Attachment RF Hazard Study

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20160323-00269 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                        Radiofrequency Radiation Hazard Study
                                           prepared for
                             WGBH Educational Foundation
                         Fixed Satellite Service - Fixed Earth Station

       On behalf of WGBH Educational Foundation, this statement provides the results of a
Radiofrequency Radiation Hazard Study regarding a proposed new 4.8 meter earth station uplink
facility to be established in Boston, MA. The earth station will operate in the “Ku” band with a
transmitter power output of 100 watts and a General Dynamics 4.6 meter diameter dish antenna.

       In keeping with §1.1307(b) of the FCC’s rules, the proposed operation has been
evaluated for human exposure to radiofrequency energy using the procedures outlined in FCC
OET Bulletin No. 65 (“OET 65”). According to the applicant, the 4.6 meter dish antenna is
rooftop mounted on an office building utilized by television station WGBH-TV (Boston, MA).
The rooftop is 22 meters above ground level and access to the rooftop is controlled and limited to
authorized and trained personnel.

       The following data have been used with the OET 65 equations for predicting RF fields
for a parabolic aperture antenna:

                              Proposed Earth Station Parameters
               Center Frequency of Operation                  14.250 GHz
               Wavelength at Center Frequency                 0.02105 meters
               Transmitter Power Output (Average)             100 Watts
               Antenna Diameter                               4.8 meters
               Antenna Gain                                   55.0 dBi
               Antenna Gain Ratio                             316,228
               Antenna Aperture Efficiency                    0.314

       At the range of the uplink transmit frequencies (14.0 – 14.5 GHz), according to FCC rule
section §1.1310 the maximum permissible exposure (“MPE”) limit for human exposure to RF
electromagnetic field is 1.0 mW/cm2 for general population / uncontrolled exposure and
5.0 mW/cm2 for occupational / controlled exposure.

Radiofrequency Radiation Hazard Study
WGBH Educational Foundation
Fixed Satellite Service - Fixed Earth Station
(page 2 of 3)

         The following RF power density results were calculated using OET 65 procedures (see
Appendix 1):

                                  Maximum RF Power Density
                                    Calculated Power Density
Region                                      (mW/cm2)                Conclusion
Far Field On-axis
                                                0.58                Satisfies Both MPE
(begins at 656.6 m)
Transition Region On-Axis                                           Exceeds Uncontrolled MPE
(273.6 to 656.6 m)                                                  Satisfies Controlled MPE
Near Field On-axis                                                  Exceeds Uncontrolled MPE
(ends at 273.6 m)                                                   Satisfies Controlled MPE
Off-axis Near Field
                                              0.0136                Satisfies Both MPE
(at one antenna diameter)
Off-axis Far Field
                                             0.000017               Satisfies Both MPE
(656.6 m at 7° off axis)

         On-axis (in the main beam of the antenna), the maximum near field power density is
calculated to be 1.36 mW/cm2, which also extends into the transition region. This satisfies the
occupational / controlled MPE limit but exceeds the general population / uncontrolled limit.
Such on-axis locations are well elevated above ground and are not accessible by the general
public. The antenna’s arc of potential operation does not encroach on any nearby tall buildings.

         Off-axis, the maximum power density is 0.014 cm2 which does not exceed the general
population / uncontrolled MPE. Since the areas of interest for general population / uncontrolled
exposure relates to locations at ground level or other accessible areas in the vicinity of the
rooftop fixed earth station dish, the distance between the antenna and the general population is
substantially greater than one antenna diameter from the main beam. The maximum calculated
signal density at one antenna diameter off-axis in the near field is equal to or less than
0.014 mW/cm2 or 1.4% of the general population / uncontrolled MPE. When the antenna’s
actual off-axis distance and elevation angle to the general population in the vicinity of the
antenna location are considered, the calculated signal density at publicly accessible locations will
be even lower. Based on this analysis, it is concluded that the general public will not be exposed
to RF levels in excess of the general population / uncontrolled MPE.

Radiofrequency Radiation Hazard Study
WGBH Educational Foundation
Fixed Satellite Service - Fixed Earth Station
(page 3 of 3)

        When accessing the rooftop, most personnel can easily limit their access to a distance of
at least one antenna diameter away from the antenna and the main beam while the dish is in
operation, as these areas comply with the general population / uncontrolled MPE limit.
Authorized and trained personnel individuals that are covered by the occupational / controlled
MPE limit may approach the antenna to a minimum distance of 0.32 meters from any part of the
antenna, provided that they do not enter the area in front of the antenna’s main reflector. To
assure the compliance with safety limits, all emissions shall cease whenever personnel must
access areas within 0.32 meters of the antenna as those areas may exceed the occupational /
controlled MPE limit.

Chesapeake RF Consultants, LLC                               January 12, 2016
207 Old Dominion Road  Yorktown, VA 23692                    703-650-9600

                           Radiofrequency Radiation Hazard Study
                                WGBH Educational Foundation
                            Fixed Satellite Service - Fixed Earth Station

                                       APPENDIX 1
                             RF POWER DENSITY CALCULATIONS

        Within the near-field region of a parabolic reflector antenna, the maximum value of RF
power density occurs on-axis at a distance of Rnf (Extent of Near Field) as expressed by:

                                              Rnf = D2 / 4λ
                where:            Rnf = distance to beginning of near-field
                                  D = antenna diameter
                                  λ = wavelength

For this analysis, it is assumed that the maximum value of the RF power density exists
throughout the entire length of the near-field region. For the proposed Ku-band satellite uplink
earth station, the near field extends to a distance of:
                                           Rnf = 273.6 meters

The maximum value of on-axis RF power density that is possible within the near field region of
the proposed Ku-band satellite earth station antenna can be expressed by the following equation:
                                         Snf = (16 η P) / ( π D2)

                where:            Snf = Maximum near-field power density
                                  η = Aperture efficiency
                                  P = Power fed to the antenna

For the Ku-band satellite earth station antenna, the maximum RF power density in the near field
is calculated to not to exceed:
                                           Snf = 1.36 mW/cm2

        OET 65 states that the “power density at that point (one antenna diameter removed from
the center of the main beam) would be at least a factor of 100 (20 dB) less than the value

Radiofrequency Radiation Hazard Study
WGBH Educational Foundation
Fixed Satellite Service - Fixed Earth Station

(page 2 of 4)

calculated for the equivalent distance in the main beam.” Accordingly, estimates of the off-axis
RF power density in the near field region were made with this conservative presumption. For the
proposed Ku-band satellite earth station, the General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure at a
distance of at least 4.8 meters from the maim beam, the near field maximum off-axis power
density is no greater than:
                                      Snf(oa) = 0.0136 mW/cm2


        The RF power density in the transition region between the near field and the far field of a
parabolic reflector antenna decreases inversely with distance from the antenna. The far field
region (farthest extent of the transition region) can be approximated by the following equation:
                                           Rff = 0.6 D2 / λ

                where:         Rff = distance to beginning of far-field

The beginning of the far field is calculated to be:
                                          Rff = 656.6 meters

The maximum value of on-axis RF power density level in the transition region can be
determined by the following relationship:

                                            St = Snf Rnf / R

                where:         St = Maximum power density for transition region
                               R = distance to point of interest

Assuming the point of interest is R=Rnf = 273.6 meters where the maximum (upper bound) of the
power density exists, the RF power density in the transition region is:

                 Snf = 1.36 mW/cm2 (Maximum predicted density in the transition region)

Radiofrequency Radiation Hazard Study
WGBH Educational Foundation
Fixed Satellite Service - Fixed Earth Station

(page 3 of 4)

The General Uncontrolled/Exposure area will be at least one antenna diameter distant from the
Ku-band satellite earth station antenna and, according to OET 65, the off-axis power density can
be conservatively assumed to be at least 20 dB below the maximum level from the center line
axis of the antenna. Within the transition region, the maximum off-axis RF power density is less
than the maximum value of:
                                     St (oa) = 0.0136 mW/cm2


        For the proposed Ku-band satellite earth station, the maximum possible value of on-axis
RF power density in the far field region can be determined as follows:

                                       Sff = (P G) / (4 π R2)

                where:        Sff = Power density (on axis)
                              G = Power gain relative to an isotropic radiator

For the Ku-band satellite earth station, the maximum RF power density at the end of the
transition between the near field and the far field (R = 656.6 m) was calculated to not exceed:

                                       Sff = 0.584 mW/cm2

In compliance with the antenna meeting or exceeding performance specifications under
§25.209(a)(2) of the FCC rules, the off-axis gain of the proposed antenna is 8 dBi (a power gain
of 6.31) or less in any direction 7 degrees or more from the main lobe. The off-axis RF power
density for the Ku-band satellite earth station can be conservatively calculated using the far field
power, gain, and distance relationship as:

                                      Sff(oa) = (P G) / (4 π R2)

Radiofrequency Radiation Hazard Study
WGBH Educational Foundation
Fixed Satellite Service - Fixed Earth Station

(page 4 of 4)

Assuming a distance of 656.6 meters from the antenna (the far-field location nearest the
antenna), the off-axis RF power density is calculated to be:

                                   Sff(oa) = 0.0000117 mW/cm2


        The minimum distance required for authorized and trained personnel to approach the
antenna from locations not in the main beam can be determined as follows:

                                        S = (P G) / (4 π R2)

                Solve for R (distance), where
                       P = 100 Watts
                       G = unity
                       S = 5 mW/cm2 (Occupational Limit)

                      R = 0.32 meters

        Authorized and trained personnel individuals that are covered by the occupational /
controlled MPE limit may approach the antenna to a minimum distance of 0.32 meters from any
part of the antenna, provided that they do not enter the area in front of the antenna’s main

Document Created: 2016-01-12 14:19:42
Document Modified: 2016-01-12 14:19:42

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