Attachment Exhibit A

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20151203-00906 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                         Exhibit A
47 C.F.R. § 25.130 (a) (1,2,3,4)

Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 25.130 (a)(1) Anthem seeks Federal Communication Commission authorization
for a new FSS Ku-band VSAT network to provide two-way broadband data communication services to
business units and affiliated service and support organizations. The network will incorporate three
geographically redundant hubs located in Harrisonburg, VA, Portland, ME and Saint Louis, MO to
support remote fixed and remote temporary-fixed earth stations from 1.2 to 3.7 meters, located
throughout the continental United States (CONUS), Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

This VSAT network is designed to support Anthem’s data communication services using geostationary
FSS Ku-band satellites with earth station transmissions in the 14.0 to 14.5 GHz transmit frequency band
and reception in the 11.7 to 12.2 GHz receive frequency band. Anthem seeks authorization for all earth
stations herein to operate on satellites licensed by the United States and on satellites on the
Commission’s Permitted Space Station List.

Anthem will have remote control of transmissions from one or all of its geographically redundant earth
station facilities. Anthem’s remote control of the hub earth stations will enable Anthem to remotely
control all remote fixed and remote temporary-fixed earth station transmissions. Anthem’s earth
station facilities are listed as remote control points in Form 312 Schedule B question E17.

Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 25.130 (a)(2) and 47 C.F.R. § 25.134 (g)(1) Anthem seeks Federal Communication
Commission authorization to utilize 1.2,1.8,2.4,3.7 and 4.8 meter antennas, listed on Form 312 Schedule
B, in the proposed network.

Anthem does hereby certify a thorough review of results from a series of radiation pattern tests,
performed and provided by the manufacturer, has been conducted and believe the test results fully
demonstrate the equipment meets the Off-axis gain standards pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 25.209 (a)(4).

Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 25.130 (a)(3) Anthem seeks Federal Communication Commission authorization to
utilize Frequency/Time Division Multiple Access and Scheduled Single Channel Per Carrier techniques.

The maximum transmitter power spectral density of a digital modulated carrier into any GSO FSS earth
station antenna is defined in 47 C.F.R. § 25.134 (g)(2) as: -14.0 -10log(N) dB(W/4 kHz)

The parameter “N” is defined in 47 C.F.R. § (g)(2) to equal “1” for networks utilizing Frequency Division
Multiple Access, FDMA, or Time Division Multiple Access, TDMA techniques.

Given the value of N=1 and 10log(1) equals zero, the maximum permissible power spectral density of a
digital modulated carrier into any GSO FSS earth station antenna is: -14.0 dB(W/4kHz)

All EIRP spectral density values requested herein are at or below -14 dB(W/4kHz).

Therefore, the requested authorization does not exceed the maximum power spectral density allocation
of -14.0 dB(W/4kHz) at the input to the earth station antenna as required by 47 C.F.R. § 25.134 (g)(2).

Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 25.130 (a)(4) Anthem seeks Federal Communications Commission authorization
to operate a system wherein remote earth stations utilize a “Slotted Aloha” type access scheme. In a
Slotted Aloha network the outbound carrier from the hub, utilizing a time division multiplex (“TDM”)
technique, synchronizes all remote earth stations to a common reference and controls all aspects of
their transmission. Remote earth stations, properly synchronized, transmit utilizing a multi frequency
time division multiple access (“MFTDMA”) technique. Positive control of remotes is maintained at all
times via synchronization, should a remote lose synchronization with the hub for any reason it will
immediately cease transmission.

Document Created: 2015-05-27 14:09:20
Document Modified: 2015-05-27 14:09:20

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