Attachment 2019_05_01_11_42_46.


AGREEMENT submitted by FCC

Grant of Extension Request


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20170807-00877 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                       m. m

                                             An EchoStar Company

April 29, 2019

Mr. Jose Albuquerque, Chief
Federal Communications Commission
445 12 Street SW
Washington, DC 20554

                  Re:     I-INS License Sub, LLC: IBFS File Nos. SES-LIC-20170807-00876
                          through SES-LIC-201 70807-00895; Call Signs: El 70151-El 70170

Dear Mr. Albuquerque:

        HNS License Sub, LLC (“I-INS”) submits this letter in response to the Satellite Division’s
April 1, 2019 letter (“Letter”)’ requesting additional information regarding HNS’s pending
applications to operate twenty new gateway earth stations that will communicate with the FINS
95W satellite system (“HNS 95W” or “Jupiter 3”). Pursuant to Section 1.46 of the
Commission’s rules, HNS requests a short extension of time to respond to the Letter.2

        The Letter asks FINS to provide by May 1, 2019 information regarding each of its twenty
proposed gateway earth stations. In particular, the Letter asks HNS to provide “[a] separate table
for each concerned frequency band containing a list of the U.S. census block ID numbers within
each county that are covered entirely or partially by the PFD contour for the 27.5-28.35 GHz
band, and by the protection zone for the 47.2-48.2 GHz band.”3 Upon receipt of the Letter, I-INS
began compiling the necessary information to respond to the Division’s request for its twenty
gateway earth stations. However, this is the first time FINS is preparing aggregate analyses
pursuant to the relatively new rule Section 25.136 which applies to earth stations operating in the
27.5-28.35 GHz, 37.5-40 GHz, and 47.2-48.2 GHz bands.4 Due to the nature of the analysis
required, FINS has good cause to request a short extension of time to respond.

‘Letter from Jose P. Albuquerque, Chief, Satellite Division, International Bureau, Federal
Communications Commission, to Jennifer A. Manner, Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, Hughes
Network Systems, LLC, File Nos. SES-LIC-20 170807-00876 through SES-LIC-20 170807-00895 (Apr.
1, 2019).
       C.F.R. § 1.46.
    Letter at 1.
       C.F.R. § 25.136.

Mr. Jose Albuquerque, Chief
April 29, 2019
Page 2

        HNS respectfully requests that the Commission extend the deadline for HNS’s reply by
fifteen business days, to May 22, 2019. This brief extension wilt provide HNS with the time
required to collect the necessary information so that HNS may provide a comprehensive
response to the Division’s questions for each of its 20 gateway earth stations. Moreover,
pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 1.46(c), FINS counsel has orally notified Commission staff of this
extension request.

       For the foregoing reasons, FINS requests the Division to extend the deadline for filing its
response to the Letter to May 22, 2019.


                                                           /c/ .Jennifer A Ivianner
                                                           Jennifer A. Manner
                                                           Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs

cc:    Jose Albuquerque
       Stephen Duall
       Kathyrn Medley

                                                                  File   fi(—L,- 2’f’7                 -

                                                                  Call Sign /7rant Date__________
                                                                  (or other identifier)
                                                                                               Term Dates
                                                                  From /                  -:         To:        /   ,
                                   In tc mat i anal   Ri I lena   Annirnl          IA          / /J

Document Created: 2019-09-12 14:48:47
Document Modified: 2019-09-12 14:48:47

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