Attachment RadHaz

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20151231-00980 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



                         FOR A 2.4 METER C—BAND EARTH STATION

This report analyzes the non—ionizing             radiation levels for an               earth
station antenna.       The OET Bulletin 65,      Edit.    97—01,   August      1997,    Evaluating
Compliance with FCC Guidelines  for Human Exposure  to Radio   frequency
Electromagnetic  Fields specifies that the maximun level  of non—ionizing
radiation that a person may be exposed to cover a six minute period is
an average power density equal to 5 mw/cm2 in a controlled environment.
For the general population, a person may be exposed to cover a thirty
minute period is an average power density equal to imw/cm2 in an uncon—
trolled environment.    It is the purpose of this  report to  determine
the power flux densities of the earth station surface area,                      in the near
field,   transition region and far field.

P=Antenna Power(watts/4khz), G=Antenna Gain(db),                   D=Antenna Diameter(meters)
F=Ctr Frequency(gHz),   Wl=WaveLength (meters)
 Antenna Surface (m2)          A=3.14*D2/4
Antenna Surface Density(w/m2) Ss=4*P/A

Wavelength W1(m)=3/(F*10)
Near Field Region                Rnf (m) =D2/ (4*W1)

Near Field Region Density        Snf(m/m2)=16*.6*P/(3.14*D2)

Transition Region                Rff (m)=. 6*d2/W1
Transition Region Density        St(w/m2)=Snf*Rnf/Rff

Far Field     Region             Sff (m)=P*G/(4*3.14*Rff

                 Earth Station Radiation Hazard Calculations

Freq(ghz)=     6.1     Power(w)=—12.6     AntGain(db)= 41.6 AntSize(m)=                  2.4
Wavelength(m)= .049                       Antenna surface(m2)=           4.5

AntSurfDen $s (w/m2)=               —11.10               Ss (mw/cm2)=          —1.11
Near—Field Region Rnf (m)=              29.28
Near—Field Den Snf(w/m2)=               —7.22            Snf (mw/cm2)=           —.72
Transition Region Rff (m)=               70. 3
Tran Region Den St(w/cm2)=              ~3.01            St (mw/cm2)=            ~~30
Far Field Region Sff(w/cm2)=             01              Sff (mw/cm2)=            .00

                             ANALYSIS RESULTS
             LIMITS — imw/cm2 Uncontrolled,          Smw/cm2 Controlled

Antenna Surface Density          Ss (mw/cm—1.110 No Potential Hazard,                  < Limit
Near Field Density               Snf(mw/c —.722
Transition Region                St (mw/om —.301
Far Field Density                Sff (mw/c —.001

For a minimum elevation angle of  5.0(deg) and a object height of 15.0(ft)
For radiation non—hazard, the minimum distance to object=179.3(ft)

 Prepared by: TELE—SCI SOLUTIONS,          LLC Augusta, NJ         973—383—7845


                       FOR A 2.4  METER KU BAND EARTH STATION

This report analyzes the non—ionizing           radiation levels for an             earth
station antenna.       The OET Bulletin 65,    Edit.    97—01,   August 1997,       Evaluating
Compliance with FCC Guidelines  for Human Exposure  to Radio  frequency
Electromagnetic  Fields specifies that the maximun level of non—ionizing
radiation that a person may be exposed to cover a six minute period is
an average power density equal to 5 mw/cm2 in a controlled environment.
For   the general population,      a person may be exposed to cover             a     thirty
minute period is an average power density equal to Imw/cm2 in an uncon—
trolled environment.    It is the purpose of this  report to   determine
the power flux densities of the earth station surface area, in the near
field, transition region and far field.

P=Antenna Power(watts/4khz), G=Antenna Gain(db),                 D=Antenna Diameter(meters)
F=Ctr Frequency(gHz),         Wl=WavelLength (meters)

Antenna Surface (m2)                A=3.14*D2/4
Antenna Surface Density(w/m2)       Ss=4*P/A
 Wavelength W1(m)=3/(F*10
Near Field Region                Rnf (m)=D2/ (4*W1)

Near Field Region Density        Snf(m/m2)=16*.6*P/(3.14*D2)

Transition Region                Rff (m)=. 6*d2/W1
Transition Region Density        St(w/m2)=Snf*Rnf/Rff

Far Field     Region             Sff(m)=P*G/(4*3.14*Rff)

                 Earth Station Radiation Hazard Calculations

Freq(ghz)= 14.1  Power(w)=—15.6        AntGain(db)= 48.9 AntSize(m)=                2.A
Wavelength(m)= .021                    Antenna surface(m2)=  4.5

AntSurfDen    $s (w/m2)=            —13.77             Ss (mw/cm2)=       =1 .38
Near~Field    Region Rnf(m)=         67. 68
Near—Field    Den Snf(w/m2)=         ~8.95             Snf (mw/cm2)=       —.89
Transition    Region Rff(m)=         162.4
Tran Region Den St(w/cm2)=           —3.73             St (mw/cm2)=        —.37
Far Field Region Sff(w/cm2)=            .00            Sff (mw/cm2)=        .00

                             ANALYSIS RESULTS
             LIMITS — 1mw/cm2 Uncontrolled,          Smw/cm2 Controlled

Antenna Surface Density          Ss(mw/cm—1.377 No Potential Hazard,            < Limit
Near Field Density               Snf (mw/c —.895
Transition Region                St (mw/om —.373
Far Field Density                Sff (mw/c    .000

For a minimum elevation angle of  5.0(deg) and a object height of 15.0(ft)
For radiation non—hazard, the minimum distance to object=179.3(ft)

 Prepared by: TELE—SCI SOLUTIONS,        LLC Augusta, NJ 973—383—7845

Document Created: 2015-12-09 15:41:30
Document Modified: 2015-12-09 15:41:30

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