Attachment Poughkeepsie RadHaz

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20170216-00176 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                   Radiation Hazard Analysis
                      NYS Div. of Homeland Security and Emergency Services
                        2.4m Ku-Band Earth Station in Poughkeepsie, NY

This analysis predicts the radiation levels around a proposed satellite terminal, comprised of one antenna
which will be tested in a fixed environment. This report is developed in accordance with the prediction
methods contained in OET Bulletin No. 65, Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human
Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, Edition 9-01, pp 26-30. The maximum level of
non-ionizing radiation to which employees may be exposed is limited to a power density level of 5
milliwatts per square centimeter (5 mW/cm2) averaged over any 6-minute period in a controlled
environment and the maximum level of non-ionizing radiation to which the general public is exposed is
limited to a power density level of 1 milliwatt per square centimeter (1 mW/cm2) averaged over any 30-
minute period in an uncontrolled environment. Note that the worse-case radiation hazards exist along the
beam axis. Under normal circumstances, it is highly unlikely that the antenna axis will be aligned with
any occupied area since that would represent a blockage to the desired signals, thus rendering the link

Satellite Terminal Technical Parameter Table

Antenna Actual Diameter                         2.4 meters
Antenna Surface Area                            4.52 meters2
Antenna Isotropic Gain                          49 dBi
Number of Identical Adjacent Antennas           1
Nominal Antenna Efficiency                      65%
Nominal Frequency                               14.125 GHz
Nominal Wavelength                              0.0212 meters
Maximum Transmit Power/Carrier                  16 watts
Number of Carriers                              1
Total Transmit Power                            16 watts
W/G Loss from Transmitter to Feed               0.5 dB
Total Feed Input Power                          14.26 watts
Near Field Limit                                67.8 meters
Far Field Limit                                 162.72 meters
Transition Region                               67.8 to 162.72 meters

In the following sections, the power density in the above regions, as well as other critically important
areas will be calculated and evaluated. The calculations are done in the order discussed in OET Bulletin

1.0 At the Antenna Surface

The power density at the reflector surface can be calculated from the expression:

                PDrefl = 4P/A = 1.26 mW/cm2
                Where: P = total power at feed in milliwatts
                         A = Total area of reflector in square centimeters

In the normal range of transmit powers for satellite antennas, the power densities at or around the reflector
surface is expected to exceed safe levels. This area will not be accessible to the general public. Operators
and technicians shall receive training specifying this area as a high exposure area. Procedures will be
established that will assure that all transmitters are rerouted or turned off before access by maintenance
personnel to this area is possible.

2.0 On-Axis Near Field Region

The geometrical limits of the radiated power in the near field approximate a cylindrical volume with a
diameter equal to that of the antenna. In the near field, the power density is neither uniform nor does its
value vary uniformly with distance from the antenna. For the purpose of considering radiation hazard it is
assumed that the on-axis flux density is at its maximum value throughout the length of this region. The
length of this region, i.e. the distance from the antenna to the end of the near field, is computed as R nf

The maximum power density in the near field is given by:

                PDnf = 0.651 mW/cm2
                       From 0 to 67.8 meters

                        Uncontrolled Environment:         Meets Controlled Limits
                        Controlled Environment:           Meets Controlled Limits

3.0 On-Axis Transition Region

The transition region is located between the near and far field regions. As stated in Bulletin 65, the power
density begins to vary inversely with distance in the transition region. The maximum power density in
the transition region will not exceed that calculated for the near field region, and the transition region
begins at that value. The maximum value for a given distance within the transition region may be
computed for the point of interest according to:

                PDt = (PDnf * Rnf)/R = dependent on R (1)
                Where: PDnf = near field power density
                        Rnf = near field distance
                        R = distance to point of interest
                For:    67.8 < R < 162.72 meters

We use Equation (1) to determine the safe on-axis distance required for the two occupancy conditions.

                Uncontrolled Environment Safe Operating Distance, Rsafe,u:         44.1 meters
                Controlled Environment Safe Operating Distance, Rsafe,c:           8.8 meters

4.0 On-Axis Far Field Region

The on-axis power density in the far field region (PD ff) varies inversely with the square of the distance as

                PDff = (P*G)/(4*pi*R2) = dependent on R
                Where: P = total power at feed
                        G = numeric antenna gain in the direction of interest relative to isotropic radiator
                        R = distance to point of interest
                For:    R > Rff = 162.72 meters

                PDff = 0.279 mW/cm2 at Rff

5.0 Off-Axis Levels at the Far Field Limit and Beyond

In the far field region the power is distributed in a pattern of maxima and minima (side lobes) as a
function of the off-axis angle between the antenna center line and the point of interest. Off-axis power
density in the far field can be estimated using the antenna radiation patterns prescribed for the antenna in
use. Usually this will correspond to the antenna gain pattern envelope defined by the FCC or the ITU,
which takes the form of:

                Goff = 32 - 25*log(theta)
                         For 1 < theta < 48 degrees; -10 dBi from 48 < theta < 180 degrees
                         (Applicable for commonly used satellite transmit antennas)

Considering that satellite antenna beams are aimed skyward, power density in the far field will usually not
be a problem except at low look angles. In these cases the off-axis gain reduction may be used to further
reduce the power density levels.

For example: At 1 degree off-axis at the far field limit we can calculate the power density as:

                Goff = 32 - 25*log(theta) = 32 - 0 dBi = 1585 numeric
                PD(1 deg. off-axis) = PDff * 1585/G = 0.0056 mW/cm2

6.0 Off-Axis Power Density in the Near Field and Transitional Regions

According to Bulletin 65, off-axis calculations in the near field may be performed as follows. Assuming
that the point of interest is at least one antenna diameter removed from the center of the main beam the
power density at that point is at least a factor of 100 (20 dB) less than the value calculated for the
equivalent on-axis power density in the main beam. Therefore, for regions at least D meters away from
the center line of the dish, whether behind, below or in front of the antenna's main beam, the power
density exposure is at least 20 dB below the main beam level as follows:

                PDnf(off-axis) = PDnf/100 = 0.00651 mW/cm2 at D off-axis

See Section 7 for the calculation for the distance vs. elevation angle required to achieve this rule for a
given object height.

7.0 Evaluation of Safe Occupancy Area in Front of Antenna

The distance (S) from a vertical axis passing through the dish center to a safe off-axis location in front of
the antenna can be determined based on the dish diameter rule (Item 6.0). Assuming a flat terrain in front
of the antenna the relationship is:

                S = (D/sin(alpha)) + (2h - D - 2)/(2tan(alpha)) (2)
                Where: alpha = minimum elevation angle of antenna
                        D = dish diameter in meters
                        h = maximum height of object to be cleared in meters

For distances equal to or greater than determined by Equation (2) the radiation hazard will be below safe

                For:     D = 2.4 meters
                         h = 2 meters

                Then: alpha      S
                      6.8        10.21
                      15         4.79
                      20         3.72
                      25         3.11
                      35         2.47

The operational area proposed for this terminal will not involve antenna elevation angles less than 6.8
degrees so the minimum separation distance between the terminal and the general public is 10.21 meters.
Suitable fencing or other barriers will be provided to prevent casual occupancy of the area in front of the
antenna within the limits prescribed above at the lowest elevation angle required.


The earth station will be protected from uncontrolled access with suitable fencing and other barrier walls.
There will also be proper emission warning signs placed and all operating personnel will be aware of the
human exposure levels at and around the terminal. The applicant agrees to abide by the conditions
specified in Condition 5208 provided below:

        Condition 5208 - The licensee shall take all necessary measures to ensure that the antenna does
        not create potential exposure of humans to radiofrequency radiation in excess of the FCC
        exposure limits defined in 47 CFR 1.1307(b) and 1.1310 wherever such exposures might occur.
        Measures must be taken to ensure compliance with limits for both occupational/controlled
        exposure and for general population/uncontrolled exposure, as defined in these rule sections.
        Compliance can be accomplished in most cases by appropriate restrictions such as fencing.
        Requirements for restrictions can be determined by predictions based on calculations, modeling
        or by field measurements.          The FCC's OET Bulletin 65 (available on-line at
 provides information on predicting exposure levels and on methods for
        ensuring compliance, including the use of warning and alerting signs and protective equipment
        for workers.

The following table summarizes all of the above calculations:

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Document Created: 2017-02-16 17:14:18
Document Modified: 2017-02-16 17:14:18

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