Attachment Exhibit 1 Narrative

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20160330-00358 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                             EXHIBIT 1


        Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 25.115, HNS License Sub, LLC (together with its affiliates,

“Hughes”) seeks authority to operate a total of five gateway earth stations that will communicate

with the Telstar 19 VANTAGE (“T19V”) satellite at 63° W.L. The proposed gateways will be

located in the Western and Midwestern United States, and will consist of four 8.1-meter earth

station antennas and one 5.6-meter earth station antenna. 1

        Background. T19V is a geostationary satellite orbit (“GSO”), fixed satellite service

(“FSS”) space station that will operate at 63° W.L. On February 25, 2016, Telesat International

Limited (with its affiliates, “Telesat”) filed a petition for declaratory ruling seeking to serve the

U.S. market by using T19V, which will operate on Ka-band (as well as Ku-band) frequencies to

provide broadband Internet, video transmission, and very small aperture terminal (“VSAT”)

services to U.S. consumers.2 Telesat will operate the T19V satellite’s Ka-band beams that serve

the United States and other areas outside Brazil pursuant to filings at the International

Telecommunications Union (“ITU”) for the IOMSAT-KA-63W and IOMSAT-KA-63W-R

networks by the United Kingdom on behalf of the Isle of Man government.3

        Public Interest Benefits. Grant of this application will serve the public interest by

allowing Hughes to deploy gateway earth stations required for the T19V satellite, which is

scheduled to be launched in the first quarter of 2018. The T19V satellite will enhance

  Additional Ka-band gateways will also operate in Brazil, Chile, Canada, and Europe to provide feeder
link and/or telemetry, tracking, and telecommand (“TT&C”) services, pursuant to appropriate regulatory
authorizations in those countries.
 See Telesat, Petition for Declaratory Ruling, IBFS File No. SAT-PPL-20160225-00020, at 4 (filed Feb.
25, 2016).
  Additionally, Telesat will operate T19V’s Ka-band beams serving Brazil pursuant to Brazil’s ITU
filings for the B-SAT-1I-1 network. See id. at 4.


competition by adding Ka-band capacity at the 63° W.L. orbital location, thereby expanding the

options available internationally to consumers for high-speed broadband services, including

broadband Internet, video transmissions, and VSATs for maritime and aeronautical

communications.4 Additionally, operation of the proposed gateways in the United States will

enable Hughes, a U.S.-headquartered company and the world’s largest satellite broadband

provider, to expand its U.S. operations resulting in increased U.S. high-technology jobs.

         Proposed Antennas. The proposed gateway earth stations are expected to be

deployed prior to T19V’s expected launch in the first quarter of 2018, at the locations

specified in Table 1 below, and will be used for non-TT&C, feeder link services required

for the T19V satellite’s consumer services to Latin America. They will consist of four

8.1-meter earth station antennas and one 5.6-meter earth station antenna. The technical

data for each of these antennas is provided in the accompanying Form 312, Schedule B.

         The proposed gateway earth stations will meet the antenna performance mask specified in

Section 25.209(a) of the Commission’s rules. The off-axis EIRP density levels specified in

Section 25.138(a) are met with the antenna types that Hughes is proposing to use.

Table 1:          Gateway Earth Station Sites

       Sites        Site Contact Information         Antenna        Latitude (N)        Longitude (W)
                       725 6th Street, NW
                     Albuquerque, NM 87102               8.1       35     5    33.1 106       39     11.9
                         (301) 428−7205

 See, e.g., Intelsat, Order and Authorization, 19 FCC Rcd 2775, ¶ 9 (IB 2004) (finding that fixed satellite
service downlink exclusively to Latin American countries will serve the public interest by “allowing
Intelsat to fully utilize available unused capacity . . . and by expanding the presence of U.S. satellite
operators in Latin America”); see also Amendment to the Commission’s Regulatory Policies Governing
Domestic Fixed Satellites and Separate International Satellite Systems, Report and Order, 11 FCC Rcd
2429, ¶ 24 (1996) (“We have permitted both domestic and international U.S.-licensed satellite capacity to
be used for service to locations that do not involve U.S. service.”).


       Sites         Site Contact Information       Antenna    Latitude (N)        Longitude (W)
                        6737 W Steger Road
                         Monee, IL 60449                8.1    41   28      1.7   87       46   34.0
                          (301) 428−7205
                     1003 East State Farm Road
    North Platte
                       North Platte, NE 69103           8.1    41   5      24.2 100        45   10.6
                          (301) 428−7205
                      22401 Juniper Flats Road
                        Riverside, CA 92567             8.1    33   47     43.5 117        5    26.1
                          (301) 428−7205
                      9815 West Hallett Road
                        Spokane, WA 99224               5.6    47   35     31.5 117        33   1.4
                          (301) 428-7205

          Operating Frequencies. The proposed earth stations will operate as gateways in

communication with the T19V satellite network, and each gateway will operate in the following

frequency bands:

                                     Table 2 - Gateway Beams

    Frequency Band                                                        US Allocation
      27.85-28.35                 Gateway Uplink                          LMDS Primary

      28.35-28.6                  Gateway Uplink                         FSS GSO Primary
      29.25-30.0                  Gateway Uplink                         FSS GSO Primary

       18.3-18.8                 Gateway Downlink                        FSS GSO Primary

       19.7-20.2                 Gateway Downlink                        FSS GSO Primary

          As noted in Table 2 above, the proposed gateway uplink frequencies include the 27.85-

28.35 GHz band,5 which is allocated to local multipoint distribution service (“LMDS”) on a

primary basis and to fixed satellite service on a secondary basis. The attached Comsearch

 See also IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20141210-00127 (filed Dec. 10, 2014) (seeking authority to add
27.85-28.35 GHz band to authorization for Jupiter 97W).


coordination report shows that the proposed gateway earth stations will be capable of operating

in the 27.85-28.35 GHz band on a non-harmful interference basis with existing and future LMDS

systems. 6 Comsearch completed frequency coordination notice for all of the proposed locations

in Table 1. Prior notification letters were sent to incumbent 28 GHz licensees, and no objections

were received. Therefore, there are no interference concerns regarding the proposed use of the

27.85-28.35 GHz frequency band.

          FAA Notification. The proposed 5.6 meter antenna is exempt from notification to the

FAA under 47 C.F.R. §17.7(e)(3) as it will be less than 6.1 meters in height above ground level. 7

Additionally, the remaining four 8.1-meter gateway antennas are in compliance with the limits

specified in 47 C.F.R. § 17.7(b), based upon verification using the FCC’s TOWAIR software

application. 8

          Radiation Hazard Analyses. For the two proposed antenna types (i.e., 8.1 and 5.6 m.),

radiation hazard analyses were conducted using the predictive methodology identified in OET

Bulletin 65. The results are provided in Exhibits 4A and 4B (Radhaz Calculations).

          Exhibits 4A and 4B show that the occupational/controlled exposure levels in the near

field, far field, transition field, near the reflector surface, and between the reflector and ground

are below the applicable maximum permissible exposure (“MPE”) limit. As is typical for

parabolic antennas, the occupational/controlled MPE limit is exceeded only between the feed

horn and subreflector. However, since these large antennas will be mounted on a pedestal, the

volume of space between the feed horn and reflector where the limit is exceeded will always be

above the head of anyone standing in front of the antenna. To ensure the protection of the
    See Exhibit 2 (Comsearch Coordination Report).
 See also 47 C.F.R. § 25.113(c) (exemption from FAA notification when antenna height is less than 6.1
meters above ground).
    See Exhibit 3 (TOWAIR Verification).


general public, the antennas will be located either behind a fence or on private commercial

property with limited access. Technicians responsible for operating these antennas are trained to

shut down and secure the transmitter before performing any maintenance work.

       NGSO Feederlink Coordination. The 29.25-29.50 GHz band, which will be used by the

proposed antennas, is shared on a co-primary basis with the feeder link stations of MSS NGSO

systems under 47 C.F.R. § 25.258. Coordination successfully has been completed with Iridium,

the only NGSO licensee in this band, for use of similar Ka-band gateways operating with the

EchoStar 17 (also known as Jupiter 1) and EchoStar 19 (also known as Jupiter 2) satellites.

EchoStar and Iridium are currently engaged in coordination discussions to ensure protection of

the Iridium system. We anticipate this will be completed in the near term.

       Waiver Request. Hughes requests a partial waiver of the data submission requirements

of revised Section 25.132(b)(1) of the FCC’s rules to allow for submission of certain measured

data for each of the proposed antenna types.9 Hughes’ proposed 5.6- and 8.1-meter earth station

antennas will be used to provide gateway services for the T19V satellite, which is scheduled to be

launched in the first quarter of 2018.

       Hughes seeks a limited waiver in order to allow the processing and grant of authority for

its new antennas prior to the submission of certain data elements required under revised Section

25.132(b)(1). The required data is not available to Hughes currently and will not be available

until after the first of each type of earth station antenna is constructed and ready for operation.

As explained below, there is good cause to waive this rule and doing so is consistent with
  In December 2016, the FCC revised Section 25.132(b)(1) to apply to conventional Ka-band earth
stations, deleted Section 25.138(d) as redundant, and deleted Section 25.138(e) as unnecessary. See
Comprehensive Review of Licensing and Operating Rules for Satellite Services, Second Report and
Order, 30 FCC Rcd 14713, ¶¶ 214-23, 322 (2015). These rule revisions have not become effective yet.
Thus, Hughes further requests an interim waiver of the data submission requirements of Section
25.158(d)-(e), until the FCC’s rule revisions become effective, as the FCC has found that these
requirements are either redundant or unnecessary.


Commission precedent – in particular, because Hughes will supply the information required as

soon as it is able to generate the data.10 Grant of this request will serve the public interest by

allowing the provision of additional advanced satellite broadband communication services in the

United States without undermining the purpose of the Commission’s rules.

         Hughes is seeking a partial waiver of Section 25.132(b)(1) to allow submission of the

 required data within 60 days after filing its certification of construction completion under

 Section 25.133(b) on the basis that:11

     •   The specific new model of antenna specified has not previously been field deployed
         (meaning that the measured data required by revised Section 25.132(b)(1) of the FCC
         rules is not currently available).

     •   The proposed antennas are not “production” antennas in the mass-production,
         ubiquitous deployment of small terminal sense of the word. Instead, the antenna type
         for which are non-consumer gateway antennas that should be subjected to a different
         level of scrutiny than potentially problematic small antennas targeted for ubiquitous
         deployment to commercial and consumer users.

     •   Hughes will provide currently unavailable data per the specifications in revised Section
         25.132(b)(1) for each type of antenna within 60 days after filing its required
         certification under Section 25.133(b) of the Commission’s rules for completion of
         construction of the first of each antenna type proposed in this application.

         Revised Section 25.132(b)(1) requires submission of a series of radiation patterns

 measured on a production antenna for each antenna type. This requirement is aimed at

   The Commission previously granted similar waiver requests. See, e.g., Hughes, File No. SES-
LIC-20150604-00332, Call Sign E150076 (granted Dec. 7, 2015) (adopting Condition 253
permitting submission of Section 25.138(d) antenna performance verification measurements after
license grant); Satellite Communications Services Information Re: Actions Taken, Report No.
SES-00748, File No. SES-AMD-20050901-01203 (Sept. 14, 2005) (Public Notice) (granting a
waiver of Section 25.138 information requirements to DIRECTV).
  A waiver of the Commission’s rules is warranted when “good cause” is shown. 47 C.F.R. § 1.3; see
also WAIT Radio v. FCC, 418 F.2d 1153, 1157 (D.C. Cir. 1969). A waiver may be granted if the grant
“would not undermine the policy objective of the rule in question and would otherwise serve the public
interest.” See EchoStar KuX Corp. Application for Authority to Construct, Launch and Operate a
Geostationary Satellite Using the Extended Ku-band Frequencies in the Fixed-Satellite Service at the 83°
W.L. Orbital Location, Order and Authorization, 20 FCC Rcd 919, ¶ 12 (2004) (Commission waiver for
“good cause shown”).


 ensuring that an earth station transmitting to a satellite in the geostationary arc does not cause

 excessive interference to neighboring satellites. The antennas proposed in this application,

 however, have not been built yet. These ant ennas are not ordinary “production” antennas,

 and measured data for these antenna models, as used in the Hughes gateway network, will

 only be available after the first unit is constructed and tested on site.

         The available antenna data points to the fact that co-frequency FSS operations of

 adjacent satellites will not be subject to harmful interference. Specifically, interference to

 other GSO FSS satellites will be within the levels permitted by the Commission’s rules, and

 thus the GSO operations of other satellite operators will not be subject to harmful interference.

 Further, Hughes will be able to provide the additional data per the specifications in revised

 Section 25.132(b)(1) after each type of antenna is built.

       Conclusion. Based upon the foregoing, Hughes requests that the Commission grant this

application to operate the proposed gateway earth stations. As demonstrated herein, grant of this

application is in the public interest, and the proposed operations will not cause any harmful



Document Created: 2010-01-01 00:00:00
Document Modified: 2010-01-01 00:00:00

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