Attachment 20160816174801.pdf


DECISION submitted by IB-FCC

Grant Stamp


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20150812-00518 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                      UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                               RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
 Name: Gogo LLC                                                                                            Call Sign: E150104
 Authorization Type: License                                                                           File Number: SES—L1C—2015t
 Non Common Carrier                            Grant date:—       09/23/2015       Expiration Date:     09/23/2030

Nature of Service: Fixed Satellite Service
Class of Station: Fixed Earth Stations

A) Site Location(s)
                                                                                                              Elevation         Special Provisions
#. Site ID                              Address                            Latitude       Longitude            (Meters)    NAD (Refer to Section H)

111                      111 N. Canal Street                           41597°1.9"8       87930 122. 5"W          181.4      83
                         Chicago, Cook, IL 60606

                         Licensee certifies antenna(s) comply with gain patterns specified in Section 25.209

Subject to the provisions ofthe Communications Act of 1934, The CommunicationsSatellite Act of 1962, subsequent acts and
treaties, and all present and future regulations made by this Commission, and further subject to the conditions and
requirements set forth in this license, the grantee is authorized to construct, use and operate the radio facilities described
belowfor radio communications for the term beginning September 23, 2015 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time) and ending
September 23, 2030 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time) . The required date of completion of construction and commencement of
operation is September 23, 2016 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time) . Grantee mustfile with the Commissiona certification upon
completion ofconstruction and commencement ofoperation.

B) Particulars of Operations

The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequency bands
The General Provision 1900 applies to all transmiting frequencybands
For the text of these provisions, refer to Section H.
                                                                                Max    Max EIRP                     Special
                                                                               EIRP     Density                    Provisions
             Frequency                Polarization                 To/R /Carrier        /Carritr Associated         ——(RFF 10— Modulation/
#              (MHz)                      Code           Emission Mode       (4BW) (JBWAKHz) Apsenna               S¢CtiOM H)      Services
21 24000.0000—24500.0000                 WY             1o0komm       rx       49.20      3s.20       xi                         Digital Audio, Video and
2) 14000.0000—24500.0000                 H/¥            semoork      ry        65.20      asuto       xi                         Digital Audio, Video and
31 11700.0000—12200.0000                 .Y             100RG7H      ns                               x1                         Digital Audio, Video and
4) 11700.0000—22200.0000                 H.¥            sem067#      Rx                               ki                         Digital Audio,   Video and

                                                                      ( page 1 of 4)                                                    FCC Form 488

                                                UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                           FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                          RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: Gogo LLC                                                                                          Call Sign: E150104
Authorization Type: License                                                                         File Number: SES—LIC—20150812—00518
Non Common Carrier                        Grant date:       09/23/2015          Expiration Date:     09/23/2030

C) Frequency Coordination Limits

                                                 (S];telli:f Arc)           fll)evation)            &zimuth)             Max EIRP
                            hss                      eg.     Long.               egrees                egrees)     Density toward
              Frequency Limits                  East         West         East       West      East         West         Horizon           Associated
#                  (MHz)                       Limit         Limit       Limit      Limit      Limit        Limit (dBW/4kHz)              Antenna(s)
1}      11700.0000—12200.0000                   60 .0w—143 . 0w            34.1—16.7            141.9—245.2                          K1
2)      14000.0000—14500.0000                   60 .0w—143 . 0W            34.1—16.7            141.9—245.2               —12.57     Ki

D) Points of Communications
      The following stations located in the Satellite orbits consistent with Sections B and C of this Entry:

    1) 1 to Permitted Space Station List

E) Antenna Facilities
                                                                                                                     &                                   Special
                                                                                                                    Slte.           Max                 Provisions
     Site           Antenna                Diameter                                                              Elevation     Antenna Height            (Refer to
     ID                ID         Units     (meters)           Manufacturer                Model number          (Meters)           (Meters)            Section H)
                       K1           1          2.4                   PRODELIN                  2.4M.             181.4         79.2 AGL/ 260.6
        Max Gains(s) :             47.6 daBi @             11.9500 GHz            49.2 aBi e         14.2500 GHz
        Maximum total input power at antenna flange (Watts) =                                      40.00
          Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers                        =
                                                                          (dBW) =                  65 .20

G) Antenna Structure marking and lighting requirements:
            None unless otherwise specified under Special and General Provisions

H) Special and General Provisions
       A)This RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general
         1010 ——— Applicable to all receiving frequency bands. Emission designator indicates the maximum bandwidth of received
                  signal at associated station(s). Maximum EIRP and maximum EIRP density are not applicable to receive
            1900 ——— Applicable to all transmitting frequency bands. Authority is granted to transmit any number of RF carriers with
                     the specified parameters on any discrete frequencies within associated band in accordance with the other terms
                     and conditions of this authorization, subject to any additional limitations that may be required to avoid
                     unacceptable levels of inter—satellite interference.
            2010 ——— This authorization is issued pursuant to the Commission‘s Second Report and Order adopted June 16, 1972 (35
                    FCC 2d 844) and Memorandum, Opinion and Order adopted December 21, 1972 (38 FCC 2d 665) in Docket No.
                    16495 and is subject to the policies adopted in that proceeding.

                                                                 ( page 2 of 4 )                                                          FCC Form 488

                                         UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                   RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: Gogo LLC                                                                         Call Sign: E150104
Authorization Type: License                                                         File Number: SES—LIC—20150812—00518
Non Common Carrier                 Grant date:   09/23/2015        Expiration Date: 09/23/2030

H) Special and General Provisions
   A)This RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general
     2916 ——— Transmitter(s) must be turned off during antenna maintenance to ensure compliance with the FCC—specified safety
              guidelines for human exposure to radiofrequency radiation in the region between the antenna feed and the
              reflector. Appropriate measures must also be taken to restrict access to other regions in which the earth station‘s
              power flux density levels exceed the specified guidelines.
     2938 ——— Upon completion of construction, each licensee must file with the Commission a certification including the
              following information: (1) name of the licensee, (2) file number of the application, (3) call sign of the antenna, (4)
              date of the license, (5) certification that the facility as authorized has been completed, (6) certification that each
              antenna facility has been tested and is within 2 dB of the pattern specified in Section 25.209, and (7) certification
              that the station is operational (including the date of commencement of service) and will remain operational during
              the license period unless the license is submitted for cancellation.
     3219 ——— All existing transmitting facilities, operations and devices regulated by the Commission must be in compliance
              with the Commission‘s radiofrequency (RF) exposure guidelines, pursuant to Section 1.1307(b)(1) through (b)(3)
              of the Commission‘s rules, or if not in compliance, file an Environmental Assessment (EA) as specified in Section
              1.1311. See 47 CFR § 1.1307 (b) (5).
     5216 ——— All operations shall be on a non—common carrier basis.

                                                      ( page 3 of 4 )                                               FCC Form 488

                                         UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                   RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: Gogo LLC                                                                          Call Sign: E150104
Authorization Type: License                                                          File Number: SES—LIC—20150812—00518
Non Common Carrier                Grant date:    09/23/2015       Expiration Date:    09/23/2030

    B) This RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the additional conditions specified below:

              This authorization is issued on the grantee‘s representation that the statements contained in the application are
              true and that the undertakings described will be carried outin goodfaith.

              This authorization shall not be construed in any manner as a finding by the Commission on the question of
              marking or lighting ofthe antenna system should future conditions require. The grantee expressly agrees to
              install such marking or lighting as the Commission mayrequire under the provisions of Section 303(q) of the
              Communications Act. 47 U.S.C. § 303(q).

              Neither this authorization nor the right granted by this authorization shall be assigned or otherwise transferred to
              any person, firm, company or corporation without the written consent of the Commission. This authorization is
              subject to the right of use or control by the government of the United States conferred by Section 706 of the
              Communications Act. 47 U.S.C. § 706. Operation of this station is governed by Part 25 ofthe Commission‘s
              Rules, 47 C.F.R. Part 25.

              This authorization shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate this station nor anyright in the use of the
              designated frequencies beyond the term of this license, norin any other manner than authorized herein.

              This authorization is issued on the grantee‘s representation that the station is in compliance with environmental
              requirements set forth in Section 1.1307 of the Commission‘s Rules. 47 C.F.R. § 1.1307.

              This authorization is issued on the grantee‘s representation that the station is in compliance with the Federal
              Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements as set forth in Section 17.4 of the Commission‘s Rules. 47 C.F.R.§

              The following condition applies whenthis authorization permits construction ofor modifies the construction
              permit of a radio station.

              This authorization shall be automatically forfeited if the station is not ready for operation by the required date of
              completion ofconstruction unless an application for modification ofauthorization to request additional time to
              complete construction is filed by that date, together with a showing that failure to complete construction by the
              required date was due to factors not under control of the grantee.

              Licensees are required to pay annual regulatory fees related to this authorization. The requirement to
              collect annual regulatory fees from regulatees is contained in Public Law 103—66, "The Omnibus Budget
              Reconciliation Act of 1993.". These regulatory fees, which are likely to change each fiscal year, are used
              to offset costs associated with the Commission‘s enforcement, public service, international and policy and
              rulemaking activities. The Commission issues a Report and Order each year, setting the new regulatory
              fee rates. Receive only earth stations are exempt from payment of regulatory fees _

                                                     (page 4 of 4 )                                on               FCC Form 488

Document Created: 2016-08-16 17:48:17
Document Modified: 2016-08-16 17:48:17

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