Attachment Rad Haz Analysis

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20170726-00810 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                          Radiation Hazard Analysis

                                        Operator:             SES
                             Location Designation:            Laredo                              FCC Callsign:
                                          County:                                                      SES ID:
                                            Town:             Laredo                                      STA:
                                        State/Zip:            Texas
                          Input Values                            Value              Unit                              Band          Frequency
                              D = Aperture Diameter                6.30              Meters                             L            1000-2000
                           d = Subreflector Diameter                0.7              Meters                              S           2000-4000
                                  G = Antenna Gain                 62.8                  dBi                            C            4000-8000
                                   FCC Designation                  Ka               Band                               X           8000-12500
                                      F = Frequency               28.000              GHz                               Ku          12500-18000
                        P = Transmitter Power Watts:               447               Watts                              K           18000-25500
                  R ua = closest point to uncontrolled area         50              meters                              Ka          26500-40000
                  Elevation angle at closest point R ua             10              Degrees                             O           40000-50000
                                        Height (AGL)               2.50              meters                             V           50000-75000

                  OET 65 Calculated Values                      Formula              Value            Unit
                                        λ= Wavelength                                0.0107     meters
                                   G = Antenna Gain              10               1905460.718   (W) linear
                                                                 Gλ /4π
                           η = Apperture Efficiency                                      56%    percentage
                                A = Area of reflector             πR2               31.172      meters 2
                                                                      2                            2
                             a = area of subreflector                              3848.451     cm
                                                                   D               926.718      meters
                           R nf = Near-Field Region
                                                                   4λ                161        Meters AGL
                                                                  >Rnf             926.718      >meters
                             R t = Transition Region
                                                                  <Rff             2224.123     <meters
                                                                 0.6D2             2224.123     meters
                             R ff = Far Field Region
                                                                    λ                386        Meters AGL

                                                                                                                           Exposure Limits
              Radiation Analysis Zone                           Formula              Level           Value        General Public   Occupational
                                                                                                                   <1mW/cm2         <5mW/cm2
                                                                    4P                                            >FCC MPE See     >FCC MPE See
      1                           Power Subreflector                                464.603         mW/cm2
                                                                     a                                               Note 1           Note 2
                                                                    4P                                            >FCC MPE See     >FCC MPE See
      2                              Antenna Surface                                 5.736          mW/cm2
                                                                     A                                               Note 1           Note 2
                                                                    P                                             >FCC MPE See
      3                     Main Reflector Ground                                    1.434          mW/cm2                           <FCC MPE
                                                                     A                                               Note 1
                                                                   4η P                                           >FCC MPE See
      4            S nf =Near-Field Power Density                                    3.199          mW/cm2                           <FCC MPE
                                                                     A                                               Note 1
                                                                                                                  >FCC MPE See
      5        S t = Max Transition Power Density                  < Snf             3.199          mW/cm2                           <FCC MPE
                                                                                                                     Note 1
                                                                    PG                                            >FCC MPE See
      6         S ff = Max Far field Power Density                                   1.370          mW/cm2                           <FCC MPE
                                                                  4πRff2                                             Note 3
      7           Off Access Level Near Field                   Snf - 20 dB         0.03199         mW/cm2          <FCC MPE         <FCC MPE

          1. The antenna is installed in a controlled location access is restricted to authorized personnel only. The antenna is
            marked with RF Radiation Hazard signage.
          2. Inside the controlled area, MPE levels exceed the MPE exposure for occupational levels. The levels will be reduced
            to safe MPE by removing power to the transmitters when work is performed on or around the antenna. This area
            can only be accessed by qualified personnel.
          3. The field develops 2.5 meters above ground level at the minimum elevation angle which is not accessable to the
            general public.

Generated 6/2/2017                                                              1 of 1                             rad haz auto report-tk-mod-Laredo

Document Created: 2017-06-02 16:36:42
Document Modified: 2017-06-02 16:36:42

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