Attachment SNGLTE RadHaz.pdf

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20150128-00041 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



In compliance with FCC Rules §1.1307 this study predicts radiation levels around the proposed earth station. This
report is developed in compliance with OST Bulletin No. 65 “Evaluating Compliance with FCC-Specified Guidelines for
Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation”, October 1985. This specifies a maximum level of non-ionizing radia-
tion to which employees may be exposed as a power density of 5 milli-Watts-per-square centimeter (5 mW/cm2)
averaged over any 6-minute period, as derived from Standard C95.1 of the American National Standards Institute
(ANSI). The following are calculations which provide the radiation levels of the proposed earth station antenna system.

Free-space power density is maximum on-axis and may be calculated from equation (1).

    (1)            PFDff = GPt
                            4π R2

    Where          PFDff = the power flux density on-axis in the far field,

                   G = the on-axis gain of the antenna which for a 2.44 meter antenna at 14.250 GHz will be 50.1 dBi,

                   Pt = the maximum transmitted power which will be 75 Watts (18.8 dBW)

                   R = the distance to the far field region and is found from equation (2).

    (2)            R = 0.6D2

    Where          D = antenna diameter = 2.44 meters

                   λ = wavelength at 14.250 GHz = 21.0 x10-3 meters.

From equation (2) it is found that the distance to the far field is 170 meters.

    And, PFDff is found from equation (1) as follows:

                   PFDff = 2.12 mW/cm2

Andre w Corpora t ion
10500 W. 153rd Street, Orland Park, IL U.S.A. 60462
                                                                              SP50268   January 22 1999   Page 1 of 4


The geometrical limits of the radiated power in the near field approximate a cylindrical volume with a diameter equal
to that of the antenna. In the near field, the power density is neither uniform nor does its value vary uniformly with
distance from the antenna. For the purpose of considering radiation hazard, therefore, it is assumed that the on-axis
flux density is at its maximum value throughout the length of this region. The length of this region, i.e., the distance
from the antenna to the end of the near field, is given by the following:

    (3)            Lnf = D2

    Where          Lnf = length to end of the near field,


                   Lnf = (2.44)2 = 71 meters
                        4 * 0.021

    The maximum power flux density in the near field PFDnf is given by:

    (4)            PFDnf = 16 Ptn

    Where n = Antenna Efficiency

    Where Pt is the maximum power transmitted by the antenna (75 Watts). From equation (4), we see that

    PFDnf = 16*.77*75

            = 4.95 mW/cm2

The transition region is located between the near and far field regions. As stated above, the power density begins to
decrease with distance in the transition region. While the power density decreases inversely with distance in the
transition region, the power density decreases inversely with the square of the distance in the far field region. The
maximum power density in the transition region will not exceed that calculated for the near field region. The power
density in the near field region, as shown above, will not exceed 4.95 mW/cm2.

Andre w Corpora t ion
10500 W. 153rd Street, Orland Park, IL U.S.A. 60462
                                                                        SP50268      January 22 1999      Page 2 of 4


Transmissions from the feed horn are directed toward the reflector surface, and are confined within a conical shape
defined by the feed. The energy between the feed and reflector surface can be calculated by determining the power
density at the feed flange. This can be accomplished as follows:

    Power Density at Feed Flange, (Wf) = 2(P)

    Where          Fa = Area of Feed Window

                       = π*Df2

                   Df = 7 cm

                   Fa = 38.5 cm2

                   Wf = 3,898 mW/cm2

The power density in the main reflector region is determined in the same manner as the power density at the feed
flange, above, but the area is now the area of the reflector aperture:

    Power Density at Reflector Surface, (Ws)             = 2(P)

    Where Sa = Surface Area of Reflector                 = 4.68 m2

                                                      Ws = 3.21 mW/cm2

Assuming uniform illumination of the reflector surface, the power density between the antenna and ground can be
calculated as follows:

Power Density between Reflector and Ground, (Wg) = P

                                                         Wg = 1.60 mW/cm2

Andre w Corpora t ion
10500 W. 153rd Street, Orland Park, IL U.S.A. 60462
                                                                            SP50268   January 22 1999   Page 3 of 4


                     Calculated Maximum
Region             Radiation Level (mW/cm2)                      Hazard Assessment

1. Far Field, (Rf) = 170 m            2.12                       Satisfies ANSI

2. Near Field, (Rn) = 71 m            4.95                       Satisfies ANSI

3. Transition Region, (Rt)            4.95                       Satisfies ANSI
    Rn < Rt < Rf

4. Between Reflector                  3,898                      Potential Hazard
   and Feed

5. Reflector Surface                  3.21                       Satisfies ANSI

6. Between Antenna                    1.60                       Satisfies ANSI
   and Ground

Based on the above analysis it is concluded that harmful levels of radiation will not exist in regions normally occu-
pied by the public or the earth station’s operating personnel. The transmitter will be turned off during antenna
maintenance so that the ANSI Standard of 5 mW/cm2 will be complied with for those regions with close proximity to
the reflector that exceed acceptable levels.

Andre w Corpora t ion
10500 W. 153rd Street, Orland Park, IL U.S.A. 60462
                                                                       SP50268      January 22 1999     Page 4 of 4

Document Created: 0800-04-12 00:00:00
Document Modified: 0800-04-12 00:00:00

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