Attachment Exhibit B

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20150604-00341 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                              HNS License Sub, LLC Application Exhibit B

                                            EXHIBIT B

                                      WAIVER REQUEST

           Pursuant to Section 1.3 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.3, HNS License

    Sub, LLC (“Hughes”) respectfully requests a partial waiver of the data submission

    requirements of Sections 25.115(e) and 25.138(d)-(e) of the Commission’s Rules, 47

    C.F.R. §§ 25.115(e) and 25.138(d)-(e), with respect to some of the information that is

    required to be submitted with applications for 20/30 GHz band fixed-satellite service

    (“FSS”) earth station applications.

           Hughes’ proposed 5.6m, 8.1m, 9.2m and 13.2m earth station antennas will be used to

    provide gateway services for the Jupiter 97W satellite that is scheduled to be launched in

    2016 to the 97.1° W.L. orbital location. Hughes seeks a limited waiver in order to allow the

    processing and grant of authority for its new antennas prior to the submission of certain data

    elements from Section 25.138 that are called for in Section 25.115(e) of the rules. The

    required data is not available to Hughes currently and will not be available until after the first

    of each type of earth station antenna is constructed and ready for operation.    As explained

    below, there is good cause to waive this rule and doing so is consistent with Commission

    precedent – in particular, because Hughes will supply the information required as soon as it is

    able to generate the data.1 Grant of this request will serve the public interest by allowing the

    provision of additional advanced satellite broadband communication services in the United

 The Commission previously granted a similar waiver request. See Satellite Communications
Services Information Re: Actions Taken, Report No. SES-00748, File No. SES-AMD-20050901-
01203 (Sept. 14, 2005) (Public Notice) (granting DirecTV a waiver of Section 25.138 information
requirements). Moreover, when it granted the initial applications under Call Signs E060382 and
E060383 for the TT&C earth station antennas for operation with Hughes’s SPACEWAY 3
satellite, it granted waivers identical to those requested here. See, e.g., License for Call Sign
E060382 at Condition 253.


                                                              HNS License Sub, LLC Application Exhibit B

    States without undermining the purpose of the Commission’s rules.

           Under Section 25.115(e) of the Commission’s rules, applications for FSS earth station

    licenses in the 20/30 GHz bands are required to include the information described in Section

    25.138. Section 25.138(a) specifies GSO FSS earth station antenna off-axis EIRP spectral

    density requirements for transmissions in the 28.35-28.6 GHz and 29.25-30 GHz bands, while

    Section 25.138(d) specifies that a series of measured antenna radiation patterns are to be

    provided for the purpose of determining compliance with the off-axis EIRP density levels in

    Section 25.138(a). Similar data for the receive band is called for in Section 25.138(e). The

    requirements of Sections 25.138(a), (d), and (e) are aimed at ensuring that an earth station

    transmitting to a satellite in the geostationary arc does not cause excessive interference to

    neighboring satellites.2

            A waiver of the Commission’s rules is warranted when “good cause” is shown.3 A

    waiver may be granted if the grant “would not undermine the policy objective of the rule in

    question and would otherwise serve the public interest.”4 Hughes is seeking a partial waiver

    of the obligation to provide with the instant earth station application the information called

    for in Sections 25.138(d) and (e) of the Commission’s rules, and instead to allow Hughes to

 Hughes proposes to operate in the 28.6-29.1 GHz band. While this band is allocated on a primary basis
for non-geostationary fixed-satellite service transmissions in the Earth-to-space direction, Hughes seeks a
waiver of Section 25.138 to include the 28.6-29.1 GHz band in its requested gateway earth station
authorizations. The showings made under this rule with respect to off-axis EIRP limits and Section
25.209 relate to the ability of an earth station to operate successfully in a two-degree spacing
environment. To the extent that Hughes can do this in the 28.6-29.1 GHz band, it should be permitted to
operate its proposed gateway earth stations on a co-equal basis with respect to any other geostationary
networks that are operating in the fixed-satellite service on a secondary basis to non-geostationary
systems in the band.
    47 C.F.R. § 1.3; see also WAIT Radio v. FCC, 418 F.2d 1153, 1157 (D.C. Cir. 1969).
  See EchoStar KuX Corp. Application for Authority to Construct, Launch and Operate a
Geostationary Satellite Using the Extended Ku-band Frequencies in the Fixed-Satellite Service at
the 83° W.L. Orbital Location, Order and Authorization, 20 FCC Rcd 919, ¶ 12 (2004) (Commission
waiver for “good cause shown”).


                                                              HNS License Sub, LLC Application Exhibit B

    provide the required data within 30 days after filing its post-grant certification of earth station

    construction pursuant to Section 25.133(b) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.133(b),

    on the basis that:

       •   the specific new model of antenna specified has not previously been field deployed
           (meaning that the measured data required by Section 25.138(d) of the FCC rules is not
           currently available);

       •   the proposed antennas are not “production” antennas in the mass-production,
           ubiquitous deployment of small terminal sense of the word. Instead, the antenna type
           for which are non-consumer gateway antennas that should be subjected to a different
           level of scrutiny than potentially problematic small antennas targeted for ubiquitous
           deployment to commercial and consumer users;

       •   Hughes will provide currently-unavailable data per the specifications in Sections
           25.138(d) and (e) of the FCC’s rules for each type of antenna within 30 days after
           filing its required certification under Section 25.133(b) of the Commission’s rules for
           completion of construction of the first of each antenna type proposed in this

            Section 25.138(d) specifies that an applicant shall provide, for each earth station

    antenna type, a series of radiation patterns measured on a production antenna performed on a

    calibrated antenna range and, as a minimum, shall be made at the bottom, middle, and top

    frequencies of the 30 GHz band. The radiation patterns are:

                (1) Co-polarized patterns for each of two orthogonal senses of
                polarizations in two orthogonal planes of the antenna.

                         (i) In the azimuth plane, plus and minus 10 degrees and plus and
                         minus 180 degrees.
                         (ii) In the elevation plane, zero to 30 degrees.

                (2) Cross-polarization patterns in the E- and H-planes, plus and minus 10 degrees.

                (3) Main beam gain.5

    Section 25.138(e) imposes similar information requirements for the 20 GHz band

    See 47 C.F.R. § 25.138(d).


                                                             HNS License Sub, LLC Application Exhibit B

    receiving earth station antenna.6

           Under Section 25.115(e) of the Commission’s rules, Hughes is obliged to submit, as

    part of its applications for a Ka-band earth station, measured antenna patterns from a

    production antenna of the type it proposes to deploy. The antennas proposed in this

    application, however, have not been built yet. These ant ennas are not ordinary

    “production” antennas, and measured data for these antenna models, as used in the Hughes

    gateway network, will only be available after the first unit is constructed and tested on site.

            The purpose of the Section 25.115(e) is to ensure that FSS earth station operations in

    the 20/30 GHz frequency band do not subject neighboring satellite networks to harmful

    interference. The available antenna data points to the fact that co-frequency FSS operations of

    adjacent satellites will not be subject to harmful interference. Specifically, interference to

    other GSO FSS satellites will be within the levels permitted by the Commission’s rules, and

    thus the GSO operations of other satellite operators will not be subject to harmful interference.

    Additionally, Hughes will be able to provide the additional data per the specifications in

    Sections 25.138(d) and (e) of the Commission’s rules after each type of antenna is built.

    Moreover, Hughes notes that the gateway service functions for Jupiter 97W can and will meet

    the levels in Section 25.138(a) during all routine operations.

            Furthermore, Section 25.138 was intended to address the licensing of ubiquitously

    deployed production antennas. As correctly noted in another application for licensing of a

    fixed transmit receive earth stations in the 30/20 GHz band, “the wide range of measurement

    parameters specified in the rule was meant to account for the wide range of installation

    possibilities for such mass marketed antennas, and for the fact that not every antenna would be

    See id. § 25.138(e).


                                                              HNS License Sub, LLC Application Exhibit B

    tested after installation.”7 In the instant case, there are only 17 earth stations, and each antenna

    will be used to provide gateway services in support of traffic carried on the new Jupiter 97W

    satellite. The gateway antennas will be very carefully installed and tested – much more so than

    ubiquitously deployed production antennas.

              Finally, grant of the requested waiver is consistent with Commission precedent. The

    Commission granted a similar waiver to Hughes for the large-diameter earth station antennas

    that it uses successfully today with SPACEWAY 3.8 The antenna sidelobe performance of

    the large-diameter antennas proposed in this application is expected to be similar to that of

    other large-diameter Ka-band antennas from the same manufacturer covered under the prior


              Accordingly, Hughes’s request for a partial waiver of the information requirements in

    Sections 25.115(e) and 25.138(d)-(e) in connection with its proposed gateway earth stations

    for Jupiter 97W is fully consistent with the purposes of the underlying rules. Moreover, grant

    of this waiver request will serve the public interest by expanding the range and quality of

    advanced broadband communication services that are available in the United States, including

    in the most rural and remote portions of the country

    See supra n.1.
    See supra n.1.


Document Created: 2015-05-28 16:21:08
Document Modified: 2015-05-28 16:21:08

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