Opposition to ViaSat

OPPOSITION submitted by Space Exploration Holdings, LLC

Opposition to ViaSat


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20170401-00357 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                             Before the
                                    Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                      )
VIASAT, INC.                          ) Call Sign: E170088
Application for Blanket Earth Station ) IBFS File No. SES-LIC-20170401-00357
License Using Ka-band Spectrum        )


        Space Exploration Holdings, LLC (“SpaceX”) hereby opposes the Petition for

Partial Reconsideration filed by Viasat, Inc. (“Viasat”).1                Viasat requests that the

Commission modify a condition imposed in its blanket license to deploy millions of fixed

earth stations throughout the United States for communications in the 28.6-29.1 GHz

band with two of Viasat’s geostationary satellite orbit (“GSO”) space stations.2 That

condition was imposed in response to concerns raised by non-geostationary satellite orbit

(“NGSO”) system operators (including SpaceX) about Viasat’s GSO use of the band,

which the Commission has designated specifically for primary use by uplinks for NGSO

systems. Viasat seeks to remove the requirements to either coordinate with NGSO

systems in the band, submit a detailed technical analysis demonstrating how NGSO

systems would be protected, or cease operations in the band. For the reasons discussed

below, the Commission should find that Viasat has failed to provide the detailed technical

    See Petition for Partial Reconsideration of Viasat, Inc., IBFS File No. SES-LIC-20170401-00357 (Dec.
    11, 2017) (“Viasat Petition”).
    See Radio Station Authorization, Call Sign E170088 (Nov. 9, 2017) (“Viasat Blanket License”).


demonstration necessary to confirm that its earth station operations would protect NGSO

systems in this band, and therefore deny Viasat’s request to modify the condition.

    1. Background

        Viasat has been licensed to deploy up to four million 0.75 meter and ten thousand

1.8 meter earth stations across the United States. These earth stations will operate in

several bands, including the 18.8-19.3 GHz downlink and 28.6-29.1 GHz uplink bands

that have been designated by the Commission for primary use by NGSO systems. Under

the Commission’s rules, any GSO system operating in these bands must do so on a non-

interference, non-protected basis.3

        Both SpaceX and O3b Limited (“O3b”) raised concerns in response to Viasat’s

blanket license application in the NGSO uplink band.4                SpaceX provided an initial

analysis of two interference scenarios, illustrating the effect on SpaceX’s proposed

NGSO system assuming angular separation of 10, 20, and 30 degrees from a Viasat earth

station uplink transmission. While the results varied depending upon the scenario and the

earth station considered, the calculated ∆T/T impact ranged from 15% to 452% at 20

degrees and from 6% to 164% at 30 degrees.5 Subsequently, after reviewing these

calculations further, SpaceX has discovered that these interference calculations actually

understate the potential interference impact by 10 dB, such that the ∆T/T would actually

be ten times worse. The initial assessment was based on earth station EIRPs in 40 kHz

bandwidth, when the actual EIRPs proposed by ViaSat were in 4 kHz. After adjusting

    Update to Parts 2 and 25 Concerning Non-Geostationary, Fixed-Satellite Service Systems and Related
    Matters, 32 FCC Rcd. 7809, ¶ 14 (2017) (“NGSO Update Order”).
    See, e.g., Reply of Space Exploration Holdings, LLC, File No. SES-LIC-20170401-00357 (June 26,
    2017) (“SpaceX Reply”); Petition to Defer of O3b Limited, File No. SES-LIC-20170401-00357 (June
    2, 2017).
    See SpaceX Reply at 3-6.


for that updated assumption, all of these values reveal a far more significant interference

effect than the 6% ∆T/T standard for non-interference previously claimed by ViaSat.6

Given the large potential impact on NGSO operations, both SpaceX and O3b requested

that the Commission deny or defer licensing until Viasat demonstrated that its operations

would adequately protect NGSO operations in the NGSO-primary band.

        In apparent response to this concern, the Commission imposed Condition 90447

on the Viasat Blanket License, which provides in pertinent part:

        [N]o later than sixty days before the scheduled initial launch of each
        NGSO FSS satellite system licensed or granted market access in the
        United States to operate in the 18.8-19.3 GHz and 28.6-29.1 GHz
        frequency bands, the licensee must either: (1) notify the Commission in
        writing when an agreement has been reached with the NGSO satellite
        system operator, or (2) seek and obtain the Commission’s approval of a
        modification of this license including detailed technical demonstrations of
        how the licensee will protect the NGSO FSS satellite system. If neither
        condition is met, the licensee must cease earth station operations in the
        18.8-19.3 GHz and 28.6-29.1 GHz frequency bands pursuant to this
        license until such time as compliance is demonstrated.

This condition clearly anticipates that Viasat would attempt to reach coordination

agreements with affected NGSO system operators, which presumably could be easily

achieved if there is truly no potential for harmful interference. Indeed, Viasat reports that

it has already completed coordination with one proposed NGSO system, OneWeb.7 For

some reason, Viasat has abandoned this path of seeking additional coordination

agreements with the many other NGSO operators and proposed systems, and instead has

    See, e.g., ViaSat-1 Application, IBFS File No. SAT-AMD-20080623-00131, Narrative at 7 (June 23,
    2008) (citing contactMEO Communications, LLC, 21 FCC Rcd. 4035, ¶ 33 (IB 2006)). See also
    Northrop Grumman Space & Mission Systems Corp., 24 FCC Rcd. 2330, ¶ 86 (IB 2009) (concluding
    that the proposed GSO system would not cause harmful interference to NGSO systems where impact
    was less than 6% ∆T/T).
    See Viasat Petition, Exhibit 1 at 4.


filed its Petition “in an effort to obviate the need for the type of subsequent license

modification applications contemplated by the new condition.”8

          While Viasat has submitted what it describes as a technical analysis, which

“discusses the results of a series of simulations,” this information falls far short of the

detail needed to successfully demonstrate that operations under the Viasat Blanket

License would not result in harmful uplink interference into any of the Ka-band NGSO

systems involved in the current processing round.9 The “analysis” provided offers only a

very high level description of the type of simulation used and a tabular presentation of the

results. In that presentation, Viasat uses -12.2 dB I/N as a reference “for illustrative

purposes,” but concedes that it “is not intended as a threshold for when harmful

interference would occur.”10 Nonetheless, based on this illustrative information, Viasat

“do[es] not believe that VS-2 Earth Station operations would result in harmful

interference in NGSO-primary band segments under any circumstances.”11 It therefore

requests that the Commission delete Condition 90447, and replace it with a simple non-

interference requirement.12

     2. Discussion

          The efficacy of Viasat’s Petition depends upon the validity of the simulation that

leads to its conclusion that the authorized earth stations will not cause harmful

interference to NGSO systems. Any simulation is only as good at the model and the

assumptions used to set it up. Viasat has not provided the details of its analysis at a level

     Viasat Petition at 2.
     See id. at 2-3 and Exhibit 1.
     Id., Exhibit 1 at 4.
     Id. at 6.
     See Viasat Petition at 3.


that would enable the Commission and other interested parties not only to reproduce the

results, but also to evaluate the reasonableness of the assumptions made and the

soundness of the model employed in order to determine the validity of those results. For

example, Viasat does not disclose:

      how many Viasat and NGSO earth stations are used in the simulation;

      how its model assumes those earth stations are arranged geographically;

      the uplink EIRP assumed in the simulation for the Viasat earth stations;13 and

      whether the analysis uses Viasat’s 0.75 meter antennas, its 1.8 meter antennas, or

          a mixture of the two (and if so, in what proportions).

In addition, the analysis appears to refer only to earth stations communicating with the

ViaSat-2 satellite,14 but Viasat’s authorization includes transmissions in the relevant

bands with ViaSat-1 as well – and it is not clear that this was considered. Without such

key inputs to Viasat’s simulation, it is not possible to evaluate the results.

          By comparison, SpaceX has provided complete information in support of the

analysis previously presented in this proceeding. Viasat criticizes that analysis because it

included a 10 degree separation angle, even though SpaceX has announced its intention

to observe a 22-degree separation from the GSO arc.15 Yet Viasat failed to recognize the

additional examples that SpaceX presented of the proposed earth stations’ impact at

     Viasat asserts that the EIRP levels requested in its application and included in its authorization, which
     SpaceX used in its earlier evaluation in this proceeding, “would typically be employed” only during
     faded conditions (see Viasat Petition, Exhibit 1 at 4), yet it has never provided the EIRP value
     anticipated for its operations in clear sky conditions. Nothing in the Viasat Blanket License indicates
     or requires different EIRP limits during clear sky conditions.
     See, e.g., Viasat Petition, Exhibit 1 at 1 (referring to simulations based on “the characteristics of the
     ViaSat-2 blanket license earth stations”) and 6 (discussing the “orbital separation from the NGSO
     satellites and VS-2”).
     See id. at 3.


separation angles as large as 30 degrees – which still show significant interference risk.

Viasat has not explained why those calculations are not valid or applicable.

        ViaSat also faults SpaceX’s analysis for not including an orbital simulation. But

such simulation details are largely beside the point when the results clearly indicate a

serious interference risk at an angular separation of 30 degrees, which is certain to occur

regardless of the details of any orbital simulation. Indeed, the fact that Viasat’s model

apparently concludes that such interference will not happen – and therefore fails to

identify this significant interference risk – is sufficient reason to doubt the results of that

simulation. Because Viasat failed to provide complete information on the assumptions

and methodology underlying its simulation, there is no way to determine the reason for

this failure. Until that information is provided, the Commission cannot rely on the

described (but not substantiated) results of Viasat’s analysis.

     3. Conclusion

        The Commission has only designated one uplink and one downlink band (18.8-

19.3 GHz and 28.6-29.1 GHz) for use by NGSO FSS systems on a primary basis. As it

recently confirmed, “preserving the 18.8-19.3 GHz and 28.6-29.1 GHz bands for more

intensive use by burgeoning NGSO FSS systems will serve the public interest.”16 If the

Commission were to allow GSO systems to compromise that spectrum without regard to

the interference impact on NGSO operations, the Commission would put at risk a new

generation of high-capacity, low-latency satellite broadband services. Although Viasat

has described the results of a simulation, it has failed to provide a “detailed technical

demonstration” of how its earth stations would protect NGSO satellite systems from

harmful interference.      Accordingly, the Commission should maintain the modest

     NGSO Update Order, ¶ 14.


condition that requires ViaSat to either complete coordination with NGSO systems or

demonstrate with a detailed technical showing that it can operate on a non-interference

basis with NGSO systems in the NGSO-primary bands.

                                           Respectfully submitted,
                                           SPACE EXPLORATION HOLDINGS, LLC

                                          By: /s/ Tim Hughes
William M. Wiltshire                       Tim Hughes
Paul Caritj                                Senior Vice President, Global Business
HARRIS, WILTSHIRE & GRANNIS LLP           and Government Affairs
1919 M Street, N.W.
Suite 800                                  Patricia Cooper
Washington, DC 20036                       Vice President, Satellite Government
202-730-1300 tel                           Affairs
202-730-1301 fax                          SPACE EXPLORATION TECHNOLOGIES CORP.
                                          1030 15th Street, N.W.
Counsel to SpaceX                         Suite 220E
                                          Washington, DC 20005
                                          202-649-2700 tel
                                          202-649-2701 fax

December 26, 2017


                         ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION

The undersigned hereby certifies to the Federal Communications Commission as

 (i) I am the technically qualified person responsible for the engineering information
     contained in the foregoing Opposition,

 (ii) I am familiar with Part 25 of the Commission's Rules, and

 (iii) I have either prepared or reviewed the engineering information contained in the
       foregoing Opposition, and it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge
       and belief.


                                            /s/ Mihai Albulet
                                            Mihai Albulet, PhD
                                            Principal RF Engineer
                                            SPACE EXPLORATION TECHNOLOGIES CORP.

                                            December 26, 2017

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

      I hereby certify that, on this 26th day of December, 2017, a copy of the foregoing
Opposition was served by First Class mail upon:

                             Christopher J. Murphy
                             ViaSat, Inc.
                             6155 El Camino Real
                             Carlsbad, CA 92009

                             John P. Janka
                             Elizabeth R. Park
                             Latham & Watkins LLP
                             555 Eleventh Street, N.W.
                             Suite 1000
                             Washington, DC 20004

                             Suzanne Malloy
                             Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
                             O3b Limited
                             900 17th Street, N.W.
                             Suite 300
                             Washington, DC 20006

                                                    /s/ Abigail D. Hylton
                                                    Abigail D. Hylton

Document Created: 2019-04-14 01:09:20
Document Modified: 2019-04-14 01:09:20

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