Waiver request and O

REQUEST submitted by The Boeing Company

Waiver request and Orbital Debris Plan


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20140922-00748 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                     Before the
                                Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                                    )
Application of The Boeing Company                   )   Call Sign E140097
for Authority to Operate Up to 100                  )   File No. SES-LIC-20140922-00748
Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft (“ESAA”)             )

                             APPLICATION SUPPLEMENT AND
                                 REQUEST FOR WAIVER

         In connection with the above-captioned application and pursuant to Section 1.3 of the

Commission’s rules, 1 Boeing hereby requests partial waiver of Section 25.283(c) 2 of the

Commission’s rules to the extent the rule requires satellite Eutelsat 36B (“E36B”) to vent all

remaining helium pressurant from the spacecraft at end-of-life. Section 1.3 of the Commission’s

rules provides that any Commission rule may be waived for “good cause” shown. For the

reasons stated below, Boeing’s waiver request is supported by good cause.


         Section 25.283(c) requires that after the completion of a satellite mission “all stored

energy sources on board the satellite are discharged, by venting excess propellant, discharging

batteries, relieving pressure vessels, and other appropriate measures.” The E36B satellite uses a

Thales Alenia Space Spacebus 4000, a widely used spacecraft bus. 3 This spacecraft bus

propulsion system design, like many others, dictates that the propellant and pressurant tanks be
    47 C.F.R § 1.3.
    47 C.F.R. § 25.283(b).
 See Thales Alenia Space: Spacebus-3000/4000 C-Class (available at


isolated from each other when the satellite reaches geostationary orbit. Once the propellant and

pressurant tanks have been isolated from each other, the remaining helium in the pressurant tank

cannot be vented, as the exit from the tank is closed by the action of firing a pyro-valve and this

operation cannot be reversed. Therefore, as a result of the design of the spacecraft bus, Eutelsat

cannot vent all remaining pressurant from E36B at end-of-life.

           Multiple factors, however, ensure that E36B’s design is consistent with a safe flight

profile and will not pose a risk of creating orbital debris. As explained in the E36B Space Debris

Mitigation Plan,4 the remaining helium in the two pressurant tanks will be de minimis, containing

less than 1.1 kg of helium in each 90 liter tank. The isolated helium pressurant tank will have

remaining pressure of only 79 bars at end of life, which is far below the burst pressure of the

tanks.5         The pressurant tanks have been designed, manufactured, and validated according to

MIL-STD-1522 with a break-up security coefficient of 1.5 for the whole mission, i.e. including

full-load and maximum-pressure conditions.6 Clearly, the security coefficient is much higher

than this (probably orders of magnitude higher) for residual pressurant at end of life.

Accordingly, the need for safety has been appropriately addressed.

           Boeing notes that the Commission has granted a waiver in analogous circumstances, such

as for Anik F3 and AMAZONAS-3. 7 Boeing respectfully submits that a similar waiver is

justified here.

    Included as a supplement to the above-captioned application and attached here.
    Eutelsat 36B Space Debris Mitigation Plan at 6.
    Id. at 7.
 See, e.g., Telesat Canada Petition for Partial Waiver of Section 25.283(c); File No. SAT-APL-
20111117-00222 (granted April 11, 2012); Hispamar Satélites, S.A. Petition for Declaratory
Ruling to Add Amazonas-3 Satellite to the Permitted Space Station List, File No. SAT-PPL-



       Grant of this application will serve the public interest by helping Boeing to serve the

needs of the United States Air Force Air Mobility Command to support the operation of

critically-important VIP/SAM (Very Important Personnel/Special Air Mission) aircraft used to

transport senior leadership of the U.S. Government and the Department of Defense. Boeing

therefore respectfully requests that the Commission grant the requested waiver.


                                                    Bruce A. Olcott

December 15, 2014

20121018-00183 (Granted Mar. 14, 2013) (granting Permitted List status to Amazonas-3, which
will retain a de minimis quantity of helium pressurant at end of life).


                                         Eutelsat 36B Space                Issue/Rev No.: Issue 1, Rev. 0
    é,*     eutelsat
            emmuntinhizc bis sabétiile
                                             is Mitigation
                                         ebris    Miticati Plan                   Date: 23 July 2014
                                                                                                            Page 1

                  Eutelsat 36B Space Debris Mitigation Plan (prepared
                     for the Federal Communications Commission)

                                              ISSUE/REVISION: Issue 1, Rev. 0
                                                    ISSUE DATE: 23 July 2014

 Prepared by:                            Position                   Signature                     Date

D. Zamora                    Head of Flight
                             Dynamics                          S )».‘E %                   3/ C 2/wy11

Approved by:                             Position                   Signature                     Date

L.R. Pattinson              Director of Satellite
                            Operations                       f; %""/—_’                    2»| +/ 14
                                                                  w.1. Scuucte


                    Eutelsat 36B Space             Issue/Rev No.: Issue 1, Rev. 0
                   Debris Mitigation Plan
                                                          Date: 23 July 2014
                                                                                    Page 2

                                   CHANGE RECORD

     Date   Issue/rev   Pages affected               Description

17/7/2014   1/0         All                          First issue.


                                           Eutelsat 36B Space                                                    Issue/Rev No.: Issue 1, Rev. 0
                                          Debris Mitigation Plan
                                                                                                                             Date: 23 July 2014
                                                                                                                                                                                Page 3

                                                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.   INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.   RELATED DOCUMENTS........................................................................................................................................4
     2.1.     APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................................................................... 4
     2.2.     REFERENCE DOCUMENTS...................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.   EUTELSAT 36B OPERATIONS ............................................................................................................................4
4.   EUTELSAT 36B END­OF­LIFE DISPOSAL ....................................................................................................... 5
5.   NOTIFICATIONS.................................................................................................................................................... 7


                           Eutelsat 36B Space                Issue/Rev No.: Issue 1, Rev. 0
                          Debris Mitigation Plan
                                                                    Date: 23 July 2014
                                                                                              Page 4

1. Introduction
This document describes the space debris mitigation plan that Eutelsat shall apply to the
Eutelsat 36B (“E36B”) space station.
E36B is based on the Thales Alenia Space Spacebus 4000 bus and it was manufactured
according to European standards and specifications. The satellite is 3-axis stabilized and
uses bi-propellant chemical propulsion for attitude and on-station control.
E36B was launched in 2009 and the end of its operational life is not expected to be before
mid 2026.

2. Related documents
2.1. Applicable Documents
1. EUTELSAT Space Debris Mitigation Plan. Issue 1.3.
EUT_CTL_SAT_QMS_PLN_00021, 26 July 2010.
2. FCC. Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices. FCC 04‐130. June 21, 2004.

2.2. Reference Documents
1. European Code of Conduct for Space Debris Mitigation. Issue 1.0. 28 June 2004.
2. IADC Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines. IADC‐02‐01. Revision 1. September 2007.
3. Space Product Assurance. Safety. ECSS‐Q‐40A. 19 April 1996.
4. Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices. FCC 04‐130. 21 June 2004.
5. NASA Safety Standard. Guidelines and Assessment Procedures for limiting Orbital
   Debris. NSS 1740.14. Aug 1995.
6. ITU Environment Protection of the Geostationary Orbit. S.1003. 1993.
7. UNCOPUOS. Technical Report on Space Debris. 1999.

3. Eutelsat 36B operations
-     Eutelsat operates in order to control and limit the amount of debris released in a
      planned manner during normal operations, and assesses and limits the probability of the
      space station becoming a source of debris by collisions with small debris or meteoroids
      that could cause loss of control and prevent post-mission disposal.
    - Eutelsat has assessed the amount of debris released in a planned manner and no
      intentional debris will be released during normal operations of the E36B spacecraft. A safe
      operational configuration of the satellite system is ensured thanks to the hardware design
      and operational procedures


                           Eutelsat 36B Space                 Issue/Rev No.: Issue 1, Rev. 0
                          Debris Mitigation Plan
                                                                     Date: 23 July 2014
                                                                                               Page 5

-    Eutelsat minimizes the probability of the satellite becoming a source of debris by
     collisions with large debris or other operational satellites. Eutelsat assessed for E36B
     whether there were any known satellites located at the requested orbital location or might
-    E36B is controlled within its ITU allocated orbit control window (35.9°E +/- 0.1°) by
     standard routine periodic orbit correction maneuvers. In case of anticipated violation of
     the window, correction maneuvers would be implemented to avoid such violation.
-    Eutelsat has assessed the probability of accidental explosions during and after completion
     of mission operations. Thanks to design safety margins and enough safety barriers, the
     probability of occurrence of accidental explosion of the E36B satellite is negligible.
-    Satellite design is such that high levels of thruster activity and orbit perturbation do not
     result when foreseeable on-board events occur.

4. Eutelsat 36B End­of­Life Disposal
The post‐mission disposal activities have been planned as follows:

     1. The orbit of the satellite will be raised by 300 km in order to ensure that the spacecraft
        will not re-enter into the GEO protected region (GEO height +/- 200 km) in the long
        term. A mass of 13.7 kg of propellant have been allocated and reserved with a
        confidence level of 99% to carry-out the post-mission disposal maneuvers. The FCC
        will be informed of any significant change to the above quantity of propellant.

        The minimum perigee height to avoid re-entering into the GEO protected region can
        be computed using the IADC formula applied to this satellite:

                            ÄH (km) = 235 + 1000.(A/m)eff = 272 km

        where the final term is the effective area/mass ratio of the satellite. Therefore, the
        planned 300 km above GEO height is sufficient to satisfy the 272 km requirement.

        During the satellite lifetime, Eutelsat determine the remaining propellant tanks.

     2. As part of the end of life (EOL) activities, E36B energy sources will be rendered
        inactive, such that debris generation will not result from the conversion of energy
        sources on board the spacecraft into energy that fragments the satellite. For E36B, this
        involves the following:


                     Eutelsat 36B Space                 Issue/Rev No.: Issue 1, Rev. 0
                    Debris Mitigation Plan
                                                               Date: 23 July 2014
                                                                                         Page 6

   A. Depleting the chemical propulsion system, and where possible leaving open fuel
   lines and valves. Eutelsat 36B satellite includes two (2) interconnected helium tanks.
   Before switch-off of the E36B satellite, thrusters will be fired as much as possible to
   deplete the propellant and depressurize the tanks. The Orbital Debris Plan for E36B
   satellite states that “where possible” fuel lines and valves will be left open.

   The following table shows the characteristics of the pressurant tank, propellant tanks
   and propellant lines at EOL. It shall be noted that during the passivation the four
   propellant tanks will be depressurized as much as possible.

                                   Total       Material         Predicted mass
               Element            Volume     contained at        of material at
                                    (l)         EOL                EOL (kg)
                                                MON-1                  9.5
        MON-1 Propellant tank      1391
                                                  He                   2.7
                                                 MMH                   2.2
         MMH propellant tank       1391
                                                  He                   2.8
              MON-1 lines           0.65        MON-1                  1.0
               MMH lines            0.65         MMH                   0.6
           Pressurant tank 1         90           He                   1.1
           Pressurant tank 2         90           He                   1.1

   Eutelsat employs a combination of methods, including bookkeeping and PVT
   measurements and, where possible, measurements of tanks thermal inertia, to
   calculate the predicted EOL mass values. The figures in the last column of the Table
   can be considered as worst-case post-passivation remaining mass for MON and MMH
   after final shutdown of the satellite. They correspond to the static residuals of MON
   and MMH at the end-of-life. The helium pass in the pressurant tanks corresponds to
   the value measured at the end of launch and early orbit phase (“LEOP”). The
   pressurant tank is isolated just after the completion of LEOP operations and cannot be
   passivated as part of the EOL operations.

   The residual pressure statement (less than 1 bar) corresponds to temperatures between
   20° C and 30° C. The predicted pressures at end-of-life for the remaining materials are
   as follows: 13.2 bars before passivation for MON-1 propellant tank; 12.7 bars before
   passivation for MMH propellant tank; and 79 bars for pressurant tank 1 and 2. The
   EOL values given for masses and pressures and temperatures are when the satellite is
   taken out of service. Then, Eutelsat starts the orbit raise activity and finishes the
   passivation exercise by emptying the fuel and oxidizer tanks as far as possible. During
   the satellite life, Eutelsat performs gauging activities to monitor the remaining liquid
   quantities to determine the remaining masses in the tanks.


                           Eutelsat 36B Space                  Issue/Rev No.: Issue 1, Rev. 0
                          Debris Mitigation Plan
                                                                      Date: 23 July 2014
                                                                                                Page 7

      The passivation exercise is not a closed system due to the fact that matter is
     expelled. Eutelsat expels the remaining liquid as it evaporates at lower pressures, then
     expels as much pressurant as possible to lower the tank pressures down to 1 bar or
     below. All the tanks have been designed, manufactured, and validated according to the
     MIL-STD-1522 standard with a break-up security coefficient of 1.5 for the whole mission;
     i.e., including full-load and maximum-pressure conditions. Clearly, the security coefficient
     is much higher than this (probably in orders of magnitude) for depleted conditions where
     the pressure is around 1 bar, but no analysis exists to provide the actual value.

     The design of the Eutelsat 36B spacecraft, fully consistent with EOL passivation
     requirements as existed at the time of construction, does not allow passive venting once
     the spacecraft has been switched-off. The thruster propellant flow control valves for the
     MMH and MON1 tanks are left closed after switching off the spacecraft because power is
     needed to open them. Therefore, none of the elements that appear on the previous Table
     can be vented over time once the spacecraft has been switched-off. Nevertheless, as part
     of the passivation of the spacecraft during the EOL operations, Eutelsat always makes
     best efforts to vent the propellant remaining in the propellant tanks and lines as much as

     Additionally, it should be noted that the Lithium-Ion batteries mounted on this satellite
     cannot be depressurized. Nevertheless, they have been designed with a security
     coefficient greater than 3 and the batteries are “leak before burst” designed. The
     heatpipes, which use ammonia as working fluid, cannot be depressurized either. They
     have been designed with a security coefficient greater than 4, the risk of break-up is
     considered negligible.

     B. Leaving all batteries in a state of permanent discharge by isolation of the battery
     charge circuits and leaving certain loads connected to the batteries.

3.       The satellite tracking, TM and TC usage are planned so as to avoid electrical
     interference to other satellites and coordinated with any potential affected satellite

4.       During the orbit raising maneuvers the tracking, TM and TC frequencies will be
     limited to those where the satellite is authorized to operate.

5. Notifications
EUTELSAT undertakes to provide the relevant bodies as required (UNCOPUOS, FCC,
ITU, French ANFR, etc) with all appropriate notifications as required by law or regulations
for Eutelsat satellites including but not limited to those concerning initial entry of service,
location, relocations, inclined orbit operations and re-orbiting operations.


Document Created: 2014-12-15 15:18:10
Document Modified: 2014-12-15 15:18:10

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