Attachment Technical Appendix

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20150616-00357 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                  Technical Appendix

A.1   Scope ............................................................................................................................. 1
A.2   General Description ...................................................................................................... 1
A.3   Frequencies of Operation............................................................................................. 1
A.4   Service Area .................................................................................................................. 1
A.5   Earth Station Antenna Pattern ..................................................................................... 2
A.6   Single Point of Control ................................................................................................. 4
A.7   Interference Protection to Other Satellites ................................................................. 4
      A.7.1       Compliance with FCC’s Off-axis EIRP Mask ................................................. 4
      A.7.2       Concurrent Transmitters................................................................................. 6
A.8   Interference Protection to Point-to-Point Microwave................................................. 8
      A.8.1       Protection from SatPaq Uplink Interference ................................................. 8
                   A.8.1.1 Introduction........................................................................................ 8
                   A.8.1.2 Protection Zones ............................................................................. 10
                   A.8.1.3 Use of the FCC ULS Database ........................................................ 11
                   A.8.1.4 Initial Synchronization Process ..................................................... 12
                   A.8.1.5 Hailing Frequency ........................................................................... 14
                   A.8.1.6 Close Proximity Circle to PtP Receivers ....................................... 15
                   A.8.1.7 Diversity Techniques ...................................................................... 16
                   A.8.1.8 Statistical Ceiling of Interference ................................................... 22
                   A.8.1.9 Cognitive Sharing of Frequencies ................................................. 24
      A.8.2       Protection from Satellite Downlink Interference ......................................... 27
A.9   Radiation Hazard Analysis ......................................................................................... 28

Technical Appendix

A.1              Scope

This Technical Appendix provides further explanation of how Higher Ground LLC’s satellite-based

messaging and light email system will operate and the underlying technical basis for avoiding harmful

interference to other licensed operations.

A.2              General Description

Higher Ground’s SatPaq earth station terminals (SatPaqs) are embedded in smartphone cases and

communicate bi-directionally with conventional C band geosynchronous satellites. SatPaqs offer a

seamless extension of consumer texting and light email, particularly in areas lacking sufficient terrestrial

mobile network coverage. SatPaqs may also be used in Internet-of-Things (IoT), industrial control and

management, and other applications.

A.3              Frequencies of Operation

SatPaq earth stations will operate in the following frequency ranges:

       Uplink:                5925 to 6425 MHz
       Downlink:              3700 to 4200 MHz

A.4              Service Area

Higher Ground seeks authority to operate SatPaqs in the contiguous United States, Hawaii, Alaska,
Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.


A.5              Earth Station Antenna Pattern

Figures A-1 and A-2 below show the SatPaq earth station antenna gain pattern. The antenna is a

simple, rectangular quad-patch antenna (0.06 m. x 0.04 m. in size) with approximately 9 dBi of gain. It

can be operated in either vertical or horizontal polarization. 1 In the elevation plane or in the azimuth

plane, the pattern is virtually the same. The antenna pattern is typical of a simple, one-pole antenna


The antenna input power is 1 Watt (0 dBW). The peak EIRP using a 9 dBi antenna is 9 dBW.

                           Figure A-1 - Earth Station Antenna Pattern (Azimuth)

    The early models of the SatPaq may have only one polarization available.


                          Figure A-2 - Earth Station Antenna Pattern (Elevation)

Table A-1 shows the gain pattern and EIRP for the SatPaq earth station, ranging from 0 to 90 degrees

off bore-site.

    Degrees off Bore-site                     Gain (dBI)                     EIRP (dBW)
             0                                    9                                 9
                  15                             7.5                               7.5
                  30                              3                                 3
                  45                              -8                                -8
                  60                             -28                               -28
                  75                             -17                               -17
                  90                             -20                               -20
                 Table A-1 - Gain Pattern / Table for Quad Patch Antenna (XY & XZ Plane)


A.6            Single Point of Control

The SatPaq network provides for a single point of control at each gateway earth station (SatPaq

Network Control) (initially, three gateway stations – one gateway for each satellite), making SatPaq

earth stations a permission-based operation that can be shut down if necessary. Specifically, no

SatPaq will transmit until it synchronizes with the spread spectrum signal that the satellite transmits


The SatPaq network matches a SatPaq’s geocoordinates with a look-up table that incorporates ULS

database information for all C Band Fixed Service point-to-point (PtP) licensees/applicants and identifies

Protection Zones for the PtP receivers. It manages the SatPaq return-path transmission authority for all

locations to prohibit operations on potentially interfering frequencies within a Protection Zone or from

out-of-country locations. See Section A.8.

The SatPaq network also manages the number of concurrent (i.e., co-incident) SatPaq transmissions to

stay within the CDMA limits of Section 25.218 of the FCC’s rules, providing interference protection to

other satellites. See Section A.7.

Consistent with Section 25.271 of the FCC’s rules, the SatPaq Network Control can promptly suspend

any SatPaq operations by turning off the satellite synchronization broadcast, should there be a need to

shut off the service, for example if there were a notification by another licensee of harmful interference

or a notification from the FCC.

A.7            Interference Protection to Other Satellites

A.7.1          Compliance with FCC’s Off-axis EIRP Mask

SatPaqs are designed to ensure no harmful interference to other satellites in compliance with the FCC’s

two-degree spacing requirements. The transmit antenna is a simple patch array that has a 3 dB power

loss at +- 20 degrees on each side of the bore-sight and conforms to the off-axis EIRP mask prescribed

under Section 25.218(d) of the FCC’s rules.

The SatPaq will use a combination of spread spectrum and proper antenna pointing to stay below the

transmit mask set forth in Section 25.218(d). The devices will use Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum

(DSSS) to spread their emissions across approximately 8 MHz of spectrum (33 dB). This technique

moves the SatPaq’s bore-sight, peak power density down from 9 dBW to -24 dBW (4 KHz). More

importantly, the off-axis, bore-sight power density stays significantly below the transmit mask limits for

all conditions.2 Table A-2 below shows the off-axis EIRP level of the earth station antenna for a) the

geostationary plane; b) the horizon plane; and c) the elevation plane. 3

Section 25.218(d) allows for N simultaneous, co-channel DSSS transmitters provided that those

concurrent operations stay below the transmit mask. The point at which the change in the transmit

mask is at a minimum (highlighted in yellow) is the place that we compute this number (N). We

compute (N) to be a maximum of 109 concurrent transmissions (10**2.04) for each channel.

The SatPaq Network Control controls all SatPaq communications and will ensure that this limit is never

exceeded. The process of possibly delaying a transmission by a second or two for a text message,

should that be necessary, has no impact on consumer usability.

 Off-         FCC          Geo       Delta       FCC            Horizon   Delta to    Elevation        Delta to
 axis         Mask        Plane      to the      Mask            Plane      the         Plane         the Mask
Angle       25.218(d1)    (dBW/4     Mask      25.218(d2)       (dBW/4     Mask      (dBW/4 KHz)
                           KHz)                                  KHz)
     1                      -24                                   -24                     -24
     2         18.8         -24       42.8                        -24                     -24
     3         14.4        -24.2      38.6        17.4           -24.2      41.6         -24.2           41.6
     4         11.2        -24.4      35.6        14.2           -24.4      38.6         -24.4           38.6
     5          8.8        -24.5      33.3        11.8           -24.5      36.3         -24.5           36.3

    The SatPaq’s power levels are also substantially below the FCC’s EIRP spectral density limit for earth station on
vessels (ESVs). Section 25.204(h) of the FCC’s rules specifies the limit of EIRP spectral density towards the radio
horizon – for an ESV along the horizon the limit is 17 dBW/1 MHz or -7 dBW/ 4 KHz. A SatPaq’s maximum power
density in any direction is 9 - 36 dBW, or -24 dBW/4 KHz – some 17 dB below the limit.
    Because the antenna is so small, increments of 0.1 degree would be in the measurement noise. Table A-2
therefore shows increments of 1 degree off-axis up to 10 degrees.


  6          6.8       -24.6      31.4       9.8        -24.6       34.4         -24.6          34.4
  7          5.3       -24.7      30.0       8.2        -24.7       32.9         -24.7          32.9
  8          5.3       -24.8      30.1       6.7        -24.8       31.5         -24.8          31.5
  9.2        5.3       -24.9      30.2       5.4        -24.9       30.3         -24.9          30.3
  10         4.3        -25       29.3       4.3         -25        29.3          -25           29.3
  15        -0.1       -25.5      25.4       -0.1       -25.5       25.4         -25.5          25.4
  20        -3.2        -27       23.8       -3.2        -27        23.8          -27           23.8
  25        -5.6       -27.5      21.9       -5.6       -27.5       22.9         -27.5          22.9
  30        -7.6        -28       20.4       -7.6        -28        22.4          -28           22.4
  35        -9.3        -33       23.7       -9.3        -33        23.7          -33           23.7
  40        -10.7       -37       26.3      -10.8        -37        26.2          -37           26.2
  45        -12.0       -41       29.0      -12.0        -41        29.0          -41           29.0
  48        -12.7       -43       30.3      -12.7        -43        30.3          -43           30.3
  50        -12.7       -46       33.3      -12.7        -46        30.3          -46           30.3
  55        -12.7       -56       43.3      -12.7        -56        30.3          -56           30.3
  60        -12.7       -61       48.3      -12.7        -61        30.3          -61           30.3

                    Table A-2 - Compliance with Section 25.218(d) Transmit Mask

With regard to antenna pointing, the SatPaq transmitter will be activated only when it is within 15

degrees of the required pointing angle to the satellite. The SatPaq will use the many sensors in the

smartphone (e.g. its GPS coordinates and bearing) to enable activation/deactivation of the SatPaq

transmitter. A SatPaq transmission will be disabled within 100 msec. if this pointing angle envelope is

ever exceeded. The transmission can be quickly enabled again (and the message resumed) once the

SatPaq is pointing back to the desired direction. This process is fast enough to permit mobile operation

of the SatPaq for many consumer recreation activities (e.g., hiking, boating, and horse-back riding)

without causing any compromising interference to satellites.

A.7.2          Concurrent Transmitters

The SatPaq operates under Section 25.218(d) for the return path signal. This regulation defines the

transmit mask (dBW in 4 KHz) for all operations. Since we are operating with DSSS spread spectrum,

we are subject to the 10 Log (N) factor with N being the number of concurrent transmitters.

The return path is spread over a signal 8 MHz wide. This provides a 33 dB reduction in power spectral

density, compared to the original signal EIRP of 9 dBW – or the transmit mask floor moves to -24 dBW

(4 KHz). See Figure A-3.


                                 Figure A-3    47 CFR 25.218(d) Compliance

Figure A-3 above shows the FCC transmit mask associated with small antennas for C Band (black line,

labeled FCC). We show first the simple gain pattern of our quad patch antenna with a peak power of 9

dBW (blue line, the top line). Then, we show the repositioning of this quad patch gain line down to a

tangent point below the FCC mask via the spreading of the signal (red and blue line). This allows us to

determine the number of concurrent transmitters inclusive of a 15 degree pointing angle error, for any


The number of concurrent transmitters can be determined starting with the floor PSD (-24 dBW (4 KHz))

and computing the number N where the total, co-channel simultaneous density approaches but stays


below the transmit mask. One can see that this new limit is now about 20 dB higher. It is essentially the

same result as Table A-2. Therefore, the equation is:

                                     N = Floor (10 (20/10) )

                       or N = 100 (or so) simultaneous, co-frequency transmitters.

Approximately one hundred SatPaqs can transmit on each channel and stay below the 47 CFR
25.218(d) transmit mask.

Therefore, Higher Ground will operate with no more than 100 concurrent SatPaq transmitters at a given
frequency to ensure interference protection to other satellites.

A.8            Interference Protection to Point-to-Point Microwave

A.8.1          Protection from SatPaq Uplink Interference

A.8.1.1        Introduction

Higher Ground has developed a robust interference protection regime to ensure SatPaqs will not cause

harmful interference to PtP operations. This is achievable due to the sufficient frequency, spatial, and

satellite diversity available at C band frequencies. As explained below, each PtP receiver in the band

will be assigned a Protection Zone, wherein SatPaqs will be subject to heightened interference

protection requirements to ensure no harmful interference to a PtP receiver. The process is explained


The earth is a wonderful attenuator at microwave frequencies. Therefore, signals at C band that travel

beyond the PtP receiver antenna will stop either at the point where the signal hits a hill or at the

curvature of the earth. See Figure A-4.


                    Figure A-4     Line of Sight Graphic for Microwave Communications

The limiting distance for line-of-sight communications like microwave communications is defined by the


                                   Radio Horizon (mi) = SQRT of (2 x Height)

          where: the Height (ft.) is the sum of the antenna tower + height above sea level

By way of example, the height of a PtP transmit tower might be on the order of 50 feet on top of a 300

foot (or so) hill. This would define a maximum communications range of about 26.5 mi to a sea level

receiver. One would add 2.8 miles to this number because a SatPaq will typically be held 4 feet above

the earth.4

We can now define a Receiver Acceptance Cone (RAC). Note that one interferes with receivers, not

transmitters. So the receiver side of the microwave PtP link is the only acceptance cone at issue. The

receiver side is shown with a red dot throughout the document.

The RAC is the physical zone in which a third-party transmitter might interfere with the PtP receiver (see

Figure A-5). The maximum communications range for a PtP transmission is the distance (D).5 The

length of the triangle (D) is defined at microwave frequencies by the PtP transmitter antenna’s height

above sea level (H) and the curvature of the earth. The angle of this triangle is defined by the PtP

receiver antenna characteristics. PtP microwave antennas are typically two or three meters in diameter,

    Should the SatPaq be more than 4 ft. above ground, then the distance D would be appropriately increased.
    The back lobe circle around the receiver is addressed in Section A-8.1.6.


which defines a 1.7 degree (or less) acceptance angle (3 dB), although ULS contains information

regarding smaller or larger receiver dishes and this data will be accounted for as well.

                                   Figure A-5 - Receiver Acceptance Cone

A.8.1.2           Protection Zones

To make the process failsafe, a substantial safety factor is added to the physical RAC. This results in a

much larger triangle called the Protection Zone. See Figure A-6 below. Whereas the typical angle of

receiver acceptance for a typical microwave dish is 2 degrees, we will define our protection acceptance

angle to be ten times larger and set it at 20 degrees (1/18 of a 360 degree circle). Whereas the typical

microwave link has a communications distance of 20 to 30 miles, we will define our exclusion zone

triangle to be twice as long and set it at 50 miles long (or longer if necessary6). Therefore, a typical

Protection Zone will have an area of approximately 435 square miles or ((3.14) * ((502)/(18)) 7 as

compared to the area of the Receiver Acceptance Cone, just 16 square miles.

    Extreme differences in antenna height may require the computation of a longer triangle.
    Plus the Close Proximity Circle (See A.8.1.6) around the receiver.


                                   Figure A-6 - Protection Zone

A.8.1.3        Use of the FCC ULS Database

The FCC ULS database is the authority for identifying PtP operations in the C band. From this

database, we can determine the location and orientation of each PtP receiver, and identify a RAC – and

a Protection Zone – for each receiver. When this ULS data is combined with real-time location

information from a SatPaq seeking to transmit, the SatPaq system has all the information necessary to

prevent any harmful interference to PtP operations.

The SatPaq network will maintain an updated, relevant subset of the ULS database pertaining to C

band, Fixed Service PtP licensed pairs and applicant pairs, including the coordinate locations/orientation

of PtP receivers, the frequencies of the PtP, and its antenna height, height above mean sea level, and

receiver polarization.


Thus, when a SatPaq initiates its request to transmit and submits its geocoordinates, Higher Ground’s

algorithm will analyze the ULS dataset for nearby PtP operations and determine the appropriate

frequency for transmission. Just as with cellular communications, the SatPaq network will direct the

SatPaq to a channel that will not cause harmful interference with another operator. This will be

accomplished via a look-up table.8 The look-up table, or a portion of it, may be off-loaded to the

SatPaq, enabling the SatPaq to identify and select a suitable frequency to request transmission with

SatPaq Network Control. At all times, SatPaq Network Control will ensure that the database is updated

to ensure PtP operations are properly accounted for.

This SatPaq network system is the self-coordination process.

Any error in the FCC ULS database would manifest as if the coordination process was not completely

coordinated. The statistics showing how this error still never rises to an interference level that could be

considered harmful is documented in Section A.8.1.8.

A.8.1.4          Initial Synchronization Process

Our satellites will send out a regular, repeating broadcast on the SatPaq hailing frequency at 3702.5

MHz (downlink) (alternate, pre-arranged frequencies are possible too). This broadcast accomplishes

the following: a) it provides frequency and timing symbols to decode the direct sequence spread

spectrum signal (forward path communications); and b) it informs the SatPaq how to respond. A

SatPaq will initially transmit to the satellite using the designated hailing frequency 5927.5 MHz (uplink)

(or an alternate, pre-arranged frequency), providing its geocoordinates. The SatPaq network will use

the ULS database look-up table to direct the SatPaq to operate on frequencies that do not interfere with

nearby PtP operations. This process of initial synchronization is outlined in Figure A-5 below.

    The look-up table will have been prepared (and updated) in advance of the SatPaq communications.


                                        Figure A-7 - How it Works

When a SatPaq requests service by transmitting on the 5927.5 MHz hailing frequency (or an alternate,

pre-arranged frequency), it will send along its current geocoordinates. From the coordinates, the

SatPaq network will now make some decisions. It will need to evaluate:

       •   which frequency channel to assign to not interfere with any nearby PtP transmitters

           (determined via data from the ULS Look-up Table);

       •   how many simultaneous, co-frequency SatPaq’s can be scheduled to talk to stay below the

           Section 25.218(d) transmit mask (in one satellite receiving beam);

       •   which is the better satellite (Pacific or Atlantic) for the SatPaq to use.

This assignment (the channel, the satellite and the assignment to talk) is then established.


A.8.1.5           Hailing Frequency

The 5927.5 MHz frequency is the primary hailing frequency for uplink transmissions. This frequency is

at the center frequency of the 5925-5930 MHz segment of the C band; a low-bandwidth, lightly-used

channel. According to the ULS database, there are 18 PtP links active today in the entire United States

between 5925.1 and 5930 MHz.

     XMTR         Freq.       XMTR       Pol.     Total Elev.(ft)      RCV         Total      Point        Radio
    Call Sign                Bearing                                 Bearing     Elev. (ft)   North?    Horizon (mi)
WCE217           5928.75      123.5       V            518            303.5        548         Yes           7.8
WGF58             5927.5        24        V                            204                     No
WLR549           5926.25       328        H                            148                     No
WLW366           5926.25       62.5       H                           242.5                    No
WMM923            5927.5       18.5       V                           198.5                    No
WMM923            5927.5      124.4       V            1450           304.4        1335        Yes          15.2
WMQ211            5927.5      305.3       V                           125.3
WMQ270            5927.5      240.2       V            1157            62.2         55         Yes          46.9
WMQ536            5927.5       63.9       V                           243.9                    No
WMQ660            5927.5      247.7       H            430             67.7        555         Yes          15.8
WMQ660            5927.5      349.6       H                           169.6                    No
WPNJ399          5926.25       54.9       V                           234.9                    No
WMQ811            5927.5        6.6       V                           186.6                    No
WMR809            5926.5      192.9       V            1329            12.9        1050        Yes          23.6
WNTJ326          5928.75      248.5       V                            68.5                    No
WPNJ518           5926.5      174.1       V            486            354.1        450         Yes           8.5
WPTD331         5929.575       96.8       V            330            276.8        350         Yes           6.3
WQKZ948          5928.75      162.2       H            450            342.2        690         Yes          21.9

          Table A-3 - Active PtP Microwave Links between 5925.01 MHz and 5930.0 MHz (US)

From the northern hemisphere to communicate with a geosynchronous satellite, the SatPaq must be

pointed in a southerly direction to the equatorial plane, where the geosynchronous satellites reside. Of

these 18 links, only 8 have receivers that point in a northerly direction. Thus, if the PtP receiver

exclusion zone points south, there is no possibility that the SatPaq can interfere with the PtP link.9

    Except for within the Close Proximity Circle (see A.8.1.6) surrounding the 18 PtP receiver (within 3.9 miles) at
which frequency diversity would be employed.


Each SatPaq will have a look-up table of the Protection Zones associated with these 8 south-facing PtP

receivers. 10 For these eight zones, the SatPaq Network Control may direct the SatPaq to only one of

our satellites to ensure no interference. But, in all cases, the SatPaq network either will find some

communications path to our satellite without causing harmful interference to the nearby PtP receiver or

will not allow SatPaq transmissions.

A.8.1.6           Close Proximity Circle to PtP Receivers

Higher Ground has also accounted for a protected area behind and to the side of a PtP receiver to

ensure that the SatPaq will never cause harmful interference – even at very close proximity. We do this

by analyzing first the typical received signal noise power of a PtP receiver and then maintaining the

SatPaq signal level far below that noise floor.

With an assumption of a high performance receiver (6 dB NF), we add 6 dB for additional noise

immunity. For our 8 MHz BW signal (69 dB), that means that the received noise power in 8 MHz is:

           Target Interference Power = -174 + 69 + 6 - 6 = -105 dbm

We can now compute the stand-off distance (D) behind the PtP receiver for where the SatPaq power is

the same noise power as the Boltzman (natural) noise. For the antenna gain behind the PtP dish, we

will use Gr = -40 dBi per Figure A-6.

     Updates will be sent to the SatPaq to keep this list current.


For Pn = -105 dBm; EIRP = 39 dBm; and Gr = - 40 dBi; λ = 0.05 meter; the behind-the-dish stand-off

distance (D) = 630 meters. For the sidelobes, Pn = -105 dBm, EIRP = 39 dBm; Gr = -20 dBi; λ = 0.05

meter; and the side stand-off distance (D) = 6300 meters (3.9 miles).

This means that the transmission of a SatPaq signal from any distance greater than 630 meters behind

the dish and/or 6300 meters to the side will be 6 dB or more below the Boltzmann (natural) noise floor.

                Figure A-8    Gain Pattern for Typical (2 meter) PtP Microwave Dish

This defines a key-hole shaped transmit mask with a 6300 meter (3.9 mile), no-transmit circle around

the antenna (the Close Proximity Circle) and then a Protection Zone triangle along the acceptance

bearing. See (once again) Figure A-6.

A.8.1.7        Diversity Techniques

In order for a SatPaq to possibly interfere with a PtP receiver, there must be an overlap in

frequency/polarization, and the SatPaq must look down the throat of a PtP microwave receiver horn or

be in very close proximity. As described above, the SatPaq network will typically use frequency


diversity to assign the SatPaq to another frequency if there is a possibility of interference to a PtP

receiver within a Protection Zone. There are several additional communications tools that can be put in

place to avoid any risk of interfering as well. 11 In addition to frequency diversity, there are also satellite

(or orientation) diversity and polarization diversity. We focus here on satellite diversity. Polarization

diversity involves switching to the opposite antenna diversity to reduce coupling, a common technique.

With regard to satellite diversity, the SatPaq system will operate initially with three geosynchronous

satellites. There will always be one geosynchronous satellite in the westerly direction and one in the

easterly direction to handle occlusions from mountains. The SatPaq Network Control will select the

likely best available satellite

based on location. Then, if this

direction does not provide a good

signal because of the occlusion,

the SatPaq Network Control will

orient the SatPaq to the

appropriate azimuth for the other


We can switch to another

azimuth angle whenever there is                Figure A-9 - Azimuth Angles due to Satellite Diversity
a potential interference to a PtP

link within a Protection Zone. This change will likely provide a 40 to 60 degree difference in azimuth

look angle. See Figure A-9.

Let’s look at several maps with some real PtP link data. We will further explain the geometry and the

Go/No-go decision making process. In Figures A-10 through A-13 below, the red dots are PtP receivers

and the green squares are PtP transmitters. The red dots also represent the Close Proximity Circles.

     The SatPaq network will use frequency diversity whenever a SatPaq is within 3.9 miles of any PtP receiver (the
Close Proximity Circle). The SatPaq Network Control will select either frequency or satellite diversity whenever a
SatPaq is inside the Protection Zone of a north-facing PtP receiver.


Figures A-10 and A-11 show the position and orientation of PtP links in the Sierra Foothills in CA. Note

that there are few PtP links in this rural area. Finding a frequency and bearing that will work in the hills

and mountains is quite easy. In Figure A-10, if the SatPaq initially targets the Pacific satellite, there

could be risk of interference to a PtP link at 5974 MHz. So, we would classify this as a No-go situation

at 5974 MHz. Or, using satellite diversity, targeting the Atlantic satellite would pose no risk of

interference at 5974 MHz. Figure A-11 shows that switching to 5945 MHz would then be a Go condition

for both the Pacific and Atlantic satellites.

                          Figure A-10 - 5974 MHz near Jackson, CA


                                                                                             Figure A-11 -
                                                                                              PtP links at
                                                                                            5945 MHz near
                                                                                             Jackson, CA

Figures A-12 and A-13 show the position and orientation of PtP links in a major metropolitan area near

San Francisco (not the likely use case for the SatPaq). Even in an area of this high density, it is still not

difficult to identify a channel that will guarantee no interference to the PtP links. Figure A-12 shows a

situation with real PtP links at 5945 MHz for the SF Bay Area. A SatPaq could transmit in a westerly

direction to a Pacific satellite and there would be zero possibility of interference. However, if the SatPaq

were assigned to the Atlantic satellite, there would be a possibility of interference at 5945 MHz. So,

SatPaq transmissions would be moved to another channel; in Figure A-13, to 5974 MHz.


     Figure A-12 -
      5945 MHz
      near Palo
       Alto, CA

     Figure A-13 -
       5974 MHz
       near Palo
        Alto, CA


In Figure A-14, we show an example of choosing satellite diversity. Here, a switch to the East Coast

satellite (on this same 5974 MHz channel) can be confidently computed by using the antenna gain

parameters of both the PtP receiving antenna (Gr) and the gain of the SatPaq antenna (Gt).

In this case, the SatPaq is located in a Protection Zone which then requires additional detailed analysis.

But, the receiving antenna gain is down 30 dB with the SatPaq position 9 degrees off of PtP bore-sight

and, in addition, the transmit antenna gain is down 30 dB when the SatPaq points at Galaxy 3C

(azimuth 142 degrees).

Using the stand-off equation of Section A.8.1.6, we can compute the stand-off distance for any

interfering signal to not be of concern (or less than 6 dB below the Boltzman noise floor). For

Pn = -105 dBm; EIRP = 39 dBm; and Gr = - 30 dBi; Gt = -30 dBI; λ = 0.05 meter; the stand-off distance

is 63 meters. In this case, the SatPaq is 40 miles away, far greater than 63 meters and not of concern.

                               Figure A-14 - Satellite Diversity


The SatPaq Network Control will make the choice of frequency diversity, satellite diversity, or

polarization diversity by selecting the minimal potential for harmful interference. Since the data are

time-invariant, the analysis can be completed prior and stored in a look-up table (with PtP information

updated regularly).

A.8.1.8           Statistical Ceiling of Interference

Section A.8.1.2 above explains our process for self-coordination via Protection Zones. This self-

coordination process will work extremely well to ensure that there is no interference to PtP operators.

But in addition to the analysis above, the following statistical analysis demonstrates just how low the risk

of interference really is to PtP operations.

To do so, we compute the potential for interference to PtP operations in a hypothetical, completely

random (un-coordinated) process. Of course that will not occur. But it is a mathematically useful worst-

case analysis to demonstrate just how low the threat of interference is.

Herein, we compute the time between two instances of interferences to a single PtP receiver. This will

set the ceiling of interference from hypothetical un-coordinated communications. Self-coordination can

never be worse than this ceiling number and will be significantly better. But using this statistical

analysis, we show that this worst-case measurement of time between interference to a single PtP

receiver will never rise to a level of interference that one could call harmful.

For this calculation, we shall assume that there are 1 million SatPaqs in use, 12 each SatPaq sends five

messages per month (2 seconds each), 13 and there are 10,000 active, north-facing PtP receivers. 14

There are also 3.8 million square miles for the entire US. 15

     Someday we hope to have 1 million SatPaqs in use.
     This number is based in part on a USDA report, “Outdoor Recreation in American Life,” which provides
information on the number of days Americans engage in outdoor recreational activities. See USDA Forest Service
Southern Research Station, Outdoor Recreation in American Life (1999).
     Total number of active PtP links divided by two to account for just the north-facing receivers.
     United States: Country Overview, Location and Size available at


To estimate the extent of interference caused by SatPaqs to PtP receivers, we will calculate below an

approximate average time interval between a random occurrence of interference at a given PtP receiver

and a second occurrence of interference at that same PtP receiver. This time interval is the reciprocal

of the product: [(Message Rate) x P(Interference)]. Message Rate is the average number of messages

per unit time when interference occurs, and, P(Interference) is the probability that SatPaqs would cause

interference to a PtP receiver.

P(Interference) can also be interpreted as the probability that one or more SatPaqs would be pointing to

a PtP receiver’s RAC. Let’s divide the country into RAC bins. The number of RAC bins in the country is

(3.8e6 square miles total area)/(16 square miles area for one RAC) = 237,500.

P(Interference) = (Probability that there are 1 or more SatPaqs in a RAC) * (Probability that a SatPaq is

pointing toward a PtP receiver) * (Probability that there would be a PtP Receiver in a RAC bin) =

(“SatPaq Probability”) * (“Pointing Probability”) * (“PtP Rx Probability”). Let’s calculate these 3


There are 1 million SatPaqs and 237,500 RAC bins. The average number of SatPaqs in a RAC bin

(“Density”) is 1e6/237,500= 4.21. Hence, (Probability that there are 1 or more SatPaqs in a RAC) =

SatPaq Probability= 1.0.

The probability of an interfering SatPaq pointing correctly is an angle of 30 degrees out of 360 degrees

(30/360) or 0.083.16 Hence, (Probability that a SatPaq is pointing toward a PtP receiver) = Pointing

Probability = 0.083.

Finally, let’s determine the probability that there is at least one PtP receiver in a RAC bin. (Should there

be no PtP receivers in the bin, there is then no possibility of interference.) This number is the number of

north-facing receivers divided by the number of RAC bins (10,000 / 237,500) or 0.042. Hence,

(Probability that there would be a PtP Receiver in a RAC bin) = PtP Rx Probability = 0.042.

     This number comes from the worst case pointing error of +- 15 degrees (see Section A.7.2)


Thus, the probability of a SatPaq causing interference to a PtP receiver when there is at least one

SatPaq in that RAC bin, P(Interference), is the multiplication of SatPaq Probability x Pointing Probability

x PtP Rx Probability or:

                           P (Interference) = 1.0 x 0.083 x 0.042 or 0.003486

We now compute the average rate at which the messages are transmitted in a RAC bin. This rate,

Message Rate, is [(Average Number of SatPaqs in a bin or “Density”)* ((Message Rate of one SatPaq)]

= [(4.21)* (5/(30x24x3600))] or [4.21 SatPaqs* 1.9e-6 msgs/second for one SatPaq] = 8e-6

msgs/second. Call this “Message Rate.”

Hence, an approximate average time interval between a random interference at a single PtP receiver

followed by the second interference at that same PtP receiver, as mentioned above, is 1/[: (Message

Rate) x (P(Interference))] or Time Interval between Interference Occurrences = 1 / (8e-6 x 0.003486) or

about 35 million seconds. This equates to 405 days or about 13 months.

In summary: with complete un-coordination there would be one 2-second message occurrence every

13 months to a single PtP receiver if there are one million SatPaqs. This is the ceiling number. This

says that if the self-coordination process was ineffectual and/or if the data in the ULS database was

completely inaccurate, the time between interference from a million SatPaqs to a single PtP receiver

would be 13 months. Self-coordination will (of course) provide a robust interference protection regime.

But this analysis serves to demonstrate that even in an un-coordinated scenario, the SatPaq simply

would not cause harmful interference.

A.8.1.9        Cognitive Sharing of Frequencies

Here we explain the mathematics to determine the number of independent channels needed so that a

non-overlapping channel can be found.

Statistical analysis can be used to find the number of channels needed to maintain a certain level of

performance. We will use for this analysis our standard Protection Zone with a 50-mile length triangle

and a 20-degree acceptance cone.

In order for a SatPaq (in the Northern Hemisphere) to communicate with a geosynchronous satellite, it

will need to be pointed southwards toward the satellite. Therefore, only PtP receiver acceptance cones

that are north-facing (one half) warrant review. 17

Of these 50%, only those whose 20-degree Protection Zone cone lines up with the SatPaq to satellite

vector will pick up the SatPaq transmission. Again because of uniform distribution, each 20-degree

orientation slot is a 1/18 probability. The total probability of interference is then 1/18 times 1/2 or 1/36.

                  The probability of a non-overlapping transmission is 1 minus the probability of a
                  problematic transmission or (1 - 1/36) or 35/36. The probability of a non-overlapping
                  transmission in the presence of two PtP receivers is (35/36) x (35/36) or (35/36)2. To
                  transmit safely on a channel with R number of receivers, the probability is (35/36)R.

                  Or for given R, the probability (P) of a success (non-overlapping transmit) is Ps=(35/36)R.
                  The probability that the SatPaq transmission would cause interference to one or more
                  PtP receivers (i.e. the probability of failure if we have only one channel that is shared) is
                  Pf = (1-Ps).

Now let’s discuss the concept of N multiple channels (or frequencies). If instead of one channel with R

receivers, there are two channels each with R receivers, then the chance of a successful (non-

overlapping) transmission is higher.

                  This is the same as doing two trials independently. Mathematically it’s the same if we
                  reshuffled the receivers and checked again if we were still non-overlapping (binomial
                  distribution). At least one of these trials needs to work. The probability of at least one of
                  the two trials succeeding is the sum of the probability that both succeeded and the
                  probability that only one succeeded. All we need is at least one trial (channel) to work
                  and it can happen multiple ways so the probabilities are summed.

          For 2 Channels

                                P(at least one success)=           Ps2       +    2*PsPf
                                        (both succeed)         (only one works)

     For simplicity, we will use the Close Proximity Circle around each PtP receivers (North and South) as a no-
transmit zone; irrespective of the SatPaq transmit orientation, although finer calculations could show otherwise.


          The second term is multiplied by 2 because a) either the first channel could work and the second
          will not OR b) the first will not work and the second could. This comes from N choose K; where
          N is number of channels and K is how many we want to work successfully.

          For 3 Channels

          For 3 channels, we need either all three to work, two to work or one to work. All these
          probabilities need to be summed up and multiplied by the appropriate N choose K coefficient.
          (There are 3 ways only two of the three could work and 3 ways only 1 of the 3 could work.)

                                P(at least one success)= Ps3 + 3*Ps2 *Pf + 3*Ps*Pf2

Now let’s discuss the concept of receiver density. The receiver density determines how many PtP

receivers are within the 50 mile circle around the SatPaq. The 50 mile radius has an area of

approximately 7850 square miles. This area, multiplied by the likely PtP density,18 gives the

number of receivers in the area - we call this R. From analyzing the ULS database, a typical value for

R is about three PtP receivers sharing the same channel in this 50 mile radius region. To be

conservative, we will double this. This zone is highlighted in yellow.

                                  N=1                N=2                 N=3                N=4
          P (ok to xmit)          0.844              0.975               0.996              0.999
          for R = 6
          P (ok to xmit)          0.798              0.959               0.992              0.998
          for R = 8
          P (ok to xmit)          0.754              0.939               0.985              0.996
          for R = 10
          Table A-4 - Probability of Successful Communications using Frequency Diversity

From this data it shows that with only two channels to choose from, the SatPaq could find a non-

interfering channel over 90% of the time. In an area of higher density, it may make sense to go to three

channels. It does not take too many additional channels to build a high confidence of communications.

     There are approximately 20,000 active PtP receivers. There are 3.8 million square miles in the US. Half of the
PtP receivers are pointed north and there are 8 PtP (mainly 30 MHz) channels. Therefore, the typical PtP channel
density is 0.0004 per square mile.


Not included in this calculation is the SatPaq ability to operate in an orthogonal polarization to avoid any

interference. This improvement will also greatly increase the probabilities.

A.8.2          Protection from Satellite Downlink Interference

The SatPaq network complies with FCC and ITU power flux density limits designed to protect the

terrestrial PtP radio links from downlink interference. See 47 C.F.R. § 25.208(c). A table of compliance

for each of the three initial geosynchronous satellites (Galaxy 12, Galaxy 3c, and Galaxy 19) is provided

in Tables A-5, A-6 and A-7.

We may choose to increase the forward EIRP, but will in all cases stay below the PFD mask.

        Digital Carrier (250KG2D)
        Elevation Angle (deg.)        0        5           10     15       20       25       90

        EIRP (dBW)                   27       27           27     27       27       27       27
        Occupied BW (KHz)            250      250          250    250      250      250      250
        D/L EIRP Density             9.0      9.0          9.0    9.0      9.0      9.0      9.0
        (dBW/4 KHz)
        Spreading Loss              163.4    163.3     163.2     163.0    162.9    162.8    162.1
        Max. PFD (dB/m2/4           -152.4   -152.3   -152.2     -152.0   -151.9   -151.8   -151.1
        PFD Limit                   -152     -152     -149.5     -147     -144.5   -142     -142
        Margin (dB)                  2.4      2.3          4.7    7.0      9.4     11.8     11.1
                      Table A-5 - Power Flux Density Calculations for Galaxy 12

        Digital Carrier (250KG2D)
        Elevation Angle (deg.)        0        5           10     15       20       25       90

        EIRP (dBW)                   27       27           27     27       27       27       27
        Occupied BW (KHz)            250      250          250    250      250      250      250
        D/L EIRP Density             9.0      9.0          9.0    9.0      9.0      9.0      9.0
        (dBW/4 KHz)


       Spreading Loss              163.4    163.3     163.2     163.0    162.9    162.8    162.1
       Max. PFD (dB/m2/4           -152.1   -152.0   -151.1     -151.0   -150.9   -150.8   -150.1
       PFD Limit                   -152     -152     -149.5     -147.0   -144.5   -142     -142
       Margin (dB)                  2.4      2.3          4.7    7.0      9.4     11.8     11.1
                     Table A-6 - Power Flux Density Calculations for Galaxy 3c

       Digital Carrier (250KG2D)
       Elevation Angle (deg.)        0        5           10     15       20       25       90

       EIRP (dBW)                   27       27           27     27       27       27       27
       Occupied BW (KHz)            250      250          250    250      250      250      250
       D/L EIRP Density             9.0      9.0          9.0    9.0      9.0      9.0      9.0
       (dBW/4 KHz)
       Spreading Loss              163.4    163.3     163.2     163.0    162.9    162.8    162.1
       Max. PFD (dB/m2/4           -152.4   -152.3   -152.2     -152.0   -151.9   -151.8   -151.1
       PFD Limit                   -152     -152     -149.5     -147.0   -144.5   -142     -142
       Margin (dB)                  2.4      2.3          4.7    7.0      9.4     11.8     11.1
                     Table A-7 - Power Flux Density Calculations for Galaxy 19

A.9           Radiation Hazard Analysis

The study in this section analyzes the potential RF human exposure levels that could result from the

Electro Magnetic (EM) fields of a Higher Ground 5.9 GHz Quad Patch antenna, operating with a

maximum power at the antenna connector of 1 Watt. The mathematical analysis performed below

complies with the methods described in the FCC’s Office of Engineering and Technology, Evaluating

Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields:

Additional Information for Amateur Radio Stations, Supplement B to OET Bulletin 65 (Ed. 97-01, Nov.

1997) (“OET-65”).


OET-65 defines “mobile devices” as transmitting devices designed to be used in other than fixed

locations. The SatPaq is a general population (consumer) product that fits this definition.

Mobile devices are to be evaluated with respect to the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits

defined in Section 1.1310 of the FCC rules:

           For frequencies above 1500 MHz and for the general population:

               •    Uncontrolled Exposure Limit: 1.0 mW/cm2 – averaged over 30 minutes (defined by

                    device duty cycle).

               •    Furthermore, mobile devices must be used in such a way that the separation distance of

                    at least 20 cm is normally maintained between the transmitter’s radiating structure and

                    the body of the user or nearby person.

The SatPaq has a maximum RF power out of the amplifier of 1 watt. The maximum antenna gain for

the transmit antenna (far-field) is 9 dBi.19 This means that the maximum EIRP of the SatPaq in any

direction is 9 dBW.

The SatPaq’s lithium power cell defines the device duty cycle. The battery can only source high current

for peak pulses of duration 5 seconds or less. Thereafter, the battery cannot provide high current for the

next 5 seconds. This 50% peak duty cycle limit will be managed via microcomputer control for the

device. In normal use, SatPaqs are expected to average approximately 5 messages by satellite per


In addition, the SatPaq has an inherent 20 cm, break-beam infrared sensor on the antenna. If any

obstruction is within 20 cm from the antenna, the transmit beam will be immediately turned off.

Now we compute the power density at the minimal distance. The equation is shown below.

     This analysis is performed for the far field region (2D /λ) only because with an antenna this small (5 cm x 5 cm), the far field
19                                                         2

region begins very close to the antenna itself and certainly within the limits appropriate to Maximum Permissible Exposure.


                   S (mw/cm2)= (EIRP) / 4* pi * R2 * Duty Cycle

                         S = ((7.9) / ( 4 * 3.14 * 400)) * 0.5

At the minimal distance of = 20 cm, the field strength is 0.78 mw/cm2. This is below the limit of 1


The following parameters were used in the calculation:

             Input Parameter                       Value             Unit                 Notes
   Antenna Size                                    5x5                cm
   Antenna Transmit Gain                             9                dBi
   Transmit Frequency                            5.9 to 6.4          GHz
   Power Input to the Antenna                        1               Watts
   EIRP (dBW)                                        9               dBW
   EIRP (watts)                                     7.9              watts
   Max. Device Duty Cycle (TDMA)                    50                %               Over 10 sec.


Document Created: 2015-06-15 16:45:32
Document Modified: 2015-06-15 16:45:32

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