Attachment Attachment 1 - NIR

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20151216-00945 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Radiation Hazard Report                                                                                       Page 1 of 5

              Analysis of Non—lonizing Radiation for a 1.415 Meter Earth
                                   Station System

This report analyzes the non—ionizing radiation levels for an Avi Technologies 1410K 1.415 meter Ku band earth
station system.The analysis and calculations performed in this report comply with the methods described in the
FCC Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin, No. 65 first published in 1985 and revised in 1997in Edition
97—01. The radiation safety limits used in the analysis are in conformance with the FCC R&O 96—328. Bulletin No.
65 and the FCC R&O specifies that there are two separate tiers of exposure limits that are dependent on the
situation in which the exposure takes place and/or the status of the individuals who aresubject to the
exposure. The Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits for persons in a General Population/Uncontrolled
environment are shown in Table 1. The General Population/Uncontrolled MPE is a function of transmit frequency
and is for an exposure period ofthirty minutes or less. The MPE limits for persons in an Occupational/Controlled
environment are shown in Table 2. The Occupational MPE is a function of transmit frequency and is for an
exposure period of six minutes or less. The purpose of the analysis described in this report is to determine the
power flux density levels of the earth station in the far—field, near—field, transition region, between the subreflector
or feed and main reflector surface, at the main reflector surface, and between the antenna edge and the ground
and to compare these levels to the specified MPEs.

      Table 1. Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (MPE)
     Frequency Range (MHz)                     Power Density (mW/cm2)
               30—300                                      0.2
              300—1500                         Frequency (MHz)®(0.8/1200)
          1500—100,000                                     1.0

       Table 2. Limits for General Population/Controlled Exposure (MPE)
     Frequency Range (MHz)                     Power Density (mW/cm2)
               30—300                                      1.0
              300—1500                         Frequency (MHz)*(4.0/1200)
          1500—100,000                                     5.0

             Table 3. Formulas and Parameters Used for Determining Power Flux Densities
|Parameter                           Symbol             Formula                   Value              Units
|Antenna Diameter                        D                                        1415                m
|Antenna Surface Diameter            Asurface            (TYDZ)M              1.572543838             m2

Feed Flange Diameter                     Dfa                     M               7.3025               om
lArea of Feed Flange                    Afa             (mDfa‘)4              41.88254007            cm2

Frequency                                 F                                       14.25              GHz
|Wavelength                               A              300 /F               0.021052632              m
[Transmit Power                           P                                        125                W
|Antenna Gain (dbi)                     Ges                                        44.5               dBi
|Antenna Gain (factor)                   6               1g*                  28183.82031
Pi                                        T                                   3.141592654
|Antenna Efficiency                       7                                   0.632117952

Radiation Hazard Report                                                                                 Page 2 of 5

1. Far Field Distance Calculation
The distance to the beginning of thefar field can be determined from the following equation:                   (1)

 Distance to the Far Field Region                     Rif     =      0.60D2/
                                                              =      57.0634125                m

The maximum main beam power density in the far field can be determined from the following equation:            (2)

 Distance to the Far Field Region                     Sif     =      GP/(4n Rffz)
                                                              =      s6.09633509               Wim*
                                                              =       s.eoo634                 mWicm"
2. Near Field Calculation

Power flux density is considered to be at a maximum value throughout the entire length of the defined Near Field
region. The region is contained within a cylindrical volume having the same diameter as the antenna. Past the
boundary of the Near Field region, the power density from the antenna decreases linearly with respect to
increasing distance.

The distance to the end of the Near Field can be determined from the following equation:                       (3)

Extent of the Near Field                             Rnf                    D/ (4 A)
                                                                         23.77642188           m
‘he maximum power density in the Near Field can be determined from the following equatior                      (4)

Near Field Power Density                             Snf      =      16.07P/ (nDz)
                                                              =      200.9857967               Wim*
                                                              =       20.09858                 mW/cm*
3. Transition Region Calculation

The Transition region is located between the Near and Far Field regions. The powerdensity begins to decrease
linearly with increasing distance in the Transition region. While the power density decreases inversely with
distancein the Transition region, the power density decreases inversely with the square of the distancein the Far
Field region. The maximum power density in the Transition region will not exceed that calculated for the NearField
region. The power density calculated in Section 2 is the highest powerdensity the antenna can produce in any of
the regions away from the antenna. The power density at a distance Rt can be determined from the following
Near Field Power Density                               St            Snf Rnf / Rt
                                                              s      20.09857987               mW/cm*

Radiation Hazard Report                                                                                    Page 3 of 5

4. Distance to Safe Region Calculation

Since the power density decreases inversely with the square of the distance in the Far Field region, the distance to
the On—axis Power Density of 5 mW/cm2 can be determined from the following equation:
Distance to ANSI 5 mW/om*                           Dsafe       =      RHf (St5)*)
                                                                       74.8799                meters

5. Region between the Feed Assembly and the Antenna Reflector

Transmissions from the feed assembly aredirected toward the antenna reflector surface, and are confined within a
conical shape defined by thetype of feed assembly. The most common feed assemblies are waveguide flanges,
horns or subreflectors. The energy between the feed assembly and reflector surface can be calculated by
determining the powerdensity at the feed assembly surface. This can be determined from the following equation:
Power Density at the Feed Flange                       Sfa             4000 P /Afa
                                                                       11938.1489             mWiem*

6. Main Reflector Region

The power density in the main reflector is determined in the same manneras the power density at the feed
assembly. The area is now the area of the reflector aperture and can be determined from the following equation:
Power Density at the Reflector Surface           Ssurface       =      4 P /Asurface
                                                                =      317.95616              W/im"
                                                                       31.7956                mW/cm?

7. Off—axis Evaluation
For off—axis calculations in the Near Field and in the Transition region, it can be assumed that, if the point of
interest is at least one antenna diameter removed from the center of the main beam, the powerdensity at that
point would be at least a factorof 100 (20dB) less than the value calculated for the equivalent distance in the main
beam. For off—axis calculations in the Far Field, the calculated main—beam power density can be multiplied by the
appropriate relative power density factorobtained from the antennagain pattern. Since the proposed antenna
meets or exceeds the performance specifications under Part 25.209 of the FCC rules, the off—axis gain for this
antenna is equal to or greater than 10dBi less than the on—axis gain in any direction of 48 degrees or more
removed from the centerline of the main beam.

The distance to the end of the Near Field can be determined from the following equation:                             (9)

Near Field Off—axis Power Density              Snrom            =      0.01 Snf
                                                                =      02010                   mW/cm®
Far Field Off—axis Power Density               S"(m             =      .1 Sf                                        (10)
                                                                       0.8610                  mWicm

Radiation Hazard Report                                                                                    Page 4 of 5

8. Summary of Calculations

                       Table 4. Summary of Expected Radiation levels for Uncontrolled Environment
                                                  Calculated Maximum Radiation Power
Region                                                   Density Level (mW/cm‘)                Hazard Assessment
Far Field (Rif = 57.0634125 m)                            Sft          86096                      Potential Hazard
Near Field (Rnf = 23.776421875 m)                        Snf           20.0986                    Potential Hazard
Transition Region (Rnf < Rt< Rf)                          St           20.0986                    Potential Hazard
Safe Distance Region (Dsafe =
74.8798683756659 meters)                                 Dsafe         74.8799                    Potential Hazard
Between Feed Assembly and Antenna
Reflector                                                Sfa           11938.1489                 Potential Hazard
Main Reflector Surface                                  Srige          31.7956                    Potential Hazard
Far Field Off—axis Region                               Sffon          0.8610                     Potential Hazard
Near Field Off—axis Region (Between
Reflector and ground)                                   Stfen          0,2010                     Potential Hazard

                        Table 5. Summary of Expected Radiation levels for Controlled Environment
                                                 Calculated Maximum Radiation Power
Region                                                    Density Level (mWicm?)               Hazard Assessment
Far Field (Rif = 57.0634125 m)                            Sff          8.60986                    Potential Hazard
Near Field (Rnf = 23.776421875 m)                        Snf           20.0986                    Potential Hazard
Transition Region (Rnf < Rt< RfM)                         St           20.0986                    Potential Hazard
Safe Distance Region (Dsafe =
74.8798683756659 meters)                                 Dsafe         74.8799                    Potential Hazard
Between Feed Assembly and Antenna                        Sfa           11938.1489                 Potential Hazard
Main Reflector Surface                                  Suitce         31.7956                    Potential Hazard
Far Field Off—axis Region                               Sffon          0.8610                     Potential Hazard
Near Field Off—axis Region (Between
Reflector and ground)                                   Shfen          0.2010                     Potential Hazard

it is the applicant‘s responsibility to ensure that the public and operational personnel are not exposed to harmful
levels of radiation.

Radiation Hazard Report                                                                                       Page 5 of 5

8. Summary of Calculations

Based on this analysis it is concluded that the FCC RF Guidelines have been exceeded in the specific regions of
Tables 4 and 5. The applicant proposes to comply with the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits of 1
mW/cm2 for the Uncontrolled areas and the MPE limits of 5 mW/cm2 for the Controlled areas by one or more of
the following methods:

Means of Compliance — Uncontrolled Areas

This antenna will be located on a vehicle rooftop. The distance from the ground to the center of the antenna is
approximately 4.1 meters. The location will be sufficient to prohibit access to the areas that exceed the MPE
limits. The general public will not have access to areas within %4 diameter removed from the edge of the antenna.

Radiation hazard signswill be posted at any rooftop access location. The signs will be completely visible from the

The applicant will ensure that no buildings or other obstacles will be in the areas that exceed the MPE levels.

Means of Compliance — Controlled Areas

The earth station‘s operational personnel will not have access to the areas that exceed the MPE levels while the
earth station is in operation.

The transmitters will be turned off during antenna maintenance.

Means of Compliance — Safety in General

This antenna system is located on a mobile unit and conditions will vary from operating site to operating site.
Becauseof this, the licensee will establish procedures for the operational personnel to verify that the antenna is
not pointing in the direction of populated areas, and that access to hazardous areas are restricted while the unit is
in operation.

in addition, the transmit power used in these calculations is greater than that which will typically be utilized by the
earth station. During normal operation, the typical power level would generally not exceed more than 50 to 75
percent of the indicated transmitter power. Maximum transmit power would generally only occur in conditions of
extreme inclement weather.

Document Created: 2019-04-14 05:30:22
Document Modified: 2019-04-14 05:30:22

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