS on a primary basis and it is designated
for the GSO FSS on a secondary basis under FCC decisions. The 18.8-19.3 GHz downlink band is
allocated exclusively to NGSO FSS. The following analysis demonstrates compatibility with NGSO
FSS operations in these band segments. As the NGSO satellite continues to move within its orbit, an
angle between the NGSO satellite and the GSO satellite, subtended at the GSO earth station, is created.
As long as the GSO earth station does not transmit when the NGSO satellite is within a certain angle, no
harmful interference to the NGSO satellite will occur. A similar situation exists on the downlink. The

                                            Attachment A
                                           Technical Annex

amount of angular separation required will be dependent on location of the ground terminals, the
parameters of the NGSO FSS networks and their interference criteria.

    Compatibility with O3b

    O3b has received a license under FCC call sign E130107 from the Commission for an earth station
located in Bristow, VA. This O3b Virginia earth station will be connected via the O3b satellites to
O3b’s gateway earth stations and in that sense the Virginia earth station would be viewed as a user
terminal. The Virginia earth station does not have TT&C capabilities. In addition, the operational
characteristics of the Virginia earth station are within all aspects of the envelope defined for user
terminals in O3b’s Schedule S.

O3b will facilitate sharing with GSO systems by constraining the uplink earth station EIRP density and
the downlink PFD at the Earth’s surface from the O3b system within these frequency ranges depending
on the latitude at which the relevant beam is operating. This technique limits the interference to GSO
satellite networks by exploiting the angular separation of the O3b and the GSO orbits when viewed
from the surface of the Earth at latitudes away from the equator. This angular separation also protects
the O3b system from interference from GSO satellite networks at latitudes away from the equator. The
angular separation geometry is shown in Figure A.9.1 below, illustrating that the off-axis angle, θ,
becomes larger as the latitude of the Earth location increases (either North or South of the equator).

 Figure A.9.1: Example of angular separation angle of an equatorial O3b satellite relative to the
                    GSO orbit for earth locations away from the equator.

        The western most and eastern most orbital slot of NGSO O3b satellite that provides coverage to
Virginia earth station are at 111⁰W.L and 42.5⁰W.L, respectively. When O3b is at 60° W.L, the smallest
angular separation value of Θ = 16.04° subtended at the Bristow, VA ground station with respect to the
I5F2 orbital slot. Any location of an O3b satellite further east or west of 60⁰W.L, will necessarily create
a larger angular separation with respect to the I5F2. Given the I5F2 gateway antenna location, and with
the O3b satellite assumed to be at a static 60° W.L. location, the angular separation (off-axis angle)
subtended at the I5F2 earth station can be calculated.

        Table A.9.1 shows the predicted interference degradations to the O3b system due to operation of
the I5F2 network and vice versa. The results show that the O3b system is adequately protected. The

                                                  Attachment A
                                                 Technical Annex

calculated ΔT/T values in all cases are small (less than 1%), demonstrating the technical compatibility
of the I5F2 satellite network with the proposed operation of O3b’s Virginia earth station O3B1.WMP.
O3b’s ground station at Bristow, VA has been approved by the Commission. To the extent necessary,
Boeing incorporates that information by reference.1

Table A.9.1. Interference calculations between I5F2 and O3b (Bristow, Prince William, Virginia)

    Victim Network                                                 O3B1.WMP              I5F2
    Interfering Network                                               I5F2            O3B1.WMP
    Center Frequency                                  GHz            29.05              29.05
    Interfering e/s uplink input power density       dBW/Hz          -70.0              -66.6
    Minimum Angular separation                       degrees         16.04              16.04
    Interfering e/s transmit gain (off-axis)           dB            -1.13              -1.13
    Slant range (Interfering path)                     Km            10574              37827
    Space Loss (Interfering path)                      dB            202.2              213.3
    Victim satellite receive antenna gain              dBi            34.5               39.2
    Victim satellite Rx system noise
                                                         K           1000                 611.8
    No                                               dBW/Hz          -198.6              -200.7
    Io                                               dBW/Hz          -238.8              -241.9
    Io/No                                              dB             -40.2               -41.1
    ∆T/T                                               %            0.0095%             0.0077%

 Victim Network                                                    O3B1.WMP              I5F2
 Interfering Network                                                  I5F2            O3B1.WMP
 Center Frequency                                           GHz      19.25              19.25
 Interfering satellite downlink EIRP density dBW/Hz                  -33.9              -26.3
 Slant range (Interfering path)                             Km       37827              10574
 Space Loss (Interfering path)                               dB      209.7              198.6
 Minimum Angular separation                              degrees     16.04              16.04
 Victim e/s receive gain (off-axis)                         dBi      -1.13              -1.13
 Victim satellite Rx system noise
                                                             K       234.4                208.9
 No                                                      dBW/Hz      -204.9              -205.4
 Io                                                      dBW/Hz      -244.7              -226.1
 Io/No                                                       dB       -39.8               -20.6
 ∆T/T                                                        %      0.0104%             0.8611%
 O3b FCC authority to operate an earth station in Bristow, VA; call sign E130107; file # SES-LIC-

                                            Attachment A
                                           Technical Annex

        Sharing with HEO Systems

        In order to demonstrate compatibility between the I5F2 network and other types of NGSO
networks, the parameters of the GESN and ATCONTACT NGSO networks, previously authorized by
the Commission to use the 28.6-29.1 GHz and 18.8-19.3 GHz bands, have been used. Both networks
were to utilize highly elliptical orbits (“HEO”).

        Table A.9.2 summarizes the salient parameters of the GESN and ATCONTACT HEO satellite
networks for the purpose of this interference assessment. These parameters are identical to those used
by Northrop Grumman and ATCONTACT to demonstrate independently that their GSO operations in
the 28.6-29.1 GHz and 18.8-19.3 GHz bands were compatible with the other’s proposed NGSO
operations. It can be seen that the two networks’ orbital and transmission parameters are identical,
which allows a single interference analysis to be performed.

         In order to demonstrate compatibility with these two NGSO networks, a worst-case, static
analysis is performed. The smallest possible angle will occur when the GSO satellite, the NGSO
satellite and the relevant earth station are all on the same longitude and the earth station is at a high
latitude. Assuming a minimum 10° elevation angle for the GSO earth station, this sets the latitude to
71.4°N. The GESN and ATCONTACT satellites do not transmit when they are at an altitude below
16000 km, which translates to a latitude of 31.9°N. With this information, the smallest possible angular
separation is then calculated to be 27.4 degrees. Both the transmitting GSO earth station (uplink
calculation) and the victim NGSO earth station (downlink calculation) have been assumed to be at a
latitude of 71.4°N.

        Table A.9.3 shows the results of interference calculations from the I5F2 network into the GESN
and ATCONTACT networks and vice versa. The calculated ΔT/T values in all cases are less than 1%,
indicating the technical compatibility of the I5F2 satellite network with the GESN and ATCONTACT

        The compatibility of these networks is largely due to the fact that the two NGSO networks do
not communicate with earth stations when their satellites cross the equatorial plane, thus in-line events
with a GSO network do not occur.

         For other types of NGSO constellations that do communicate with earth stations when the
satellites pass through the equatorial plane, an in-line interference event can occur. Inmarsat will
coordinate with future NGSO operators in these band segments to determine the minimum angular
separation required to protect any future NGSO system. If required, Inmarsat would cease transmissions
in this band from the relevant beam of the I5F2 satellite and its associated earth station that is causing
the in-line event, such that a minimum amount of angular separation with the NGSO network is always
maintained, thereby avoiding interference in the NGSO system.


                                             Attachment A
                                            Technical Annex

                   Table A.9.2. GESN and ATCONTACT HEO satellite characteristics
                                                GESN                       ATCONTACT
 Orbital parameters
 • # of satellites                              3                           3
 • # of planes                                  3                           3
 • # of satellites per plane                    1                           1
 • Inclination                                  63.4°                       63.4°
 • Apogee                                       39352 km                    39352 km
 • Perigee                                      1111 km                     1111 km
 • Minimum Tx altitude                          16000 km                    16000 km
 Satellite Rx gain                              46.5 dBi                    46.5 dBi
 Satellite Rx system noise temp.                504 K                       504 K
 Earth station uplink input power density       -63.45 dBW/Hz               -63.45 dBW/Hz
 Satellite downlink EIRP density                -18 dBW/Hz                  -18 dBW/Hz
 E/S Rx system noise temperature                315 K                       315 K

A.10 §25.208 Power flux density limits at the earth’s surface

        §25.208 does not contain any PFD limits that apply in the 17.8-18.3 GHz or 18.8-19.3 GHz
bands for GSO satellite networks, however it is noted that Article 21 of the ITU Radio Regulations does
include PFD limits applicable to GSO satellites using the 17.8-18.3 GHz and 18.8-19.3 GHz bands and
these limits are identical to those in §25.208(c). The PFD limits of §25.208(c) are as follows:
        •-115 dB(W/m2) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival between 0 and 5 degrees above the
        horizontal plane;

       •-115+(δ-5)/2 dB(W/m2) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival δ (in degrees) between 5 and
       25 degrees above the horizontal plane; and

       •-105 dB(W/m2) in any 1 MHz band for angles of arrival between 25 and 90 degrees above the
       horizontal plane.

         Compliance with all applicable FCC and ITU PFD limits in the 19.2-19.3 GHz is demonstrated
below using a simple worst-case methodology. The maximum downlink EIRP density that the I5F2
satellite will transmit in the 19.2-19.3 GHz band is 57 dBW in an occupied bandwidth of 31.5 MHz,
which translates into 42 dBW/MHz. The shortest distance from the satellite to the Earth is 35,786 km,
corresponding to a spreading loss of 162.06 dB. Therefore the maximum possible PFD at the Earth’s
surface at an elevation angle of 90° will not exceed -120.06 dBW/m2 in 1 MHz (i.e., 42-162.06). This is
less than the -115 dBW/m2/MHz PFD limit value that applies at elevation angles of 5° and below.
Therefore compliance with the PFD limits is ensured.


                                              Attachment A
                                             Technical Annex

  Table A.9.3. Worst-case interference calculations between the I5F2 network and the GESN /
                                   ATCONTACT networks.

                                                             GESN /
Victim Network                                                                  I5F2
                                                                             GESN /
Interfering Network                                             I5F2
Center Frequency                                  GHz           29.05         29.05
Interfering e/s uplink input power density      dBW/Hz          -70.0         -63.5
Minimum Angular separation                       degrees         27.4          27.4
Interfering e/s transmit gain (off-axis)           dB           -6.94         -6.94
Slant range (Interfering path)                     Km           21046         40586
Space Loss (Interfering path)                      dB           208.2         213.9
Victim satellite receive antenna gain              dBi           46.5          39.2
Victim satellite Rx system noise
                                                   K             504            611.8
No                                              dBW/Hz          -201.6         -200.7
Io                                              dBW/Hz          -238.6         -245.1
Io/No                                             dB             -37.1          -44.4
∆T/T                                              %            0.0196%        0.0037%

                                                             GESN /
Victim Network                                                                  I5F2
                                                                             GESN /
Interfering Network                                             I5F2
Center Frequency                                  GHz           19.25         19.25
Interfering satellite downlink EIRP density     dBW/Hz          -33.9         -18.0
Slant range (Interfering path)                     Km           40586         21046
Space Loss (Interfering path)                      dB           210.2         204.5
Minimum Angular separation                       degrees         27.4          27.4
Victim e/s receive gain (off-axis)                 dB           -6.94         -6.94
Victim satellite Rx system noise
                                                   K            315.0           208.9
No                                              dBW/Hz          -203.6         -205.4
Io                                              dBW/Hz          -251.0         -229.4
Io/No                                             dB             -47.4          -24.0
∆T/T                                              %            0.0018%        0.3942%


                                            Attachment A
                                           Technical Annex

A.11 §25.138 Licensing requirements for GSO FSS earth stations in the conventional Ka-band

       Frequency Bands Subject to §25.138

       For those frequency bands subject to §25.138, compliance with the Commission’s two-degree
spacing policy is ensured provided:

       1) The uplink off-axis EIRP density levels of §25.138(a)(1) of the Rules for blanket licensing
          are not exceeded;

       2) The maximum PFD levels are lower than the PFD values given in §25.138(a)(6) of the

        The clear sky uplink off-axis EIRP density limits of §25.138(a)(1) are equivalent to a maximum
uplink input power density of -56.5 dBW/Hz, assuming the transmitting earth station meets the off-axis
gain mask requirements of § 25.209(a) and (b). Table A.11.1 compares the uplink input power densities
derived from the uplink link budgets with clear sky limits of §25.138 (a)(1) of the Rules.

    Table A.11.1. Demonstration of Compliance with the Uplink Power Limits of §25.138(a)(1)
  (assuming the transmitting earth station antenna meets the off-axis gain mask requirements of
                                        §25.209(a) and (b))

 Uplink                        Maximum Clear Sky           Clear Sky Uplink Input Power        Excess
 Antenna      Emission         Uplink Input Power          Density Limit of §25.138 (a)(1)     Margin
  Size                         Density (dBW/Hz)                      (dBW/Hz)                   (dB)
   1.8m      31M5M1D                  -70.3                             -56.5                   13.8
  13.2m      35M5M1D                  -87.4                             -56.5                   30.9

        As demonstrated in section A.10 above, the maximum PFD that could be transmitted by the
I5F2 satellite, at a 90° elevation angle, is -120.06 dBW/m2/MHz and therefore the PFD levels at other
elevation angles will necessarily be somewhat lower. No downlink transmissions from the I5F2 satellite
will exceed the -118 dBW/m2/MHz limit set forth in §25.138 (a)(6) of the Rules.

       Frequency Bands Not Subject to §25.138

       This section demonstrates that uplink transmissions in the 29.0-29.1 GHz bands and downlink
transmissions in the 19.2-19.3 GHz band are two-degree compatible.

         Currently there are no operational GSO Ka-band satellites that use the 29.0-29.1 GHz and 19.2-
19.3 GHz bands at or within two degrees of the 55.0º W.L. location, nor are there any pending
applications before the Commission for use of these bands by a GSO satellite at or within two degrees
of 55.0° W.L. Therefore, in order to demonstrate two-degree compatibility, the transmission parameters
of the I5F2 satellite have been assumed as both the wanted and victim transmissions. Table A.11.2
provides a summary of the uplink and downlink transmission parameters. These parameters were used
in the interference analysis. The interference calculations assumed a 1.1 factor (1 dB advantage) for
topocentric-to-geocentric conversion. All wanted and interfering carriers are co-polarized and all earth

                                            Attachment A
                                           Technical Annex

station antennas conform to a sidelobe pattern of 29-25log(θ). It can be seen in table A.11.3 that the C/I
margins are all positive.

                         Table A.11.2. I5F2 HCC transmission parameters
               I5F2 E/W station keeping                                      0.05⁰
               Worst case separation                                          1.9⁰
               Worst case topo-centric angle                                 2.09⁰
               Transmit or Receive Antenna Gain at Off-axis Gain at 2.09⁰ 21.0 dBi

        Transmit                       Occupied       Transmit        Uplink                      C/I
Carrier                 Emission                                                     EIRP
        Antenna                        Bandwidth      E/S Gain         EIRP                    Criterion
  ID                   Designator                                                   Density
          Size                           (MHz)          (dBi)         (dBW)                      (dB)
   1         1.8m       31M5M1D           31.5          52.3           57.0          12.0         16.3
   2        13.2m       35M5M1D           35.5          68.9           57.0           11.5        15.4

        Receive                       Occupied       Receive         Downlink                     C/I
Carrier                 Emission                                                     EIRP
        Antenna                       Bandwidth      E/S Gain          EIRP                    Criterion
  ID                   Designator                                                   Density
         Size                           (MHz)          (dBi)          (dBW)                      (dB)
   1        13.2m      31M5M1D           31.5          66.6           43.0           -2.0         16.3
   2         1.8m      35M5M1D           35.5          49.2           46.4            0.9         15.4

               Table A.11.3. Summary of the Uplink and Downlink C/I margins (dB)

                      UPLINK C/I                           Interfering Carriers
                      Margins (dB)       Carrier ID          1             2
                                             1                15.0             32.1
                    Wanted Carriers
                                                2             15.4             32.5

                    DOWNLINK C/I                           Interfering Carriers
                     Margins (dB)   Carrier ID               1             2
                                        1                     29.3             26.4
                    Wanted Carriers
                                        2                     15.7             12.8


                                            Attachment A
                                           Technical Annex

A.12 Network Monitor and Control

  BCSS NOC constantly monitors transmission of BCSS HCC Earth station terminals 24x7. It is
  accessed through a secure enclave at I5F2 gateway facility where the return link from remote BCSS
  HCC Earth station is received. Furthermore, BCSS NOC will install a 1m class Inmarsat type-
  approved Global Xpress land terminal co-located with each of the BCSS HCC Earth station terminal.
  Global Xpress terminal operates outside the frequency band of operation mentioned in section A.4 of
  this document. This co-located Global Xpress terminal accesses BCSS HCC Earth station’s monitor
  and control plane and it is configured to be on BCSS monitor and control network. BCSS NOC will
  remotely control BCSS HCC earth station, its configuration or turn ON / turn OFF by accessing it on
  BCSS monitor and control network through co-located Global Xpress terminal. This control includes
  terminal entry into the network, authorization of transmission frequencies, authorizations to change
  the transmit power/data rate, and enforcement of adherence to off-axis ESD limitations through
  control of the authorized transmit power level over a constant bandwidth. The NOC operators have
  the capability to control transmission parameters, or to terminate transmissions, in accordance with
  the Commission’s Rules.

  BCSS maintains 24-hour-a-day NOC in Herndon VA. The point of contact information is:

  Rob Ruggeri, BCSS Operations Manager

  Phone: (855) 556-1001


 Address: 460 Herndon Parkway, BLDG 95.186.1, Herndon, VA 20170-5278

                           ENGINEERING INFORMATION

I hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for preparation of the engineering
information contained in this supplement, that I am familiar with Part 25 of the Commission’s rules, that
I have either prepared or reviewed the engineering information submitted in this supplement and that it
is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

                                                                                          Samir Patel
                                                                               Systems Engineering
                                                             Boeing Commercial Satellite Systems, Inc
                                                                              El Segundo, Ca 90245
                                                                               Tel # (310)-227-7178

Document Created: 2017-12-15 13:53:25
Document Modified: 2017-12-15 13:53:25

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