O3b Petition to Defe

PETITION submitted by O3b Limited

O3b Petition to Defer


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20170401-00357 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                            Before the
                                 Federal Communications Commission
                                       Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                  )
ViaSat Inc. Application for Authority to          )      IBFS File No. SES-LIC-20170401-00357
Deploy Fixed Earth Stations                       )      Call Sign E170088

                               PETITION TO DEFER OF O3B LIMITED

          O3b Limited (“O3b”) submits this petition to defer action on the above-referenced

application in which ViaSat, Inc. (“ViaSat”) seeks authority to deploy four million 0.75 meter

and 10,000 1.8 meter fixed earth stations that will communicate with satellites in the

geostationary orbit (“GSO”) in the Ka-band, including in the 28.6-29.1 GHz and 18.8-19.3 GHz

bands. 1 Viasat acknowledges that non-geostationary orbit (“NGSO”) systems have primary

status in 28.6-29.1 GHz and 18.8-19.3 GHz (together, the “NGSO Primary Bands”) and that

ViaSat’s proposed communications with GSO satellites will be secondary in the 28.6-29.1 GHz

band and non-conforming in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band. 2 Contrary to ViaSat’s suggestion,

however, the record developed in other proceedings is insufficient to establish that ViaSat’s

proposed operations will adequately protect future NGSO constellations from harmful

interference or that ViaSat’s proposed terminals will be able to operate successfully

notwithstanding interference from primary NGSO networks. Accordingly, before it can act on

the ViaSat Application, the Commission must require ViaSat to provide additional evidence of

its ability to operate on an unprotected, non-interference basis in the NGSO Primary Bands.

 ViaSat, Inc., Call Sign E170088, File No. SES-LIC-20170401-00357 (the “ViaSat
    See id., Exhibit A at 2.

          The ViaSat Application provides no technical analysis regarding the compatibility of the

proposed operations with existing and future NGSO systems in the NGSO Primary Bands.

Instead, ViaSat observes that its ViaSat-1 spacecraft “has been operating for over six years

successfully at 28.6-29.1 GHz on a secondary basis with respect to NGSO FSS operations, and at

18.8-19.3 GHz on a non-conforming basis, pursuant to a waiver” of U.S. frequency allocation

rules. 3 ViaSat goes on to allege that the “existing conditions in the ViaSat-1 and ViaSat-2

[satellite] authorizations . . . are adequate to manage the risk of interference from the proposed

earth stations with respect to NGSO systems.” 4

          Critically, however, the ViaSat-1 and ViaSat-2 space station applications relied on

assumptions regarding NGSO systems that are now outdated and inadequate. For example, in

support of the letter of intent seeking U.S. market access for the ViaSat-2 satellite, ViaSat

performed a compatibility analysis with respect to two types of NGSO systems. ViaSat analyzed

O3b’s current equatorial orbit configuration, but limited its consideration to the only O3b facility

that had been authorized by the Commission at that time – a single gateway earth station in

Hawaii. 5 ViaSat also addressed its ability to co-exist with systems in a highly elliptical orbit

(“HEO”), using characteristics of HEO network proposals filed in 2004 that received

Commission authority but were never built. 6 ViaSat recognized that its showing of compatibility

  Id., Exhibit A at 2 & n.5, citing ViaSat-1 Authorization, File No. SAT-LOI-20080107-00006,
Attachment – Conditions for Letter of Intent at ¶ 4 (granted Aug. 18, 2009); ViaSat-2
Authorization, File No. SAT-LOI-20140204-00013, Conditions at ¶ 4 (granted Dec. 12, 2013).
O3b notes that the file number ViaSat specifies for the ViaSat-2 Authorization is in fact
associated with another ViaSat satellite authorization, ViaSat-KA 89W. The correct reference
for ViaSat -2 is File No. SAT-LOI-20130319-00040.
 ViaSat, Inc., Call Sign S2902, File No. SAT-LOI-20130319-00040, Technical Appendix at 11-
    Id. at 14-16.


with HEO networks was dependent on the fact that they “do not communicate with earth stations

when their satellites cross the equatorial plane, thus in-line events with a GSO network do not

occur.” 7

          ViaSat acknowledged that in order to prevent interference to other types of NGSO

constellations that do communicate with earth stations when the satellites pass through the

equatorial plane, it would need to “cease transmissions from the VIASAT-2 satellite and its

associated earth stations such that the required amount of angular separation with the NGSO

network is always maintained.” 8 But ViaSat did not specify what amount of angular separation

is “required” for this purpose, did not explain how it would determine when to cease

transmissions, and did not disclose the mechanism by which the earth stations’ transmissions

would be terminated to ensure that NGSO systems are protected.

          More importantly, the NGSO landscape has changed dramatically in the past several

years, rendering the analysis performed for ViaSat-2 obsolete. In particular, more than four

months before the instant ViaSat Application was filed, O3b and numerous others, including

ViaSat itself, responded to the Commission’s announcement of an NGSO processing round by

submitting requests for new NGSO systems in Ka-band frequencies. 9

          The ViaSat Application, however, completely ignores these developments. As noted

above, ViaSat’s original analysis with respect to O3b was limited to one gateway earth station

operating with O3b’s equatorial orbit satellites and does not adequately reflect compatibility of

    Id. at 16.
 See OneWeb Petition Accepted for Filing; IBFS File No. SAT-LOI-20160428-00041; Cut-Off
Established for Additional NGSO-Like Satellite Applications or Petitions for Operations in the
10.7-12.7 GHz, 14.0-14.5 GHz, 17.8-18.6 GHz, 18.8-19.3 GHz, 27.5-28.35 GHz, 28.35-
29.1 GHz, and 29.5-30.0 GHz Bands, Public Notice, DA 16-804 (July 15, 2016) (“Ka-Band
NGSO Processing Round Notice”).


the proposed ViaSat operations with systems using non-equatorial orbits. The ViaSat

Application does not provide a showing that ViaSat’s proposed GSO operations in the NGSO

Primary Bands could share spectrum on an unprotected, non-interference basis with any of the

systems submitted in response to the Ka-Band NGSO Processing Round Notice, including

ViaSat’s own planned NGSO system.

         Commission precedent requires additional evidence that ViaSat’s proposal for secondary

and non-conforming use of the NGSO Primary Bands is feasible. Waivers of the Table of

Allocations are generally granted “when there is little potential for interference into any service

authorized under the Table of Frequency Allocations and when the non-conforming operator

accepts any interference from authorized services.” 10 Yet ViaSat has not provided any basis for

the Commission to determine how big a risk of interference ViaSat’s planned operations pose to

future NGSO systems. Simply asserting that ViaSat can manage the interference risks is not

enough. Instead, during an in-line event where the greatest likelihood for interference exists

between an NGSO satellite and one of up to 4,010,000 transmitting ViaSat terminals, ViaSat

must explain how it will ensure that each antenna is able to determine that an in-line event is

occurring and carry out the requirement to cease transmissions in the NGSO Primary Bands until

the in-line event has concluded.

         Such a showing is essential because the NGSO Primary Bands are the only Ka-band FSS

frequencies in which NGSO systems have primary status over GSO systems in the United States.

NGSO systems need anchor bands in which spectrum access cannot be hindered by other

services. 11 In designing its system, O3b relied on having access to these frequencies on a

     See The Boeing Company, 16 FCC Rcd 22645, 22651 & n.48 (IB & OET 2001) (citing cases).
  In submissions responding to the Commission’s pending rulemaking on NGSO systems, O3b
and other commenters emphasized the critical importance of protecting NGSO access to the

primary basis, with effective protection from harmful interference due to GSO operations.

Response to the Ka-Band NGSO Processing Round Notice indicates the strong interest in

establishing new NGSO systems. It is crucial that the Commission require that prospective GSO

users demonstrate and ensure that their operations in the NGSO Primary Bands will adequately

protect both existing and future NGSO operators from harmful interference.

       In short, the ViaSat Application fails to provide a persuasive demonstration that its

proposed non-conforming use of the 18.8-19.3 GHz band and secondary use of the 28.6-

29.1 GHz band will be compatible with current and future NGSO use of these frequencies. The

Commission should not further consider the ViaSat Application until these deficiencies are


                                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                                     O3b LIMITED

                                                    By: /s/ Suzanne Malloy
                                                    Suzanne Malloy
                                                    Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
                                                    O3b Limited
                                                    900 17th Street, NW
                                                    Suite 300
                                                    Washington, DC 20006
                                                    (202) 813-4026

 June 2, 2017

NGSO Primary Bands. See, e.g., Reply Comments of SES S.A. and O3b Limited, IB Docket
No. 16-408, filed Apr. 10, 2017 at 7-9 & nn. 26, 32, & 33.


                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE
       I hereby certify that on this 2nd day of June, 2017, I caused a true and correct copy of the

foregoing “Petition to Defer of O3b Limited” to be sent by first class mail, postage prepaid, to

the following:

Daryl T Hunter, P.E.
ViaSat, Inc.
Director, Regulatory Affairs
6155 El Camino Real
Carlsbad, CA 92009

                                                   /s/ Suzanne Malloy
                                                   Suzanne Malloy

Document Created: 2017-06-02 16:45:39
Document Modified: 2017-06-02 16:45:39

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