Attachment Exhibit B 25.222

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20150427-00277 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                    Elite Communication Services, Inc.
                                                                                             Exhibit B
                                                                            Section 25.222 Compliance

       As part of its application for a blanket license to operate a Ku-band VSAT network, Elite
Communication Services, Inc. (“Elite”) seeks to operate 250 stabilized earth station onboard
vessel (“ESV”) terminals. In the following section and associated appendices, Elite certifies that
the proposed ESV terminals, Intellian model v80G antennas, comply with the relevant
requirements of Section 25.222 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.222.

Certification of Compliance with 47 C.F.R. § 25.222

(a)(1): Comply. See Appendix 1 (Declaration of Conformity).

(a)(2): Not applicable.

(a)(3): Not applicable.

(a)(4): Comply. Randy Olman is the U.S. point of contact that has the authority and ability to
cease all emissions from the hub facility located in Opelousas, Louisiana (phone number:
337-331-5644). In addition, the Network Operations Center (“NOC”), located at 102 Deer Tree
Drive, Lafayette LA 70507, is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at phone number
337-761-9708 or email

(a)(5): Comply. These records will be collected and maintained as specified and made available
within 24 hours of a request.

(a)(6): Comply.

(a)(7): Comply. The ESVs will be controlled from the Network Operations Center (“NOC”) at
102 Deer Tree Drive in Louisiana. In addition, the NOC is available 24 hours a day, seven days
a week at phone number 337-761-9708 or email

(a)(8): Not applicable.

(b)(1): Comply. See Appendix 2 (Intellian v80G Tables).

(b)(2): Not Applicable.

(b)(3): Not Applicable.

(b)(4): Comply. See Appendix 3 (Operations Area).

                                                                  Elite Communication Services, Inc.
                                                                                           Exhibit B
                                                                          Section 25.222 Compliance

(b)(5): Comply. Randy Olman is the U.S. point of contact that has the authority and ability to
cease all emissions from the hub facility located in Opelousas, Louisiana (phone number:
337-331-5644). In addition, the Network Operations Center (“NOC”), located at 102 Deer Tree
Drive, Lafayette LA 70507, is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at phone number
337-761-9708 or email

(b)(6): Comply. See Radiation Hazard Report Exhibit.

(c): Comply. See Appendix 4 (Compliance with Section 25.222(c) and (d)).

(d): Comply. See Appendix 4 (Compliance with Section 25.222(c) and (d)).

             Elite Communication Services, Inc.
                                      Exhibit B
                     Section 25.222 Compliance

Appendix 1

                              Elite Communication Services, Inc.
                                                       Exhibit B
                                      Section 25.222 Compliance

        Appendix 2

I. 25.222(b)(1)(i)(A) TABLE

          @/X %) C b/ 7Z, 9                                                                    Intellian v—Series

 Intellian                                                                          -                       m
             wa     ®                                                    Maritime Ku—band VSAT Antenna System
                                                                    Test Report

           14.25GHz @ —20.13 dBW/4kHz                        14.25GHz @ —20.13 dBW/4kHz

       Angle        EIRP SD         Mask                 Angle           EIRP SD        Mask

                     19.47                                                              —2.47
                     19.41                                                              —2.69
                     1                                                                  —3.11
                     1                                                                  —3.31
                         44                                                                  1
                     1                                                                  —3.70
                       7                                                                —3.90

[ Doc. No. |   IT11—$8D0824—V1_1        _ | Rev. No. |             1.0              | Page       _|   8

          Exhib;4 g                                                                                          Intellian v—Series
                                                                                  Maritime Ku—band VSAT Antenna System

 Intellian                                                                  Test Report 3

2.2. Azimuth Pattern for Co—pol (—180°~180°)

                14.25GHz @ —20.13 dBW/4kHz                            14.25GHz @ —20.13 dBW/AkHz

        Angle            EIRP SD         Mask                 Angle              EIRP SD        Mask
       (Degree)        (dBW/4kHz)     (dBW/4kHz)             (Degree)        (dBW/AKHz)      (dBW/AkHz)
        —180.0           —53.44         —14.00                —135.0           —54.29          —14.00
       —179.0            —50.55         —14.00                —134.0              —52.77       —14.00
       —178.0            ~48.34         —14.00                —133.0              —50.87       —14.00
       —177.0            —46.55         —14.00                —132.0              —52.70       —14.00
       —176.0            ~44.63         —14.00                —131.0              ~49.45       —14.00
       —175.0            ~42.52         —14.00                —130.0              —~44.76      —14.00
       —174.0            —42.62         ~14.00                —129.0              —51.22       —14.00
       —173.0            42.73          —14.00                —128.0              —51.37       —14.00
       —172.0            —48.94         —14.00                ~127.0              —50.44       —14.00
       —171.0            ~48.00         —14.00               —126.0              —53.73       —14.00
       ~170.0            —48.78         ~14.00               —125.0              —58.80       —14.00
       —169.0            —49.93         —14.00               —124.0              —55.06       —14.00
       —168.0            —51.44         —14.00               —123.0              —52.74       —14.00
       —167.0            —46.88         —14.90               —122.0              —60.30       —14.00
       —166.0            —68.21         —14.00               —121.0              —50.44       —14.00
       —165.0            ~48.49         —14.00               ~120.0              —57.30       —14.00
       —164.0            —72.77        —14.00                —119.0              —57.53       ~14.00
       —163.0            —65.48        —14.00                —118.0              —51.97       —14.00
       —162.0            —53.83        —14.00                —117.0              —52.31       —14.00,
      +181.0             —54.40        —14.00                —116.0              ~47.34       ~14.00
      —160.0             ~49.91        —14.00                ~115.0              —52.70       —14.00
      —159.0             —49.82        —14.00                —114.0              ~50.21       —14.00
      —158.0             —56.07        —14.00                —113.0              —50.99       —14.00
      —157.0            ~48.74         ~14.00                112.0               ~48.16       —14.00
      ~156.0            ~58.47         —14.00                —111.0              ~48.41       —14.00
      —155.0            —53.88         —14.00                —110.0              49.23        —14.00
      —154.0            —46.49         —14.00                —109.0              —53.50       —14.00
      —153.0,           ~43.61         —14.00                —108.0              ~49.71       —14.00,
      —152.0            —55.30         —14.00                —107.0              —48.53       —14.00
      —151.0            —64.42         —14.00                ~106.0              —61.78       —14.00
      —150.0            47.96          —14.00                —105.0              ~43.94       —14.G0
      —149.0            —53.68         —14.00                —104.0              47.30        —14.00
      —148.0            47.85          —14.00                —103.0              —44.83       —14.00
      —147.0            —50.28         —14.00                —102.0              —40.69       —14.00
      —146.0            ~44.586        —14.00                —101.0              —39.78       —14.00
      —145.0            —51.21         —14.00                —100.0              —36.66       —14.00
      —144.0            —50.48         —14.00                —99.0            —36.41         —14.00
      —143.0            —61.52         —14.00                —98.0            =35.37         —14.00
      142.0             ~47.29         —14.00                —97.0            —35.75         —14.00
      —141.0            —50.19         —14.00                —96.0            —38.63         —14.00
      ~140.0,           —57.40         ~14.00                —95.0            —42.68         —14.00
      —139.0            —60.32         —14.00                —94.0            ~48.11         —14.00
      —138.0            —59.52         —14.00                —93.0            —48.56         —14.00
      —137.0            —49.87         —14.00                —92.0            ~40.06         —14.00
      —136.0            —71.58         —14.00                —91.0            ~35.41         —14.00

[ Doc. No.      |   IT11—8D0824—V1_1         _| Rev. No. |                 1.0              | Page      _|        9

              Xh [b [‘71'                  g                                                  Intellian v—Series
                                                                       Maritime Ku— band VSAT Antenna System

Intelllan                                                a      ’ TestReport

          14.25GHz @ —20.13 dBW/4kHz                       14.25GHz @ —20.13 dBW/4kHz

      Angle        EIRP SD         Mask                Angle           EIRP SD        Mask

                         12       —14.00               ~45.0
      —89.0              12       —                                    —31
                   —              14.

Doc. No. | _1T11—$D0824—V1_1           _ | Rev. No.[             1.0               | Page    _|     10        |

                    Exhip;} 2                                                                            Intellian v—Series
                                                                              Maritime Ku—band VSAT Antenna System

Intellian                                                                Test fiéport

             14.25GHz @ —20.13 dBW/4kHz                           14.25GHz @ —20.13 dBW/AkHz

      Angle           EIRP SD         Mask                 Angle              EIRP SD       Mask
     (Degree)       (dBW/4kHz)     (dBW/4kHz)             (Degree)       (dBW/AkHz)      (dBW/4kHz)
       0.0             19.47                               45.0                —43.09      —23.33
       1.0             15.79                               46.0                —33.56      —23.57
       2.0              3.06          7.47                 47.0                ~47.13      —23.80
       3.0             —8.16           3.07                48.0                —29.77      —24.03
       4.0             —4.92          —0.05                49.0                —33.59      —24.00
       5.0            ~11.28          —2.47                50.0                —33.58      —24.00
       6.0            —10.44          —4.45                51.0                —30.53      —24.00
       7.0             —9.64          —6.13                52.0               ~45.97       —24.00
       8.0            —14.96          —6.00                53.0               —39.93       —24.00
       9.0            —19.44          —6.00                54.0               ~37.40       —24.00
      10.0            —19.37          —7.00                55.0               —37.58      —24.00
      11.0            —20.82          —8.03                56.0               —34.72      —24.00
      12.0            —36.31         —8.98                 57.9               —35.06      —24.00
      13.0            —30.24          —9.85                58.0               ~48.14      +24.00
      14.0            —39.55         —10 65                59.0               ~35.51      —24.00
      15.0            —30.17         ~11.40                60.0               —42.33      ~24.90
      16.0            —26.04         ~12.10               61.0                ~34.56      —24.00
      17.0            —32.02         —12.76               62.0                —37.78      —24 00
      18.0            —26.29         —13.38               63.0                —48.65      —24.00
      19.0            —30.39         —13.97               64.0                —35.39      —24.00
      20.0            —33.86         —14.53               65.0                —31.91      —24.00
      21.0            —36.89         —15.06               66.0                —36.38      —24.00
      22.0            —36.22          15.56               67.0                +33.85      —24.00
      23.0            —32.82        ~16.04                68.0                —34.59      —24.00
      24.0            —29.80        —16.51                69.0                —41.23      ~24.00
     25.0             —33.16        ~16.95                70.0                +34.10      —24.00
     26.0             —28.49        —17.37                71.0                ~34.73      —24.00
     27.0             —31.85        ~17.178               72.0                —36.56      —24.00
     28.0             —38.74        ~18.18                73.0                —33.01      —24.00
     29.0             —30.83        ~18.56                74.0                —29.32      —24.00
     30.0             —37.67        —18.93                75.0                —28.71      ~24.00
     31.0             —35.05        —19.28                76.0                —28.69      ~24.00
     32.0            —32.20         —19.63                77.0                —30.40      —24.00
     33.0            42.19          —19.96                78.0                —33.53      —24.00
     34.0            ~31.92         —20.29                79.0                —37.35      —24.00
     35.0            —31.97         —20.60                80.0                —44.30      —24.00
     36.0            —40.80         —20.91                81.0                —37.49      —24.00
     37.0            —36.81         +21.21                82.0            —32.90          —24.00
     38.0            —38.02         —21.49                83.0            —32.01          —24.00
     39.0            —30.56         +21.78                84.0            —32.91          —24.00
     40.0            —46.87         —22.05                85.0            —34.60          —24.CO
     41.0            ~40.48         —22.32                86.0            —37.81          ~14.00
     42.0            ~34.10         —22.58                87.0            —42.55          ~14.00
     43.0            —35.22         —22.84                88.0            —48.27          ~14.00
     44.0            ~34.30         —23.09                89.0            —53.83          —14.00

Doc. No. |       iT11—$D0824—V1_1         _| Rev. No. |                 1.0             | Page      _|        11      _

              Exhilb;t &                                                                              Intellian v—Series
                                                                         Maritime Ku—band VSAT Antenna System

 Intellian                                                           Test Report::

               14.25GHz @ —20.13 dBW/AkHz                     14.25GHz @ —20.13 dBW/AkHz

        Angle           EIRP SD         Mask          Angle              EIRP SD        Mask
       (Degree)        dBW/AkHz)     _(dBW/4kHz)     (Degree)        (dBW/AkHz)_|    __(dBW/4kHz)
        90.0            —56.45         —14.00         135.0               47.46        —14.00
        91.0            44.27          —14.00         136.0              —63.66        —14.00
        92.0            ~34.60         —14.00         137.0              —50.13        —14.00
        93.0            —31.96         —14.00         138.0              —49.62        ~14.00
        94.0            —30.44         ~14.00         139.0              —51.22        —14.00
        95.0            —31.09         —14.00         140.0              —56.59        —14.00
        96.0            —33.39         —14.00         141.0              —44.36        —14.00
        97.0            —36.01         —14.00         142.0              —49.86        —14.00
        98.0            —37.96         —14.00         143.0              —51.21        ~14.00
        99.0            —36.26         —14.00         144.0              —38.93        —14.00
       100.0            —41.98         —14.00         145.0              —51.32        —14.00
       101.0            ~40.83         —14.00         146.0              —51.67        —14.00
       102.0            ~40.07         —14.00         147.0              ~45.21        —14.00
       103.0            —37.20         —14.00         148.0              47.47         —14.00
       104.0            —39.80        —14.00         149.0               42.53        ~14.00
       105.0            ~37.94        —14.90         150.0               —51.73       —14.00
       106.0            ~35.20        ~14.00         151.0               —38.84       —14.00
       107.0            —37.42        —14.00         152.0               43.98        —14.00
       108.0            —36.79        ~14.00         153.0               47.54        —14.00
       109.0            —37.39        —14.00         154.0               —52.36       —14.00
       110.0            ~42.29        —14.00         155.0               ~41.24       ~14.00
       111.0            ~38.96        ~14.00         156.0               ~40.59       —14.00
       112.0            49.98         ~14.00         157.0               ~45.00       14.00
       113.0            —54.43        —14.00         158.0               43.21        —14.00
       114.0           —41.81         —14.00         159.0            45.45           —14.00
      115.0            —42.68         —14.00         160.0            —46.87          —14.00
      116.0            —55.22         ~14.00         161.0            —46.16          ~14.00
      117.0            ~45.78         —14.00         162.0            —49.06          —14.0C0
      118.0            —43.26         —14.00         163.0            —46.36          ~14.00
      119.0            41.13          —14.00         164.0            —44.20          —14.00
      120.0            —50.87         —14.00         165.0            —51.18          ~14.00
      121.0            —50.16         —14.00         166.0            —44.61          —14.00
      122.0            46.89          =14.00         167.0            43.59           ~14.00
      123.0            ~48.04         —14.00         168.0            44.03           —14.00
      124.0            —49.70         —14.00         169.0            —46.29          —14.00
      125.0            —52.32         —14.00         170.0            —39.02          —14.00
      126.0            —55.46         —14.00         171.0            —35.96          ~14.00
      127.0            ~48.56         —14.00         172.0            49.97           —14.00
      128.0            —54.46         —14.00         173.0            —40.43          —14.00
      129.0            ~43.75         —14.00         174.0            —35.47          —14.00
      130.0            45.68          —14.00         175.0            ~43.52          ~14.00
      131.0            ~42.08         —14.00         176.0            41.42           ~14.00
      132.0            44.57          —14.00         177.0            43.03           —14.00
      133.0            —54.39          14.00         178.0            ~44.63          ~14.00
      134.0            —52.55         ~14.00         179.0            —46.85          —14.00
                                                     180.0            —49.52          —14.00

[ Doc. No.         1T11—8D0824—V1_1 __| Rev. No. |                 1.0               [ Page     _|_        12

                                                                   @’X h ; h /\7L                                                   Intellian v—Series
                                                      ne                                                      Maritime Ku—band VSAT Antenna System

     lntelllan®                                                           y ‘. o                         ‘Test_Report

    1.     EIRP Spectral Density of V80G

    1.1. Azimuth Pattern for Co—pol, Narrow Angle (—10°~10°)


                                                                                                                —— EIRP sd
                   EIRP spectral density [dBW/4kHz]

                                                                                                                —— mask

                                                                in —7.5    —5.0

                                                                                  Sweep angle [degrese

                   14.25GHz EIRP spectral density @ —~20.13dBW/4kHz Input power spectral density
                                                                                                               5.0      75       10.0

*     FCC EIRP spectral density regulation

               15—25l0g(0)                                          dBW/AkHz for             1.55 50 $7.0°
                                                —6                  dBW/MAkHz for            7.0° <6$9.2°
               18—25l0g(0)                                          dBW/A4kHz for            9.2°<0<48°
                                      —24                           dBW/AkHz for             48‘ < 0 <85°
                                     —14                            dBW/4kHz for             85°< 0 <180°

         The v80G‘s Radiation pattern mests the FCC EIRP spectral density mask when the
         input powers spectral density is @ —20.13 dBW/ 4ki—z

    [ Doc. No. [                      IT11—SD0824—V1_1                      _ | Rev. No. |              1.0                  | Page     _|   3      |

                                                       Evhibyt— 9
                                                                (     /                                                     lan       v.sen
                                                                                                                       Intellian v—Series
                                                                                               Maritime Ku—band VAT Antena Syste
    Intellian                                                                            — Test Report                    manee.
    1.2.    Azimuth Pattern for Co—pol, Wide Angle (—180°~180°)

                   EIRP spectral density [dBW/4KkHz]

                                                                        Sweep angle [degree]

                 14.25GHz EIRP spectral density @ —20.13dRW/4kHz Input power spectral density

a    FCC EIRP spectral density regulation

               15—25l0g(0)                                 dBW/AkHz for          1.55°<0<7.0°

                   —6                                      dBW/AkHz for          7.0° <0s9.2°

               18—25l0g(9)                                 dBW/4kHz for          9.2° < 0 <48°

                   «24                                     dBW/4kHz    for       48° < 0 <85°

                  ~14                                      dBW/A4kHz for         85°< 0 <180°

           The v80G‘s Radiation pattern meets the FCC EIRP spectral density mask when the
           Input powers spectiral densily is @ —20.13 dBW/ 4kHz

    Doc. No. |    __IT11—SD0824—V1_1                            _ | Rev. No. |           1.0             | Page   _|              4

Exh .‘lo;+— %
                                                                                                   Intellian v—Series
                                                                         Maritime Ku—band VSAT Antenna System

Intellian                                mm y                                                         ax
2.4.   Elevation Pattern for Co—pol (0°~30°)

           14.25GHz @ —20.13 dBW/4kHz                        14.25GHz @ —20.13 dBW/A4kHz

       Angle        EIRP SD         Mask                 Angle           EIRP SD       Mask

                     19.47                                               —1


Doc. No. |__IT11—8D0824—V1_1            _ | Rev. No. |             1.0             | Page     _|        15         |

Exhilo;:4— T                                                                                           Intellian v—Series
                                                                              Maritime Ku—band VSAT Antenna System

 Intellian                                                                Test Repoit ..

           14.25GHz @ —20.13 dBW/4kHz                              14.25GHz @ —20.13 dBW/4kHz

       Angle        EIRP SD          Mask                   Angle             EIRP SD         Mask

                                     —7.11                  15.1
                                     —7.22                  4



[ Doc. No. |   __IT11—$8D0824—V1_1         _ | Rev. No. |               1.0                | Page _|

         @y )/}/0 7[' %                                                                         Intellian v—Series
                                                                         Marmme Ku—band VSAT Antenna System

          14.25GHz @ —20.13 dBW/4kHz                         14.25GHz @ —20.13 dBW/4kHz

      Angle        EIRP SD         Mask                  Angle           EIRP SD       Mask

                                  ~14                                    —27
                                  —14                                          .84


Doc. No. |__iT11—8D0824—V1_1            _ | Rev. No. |             1.0               | Page_|        17     ____]

                                              @_,X h ; b /\ 7L               %                                                 Intellian v—Series
                                                                                                         Maritime Ku—band VSAT Antenna System

1.4.    Elevation Pattern for Co—pol, Narrow Angle (0°~30°)


                                                                                                         —— EIRP sd
           EIRP spectral density [dBW/4KHz]

                                                10 ~     2.       20.                          _         !—— mask

                                               —20 —

                                                                                          2'0                         30
                                                                        Sweep angle [degree]

                                      14.25GHz EIRP spectra! density @ —20.13d8W/4kHz Input power spectral density

  FCC EIRP spectrai density regulation

           18—2510g(0)                                        dBW/AkHz for          3.0° <6 <48°

                                              —24             dBW/AkHz for          48° < 0 < 85°

                                              14              dBW/A4kHz for         85°<0<180°

       The v80G‘s Radiation pattern meets the FCC EIRP spectral density mask when the
       Input powers spectral density is @ —20.13 dBW/ 4kHz

[ Doc. No. |                                  _IT11—$D0824—V1_1     _| Rev. No. |                  1.0              | Page    _|      6      _]

       6’1/% ; b /)7L              /y                                                                      Intellian v—Series
                     um        ®                                            Maritime Ku—band VSAT Atena Syste

Intellian                                                              Te§t Re,‘b:o'r‘t"                                     ,
2.3.    Azimuth Pattern for Cross—pol (—10°~10°)

             14.25GHz @ —20.13 dBW/4kHz                         14.25GHz @ —20.13 dBW/4kHz

        Angle          EIRP SD        Mask                Angle         EIRP SD               Mask
       (Degree)       (dBW/4kHz)   (dBW/A4kHz)           (Degree)      (dBW/4kHz)          (dBW/4kHz)

        —10.0                          —16.00                                                —12.47
         —9.9                          —16.00             4                                  —12.25
                                       =                  4                                  —12.
                                       —                  4.7                                —1
                                                          4                                  ~11
                                                          4.4                                —11.09
                                                          4.2                                —1
                                                          4.0                                —10.


Doc. No.        |   IT11—8D0824—V1_1      _ | Rev. No.                1.0                  | Page     _|        13       _

      Exbrb;#— 1 C                                                                               Intellian v—Series
                                                                         Maritime Ku—band VSAT Antenna System

Intellian                                                           ES Réport

           14.25GHz @ —20.13 dBW/4kHz                        14.25GHz @ —20.13 dBW/4kHz

      Angle         EIRP SD         Mask                Angle         EIRP SD         Mask
     (Degree)     (dBW/4kHz)      (dBW/4kHz)           (Degree)     (dBW/4kHz)      (dBW/4kHz)


Doc. No. |      1T11—8D0824—V1_1        | Rev. No. |               1.0             | Page             14

      g’v }) / b/l 7L                                             / D                                                                 Intellian v—Series

     Intellian                                                                                                                       es
                ma    ®                                                                                         Maritime Ku—band VSAT nenna Systm
                                                                                                          _ _Test Report

    1.3. Azimuth Pattern for Cross—pol, Narrow angle (—10°~10°)


                                                                                                                —— EIRP sd

               EIRP spectral density [dBW/4kHz]

                                                                                                                —— mask

                                                   n                                                      m
                                                   20 —

                                                  —40      \l         I           I          T       I          I      T
                                                    4100    75        —50       250      000        250     5000      750    10.0
                                                                              Sweep angle [degree]

                                            14.25GHz EIRP spectral density @ —20.13dBW/4kHz Input power spectral density

a     FCC EIRP spectral density regulation

             5—25l0g(0)                                          dBW/AkHz for                    1.8° 50 57.0°
                                                  A6             dBW/4kHz for                    7.0° < 0s 9.2

          The v80G‘s Radiation pattern meets the FCC EIRP spectral density mask when the
          Input powers spectral density is @ —20.13 dBW/ 4kHz

    [ Doc. No. |                                  IT11t—SD0824—V1_1         _ | Rev. No. |                1.0               | Page   _|      5

                                                                Elite Communication Services, Inc.
                                                                                         Exhibit B
                                                                        Section 25.222 Compliance

                                       Appendix 3

The proposed service is designed as a regional service, covering the North American continent
and its coastal waters, Central America, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, as shown in
yellow shade in the Figure below.

                                                                       Elite Communication Services, Inc.
                                                                                                Exhibit B
                                                                               Section 25.222 Compliance

                                            Appendix 4

                                Compliance With 25.222(c) and (d)

       Elite’s operation of the Intellian v80G remote ESV antennas will fully comply with the
requirements of sub-sections 25.222(c) and (d) of the Commission’s ESV regulations. Elite will
comply with the mandates set forth in 25.222(c) that operations of ESVs in the 14.0 - 14.2 GHz
frequency bands within 125 km of the facilities are only permitted after successful coordination
through NTIA and IRAC. Elite further understands that operations of ESVs in the 14.47 - 14.5
GHz within the specified distances from the facilities set forth in 25.222(d) are only permitted
after they have been successfully coordinated through NTIA/IRAC, and will not pursue such
operations until coordination has been complete.
       Elite is in the process of pursuing coordination and hopes to successfully complete the
process in the near term. Unless and until the coordination is successfully completed, Elite will
comply with 25.222 (c) and (d) by not operating Ku-band ESVs at all on the specified
frequencies within the specified distances of the facilities set forth in the two provisions.

Document Created: 1810-04-14 00:00:00
Document Modified: 1810-04-14 00:00:00

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