Attachment RF Radiation Exhibit

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20150612-00353 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                              RF RADIATION HAZARD ANALYSIS
                                                        Exhibit #B

Antenna Diameter, (D) =                               1.5 meters /           4.9215 Feet
Antenna Surface Area (Sa) =                       1.7671 sq meters
Subreflector Diameter (Ds) =                      0.0000 centimeters
Ku Wavelength at 14.250 GHz (LAMBDA) =        0.21038067 meters
Power output of VPC Flange=                       27.782 dB
Path Loss to OMT (IL) =                               0.6 dB
Power at OMT, (P) =                               522.58 Watts
Antenna Gain at 14.250GHz (G) =                    45.00 dBi (2 port antenna gain)
Antenna Gain given in Power Ration, (Ges) =     3.16E+04
Antenna Aperture Efficiency (N) =                  0.650

Region                                                                 Radition Level           Hazard Assessment
Far Field, (Rf) =        6.417 meters /           21.05 Feet           3193.637 mW/cm sq        Potential Hazard
Near Field, (Wf) =       2.674 meters /           8.772 Feet           76.887       mW/cm sq    Potential Hazard
Transition Region (Rt)                                                 equal to or less than
       Ru<Rt<Rf                                                        76.887       mW/cm sq    Potential Hazard
Between Main Reflector                                                 N/A (no subreflector)
and Subreflector (Ws)
Main Reflector Region (Wm)                                             59.144        mW/cm sq   Potential Hazard
Power Density Between Reflector                                        29.572        mW/cm sq   Potential Hazard
       and Ground
Far Field Off Axis (WF)                                                31.936        mW/cm sq   Potential Hazard
Near Field Off Axis (WN)                                               0.769         mW/cm sq   Meets ANSI Requirements

Conclusion: Based on the above analysis, harmful areas of Radiation do exist in the areas around the antenna and in the
path of the antenna toward the satellite that it is pointed at. The Area occupied by the general public will not exceed the
ANSI limit of 1mW cm sq. because the antenna is mounted on top of the truck, which is at least 8 feet above the ground,
and safety increases with look angles used by the Satellites in the United States on Dom. Sat. arch. The areas on the
ground and behind the antenna are 100 times less power (20dB) when at a min. of the dia. of the reflector. This is
reflected in the Off Axis figures as seen above (WF) & (WN). The SNG will be marked with the standard radiation hazard
warnings, and on the antenna itself. The warning signs will warn personnel to avoid the area around and in front of the
reflector when the transmitter is operating. To ensure compliance with safety limits, the earth station transmitter will be
turned off and marked to remain off whenever maintenance and repair personnel are required to work in the areas of
potential hazard as defined in the above study. Additionally, the earth station personnel will be trained to ensure that the
antenna path is clear at all times while the transmitter is in operation. The only access to the roof of the truck is a ladder
that is not accessible by the general public.

Note: See Exhibit #Ba for how the above calculations were made.

                                                                  Exhibit Ba Analysis on Non-Ionizing Radiation

                           Antenna Diameter, (D) =         D: =                         1.5 meters                D*3.281 =    4.922      Feet

                       Antenna Surface Area, (Sa) =       Sa: = p*              D*D                                    Sa =    1.767      sq meters
                      Subreflector Diameter, (Ds) =       Ds: =                           0 cm                    Ds*.3937     0.000      Inches
                        Area of Subreflector, (As) =      As: = p*                                                      As=    0.000      sq meters
                           Center Frequency, (Cf) =       Cf: =                   14.250 GHz
                     Wavelength at (Cf), (Lambda) =       Lambda =       0.2103806709 meters

         Tansmit Power at HPA or VPC Flange, (P1) =       P1=                     600.00 watts
                                                          P2:=log(p1)*10                                                P2=    27.782     dB
           Path Loss from HPA or VPC to OMT, (IL) =       Loss: =                       0.6
                                                          P3:= P2-Loss                                                  P3=    27.182     OMT Pwr in dB
                                                           P:=      10                                                   P=    522.578    OMT Pwr in watts
                      Antenna Gain at (Cf), (Gain) =      Gain: =                     45.00 dBi
     Antenna Gain Converted to Power Ratio (Ges)=         Ges: = 10                                                   Ges =    3.16E+04   Ratio
                  Antenna Aperture Efficiency, (n) =      n: =                    0.6500

                                                                          .60 * (D*D)                                   Rf =   6.417      meters
                                       Far Field (Rf) =    Rf=
                                                                            Lambda                                Rf*3.281=    21.054     feet

                     Far Field Power Density (Wf) =        Wf=                                             * .1        Wf =    3193.637            mw sq cm
                                                                   4*        p *              (Rf*Rf)

                                                                             (D*D)                                      Rn=    2.674      meters
                                     Near Field (Rn) =     Rn=
                                                                           4*Lambda                               Rf*3.281=    8.772      feet

                   Near Field Power Density (Wn) =        Wn=                                              * .1       Wn =     76.887              mw sq cm
                                                                   p*           (D*D)
                                                                                                                                                   mw sq cm
                            Transition Region (Rt) =       Rt =                   Wn*1                                  Rt=    76.887
                                                                                                                                           (Equal to or less than)

                Pwr Density at Sub Reflector (Ws) =       Ws=                                      *1000               Ws =    N/A

          Main Reflector Region Pwr Density (Wm) =        Wm=                   2*P                 *.1               Wm =     59.144              mw sq cm
Pwr Density between main reflector              and                              P
                                                          Wg=                                       *.1               Wg =     29.572              mw sq cm
                                       ground (Wg) =                             Sa
                            Far Field Off Axis (WF) =     WF:=           Wf*.01                                        WF =    31.936              mw sq cm
                         Near Field Off Axis (WN) =       WN:=           Wn*.01                                       WN =     0.769               mw sq cm

Document Created: 2015-03-26 14:32:51
Document Modified: 2015-03-26 14:32:51

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