Attachment SESLIC2014092207748S





This document pretains to SES-LIC-20140922-00748 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



                       Version 3.2

                      March 2, 2004

                       Page 1 of 30

          FOR THE JOINT USAGE OF THE BAND 14.0 - 14.5 GHz

Radio Astronomy observations are conducted in the 14.47-14.5 GHz band in the USA at a
number of Radio Astronomy sites. The Boeing Company desires to operate a satellite-based, in-
flight, broadband communications service, known as the CBB system to commercial,
government and general aviation aircraft. The aircraft-to-satellite link of the CBB system plans
to operate in the 14.0 - 14.5 GHz band. The present agreement is intended to facilitate operation
of the CBB system, without causing interference to Radio Astronomy stations.

1. General Information

1.1    The band 14.47-14.5 GHz is allocated to the radio astronomy service on a secondary
       basis, for observations of the formaldehyde (H2CO) line.

1.2    Until the conclusion of WRC-03, the band 14.0 - 14.5 GHz was allocated to the mobile-
       satellite service except aeronautical mobile-satellite service (Earth-to-space) on a
       secondary basis.

1.3    The World Radiocommunication Conference 2003 (WRC-03) allocated the band 14.0 –
       14.5 GHz to the Aeronautical Mobile-Satellite Service (R) (AMSS(R)) on a secondary
       basis. Recommendation ITU-R M.1643, Part C, Annex 1 details protection measures
       to be implemented by aeronautical mobile-satellite service(R) (AMSS(R)) stations to
       protect radio astronomy stations that observe in this band.

1.4    The Boeing Company filed an application with the FCC on December 4, 2000 for
       authority to operate up to eight hundred technically identical transmit/receive mobile
       earth stations aboard aircraft to operate in the 11.7 – 12.2 and 14.0 – 14.5 GHz frequency
       bands. These earth stations and the accompanying ground equipment and software
       constitute the Connexion by Boeingsm (CBB) system. The FCC released an order,
       December 21, 2001, granting Boeing’s application and issued Boeing a license to operate
       said transmit/receive mobile earth stations aboard aircraft, subject to, inter alia,
       interference protection of U.S. radio astronomy stations consistent with the present
       agreement. Boeing has, subsequently, sought and received an amendment to said license
       on November 11, 2003.

1.5    This agreement document has been developed for AESs operating with the CBB system,
       and applies to AESs operating on commercial, government and general aviation aircraft.

                                          Page 2 of 30

1.6     The Electromagnetic Spectrum Unit of the National Science Foundation (NSF) has the
        authority to negotiate and sign this agreement for the radio astronomy sites listed in
        Section 2.1, and Boeing has the authority to negotiate and sign this agreement for the
        CBB system..

2. List of NSF supported Radio Astronomy observatories observing or planning to
   observe in the band 14.47 - 14.5 GHz within the US and its territories

2.1     The following is a list of radio astronomy sites supported by NSF that are included in this
        agreement. Sites associated with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), which require a
        different level of protection from the other sites, are noted.

                                                                              Latitude              Longitude
                    Observatory                                               (DMS)                   (DMS)

      National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) sites:

      Green Bank Telescope, WV......................……….……                  38 25 59                79 50 24
      Very Large Array, Socorro, NM..........................………            34 04 43               107 37 04

      VLBA sites:

      St. Croix, VI ...............................................……………. 17 45 31                   64 35 03
      Hancock, NH .............................................…………...... 42 56 01                   71 59 12
      N. Liberty, IA...............................................…………… 41 46 17                    91 34 26
      Ft. Davis, TX................................................…………… 30 38 06                   103 56 39
      Los Alamos, NM...................................………….….… 35 46 30                            106 14 42
      Pie Town, NM.......................…………….…................. 34 18 04                          108 07 07
      Kitt Peak, AZ ...................................…………………... 31 57 22                          111 36 42
      Owens Valley, CA.............................................……….. 37 13 54                   118 16 34
      Brewster, WA.................................................…………. 48 07 53                   119 40 55
      Mauna Kea, HI ...............................................…………. 19 48 16                   155 27 29

Additional radio astronomy sites:

Additional radio astronomy sites may be added to this list. In particular, this may include the
National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center (NAIC) site at Arecibo, PR (18 20 46 N, 66 45
11 W). NSF shall give Boeing no less than 2 months advance notice of changes in the status of
existing sites, or of any additional radio astronomy site being brought into use in the 14.47 - 14.5
GHz band.

                                                  Page 3 of 30

3. Technical Operational Coordination Agreement

NSF and Boeing agree to the following:

3.1    The purpose of this agreement is to provide protection to the radio astronomy sites listed
       in Section 2.1 during periods of radio astronomy observations in the 14.47 - 14.5 GHz
       band to the following aggregate pfd levels within that band:

              a) -221 dB(W/m2/Hz) for the Arecibo (if added to Section 2.1), Green Bank and
                 Socorro sites
              b) -189 dB(W/m2/Hz) for the ten VLBA sites

3.2    This agreement should be reviewed typically on an annual basis by all parties signing this
       document beginning within one year after Boeing has informed NSF of the start of
       service in the US under an operational license. The purpose of this review is to assess the
       effectiveness of this agreement as well as to update as applicable this or successor
       operational coordination agreements.

3.3    Each party shall inform the other party in a timely manner of changes in the points of
       contact as defined in Section 5.

Boeing agrees to:

3.4    Cease AES transmissions in the 14.47 - 14.5 GHz band, within line-of sight of radio
       astronomy stations listed in Section 2.1, during periods of notified radio astronomy
       observations at the site.

3.5    Control the AES transmitters so that the pfd levels in the 14.47 – 14.5 GHz band
       produced at radio astronomy sites by individual AESs, during notified periods of
       observation (see Section 3.7), does not exceed:
              pfd = −182 + 0.5*      for ≤ 10
              pfd = −177             for 10 < ≤ 90

       where is the angle of arrival, measured in degrees and the pfd is expressed in units of
       dB(W/m2/MHz). This will be met by reducing power, ceasing transmissions, or changing
       frequencies of AESs that would exceed the pfd criteria (see Attachment A).

3.5.1 The pfd levels given in Section 3.5 may be increased by 32 dB for the VLBA sites listed
      in Section 2.1.

3.6    Respond, as expeditiously as practicable, to an NSF request for protection in accordance
       with Sections 3.4 and 3.5 of any site listed in Section 2.1, for observations of special
       transient celestial objects (comets, supernovae, and other celestial objects of heretofore
       unknown type) that are not anticipated by the schedule of Section 3.7, and that may need
       to be accommodated on shorter notice. Requests for such observations are not expected to
       exceed 40 hours per calendar year.

                                          Page 4 of 30

NSF agrees to:

3.7       Maintain an observation schedule for the band 14.47 - 14.5 GHz for the sites listed in
          Section 2.1 and provide this schedule via both e-mail and fax, to the designated CBB
          point-of-contact address listed in Section 5.2 at least one week prior to the scheduled

3.8       Provide, through NAIC and NRAO, full access to CBB representatives to data on
          interference that may be collected during observations that fall within the scope of this

4.        Assignment and Termination

4.1       This agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors
          and assigns.

4.2       This agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties, upon 6 months

5         Points of Contact

5.1       Points of contact concerning this agreement.

 Name:        Dr. Tomas E. Gergely                       Name:         Karen Gielen
 Organization: National Science Foundation               Organization: Connexion By Boeing
 Title:       Electromagnetic Spectrum Manager           Title:        Executive Director
                                                                       International Regulatory
 Address: 4201 Wilson Boulevard,                         Address:      The Boeing Company
          Room 1030                                                    7755 East Marginal Way
                                                                       Plant II - 2-25 Building
                                                                       M/C 14-08
 City State Zip: Arlington VA 22230                      City State Zip: Seattle, WA 98101
 Phone:       (703) 292-4896                             Phone:        (206) 655-5170
 Fax:         (703) 292-9034                             Fax:          (206) 655-5294
 E-mail:                           E-mail:

                                             Page 5 of 30

5.2      Contacts concerning the notification of radio astronomy observation schedules:

Dr.        Harvey Liszt                           Name:     Manager
Title:      Director, Spectrum Management         Title:    Network Operations Center
Organization: NRAO                                Organization: CBB
Address: NRAO                                     Address: The Boeing Company
         520 Edgemont Road                                  MC 83—26
         Charlottesville, VA 22903—2475                     P.O. Box 3707
                                                            Seattle, WA 98124—2207
Phone      434.296.0344                           Phone:     (253) 773—0609
Fax:       434.296.0278                           Fax:      (253).773—6632
E—                         E—mail:

6        Signatures

         This Agreement is being made in good faith by both parties and is effective on the date
         on which the last party signs it. It may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of
         which will be deemed an original and all of which together will constitute one and the
         same instrument.

For the National Science                          For Connexion By Boeing*"

                      _€ . Qmng—
By:         J/ m
                                                  ny Peotezse )C Aonclcies
Name: Dr.                                         Name: Maureen C. Rinehardt

Title:   Electromagnetic Spectrum Manager         Title: CBB Contracts Manager

Date:     MGWVK        P    ','L-OO\'(            Date:     W)M ,f/ CS

                                           Page 6 of 30

                                                                   Attachment A

             Operational, Frequency and Geographical Avoidance Approaches
                    to Meet the Radio Astronomy Protection Criteria

1   ITU-R Recommendation 769 Criterion
       NSF has provided Boeing with two interference protection requirements for the radio
astronomy telescopes. The first of these deals with the interfering signal power that would equal
the spectral power flux-density interference threshold given in Table 2 of Recommendation ITU-
R RA.769.

        Frequency Band                                Interference Threshold                      Sites
             (GHz)                                      Limit Spectral PFD
          14.47 – 14.5                                   -221 dB(W/m2/Hz)                Arecibo, Green Bank,

      The maximum pfd produced by CBB AES at various altitudes is given in Figure 1,
assuming a maximum EIRP of 46.2 dBW and an antenna mask based on measured data. Any
improvements in the antenna mask or reductions in the maximum power level would result in
improved pfd curves, which would improve the sharing situation.


                                                                                                        Altitude (ft)
              PFD (dBW/m2 in 1 MHz)



                                             0   10    20     30    40    50    60      70   80    90
                                                            Elevation angle (degrees)

                                      Figure 1. Maximum Power Flux Density from a CBB AES

        Aggregate interference due to the emissions of a large number of AMSS aircraft will
enter the RA observatory antenna at off-axis angles up to 180 degrees. To be compatible with the

                                                                   Page 7 of 30

RA system, the aggregate interference level would need to be kept below the -221 dBW/m2/Hz
level of the Recommendation ITU-R RA.769.
        From Figure 1 above, the maximum pfd for an AMSS Aircraft is given as
-109 dBW/m2/MHz, however, this does not represent typical operation. A more typical case that
might be considered as the average, would be an aircraft above 9.1 km (30,000 feet) operating at
a data rate of 128 kbps and visible at a 5 degree elevation angle.
         Using this maximum pfd, and using Green Bank as a typical radioastronomy observatory
site, leads to the following maximum permissible pfd:
                 Maximum PFD for 9.1 km altitude (1 024 kbps)        -117.0 dBW/m2/MHz
                 Average PFD for 9.1 km altitude (128 kbps)          -126.0 dBW/m2/MHz
                 Bandwidth ratio (1Hz/MHz)                            -60.0 dB
                 300 aircraft (dB) (Figure 4-7, Doc. WP7D/70)          24.8 dB
                 Aggregate spectral pfd                              -161.2 dBW/m2/Hz
                 Spectral pfd criteria (Table 2, Rec. ITU-R RA.769)  -221.0 dBW/m2/Hz
                 margin                                               -59.8 dB
                 Bandwidth rejection required                          59.8 dB
                 Maximum permissible pfd                             -176.8 dBW/m2/MHz
      This indicates that about 60 dB of spectrum attenuation would be required to meet the
RA spectral pfd criteria of Recommendation 769. Figures 4-1 through 4-4 of Document
WP7D/70 indicate that this level is readily achievable.
       This value is conservative for a number of reasons:
       - Figure 4-7 of Document WP7D/70 (Portions of Document WP7D/70 that are relevant
         to this agreement are included in Attachment B) indicates that the majority of aircraft
         are visible below 5 degrees elevation angle, and Figure 1, above, indicates that the
         PFD of AMSS aircraft falls off sharply below this angle.
       - Many radio astronomy sites have some degree of blockage on their horizon. This
         would eliminate the interference effects of aircraft which would be above the
         theoretical 4/3 Earth horizon but below the actual visible horizon.
       - The 300 aircraft shown in Figure 4-7 of Document WP7D/70 includes many smaller
         aircraft that could not support an AMSS system.
       - The method of calculating the number of aircraft was deliberately conservative. Rather
         than the number of aircraft visible simultaneously, the 300 aircraft actually represent
         the number of aircraft visible within a 5 minute period.
        On this basis, the following pfd mask for individual AMSS AES un-wanted emissions in
the 14.47 – 14.50 GHz band would protect the radio astronomy service:
              pfd = −182 + 0.5*      for ≤ 10
              pfd = −177             for 10 < ≤ 90
        where is the angle of arrival, measured in degrees and the pfd is expressed in units of
dB(W/m2/MHz). This form of a pfd mask meets the calculated pfd requirement while providing
additional protection at angles less than 10 degrees elevation angle, where most of the
interference can be expected to originate.

                                          Page 8 of 30

2   VLBA site interference criteria
     The second interference protection criteria applies to radio astronomy sites used for
VLBA observations.

         Frequency Band        Interference Threshold                  Sites
             (GHz)               Limit Spectral PFD
           14.47 – 14. 5          -187 dB(W/m2/Hz)                  VLBA sites

        Following the same approach as used above, a maximum permissible pfd can be
        Maximum PFD for 9.1 km altitude (1 024 kbps)       -117.0 dBW/m2/MHz
        Average PFD for 9.1 km altitude (128 kbps)         -126.0 dBW/m2/MHz
        Bandwidth ratio (1Hz/MHz)                           -60.0 dB
        300 aircraft (dB) (Figure 4-7, Doc. WP7D/70)         24.8 dB
        Aggregate spectral pfd                             -161.2 dBW/m2/Hz
        Spectral pfd criteria (Table 2, Rec. ITU-R RA.769) -187.0 dBW/m2/Hz
        margin                                              -25.8 dB
        Bandwidth rejection required                         25.8 dB
        Maximum permissible pfd                            -142.8 dBW/m2/MHz
        This indicates that about 26 dB of spectrum attenuation would be required to meet the
RA spectral pfd criteria for VLBA sites. Figures 4-1 through 4-4 of Document WP7D/70
indicate that this level is readily achievable.

                                          Page 9 of 30

                                                   Attachment B
                         Appropriate Portions of Document ITU-R WP7D/70

                  SERVICE IN THE 14-14.5 GHz BAND

1    Introduction
         Agenda item 1.11 for WRC-03 is:
          To consider possible extension of the allocation to the mobile-satellite service (Earth-to-
          space) on a secondary basis in the band 14-14.5 GHz to permit operation of the
          aeronautical mobile-satellite service as stipulated in Resolution 216 (Rev. WRC-2000).
         Resolution 216 (WRC-2000) in turn invites the ITU-R:
          To complete, in time for WRC-03, the technical and operational studies on the feasibility
          of sharing of the band 14-14.5 GHz between the services referred to in considering c)
          [above] and the aeronautical mobile-satellite service, with the latter service on a
          secondary basis1.
        Although the CPM meeting following WRC-2000 assigned to WP 8D the primary
responsibility for preparation of draft CPM text relating to Agenda item 1.11 and Res. 216,
several other ITU-R working parties and study groups (including SG 7) were requested to
contribute studies in the area of their expertise. The band 14.47-14.5 GHz is allocated to the
Radio Astronomy Service (RA) on a secondary basis.

2    Previous work
       The May 2000 meeting of Working Party 7D received 4 documents addressing Agenda
item 1.11: Documents 7D/31, 7D/34,7D/39 and 7D/46. As a result of these inputs, WP 7D
developed a liaison statement regarding the Aeronautical Mobile-Satellite Service (AMSS) to
WP 7E (Document WP 7E/21) which stated:
         “WP 7D' s preliminary findings show that AMSS systems could share on a
         secondary basis with the RAS in the 14.0-14.5 GHz band, provided that:

         “a) AMSS stations do not transmit in the 14.47-14.5 GHz band within line-of-
          sight of radio astronomy stations operating in this band; and

         “b) AMSS 14.47 band, within line-of-sight of radio astronomy stations during
         radio astronomy observations are attenuated to meet Recommendation
         ITU-R RA.769 limits within the 14.47-14.5 GHz band. Attenuations in the range

         The services listed in considering c) of Resolution 216, are: fixed-satellite (E-s), radionavigation, fixed and
mobile, except aeronautical mobile, services.

                                                   Page 10 of 30

       65 to 71 dB may be required to meet these limits, depending on aircraft altitude.
       Such attenuations may be met by the AMSS transmitter through a combination of
       reduced signal power, and maintaining adequate frequency separation between the
       AMSS aircraft transmissions and the 14.47-14.5 GHz band. In coordinating
       stations of the RAS and the AMSS, account should be taken of RR S5.31 that
       states that stations of a secondary service "can claim protection, however, from
       harmful interference from stations of the same or other secondary service(s) to
       which frequencies may be assigned at a later date".

       “WP 7D'  s preliminary findings are based on analytically derived antenna patterns
       and out-of-band spectra, and no consideration of air-traffic information. These
       studies will be completed by the consideration of measured antenna patterns,
       measured out-of-band spectra and relevant air-traffic information, for the
       October 2001 meeting of WP 7E. WP 7E will prepare draft CPM text to be
       forwarded to WP 8D.”
        This document provides the data requested by WP 7D and extends the studies to
incorporate them. The data dealing with: AMSS antenna radiation patterns, AMSS out-of-band
emissions and air traffic routes are discussed in section 4. This paper discusses these topics with
respect to a specific RA site in Green Bank WV, USA to determine if coordination of AMSS and
RA systems is feasible. A similar approach could be followed for RA sites with different

3   Radio Astronomy characteristics
     The following tables summarize some of the important RA characteristics from
Recommendation ITU-R 769-1.

                                           TABLE 3-1
                                 Radio Astronomy Parameters used
          Relevant RA Telescope Parameters                         Value
        Frequency Band                                           14.47-14.5
        Antenna size (m)                                          25 to 100
        Antenna efficiency                                          64 %
        Antenna radiation pattern                              RR Appendix 7
        Observation Time (typical)                                2000 sec
        Interference criterion                        Recommendation ITU-R RA.769-1

                                          Page 11 of 30

                                               TABLE 3-2
                           Radio astronomy telescopes having capability for
                       spectral line measurements in the 14.47 to 14.5 GHz band
 Observatory        Location      Latitude    Longitude    Telescope          Diameter    Frequency
                                                                                          Band (GHz)
NRAO              Green Bank,     380 25’ N   790 50’ W    Paraboloid          100 m        12-15.4
NRAO              New Mexico      340 04’ N   1070 37’W    VLA; 27 shaped     25 m each    14.4-15.4
                                                           paraboloids         antenna

NRAO              Several:        Several      Several     VLBA;              25 m each    14.4-15.4
                  NM,AZ,NTX,                               10 shaped           antenna
                  IA,WA,CA,VI                              paraboloids
Australian        Parkes,         320 59’ S   1480 15’E    Steerable            64 m       12.5-15.5
National          Australia                                Paraboloid
y Observatory
Ceduna RA         Ceduna,         310 52’ S   1330 48’ E   Steerable            30m         1.6-24
Observatory       Australia                                paraboloid
Effelsberg        Germany                                  Steerable            100m
Radio                                                      paraboloid
Cambridge         UK
Ratan-600         Zelenchukska     43050        41035      Variable profile    600 m         14.4
Astrophysica      ya, Russian                              antenna’ circle
Laboratory        Federation                               of 895 reflector
Puschino FIAN     Puschino         54049        37040      Steerable            22m          14.4
                  FIAN,                                    paraboloid
Nobeyama          Nobeyama,        350 54      1360 00     Steerable            45 m       13.5-15.5
Radio telescope   Japan                                    paraboloid

                                              Page 12 of 30

                                 TABLE 3.3
              Threshold levels of interference detrimental to
               radioastronomy spectral-line observations
Frequency     Assumed         Minimum        Receive noise       Threshold
  (MHz)     spectral line   antenna noise    temperature     Interference Level
              channel        temperature         (K)            Input power
             bandwidth           (K)                               (dBW)
 14 500         150              15               30               -214

                                Page 13 of 30

4   Additional AMSS characteristics
        Table 4-1 summarizes the AMSS systems parameters as discussed in the previous
reports. The following three subsections address measured antenna patterns, un-wanted
emissions spectra and air traffic information, as requested in Document WP 7E/21.

                                             TABLE 4-1
                                     AMSS System Parameters
                   Parameters                   Units                  System Parameters
        Frequency Band                          GHz          14-14.5
        Altitude                                meters       < 12,100
        Mainbeam EIRP (per carrier)             dBW          48.0, 1 024 kbps (max)
                                                             39.0, 128 kbps (nominal)
                                                             30.0, 16 kbps (min)
        Mainbeam EIRP density                 dBW/MHz        33.7, 1 024 kbps (max)
        in 1 MHz                                             24.7, 128 kbps(nominal)
                                                             15.7, 16 kbps (min)
        Mainbeam EIRP density                 dBW/kHz        3.7, 1 024 kbps (max)
        in 1 kHz                                             -5.3, 128 kbps(nominal)
                                                             --14.3, 16 kbps (min)
        Signal bandwidth                        MHz          27 (constant for all data rates)
        Aircraft pitch angle                     deg         0 to 50
        Aircraft bank angle                      deg         0 to 100
        Antenna diameter                          m          0.38
        Antenna beam width @ 0 scan              deg         3.30 x 3.50
        Antenna gain @00scan                     dBi         33.3
        Antenna Patterns                                     See Annex B
        Waveform type                                        Direct sequence spread spectrum
                                                             and O-QPSK modulation, and
                                                             square root raised cosine filtering
        Spectral mask                                        See Section 4.2
        # of simultaneous carriers through                   1
        the airborne antenna

                                             Page 14 of 30

4.1   AMSS unwanted emissions
        The AMSS transmitted signal has a bandwidth of 27 MHz, 90% of the 30 MHz
transponder bandwidth. Tests were performed of the spurious and out-of-band emissions of the
aircraft transmitter to determine the effect that the AMSS system might have on systems
operating on frequencies adjacent to the AMSS signal The measurements were performed on the
output of the phased array antenna. The transmit antenna system incorporates filtering in three
     – Raised cosine filtering of the baseband waveform.
     – 14.0 to 14.5 GHz bandpass filter at the output of the upconverter.
     – Notch filter in the 14.47 to 14.5 GHz band placed between the output of the driver
          amplifier and input to the array antenna.
        Figure 4-1 shows the waveform spectrum at maximum power level with a center
frequency of 14.4 GHz. The effect of the notch filter is clearly seen in this Figure. The overall
spectral attenuation in the 14.47 to 14.5 GHz band is greater than 65 dB. Figures 4-2, 4-3, and 4-
4 each provide spectra of the waveform at the array antenna transmit beam over a frequency
range from 13.75 to 14.50 GHz. The flat line in each figure at –98 dBW/kHz represents the
spectrum analyzer noise floor. The center frequency of the AMSS transmission was centered at
14.4 GHz. The graphs differ in the transmitted EIRP to show the effect of AMSS power
reductions on the curves. The measurements in Figure 4-1 were made using the maximum
operating EIRP from the antenna. while the measurements in Figures 4-2 to 4-4 were made with
transmitting at 5, 7 and 10 dB below the maximum operating level. The Figures show data as
measured from a receive horn antenna located in the far field of the transmit antenna. The EIRP
spectral density of the transmit antenna can be extrapolated from the spectral data in the Figures
4-2 to 4-5 by raising the waveform spectral curve by 63 dB.
        The figures indicate that the out-of-band attenuation in the 14.47-14.5 GHz band at a
transmit power greater than 5 dB below saturation is more than 70 dB relative to the maximum
AMSS power level. The attenuation may exceed this value, but the spectrum analyzer noise floor
masks radiated emissions from the antenna lower than this. The spectral measurements show that
a notch filter located at the array input can provide significant attenuation of unwanted emissions
to protect the radio astronomy observations.

                                          Page 15 of 30


      Power Density (dBm/KHz)
                                      13.75   13.875    14    14.125   14.25   14.375   14.5
                                                          Frequency (GHz)

                                                       FIGURE 4-1

    Power Density (dBm/KHz)

                                      13.75   13.875    14    14.125   14.25   14.375   14.5
                                                          Frequency (GHz)

                                                       FIGURE 4-2
Measured AMSS radiated spectrum operating at 5 dB below maximum

                                                       Page 16 of 30


                 Power Density (dBW/KHz)
                                                   13.75   13.875    14    14.125   14.25   14.375   14.5

                                                                    FIGURE 4-3
                Measured AMSS radiated spectrum at 7 dB below maximum

                   Power Density (dBm/KHz)

                                                   13.75   13.875    14    14.125   14.25   14.375   14.5
                                                                       Frequency (GHz)

                                                                    FIGURE 4-4
            Measured AMSS radiated spectrum at 10 dB below full rated EIRP

4.2   AMSS Antenna radiation pattern
        Annex B contains the results of flight tests performed to collect data on the AMSS
aircraft antenna relative sidelobe and backlobe gain. This information was used to develop a
modified antenna gain mask for use in interference calculations. Figure 4-5 shows the modified
mask as well as the mask used in previous analyses. The area of the mask that is critical for most

                                                                    Page 17 of 30

interference situations is the area near 90 degrees. The difference between the previous mask and
the modified mask is relatively small in this area.

              Antenna gain (dB realtive to mainbeam)


                                                                                                       Modified mask
                                                                                                       Old mask



                                                              90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180
                                                                     Angle from zenith (degrees)

                                                                                  FIGURE 4-5
                                                                New and modified AMSS antenna gain masks
        In analyzing the effects of AMSS aircraft emissions on RA, it is useful to express the
emission level produced in terms of a pfd level at the Earth’s surface. This approach removes
some of the variability due to aircraft altitude inherent in analysing the potential interference
situation, thereby simplifying the analysis. It is also a desirable approach for the AMSS, because
the data rates, and therefore emitted power levels, will generally increase with altitude.
        Figure 4-6 shows the maximum pfd levels that could be emitted by AMSS aircraft,
corresponding to a data rate of 1 Mbps. The top curve is for an altitude of 3.1 km (10,000 feet),
which represents a very low altitude for the type of aircraft that would use an AMSS system. The
other curves from 7 km (25,000 feet) curve represents a low cruising altitude while the 9 and 12
km curves bracket the normal cruising altitudes.
       The effect of various pfd levels on the RA observatories will be investigated in Section 5.

                                                                                  Page 18 of 30


                                                                                             Altitude (km)
          PFD (dBW/m2/MHz)

                             -120                                                                    3.05
                             -140                                                                    12.19



                                    0   10   20     30    40    50    60      70   80   90
                                                  Elevation angle (degrees)

                                                         FIGURE 4-6
                                         Maximum pfd produced by AMSS aircraft

4.3   Air traffic patterns
        The levels of interference received by an RA station will depend, inter alia, on the
number of AMSS aircraft in the vicinity of the Earth station, and particularly on the number of
aircraft near the mainbeam of the radio astronomy antenna.
        Figure 4-7 shows a graph of the number of aircraft visible to Green Bank, WV in the U.S.
on 27 September 2000 as a function of the time of day. The graph contains five separate curves,
corresponding to five different elevation angle ranges. The curve overstates the number of
potential AMSS aircraft because it includes all commercial aircraft, and not just those large
enough to carry AMSS. It also includes short duration flights during which passenger use of the
AMSS system would not be feasible.

                                                         Page 19 of 30

                                                                                             Green Bank

              Number of aircraft

                                                                                                0-5 degrees

                                          0   2    4   6   8   10 12 14 16 18 20 22   0
                                                           Local Time (hours)

                                                                  FIGURE 4-7
                                                  Number of aircraft visible to Green Bank

5   Continuation of analysis
        Interference into the RA observatory occurs primarily when an AMSS aircraft crosses
through or near the mainbeam of the RA antenna as shown in Document WP 7D/39. An
approach to controlling interference between the aircraft and the earth station would be to place a
very restrictive limit on AMSS emissions when the aircraft is in the vicinity of the RA
observatory during observation times. This approach is feasible because of the positive control of
AMSS aircraft emissions by the AMSS Network Control Center (NCC).
        The problem of identifying constraints on the AMSS such that the RA stations are
protected from interference can be addressed in two parts, based on the relative location of the
aircraft relative to the observatory. The first is the effect of aircraft in or near the mainbeam of
the RA station antenna. The second addresses the aggregate effect of aircraft in the back lobes
and far side lobes of the RA antenna.
       Figure 5-1 is a graph of the antenna gain mask for RA antennas of 25, 64 and 100 m

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          Antenna gain (dBi)

                               40.0                                                        25




                                   0.01             0.10               1.00        10.00
                                                Antenna off-axis angle (degrees)

                                                           FIGURE 5-1
                                      RA observatory antenna gain (100 m, 64 m and 25 m)

5.1   Near mainbeam discussion
        The protection requirements of the radio astronomy service can be stated independent of
the antenna and power levels of the AMSS aircraft. Document WP 7D/39 calculates a level of
attenuation in the 14.47 to 14.5 GHz band of the AMSS signals required to meet the RA criteria
of Recommendation ITU-R RA.769. Table 4-3 from that document is provided below.

                                                           Page 21 of 30

                                            TABLE 5-1
             Spectral attenuation (dB) required to meet radioastronomy criteria
                                (Document 7D/39, Table 4-3)
                                                Aircraft Altitude (ft)
                                10 000          15 000         20 000         30 000
                RA      5        -70.2          -68.4           -67.2         -65.1
              antenna 10         -66.0          -64.2           -63.0         -61.1
               angle   20        -57.7          -56.0           -54.7         -52.9
             (degrees) 60        -26.5          -24.7           -23.4         -21.3
                       90        -29.4          -26.9           -25.1         -22.8

        In Figure 5-2, this required attenuation level has been subtracted from the AMSS PFD
that produced it, resulting in an equivalent pfd criteria curve that exactly meets the RA criteria of
Recommendation ITU-R RA.769. This PFD criteria curve does not depend on the AMSS RF
characteristics, but does depend on the aircraft altitude and speed. It also varies with the RA
antenna elevation angle as the original table in WP 7D/39 does. The curves have also been
converted from the RA reference bandwidth of 150 kHz to a reference bandwidth of 1 MHz to
make them consistent with the previous figures. Also, additional points have been calculated to
complete the curves
        The curves are less restrictive at higher elevation angles because the probability of being
near the mainbeam of the antenna goes down very sharply.

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                                    -160                                                                  Altitude (km)
            PFD (dBW/m2 in 1 MHz)

                                    -170                                                                          3.048
                                    -180                                                                          9.144


                                           0   10    20     30     40     50      60     70     80   90
                                                    Radio astronomy Elevation angle (degrees)

                                                                    FIGURE 5-2
                                                    Critical pfd levels for radioastronomy

        The critical pfd curves in Figure 5-2 can be compared to the curves showing the pfd
produced by AMSS in Figure 4-6. To be compatible with the radio astronomy service, the AMSS
pfd curves of Figure 4-6 must be attenuated until they are below the criteria pfd curves of Figure
5.2. Because of the shape of the curves, it is apparent that the minimum separation between the
curves occurs at 5 degrees elevation angle. That is, the maximum, in-band pfd levels at 5 degrees
elevation of -112 to –124 dBW/m2/MHz (Figure 4.4) must be reduced to -185 dBW/m2/MHz as
shown in Figure 5-2. The worst case attenuation requirements range from 61 to 73 dB,
depending on altitude. As shown in section 4.0, these attenuation levels can be supported by
appropriate reduction of the AMSS signal EIRP below its maximum value. From the worst case
standpoint, a modest 5 to 10 dB back off from maximum EIRP will ensure that the AMSS
unwanted emissions are reduced to levels necessary to provide adequate protection to the RA
observations when the AMSS center frequency is 14.4 GHz or below.
       These power back-off levels are consistent with the AMSS operating power levels when
supporting normal data rates.

5.2   Far sidelobe and back lobe discussion
        Aggregate interference due to the emissions of a large number of AMSS aircraft will
enter the RA observatory antenna at off-axis angles up to 180 degrees. To be compatible with the
RA system, the aggregate interference level would need to be kept below the -214 dBW/150 kHz
level of the Recommendation ITU-R RA.769.

                                                                   Page 23 of 30

        Since the emissions of a large number of AMSS aircraft may enter the RA antenna at a
wide range of azimuths, it can be assumed that that average antenna gain for the RA antenna is 0
dBi. From Figure 4-4 above, the maximum pfd for an AMSS Aircraft is given as –112.2
dBW/m2/MHz, however, this does not represent typical operation. A more typical case that
might be considered as the average, would be an aircraft above 9.1 km (30,000 feet) operating at
a data rate of 128 kbps and visible at a 5 degree elevation angle.
        Using this maximum pfd, and the average RA antenna gain leads to the following
interference level:
                 Nominal PFD for 9.1 km altitude       -124.3 dBW in 1 MHz
                 Area of an isotropic antenna           -44.4 dBm2
                 Average RA antenna gain                  0.0 dBi
                 Out-of-band rejection                   70.0 dB
                 Bandwidth ratio (150 kHz/MHz)           -8.2 dB
                 Interference                          -246.9 dBW in 150 kHz
                 Interference criteria                 -214.0 dBW in 150 kHz
                 margin                                  32.9 dB
                 Equivalent number of aircraft         1950
        This indicates that more than 1950 AMSS aircraft simultaneously visible to the RA Earth
station would be needed to exceed the RA interference criteria. This number could be further
increased since Figure 4-7 indicates that the majority of aircraft are visible below 5 degrees
elevation angle, and Figure 4-6 indicates that the PFD of AMSS aircraft falls off sharply below
this angle. Figure 4-7 indicates that only about 300 aircraft can be expected to be simultaneously
visible to the RA observatory, and this includes many smaller aircraft that could not support an
AMSS system.

6   Conclusions
       The RA Service operates at a relatively few sites and uses antennas with a gain greater
than 65 dBi. The main mechanism for interference occurs when an aircraft using an AMSS
system is visible in or near the mainbeam of the RA antenna. The probability of being near the
mainbeam of an RA antenna is extremely low. In such a situation, coordination between the two
systems is the most appropriate method for ensuring compatibility.
        This study indicates that coordination agreements between AMSS and Radio Astronomy
observatories can be developed based on controlling the emissions levels of the AMSS aircraft in
the 14.47-14.5 GHz band when operating in the vicinity of the RA observatory during
observations. This essentially means that the AMSS aircraft must avoid the RA band and provide
appropriate filtering to provide desired out-of-band attenuation when the observatory is in
operation. Such emissions restrictions are feasible for the AMSS because of the positive control
maintained by the AMSS Network Control Center.

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                                          ANNEX B

                     Antenna Sidelobe/Backlobe Flight Test Data

        WP 7B and WP 7D both requested that antenna measurements be performed to confirm
the analytically derived antenna radiation diagrams provided in previous documents. To confirm
this data, the 873-element phased array antenna was mounted and flown on a Boeing 737-400
Aircraft in order to collect ground received field strengths as a function different elevation and
azimuth angles. The aircraft was flown at Moses Lake, which is about 150 miles east from
Seattle, Washington in the United States. Figure 1 shows the tracks used by the aircraft for
collecting data. The aircraft altitude and other relevant antenna beam scan parameters for each
track are given in the Table 1. The peak EIRP from the antenna was set at 27 dBW.
        The received signal levels were processed to calculate antenna sidelobe/backlobe levels
as a function of elevation and azimuth angles with respect to the antenna centered spherical
coordinate system.

                                           FIGURE 1
                  Aircraft tracks and designations used during flight testing

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         For Route 101 to 106, the shortest horizontal separation between the test track and the
TM Van station is 4.9 km. For Routes 201 to 206, the shortest horizontal separation between the
test track and the TM Van station is 29.5 km).The track length is 46.3 km for all conditions
except Route 401.
        All tracks except the last one shown in the Table 1 provide crossing flight conditions
relative to the receive antenna beam. The last track (Route 401) shown in the Table 1 provides
in-line (flying straight towards) condition.
        The results of the flight tests are shown in Figures 3 and 4. In these figures, 90 degrees is
the horizontal plane and 180 is straight down below the aircraft. Figure 3 summarizes the
calculated AMSS aircraft antenna gain as a function of the off zenith angle. For the flights in this
figure, the AMSS antenna beam was pointed 45 degrees from zenith, or 45 degrees above the
horizontal plane. Also shown in the figure is the antenna mask derived previously from
analytical data.
       The measured data in Figure 2 shows the shielding effectiveness of the aircraft body. The
backlobe levels are well below –60 dB relative to the peak of the beam.
        Figure 3 provides the a graph of similar flight data, but in this case, the antenna is pointed
60 degrees from zenith, near the lowest elevation angle for the system of 63 degrees. As can be
seen, the test data exceeds the original antenna mask in several areas. The pfd mask was therefore
adapted to reflect this new data. The new antenna mask is also plotted over the data in Figures 2
and 3.
       The points defining the revised antenna mask are as follows:

                   Angle from zenith (degrees)          Antenna gain, relative to
                                90                                 -40
                               92.5                                -40
                               102.5                               -50
                               107.5                               -50
                               122.5                               -65
                                180                                -65

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                                          TABLE 1
                             Aircraft Test Flight Conditions
         TEST CONDITIONS               Flight Start          Flight End          Pointing angle
Route    Alt   EIRP Track   Head.   I.D.    Lat/Long    Lat/Long       I.D.   Azimuth Elevation
                                           N4700.3     N4725.3
101                   A1    360 T   A11                                A12      0         45
                                           W11924.2    W11923.5
                                           N4702.1     N4719.8
102                   C1    315 T   C11                                C12      -45       45
                                           W11909.7    W11935.7
                                           N4710.4     N4720.1
103                   F1    067 T   F11                                F12      67        45
        15000    27                        W11938.4    W11904.5
          ft    dBW                        N4700.3     N4725.3
104                   A1    360 T   A11                                A12      0         60
                                           W11924.2    W11923.5
                                           N4702.1     N4719.8
105                   C1    315 T   C11                                C12      -45       60
                                           W11909.7    W11935.7
                                           N4710.4     N4720.1
106                   F1    067 T   F11                                F12      67        60
                                           W11938.4    W11904.5

                                           N4700.3     N4725.3
201                   A2    360 T   A21                                A22      0         45
                                           W11943.7    W11943.1
                                           N4652.7     N4710.4
202                   C2    315 T   C21                                C22      -45       45
                                           W11923.6    W11949.5
                                           N4722.6     N4732.4
203                   F2    067 T   F21                                F22      67        45
        10000    27                        W11946.1    W11912.1
          ft    dBW                        N4700.3     N4725.3
204                   A2    360 T   A21                                A22      0         60
                                           W11943.7    W11943.1
                                           N4652.7     N4710.4
205                   C2    315 T   C21                                C22      -45       60
                                           W11923.6    W11949.5
                                           N4722.6     N4732.4
206                   F2    067 T   F21                                F22      67        60
                                           W11946.1    W11912.1

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                                  FIGURE 2
Antenna backlobe measurements as a function of elevation angle from zenith and
  for various azimuth cuts with antenna beam scanned to 45 deg from zenith

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                                  FIGURE 3
Antenna backlobe measurements as a function of elevation angle from zenith and
  for various azimuth cuts with antenna beam scanned to 60 deg from zenith


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Document Created: 2015-03-11 10:55:35
Document Modified: 2015-03-11 10:55:35

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