Attachment PSSI 1.2m Rad Hazard

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20171027-01219 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Advent Communications

               This report is an analysis of the non ionising radiation for a 1.2m Mantis antenna
               system. This antenna is designed for ground mounting and being deployed only
               when stationary. The maximum amplifier size that Advent Communications would
               recommend for use with this antenna is 400W. Smaller amplifiers can of course be

               The Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits used in this report are from FCC
               Office of Engineering document OET Bulletin 65 edition 97—01. These specify
               separate limits for an Occupational Controlled Exposure and a general Population
               Uncontrolied Exposure as shown in the table below.

                                     PowerDensity mW/cm*2

               Frequency                    30—300MHz      .3 to 1.5GHz 1.5—100GHz

               Controlled Exposure                   1             £300          5
               (6 Min Average)

               Uncontrolied Exposure                 .2            £11500         1
               (30 Min Average)

               The following table lists the Parameters used in these calculations.

              Antenna Diameter                             1.2m
              Antenna Gain @14.25GHz                       43.10Bi
               Antenna 1®" sidelobe Gain    1.8deg         25.60Bi
              Antenna feedline losses                      10B

              Antenna Effiiciency                          65%

               Amplifier Flange Power                      350W

               Frequency                                   14.25GHz
               Wavelength                                  .021m

600070 Radiation Hazard Report — Mantis 120

Advent Communications


             For the purpose of analysis it will be assumed that the worst case exposure would
             occur in the main beam, and in off axis directions in the 1"" sidelobe as this is the
             highest off axis emission. The 1** sidelobe for this antenna occurs at +/—1.8 degrees
             from boresight (measured) and from the FCC off axis radiation limits lie below 32—
             25lo0g1.8deg limit as given in the table in the previous table.

             The antenna is designed for ground mounting. A minimum operational deployment
             angle of 10 degrees will be assumed, with a minimum distance of .6m between the
             lower edge of the reflector and the ground level. Below this angle the antenna will not
             deploy properly and transmission should be inhibited.

             The calculations are for the final transmit frequency. Other frequencies generated in
             the uplink system will be below 10mW and be in screened units and cables so should
             contribute significantly to radiation.

             In the area close to the antenna most power will be in the main beam as illustrated

             For convenience radiation will be calculated in three regions;

             1) Near field
             This is the field immediately adjacent to the antenna and is usually taken to extend to a
             distance given by D42/ (4.A).

             So the extent of the near field is 17.14m

             In this region the power density remains fairly constant at different distances from the
             antenna, although there are localised energy fluctuations.

             The on axis near field power density is given by


600070 Radiafion Hazard Report — Mantis 120                                              L*

Advent Communicatlons

             Thlsis the reglon between the end of the near field and the start of the far field (below).
             Power density decreases inversely with distance from the antenna between the near
             field value and the maximum value in the far field.

             Inthe far field region of the antenna the power density decreases inversely as the
             square of the distance from the antenna. The region is assumed to start at a distance

             So the far field starts at 41.14m.

             The on axis power density in the far field is given by

             = 26.69mW/cm*2

             The energy density in the 1"‘ sidelobe is


             Minimum Uncontroliled Safe Access Limit
             Given that this is a ground mounted antenna, uncontrolled access to the boresight field
             is likely at low elevation angles. From the nearfield calculations above it can be seen
             that the power density within the main beam exceeds maximum exposure limits.
             Therefore access to an area in front of the reflector should be prohibited until the main
             beam is above the level of personnel.

             The lower edge of the reflector is .6m above ground level. So the minimum distance in
             front of the reflector before the beam is greater 2m above ground level is given by

             (2m—antenna height)/tan (min elevation) m

             = 7.94m

             Far Field

             From the FCC off axis radiation limit at the maximum antenna gain at an angle of 10
             degrees the radiation in the direction of the horizon is calculated..

             Gain to the horizon = 32—25lo0g10dBi
             = 70Bi

             By re—arranging the above equation the minimum safe far field distance for
             uncontrolled access (an exposure of 1mWIem"2)is given by
             ~\[PG/(&ns))                   (S= Power Density)

             = 3.33m from the antenna.

600070 Radiation Hazard Report — Mantis 120


Advent Communications
               It can be seen that the limiting factor is the power in the nearfield for as long as it is
               less than 2m above ground level, where accidental exposure would be possible.
               Therefore it would be necessary to restrict access in front of the antenna for a
               distance of m when operating at minimum elevation angle.

               The calculation in the direction of the horizon is difficult because this is based on a far
               field pattern and the calculation places the limit within the near field zone. However
               for operation at higher elevation angles, it would be reasonable to restrict
               uncontrolled access closer than 4m, in the direction directly below the main beam.

               If the antenna system is operated in accordance with Advent Communications
               instructions there should be no risk to either operators or the public if the above
               guidelines are followed.

600070 Radiation Hazard Report — Mantis 120

Document Created: 2017-10-19 15:23:55
Document Modified: 2017-10-19 15:23:55

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