Attachment Exhibit A

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20170928-01072 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                          EXHIBIT A

        This is one of a series of applications by the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Organization (“CTBTO”) to license 2.4 meter C-band earth stations in insular areas of the United
States. Four of the applications include identical main and back-up 2.4 meter antennas located

        CTBTO is an international treaty organization financed by the Signatories of its Member
States. Founded in 1996, CTBTO is tasked with establishing a global verification regime to
monitor compliance with the comprehensive ban on nuclear testing, a task that involves the
deployment of 321 monitoring stations throughout the world. More information is available at

        Hughes Network Systems, LLC (“Hughes”) has been appointed by CTBTO to design,
implement, operate, and maintain the third generation of the Global Communications
Infrastructure, GCI-III, for the verification regime provided in the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-
Ban Treaty. The power of attorney for Hughes to act on behalf of CTBTO is attached.

       Although the attached C-band frequency coordination report references a Prodelin 2.4
meter antenna, the actual 2.4 meter antenna being deployed is a Skyware Global Type 243.

                                                  *Co CTBTO
                                                                          preparatory commission for the
                                                                          comprehensive nuclear—test—ban
                                                                          treaty organization
                                                PREPARATORY COMMISSION

    To:                                                                   Vienna International Centre
                                                                          P.0. Box 1200
    Telecommunications Regulatory Authorities                              1400 Viena, Austrin
    States Signatories, Comprehensive Nuclear
    Test—Ban—Treaty Organization                                

                                                                          T       +43 1 26030 6454
                                                                          F       +43 1 26030 5923
                                                                          ReF:     IDC/OD/253/17/IP

                                                                           25 April 2017


Dear Madam, Sir,

        I am pleased to inform you that the Provisional Technical Secretariat of the Preparatory
Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear—Test—Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) has instructed
Hughes Network Systems (HNS) to represent CTBTO in respect of the licencing requirements for its
next generation global communications network (GCI III).

         As you know, the Treaty bans the carrying out of any nuclear weapons test explosion or any
other nuclear explosion and the Preparatory Commission has been set up as an intergovernmental
organization tasked with preparing for the entry into force of the Treaty. One of the Preparatory
Commission‘s main tasks is the establishment and provisional operation of the International
Monitoring System (IMS), as an international network consisting of over 300 stations across the
planet, which monitor the Earth for evidence of nuclear explosions. As such, it is an indispensable part
of the verification regime which is at the heart of the Treaty‘s purpose. The IMS record seismic,
infrasound, hydroacoustic and radionuclide data worldwide, and transmit that information back to the
International Data Centre (IDC) at the headquarters in Vienna, Austria, from which a certain degree of
retransmission to users takes place.

        The Preparatory Commission hereby directs and authorises Hughes Network Systems to
provide any document or information useful to or required by each Telecommunications Regulatory
Authority in each Signatory Country in which one or more VSAT antennas is intended for connection
to the IMS or the IDC. The Preparatory Commission also authorises and kindly requests of each such
Telecommunication Regulatory Authority to provide Hughes Network Systems with any and all
information or documentation useful or necessary for the proper processing of any and all licences,
permits, concessions, approvals, rights or authorizations by any other name required for the compliant
operation of the IMS or IDC satellite stations.

          This power ofattorney is in addition to that provided to Ultisat, Inc. and shall be valid as long
as it is not withdrawn in writing.

        The Senior Director of Hughes Network Systems, Mr. Balur Tuppal Shyamakrishnan, and his
colleagues are at your entire disposal for any questions on the application.

                                                                    Yours sincerely,

                                                              e     Lassina Zerbo
                                                                 Executive Secretary
                                                            Preparatory Commission for the
                                                         Nuclear—Test—Ban Treaty Organization

Document Created: 2017-09-28 13:26:42
Document Modified: 2017-09-28 13:26:42

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