Minor correction to

ERRATA, ERRATUM OR ADDENDUM submitted by O3b Limited

Update to License Application


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20150310-00138 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


O3b Limited
900 17th Street NW
Suite 300
Washington DC 20006


September 30, 2015


Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Room TW‐A325
Washington, D.C. 20554

Attn:     Satellite Division, International Bureau

Re:       Update to License Application for Integration Earth Station in Bristow, Virginia
          File No. SES‐LIC‐20150310‐00138; Call Sign E150018

Dear Ms. Dortch:

On March 10, 2015, O3b Limited (“O3b”) submitted an application for license to operate 2
earth stations in Bristow, VA, for commercial integration, testing and demonstration

Please find attached heretofore updated information related to O3b’s license application, as
described below.

         One part of the Form 312, Schedule B submitted by O3b on March 10, 2015, in the
          License application has been updated. Specifically, sections E56 and E57 have been
          updated. This relates only to the minimum elevation angle and associated azimuth
          angles that will be used by this earth station; the elevation and azimuth angle have
          been revised to correctly represent the values needed for operation.

Please direct any questions to the undersigned.


                                              /s/ Suzanne Malloy
                                           Suzanne Malloy
                                           Vice‐President, Regulatory Affairs
                                           O3b Limited

Minor correction to Form 312 Schedule B
Sections E56 and E57 are updated. Changed parameters are highlighted in Gray bold.
                                                              E56.       E57.        E58. Earth     E59.
                                                             Earth     Antenna        Station     Antenna
  E28.                          E52/53.        Range of                                                       E60. Maximum EIRP
             E51. Satellite                                 Station    Elevation      Azimuth     Elevation
 Antenna                       Frequency       Satellite                                                       Density toward the
              Orbit Type                                    Azimut       Angle         Angle       Angle
   Id                         Limits(MHz)      Arc E/W                                                        Horizon(dBW/4kHz)
                                                            h Angle     Eastern       Western     Western
                                                            Eastern      Limit         Limit        Limit
GD 2.4     Non-Geostationary 17800-18600      NON-GEO        121.46      10.0          238.54       10.0              0.0
GD 2.4     Non-Geostationary 18800-19300      NON-GEO       121.46        10.0         238.54       10.0              0.0
GD 2.4     Non-Geostationary 27600-28400      NON-GEO       121.46        10.0         238.54       10.0             -39.8
GD 2.4     Non-Geostationary 28600-29100      NON-GEO       121.46        10.0         238.54       10.0             -39.8

Document Created: 2015-09-29 17:01:03
Document Modified: 2015-09-29 17:01:03

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