ViaSat Response to O

OPPOSITION submitted by ViaSat, Inc.

Opposition and Response


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20170401-00357 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                       Before the
                            Federal Communications Commission
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                ) IBFS File No. SES-LIC-
                                                ) 20170401-00357
ViaSat, Inc.                                    )
                                                ) Call Sign E170088
Application for Authority to                    )
Expand an Existing Earth Station Network        )


       ViaSat, Inc. (“ViaSat”) opposes the petition to defer of O3b Limited (“O3b”) and

responds to the comments of Space Exploration Holdings, LLC (“SpaceX”) regarding ViaSat’s

request for authority to operate two new models of earth stations in the 18.6-19.1 GHz and 28.6-

29.1 GHz band segments. 1 O3b and SpaceX made their filings with respect to what should be

considered to be a routine request to expand the ViaSat Ka-band earth station network that

successfully has been operating in these band segments since 2012, by adding two new earth

station models, and adding as a point of communication the recently-launched ViaSat-2. 2 As

detailed below, nothing in ViaSat’s application (the “Application”) materially alters the existing

operating environment or otherwise warrants any delay or new conditions with respect to the

grant of the Application.

  Petition to Defer of O3b Limited, File No. SES-LIC-20170401-00357 (filed June 2, 2017)
(“O3b Petition”); Comments of Space Exploration Holdings, LLC, File No. SES-LIC-20170401-
00357 (“SpaceX Comments”).
 In the Application, ViaSat also requests to add WildBlue-1, Anik-F2 and Galaxy 28 as satellite
points of communication in different portions of the Ka band other than 18.8-19.3 GHz and 28.6-
29.1 GHz. Nothing in the SpaceX or O3b filings relates to the operation of those spacecraft.


         In 2009, the Commission authorized ViaSat-1 to operate in the Ka band. Operations at

28.6-29.1 GHz were authorized on a secondary basis, and operations at 18.8-19.3 GHz were

authorized on a non-conforming basis, in each case conditioned on a requirement to protect

current and future NGSO operations in accordance with the Commission’s band plan for the Ka

band. 3 The Commission subsequently granted a number of authorizations to operate earth

stations of varying types in these band segments and to communicate with ViaSat-1. 4 The

ViaSat-1 network was launched in 2011 and successfully has been sharing these band segments

with NGSO operations.

         In 2013, the Commission granted market access for ViaSat-2 in the Ka band, including in

the 28.6-29.1 GHz and 18.8-19.3 GHz band segments, under similar conditions. 5 That satellite

was launched on June 1, 2017 and is expected to be brought into service later this year.

         Notably, the Commission approved the operation of ViaSat-1 and ViaSat-2 in the 28.6-

29.1 GHz and 18.8-19.3 GHz band segments based on ViaSat’s demonstration of the operational

techniques it committed to employ to successfully share that spectrum with NGSO operations by

avoiding transmissions in these band segments during in-line events. Specifically, the ViaSat-2

spacecraft, like ViaSat-1, is designed with the capability to cease operations in the 18.8-19.3

GHz (downlink) and 28.6-29.1 GHz (uplink) band segments in any instance where a predicted

  See ViaSat-1 Authorization, File Nos. SAT-LOI-2008-0107-00006, SAT-AMD-20080623-
00131, SAT-AMD-20090213-00023, Call Sign S2747, Attachment – Conditions for Letter of
Intent ¶ 4 (granted Aug. 18, 2009).
    See, e.g., ViaSat, Inc., Call Signs E100143, E120026, E120071, E120075, E120092.
  See ViaSat-2 Authorization, File No. SAT-LOI-20130319-00040, Call Sign S2902, Attachment
at ¶ 4 (granted Dec. 12, 2013); see also File Nos. SAT-MOD-20141105-00121; SAT-AMD-
20150105-00002 (granted Apr. 15, 2015); SAT-MOD-20160527-00053 (granted Jan. 12, 2017).


in-line event would occur between the ViaSat GSO network, and any given NGSO system. In

that case, and for the duration of the in-line event, ViaSat would cease transmitting in the

affected band segments, and instead would operate in other authorized parts of the Ka band. 6

       A processor at the central control site for ViaSat-2 will determine the predicted orbits of

the potentially affected NGSO satellites through the use of well-understood algorithms and

regularly-updated 2-line element set data obtained from reliable on-line sources, such as Space

Track and/or directly from the NGSO operator itself. The processor will then identify any

instances where an in-line event at the relevant “trigger angle” would occur. To the extent, and

for the duration, of that in-line event, the network will cease transmissions in the 28.6-29.1 GHz

and 18.8-19.3 GHz band segments.

       The Commission has authorized operations over both ViaSat-1 and ViaSat-2 based on

this in-line avoidance mechanism. Notably, this type of in-line avoidance mechanism is what the

Commission has proposed to enable NGSO systems to share the 18.8-19.3 GHz and 28.6-29.1

GHz band segments with each other, 7 and also is the basis on which the Commission is

considering authorizing OneWeb’s proposed NGSO system. 8

 See, e.g., ViaSat-1 Application, File No. SAT-AMD-200806223-00131, Call Sign S2747,
Technical Annex at 15-19 (filed June 23, 2008); ViaSat-2 Application, File No. SAT-LOI-
20130319-00040, Call Sign S2902, Technical Annex at 10-16 (filed Mar. 19, 2013).
 The Establishment of Policies and Service Rules for the Non-Geostationary Satellite Orbit,
Fixed Satellite Service in the Ka-Band, Report and Order, 18 FCC Rcd 14708 ¶ 18 (2003); see
also 47 C.F.R. § 25.261.
 See FCC Fact Sheet, OneWeb Market Access Grant, Order and Declaratory Ruling – IBFS File
No. SAT-LOI-20160428-00041; Draft Order, FCC-CIRC1706-04, at ¶¶ 18-19 (rel. June 1,



         ITS PROPOSED OPERATIONS AT 18.8-19.3 GHZ AND 28.6-29.1 GHZ WITH

         In the Application, ViaSat seeks authority to deploy two new earth station terminal types

to support the continued expansion of ViaSat’s satellite broadband services. The proposed earth

stations are simply new models that will be deployed alongside those that the Commission has

already authorized to operate within ViaSat’s Ka-band satellite broadband network.

         O3b and SpaceX claim that ViaSat’s Application does not adequately demonstrate how

the proposed earth stations would successfully operate at 28.6-29.1 GHz along with NGSO

systems. Specifically, both commenters claim that ViaSat’s previous demonstrations do not

specifically address the network architectures of the Ka-band NGSO systems proposed in the

currently pending processing round. 9 What both O3b and SpaceX fail to recognize, however, is

the effectiveness of in-line avoidance does not depend on such matters. If and when O3b and

SpaceX ever deploy their proposed new NGSO systems, the chance of an in-line event with

ViaSat-2 may increase, but the mitigation technique ViaSat will employ will be the same. 10

Moreover, nothing about the proposed new earth station models alters the effectiveness of the

mechanism within ViaSat’s network management technology that enables coexistence with

NGSO operations at 18.8-19.3 GHz and 28.6-29.1 GHz.

    See O3b Petition at 2-3; SpaceX Comments at 3.
  See, e.g., ViaSat-1 Application, File No. SAT-AMD-200806223-00131, Call Sign S2747,
Technical Annex at 16, 19 (filed June 23, 2008). Contrary to what O3b asserts, O3b Petition at
3-4, ViaSat has assessed its compatibility with O3b’s gateway earth station in Hawaii and O3b’s
blanket-licensed ESV terminals. See ViaSat-2 Modification Application, File No. SAT-MOD-
20141105-00121, Call Sign S2902, Technical Annex at 12-14 (filed Nov. 5, 2014).


          As noted above, the Commission has endorsed in-line avoidance to facilitate sharing

among NGSO systems, and significantly, is poised to authorize OneWeb’s NGSO system. When

future NGSO systems are deployed, the appropriate angles can be established within ViaSat’s

network in the manner described above to enable operations at 18.8-19.3 GHz and 28.6-29.1

GHz on a non-harmful interference basis, consistent with the conditions of ViaSat’s

authorizations in these bands.


          SpaceX’s claims that the proposed operating parameters for ViaSat’s new earth station

models (duty cycle and power density) will somehow adversely impact NGSO operations.

SpaceX also suggests that authorizing the number of earth stations requested in the Application

would increase the likelihood of such a problem occurring. 11

          The issue with SpaceX’s argument is that it is based on circumstances that will not occur.

First and foremost, avoiding in-line events moots the question of how often, and what power

density level, ViaSat’s earth station transmissions would occur if in-line avoidance were not

employed. 12

          Similarly, the number of earth stations deployed within ViaSat’s network has no bearing

on the potential for interference into NGSO systems, because the in-line avoidance mechanism

will be employed for each earth station as required and appropriate. In addition, any concerns

expressed by SpaceX that aggregating the operations of multiple earth stations would increase

the power levels that could be directed toward NGSO satellite receivers are unfounded. Because

ViaSat’s Ka-band earth stations operate on TDMA network protocols, only one earth station

     See SpaceX Comments at 3.
     See id. at 2-3.


operates on a given frequency within a ViaSat satellite beam at any given time. Therefore, the

maximum power levels identified in ViaSat’s Application would not be exceeded as a result of a

large number of authorized terminals. In other words, because only one earth station transmits

co-frequency, co-polarization within a ViaSat satellite beam at any given time, no

simultaneously-occurring transmissions would exist that could cause an aggregation of power

from multiple earth stations located within the ViaSat satellite beam.

       A technical discussion of SpaceX’s argument regarding the peak power levels of ViaSat’s

proposed earth stations is attached as Exhibit 1.


       ViaSat’s prior demonstrations of how its Ka-band networks can protect current and future

NGSO operations at 18.8-19.3 GHz and 28.6-29.1 GHz through in-line avoidance were approved

long ago. ViaSat’s proposed addition of new earth station models and the ViaSat-2 satellite as a

point of communication does not change the effectiveness of this sharing mechanism, which the

Commission intends to adopt as a means for NGSO/NGSO spectrum sharing as well. ViaSat

respectfully requests that the Commission promptly grant ViaSat’s Application.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,

Daryl Hunter                                            John P. Janka
  Senior Director, Regulatory                           Elizabeth R. Park
Steven Hemple                                           LATHAM & WATKINS LLP
  Regulatory Engineer                                   555 Eleventh Street, N.W.
VIASAT, INC.                                            Suite 1000
6155 El Camino Real                                     Washington, DC 20004
Carlsbad, CA 92009
                                                        Counsel for ViaSat, Inc.

June 15, 2017


                                            Exhibit 1

       SpaceX is incorrect in suggesting that the proposed operations of the new 0.75 meter

earth station model has a greater potential for interference into NGSO systems at 28.6-29.1 GHz

than the version of the 0.75 meter earth station already authorized under call sign E100143. See

SpaceX Comments at 2.

       As an initial matter, for purposes of assessing compatibility with co-frequency NGSO

operations, the relevant factor is not the peak power of the GSO earth station transmitter, but

rather the power density. In this respect, SpaceX cites out of context a statement in ViaSat’s

Application narrative that addresses compliance with the Commission’s RF exposure limits:

“while the peak burst power is higher [than the version of the earth station authorized under call

sign E100143], when duty cycle is taken into account, the average power is the same or lower

than the previous model.”

       What is relevant for purposes of assessing RF compatibility is the EIRP density of the

earth station. Significantly, the EIRP density for the earth stations proposed for ViaSat-2 (22.43

dBW/4 kHz) is lower than the EIRP density for the earth stations already operating with

ViaSat-1 (23.9 dBW/4 kHz). This is the case because the modulated bandwidth is much wider.

       Moreover, SpaceX misstates the maximum EIRP density of the 75 cm earth station in the

28.6-29.1 GHz band by referencing the levels ViaSat has proposed for a different band segment.

As stated in the Form 312 to the Application, the ViaSat 75 cm earth station EIRP density of

26.59 dBW/4kHz is for the 29.5-30 GHz band.

       In the 28.6-29.1 GHz band, ViaSat’s highest stated EIRP density for the 75 cm antenna is

22.43 dBW/4 kHz at the 5 and 10 MBd symbol rate, used mainly in faded conditions. In clear

sky conditions the higher symbol rates will be employed resulting in lower EIRP densities. For

the 1.8 meter earth station, which has a higher peak power density than the 75 cm earth station,

clear sky operations will use higher symbol rates, which result in EIRP densities from the 1.8

meter earth stations that are similar to typical levels for the 75 cm earth stations operating with

ViaSat-1. The 1.8 meter earth station also has a considerably reduced beam width as compared

to a 75 cm earth station, and accordingly would have a lower separation angle for an NGSO

system than a 75 cm earth station.

       The peak EIRP and EIRP density identified in the Application is the maximum for any

transmitting earth station. The fact that any individual earth station only transmits for a fraction

of the time means that other stations can and will transmit in the gaps when the other stations are

not transmitting. The stations in any beam transmit in accordance with a schedule controlled by

the network management system, one after the other, and do not transmit co-frequency and at the

same time. Thus, their EIRP densities do not aggregate in the direction of an NGSO system. In

the overall RF environment, the net effect is the same, and the transmissions appear as a single

continuous carrier at the specified EIRP density occupying the frequency.

       As discussed in ViaSat’s Opposition and Response, these maximum power levels are not

an indication of the potential for harmful interference in the 28.6-29.1 GHz band, because

ViaSat’s system will protect NGSO operations in this band by inhibiting uplink transmissions

from earth stations during in-line events.



                I hereby declare that I am the technically qualified person responsible for

preparation of the engineering information contained in this Opposition and Response of ViaSat,

Inc. ("Opposition and Response"), that I am familiar with Part 25 of the Commission‘s rules, that

I have either prepared or reviewed the engineering information submitted with these Opposition

and Response, and that it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge, information and


                                                  Daryl T./Hunterf;s.E.
                                                  Senior Director,Regulatory Affairs
                                                  ViaSat, Inc.
                                                  6155 El Camino Real
                                                  Carlsbad, CA 92009

June 15, 2017

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        I, Kayla Ernst, hereby certify that on this 15th day of June, 2017, I served a true copy of
the foregoing Opposition and Response of ViaSat, Inc. via first-class mail upon the following:

       Suzanne Malloy
       O3b Limited
       900 17th Street, NW
       Suite 300
       Washington, DC 20006

       Tim Hughes
       Patricia Cooper
       Space Exploration Technologies Corp.
       1030 15th Street, NW
       Suite 220E
       Washington, DC 20005

       William M. Wiltshire
       Paul Caritj
       Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP
       1919 M Street, NW
       Suite 800
       Washington, DC 20036

       Counsel to SpaceX

                                                  Kayla Ernst

Document Created: 2017-06-15 18:48:47
Document Modified: 2017-06-15 18:48:47

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