Attachment RadHaz Study

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20150501-00285 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                    The Boeing Company
                    P.O. Box 3707
                    Seattle, WA 98124 2207

This report presents an analysis of the non-ionizing radiation levels for a Viking 3.8 M system.

The calculations used in this analysis were derived from and comply with the procedures outlined in the Federal Communication
Commission, Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin Number 65, which establishes guidelines for human exposure to Radio
Frequency Electromagnetic Fields. Bulletin 65 defines exposure levels in two separate categories, the General
Population/Uncontrolled Areas limits, and the Occupational / Controlled Area limits. The Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limit
of the General Population / Uncontrolled Area is defined in Table (1), and represents a maximum exposure limit averaged over a 30
minute period. The MPE limit of the Occupational / Controlled Area is defined in Table (2), and represents a maximum exposure limit
averaged over a 6 minute period. The purpose of this report is to provide an analysis of the earth station power flux densities, and to
compare those levels to the specified MPE's.

This report provides predicted density levels in the near field, far field, transition region, main reflector surface area, area between the
main reflector and sub reflector or feed assembly, as well as the area between the antenna edge and ground.

                                           MPE Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Area
                                          Frequency Range (MHz)        Power Density (mW/cm2)
                                                1500-100,000                       1.0
                                                                   Table 1
                                           MPE Limits for Occupational/Controlled Area
                                           Frequency Range (MHz)        Power Density (mW/cm2)
                                                 1500-100,000                      5.0
                                                                  Table 2
Table 3 Contains formulas, equations and parameters that were used in determining the Power Flux Density Levels for the Viking 3.8 M









                                                                   Table 3

1. Far Field Analysis

                  The Boeing Company
                  P.O. Box 3707
                  Seattle, WA 98124 2207

1. Far Field Analysis
The distance to the far field can be calculated using the following formula:

The power density in the far field can be calculated using the following formula. Note: this formula requires the use of power
in milliwatts and far field distance in centimeters, or requires a post calculation conversion from W/M2:

2. Near Field Analysis
The extent of the Near Field region can be calculated using the following formula:

The power density of the near field can be calculated using the following formula. Note: this formula requires the use of
power in milliwatts and diameter in centimeters, or requires a post calculation conversion from W/M2:

3. Transition Region Analysis
The transition region extends from the end of the near field out to the beginning of the far field. The power density in the
transition region decreases inversely with distance from the antenna, while power density in the far-field decreases inversely
with the square of the distance. However the power density in the transition region will not exceed the density in the near
field, and can be calculated for any point in the transition region (R), using the following formula. Note: This formula requires
the use of distance in centimeters, or requires a post calculation conversion from W/M2.

4. Main Reflector Surface Analysis
The maximum power density at the antenna surface area can be calculated using the following formula. Note: this formula
requires the use of Power in milliwatts and Area in centimeters squared, or requires a post calculation conversion from W/M2.


5. Subreflector Surface Analysis
The area between the sub reflector and main reflector presents a potential hazard, with the highest density being located at
the sub reflector area. The power density at the sub reflector can be calculated using the following formula. Note: this
formula requires the use of Power in milliwatts and Area in centimeters squared, or requires a post calculation conversion
from W/M2.

6. Power Density between Reflector and Ground Analysis
The power density between the reflector and the ground can be calculated using the following formula. Note: this formula
requires the use of Power in milliwatts and Area in centimeters squared, or requires a post calculation conversion from W/M2.


The Boeing Company
P.O. Box 3707
Seattle, WA 98124 2207

                   412         0.94   Meets Requirements   Meets Requirements

                   172         2.19   Meets Requirements   Potential Hazard

             172   -     412   2.19   Meets Requirements   Potential Hazard

                               3.53   Meets Requirements   Potential Hazard

                               N/A    N/A                  N/A

                                      Meets Requirements   Meets Requirements

Document Created: 2015-02-03 10:28:58
Document Modified: 2015-02-03 10:28:58

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