Attachment App Description

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20171017-01179 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                             Description of Application

Astro Digital US, Inc. (Astro Digital) hereby requests authority to operate a satellite
earth station at 840 Del Rey Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085. The earth station will be
used to communicate with satellites of the Landmapper constellation as filed in SAT-
LOA-20170508-00071. The earth station application is expected to be operational
by the end of December 2017.1

As discussed in our space station application,2 Astro Digital requires the use of a 40
kHz signal and can accept an assignment for a command link (Earth-to-space) and a
telemetry link (space-to-Earth) in any of the following bands (including the same
band for both links):3

       • 399.90 – 400.05 MHz
       • 400.05 – 400.15 MHz
       • 400.15 – 401.00 MHz
       • 401.00 – 402.00 MHz
       • 402.00 – 403.00 MHz

The coordination discussions with NASA, NOAA and other government agencies, which
operate in these bands, regarding the specific earth station operating frequencies are on-
going. As a default, Astro Digital requests that it be assigned the 402-403 MHz (with a
center frequency of 402.6 MHz) for a command link (Earth-to-space), and the 400.15-
401 MHz (with a center frequency of 400.175 MHz) for a telemetry link (space-to-Earth).
Alternatively, Astro Digital requests that it be assigned the 400.05-400.15 MHz band
(with a center frequency of 400.09 MHz) for both command and telemetry links. Astro
Digital has requested waivers in its space station application, as necessary, to use the
above frequency bands and incorporates those waiver requests herein by reference.4
Astro Digital commits to operating on an unprotected and non-interference basis, as

1 Astro Digital expects to launch its first Landmapper satellite on December 20,
2017. Accordingly, Astro Digital is contemporaneously filing an application for
Special Temporary Authority (“STA”) to communicate with its Landmapper satellite
from an existing earth station facility pending approval of this application for
regular authority. As discussed in the STA application, Astro Digital also has a
pending experimental application (ELS File No. 0021-EX-CM-2016) regarding a
satellite to be launched on November 28, 2017 and does not object to including that
satellite as part of its Part 25 satellite license.
2 SAT-LOA-20170508-00071, Exhibit 43 at page 10.
3 The parameters of our system, as represented in this application, remain

sufficiently accurate (as expressed in Form 312) over the 399.900 to 403.000 MHz
frequency range.
4 Ibid, Section 3.0, page 45.

At a later time (Phases 2 & 3 of our program), Astro Digital anticipates operating a
command transmission link in the band 2025 – 2110 MHz, as stated in our space station
application.5 At the appropriate time, we will file an earth station application to include
these frequencies, which we recognize will need to be coordinated with terrestrial users.

5   Ibid, Section I.d.1, page 14.

                                 Technical Certification

I, Jan A. King, hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am familiar with Part 25 of
the Commission’s Rules (47 C.F.R. Part 25) and that I have either prepared or reviewed
the technical information submitted in this earth station application, including the
attachments, and found it to be complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and

                                                     /s/ Jan A. King
                                                     Jan A. King
                                                     Chief Technical Officer
                                                     Astro Digital US, Inc.

Document Created: 0550-04-11 00:00:00
Document Modified: 0550-04-11 00:00:00

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