Attachment NRAO Letter

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20160127-00100 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                       NATIONAL RADIO ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY
                                       POST OFFICE BOX 2
                                       GREEN BANK, WV 24944—0002
                                       NRQZ OFFICE TELEPHONE (304) 456—2107                                     FAX (304) 456—2276
           \\“ ‘{/\( )                 HTTPJWWW.GB.NRAO.EDU/                                                    NRQZ@NRAO.EDU

          January 8, 2016
          NRQZ ID: 10062_04DEC2015

          SES Americom, Inc.,
          4 Research Way
          Princeton, NJ 08540

          Application Reason/Purpose                               Precoordination prior to FCC application submission
          File Number                                              Shall be provided by applicant
          Applicant Name                                           Addressee
          Call Sign                                                Shall be provided by applicant
          Site Name or Loc                                         Mount Jackson
           Frequency Coordinator                                   151204COMSGE20
           Previous NRAO Coordination No.                          NRQZ ID — Nonelisted
           Current NRAO Coordination No.                           NRQZ ID 10062_04DEC2015

           Dear Applicant:

           The National Radio Quiet Zone (NRQZ) has evaluated these facilities to determine the interference
           impact on our highly sensitive radio astronomy operations.

           The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) site located at Green Bank, Pocahontas County,
           WV, has no objections to this frequency assignment.

           The Sugar Grove Research Station, formerly the Naval Radio Research Observatory (NRRO), located
           at Sugar Grove, Pendleton County, WV has no objections to this frequency assignment.

           This letter constitutes coordination of assignment in the National Radio Quiet Zone as required by the
           FCC Rules and Regulations 47CFR1.924(a).

           If I may be of assistance, please feelfree to contact me.

           Sincerest 7gards,

           Aloey )"rl
                   §              .             7              y

           Paulette W. Woody *                           //
           NRAO NRQZ Administrator
           ce:     Gary K. Edwards, Comsearch
           file:   10062.doex
           Attachments        10062 Site Specific Data

           NOTE: This concurrence remains valid provided the data contained within is consistent with the applicant‘s fling at the
           Commission. Any discrepancy in system parameters, such as geographical coordinates (Latitude, Longitude, AMSL}, antenna
           height above groundlevel (AGL}, antenna gains or directivity (orientation), channel (operating frequency or frequency bands),
           emission type, and power requires re—coordination. Ifthe Commission has questions regarding the validity of this or any
           concurrence, please direct inquiries to or 304—456—2107.
‘The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a Facilty ofthe National Science Foundation Operated Under Cooperative Agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.

                                       NATIONAL RADIO ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY
                                       POST OFFICE BOX 2
                                       GREEN BANK, WV 24944—0002
                                       NRQZ OFFICE TELEPHONE (304) 456—2107                                      FAX (304) 456—2276
           NRAO                        HTTPYJIWWW.GB.NRAO.EDU/                                                   NRQZ@NRAO.EDU

          January 8, 2016
           NRQZ ID: 10063_04DEC2015

           SES Americom, Inc.,
          4 Research Way
           Princeton, NJ 08540

          Application Reason/Purpose                            Precoordination prior to FCC application submission
          File Number                                           Shall be provided by applicant
          Applicant Name                                        Addressee
          Call Sign                                             Shall be provided by applicant
          Site Name or Loc                                      Mount Jackson
          Frequency Coordinator                                 151204COMSGE21
          Previous NRAO Coordination No.                        NRQZ ID — None listed
           Current NRAO Coordination No.                        NRQZ ID 10063_04DEC2015

           Dear Applicant:

           The National Radio Quiet Zone (NRQZ) has evaluated these facilities to determine the interference
           impact on our highly sensitive radio astronomy operations.

           The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) site located at Green Bank, Pocahontas County,
           WV, has no objections to this frequency assignment.

           The Sugar Grove Research Station, formerly the Naval Radio Research Observatory (NRRO), located
           at Sugar Grove, Pendleton County, WV has no objections to this frequency assignment.

           This letter constitutes coordination of assignment in the National Radio Quiet Zone as required by the
           FCC Rules and Regulations 47CFR1.924(a).

           If I may be of assistance, please feelfree to contact me.

           Sincerest regards,

           Paulette W.
           NRAO NRQZ Administrator
           ce:     Gary K. Edwards, Comsearch

           file:   10063.doex

           Attachments:       10063 Site Specific Data

           NOTE: This concurrence remains valid provided the data contained within is consistent with the applicant‘s fling at the
           Commission. Any discrepancy in system parameters, such as geographical coordinates (Latitude, Longitude, AMSL}, antenna
           height above ground level (AGL}, antenna gains or directivity (orientation), channel (operating frequency or frequency bands),
           emission type, and power requiresre—coordination. If the Commission has questions regarding the validity of this or any
           concurrence, pleasedirect inquiries to or 304—456—2107.
‘The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a Facility of the National Science Foundation Operated Under Cooperative Agreement byAssociated Universitis, Inc.

                                       NATIONAL RADIO ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORY
                                       POST OFFICE BOX 2
                                       GREEN BANK, WV 24944—0002
                                       NRQZ OFFICE TELEPHONE (304) 456—2107 FAX (304) 456—2276
                                       HTTPYNWW.GB.NRAO.EDU/                NRQZ@NRAO.EDU

          January 8, 2016
          NRQzZ ID: 10064_04DEC2015

          SES Americom, Inc.,
          4 Research Way
          Princeton, NJ 08540

          Application Reason/Purpose                             Precoordination prior to FCC application submission
          File Number                                            Shall be provided by applicant
          Applicant Name                                        Addressee
          Call Sign                                              Shall be provided by applicant
          Site Name or Loc                                       Mount Jackson
          Frequency Coordinator                                  151204COMSGE22
          Previous NRAO Coordination No.                         NRQzZ ID — Nonelisted
          Current NRAO Coordination No.                          NRQZ ID 10064_04DEC2015

           Dear Applicant:

          The National Radio Quiet Zone (NRQZ) has evaluated these facilities to determine the interference
           impact on our highly sensitive radio astronomy operations.

           The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) site located at Green Bank, Pocahontas County,
           WV, has no objections to this frequency assignment.

           The Sugar Grove Research Station, formerly the Naval Radio Research Observatory (NRRO), located
           at Sugar Grove, Pendleton County, WV has no objections to this frequency assignment.

           This letter constitutes coordination of assignment in the National Radio Quiet Zone as required by the
           FCC Rules and Regulations 47CFR1.924(a).

           If I may be of assistance, please feelfree to contact me.
           Sincerest réga rvds

        Inrdfo /7/
           Paulette W. Woody
           NRAO NRQZ Administrator

           co:     Gary K. Edwards, Comsearch
           file:   10064.doex
           Attachments:       10064 Site Specifc Data

           NOTE: This concurrence remains valid provided the data contained within is consistent with the applicant‘s fling at the
           Commission. Any discrepancy in system parameters, such as geographical coordinates (Latitude, Longitude, AMSL}, antenna
           height above ground level (AGL), antenna gains or directivity (orientation), channel (operating frequency or frequency bands),
           emission type, and power requires re—coordination. If the Commission has questions regarding the validity of this or any
           concurrence, please direct inquiries to or 304—456—2107.
"The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a Facility ofthe National Science Foundation Operated Under Cooperative Agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.

Document Created: 2016-01-27 13:47:26
Document Modified: 2016-01-27 13:47:26

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